February 10, 2013

Truth Militia Radio 2013.02.10

Truth Militia Celebrates Black History Month
On tonight’s episode of Truth Militia Radio, Keith and Rich celebrate the foundations of Black History Month. Tune in Live and make sure to participate, with your comments & questions in our Radio Show Chatbox.
Truth Militia Site



  1. insider: "this thing at least is getting very interesting. All the news today: Keith being the one who really controls truthmilitia.com, the attack on ZCF.
    TM keeps saying 'attacks' on them coming from outside, and discount that any of them could be coming from the inside.
    If you do the math, it looks like some hosts are in no matter what they do, and the generating of money & getting 'big name' hosts is what is the priority.
    given that, there are obviously 2 hosts left that may not fit in with their 'big picture' 1 host is already gone without a mention.

    It looks like Rich is the idealistic of the 'flagship' hosts.

    the thing of the 1 host leaving leaking out & the talk of merging with renegade is probably coming from the inside part of truthmilitia that sees the writing on the wall.
    the story about how truthmilitia.com garnered these high web site rankings so quickly is always mentioned as their guiding light. so there you go.

    but we always remember the reason why others in the past are allowed to go very quickly.
    time will tell what the truth is."

  2. What I wouldn't give to watch Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali beat the living shit out these 2 roid-raging arrogant faggots.

  3. Good show guys. Thanks zapoper for the upload.

  4. KeeF wants his future grand children to be asian. Enough of this moron.

  5. We should be organizing and assassinating the jewish destroyers of life on planet earth. Not talking about the already obvious problem of ghetto blacks or about our children fucking asians. Why not mention that the jews are selling off our infrasture to these same asains.

  6. yeah the blacks are the common enemy of mankind (sarcasm is implied) If I was trying to divide the american population and make it impossible to defeat the common enemy of all americans i would do a show just like this.

  7. The eternal common enemy jew. Teach blacks who ran the slave trade and they'll bust some caps for our cause. Then we can separate from them. Segregation will never happen if the jew is still breathing, I'll bet any amount of shekels.

  8. Race War Stimulation Radio. Cheap T-Shirts for the cause! (Rich has friend providing special material, good deal!) The more stuff we sell, the more "walking billboards" we get! Wait for the Truth Militia Jock Straps and watch the punks in the gym drool.

  9. Its no wonder why they're featured on the front page of jew-owned blogtalkradio.

  10. "If a white man falls off a chair drunk, it's just a drunk. If a Negro does, it's the whole damn Negro race." -- Bill Cosby

    In Notebook #35, Mark Twain wrote: "In those old slave-holding days the whole community was agreed as to one thing--the awful sacredness of slave property. To help steal a horse or a cow was a low crime, but to help a hunted slave, or feed him or shelter him, or hide him, or comfort him, in his troubles, his terrors, his despair, or hesitate to promptly to betray him to the slave-catcher when opportunity offered was a much baser crime, & carried with it a stain, a moral smirch which nothing could wipe away. That this sentiment should exist among slave-owners is comprehensible--there were good commercial reasons for it--but that it should exist & did exist among the paupers, the loafers the tag-rag & bobtail of the community, & in a passionate & uncompromising form, is not in our remote day realizable. It seemed natural enough to me then; natural enough that Huck & his father the worthless loafer should feel it & approve it, though it seems now absurd. It shows that that strange thing, the conscience--the unerring monitor--can be trained to approve any wild thing you want it to approve if you begin its education early & stick to it."

    In "The Lowest Animal," Mark Twain wrote: "Man is the only Slave. And he is the only animal who enslaves. He has always been a slave in one form or another, and has always held other slaves in bondage under him in one way or another. In our day he is always some man's slave for wages, and does that man's work; and this slave has other slaves under him for minor wages, and they do his work. The higher animals are the only ones who exclusively do their own work and provide their own living."

  11. Hey gentlemen, after thinking it over we'd appreciate it if you didn't post our shows here anymore. We appreciate everything you guys have done... and this has nothing to do with any of the good people that run this site... but there's far too much unwarranted criticism here. Quite frankly its out of control and I don't want all of this negativity associated with our site or our hosts. Thanks again gentlemen!

    Rich (Truth Militia Radio)

  12. In other words, troof mulahshabbat doesn't want people discussing their shillish behavior if they cant ban the commenters. LOUD AND CLEAR.

  13. Don't question or disagree.......no, not allowed.

  14. Yeah these guys have declared a no free speech zone under a fascist dictatorship.Imagine if they ever got in power ! It would be worse than the Jews.

    They have no pertinent information anyway other than a gripe list.A couple spoiled surfer boys that complain about making 150 k a year with no children to raise.UNBELIEVABLE !!!

  15. The Race War Radio Airship has just reached 175 ft in altitude...it took months to reach, with many people to thank, but we will be descending now. It will be a very long slow decrease in elevation. However, the clothing snack bar will remain open on the way down.

  16. May I buy a few of those nifty homo truth militia t shirts before you guys ban me ? But first I must JEW you down on the price.

    Where else are we gonna get this type of [info] whining ? How about educating the listeners on cultural Marxism and the Frankfort School which is directly related to your non stop complaining.Oh ,but you would need an actual outline to do that.Go have Keef check four more wesites !

    People love complaining,but they fidget and yawn when given real information.Same show every week[reminds me of bar room talk].Nobody is yawning or fidgeting because you guys do not present an intellectual discourse and never have and probably never will.Six months is more than enough time to present a cogent argument backed by actual data.Good riddance.

  17. Sorry to see the request for Truth Miliyia shows not being posted here anymore.

    As for the unwarrented critisism, I think TM should see that as a compliment because everyone who listened to the shows knows that much of these commenters here don't make a lot of sense and a portion resorts to straight lies.It's pathetic.

    I like a lot of shows TM puts out and they need all the attention possible, eventhough I understand that some people are really annoying here, and it would be a shame to miss a potentail audience since Grizzom is becoming very well visited.

    I'll remain to tune in to TM on their site at truthmilitia.com because they're doing great work.

    Good luck and regards from a ''funny looking'' half-Dutch guy.

    Great show!

  18. Rich and Keith,

    It is a good thing to be diplomatic, and to avoid unnecesary friction, hurt feelings and division. But beliefs, especially religious beliefs, are very rarely simply personal matters.

    For instance, if a doctor who is working in an ER believes that sentient life begins at conception, that an infant magically appears when sperm meets egg, he will refuse to provide emergency contraception to a rape victim.

    If a person truly adheres to "Christian Identity," he will inevitably start viewing and treating others who are not CI as though they are insects and cattle. In short, he will start behaving like a Jew.

    If a person believes in the lie that is the traditional Holocaust narrative, and if a person believes that the fear and hostility that Hitler and the National Socialists had for Jews was irrational and inexplicable, that person will be much more likely to fund Holocaust Museums and the ADL.

    And so on.

  19. I can't say that I've ever listened to their fucking show. No one whose judgement I trust has ever recommended it to me.

    If the show isn't posted to grizzom, then I'll never even listen to it, even on a whim.

    The only decent internet/radio shows that I have listened to and become an afficianado were all posted here at grizzom and recommended to me by someone at cybersage.

    So what exactly does it signify that they should request that it no longer be posted?



  20. Guys, you can not blame those of us who want to hear your show at Mr. Grizzom's site for the behavior of the TROLLS. That is un-fair, and frankly, it will cost you listeners in-the-long-run because many people have found you via Mr. Grizzom's site.

    I seriously hope that you re-consider this as you are cutting-off-your-nose-to-spite-your-face, and that will benefit NO ONE.


  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqDMGY6QGnU

  22. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


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