March 17, 2013

Chavez Succeeded Where Obama Failed

Chavez’s legacy will live and breathe in those who will continue his fight for a better world, still inspired by his words and actions. Obama’s legacy, however, was stillborn after the 2008 elections, with “hope” never delivered alongside “change” never attempted.        ***Read article at Aletho News***


  1. You guys are still pushing worship for the communist sephardic jew stooge Chavez? Lol this movement is a joke. Just look at the hook nosed bastard's face, let alone his sephardic last name.

  2. Ahmadinejad is a jew too. It's all about the appearance of anti-semitism with empty threats from these charlatans to give 'israel' legitimacy to "defend itself" (stock nukes and rockets on the US tax dollar)

  3. I should wait, but I know its coming. "Its a jewish tactic to claim jews run every country"

    Lol, its a jewish tactic to give you false heroes so you dont realize how enslaved you really are and actually do something radical to put an end to it.

  4. O'Brien O'Connell and O'Donnell are Jewish names according to that site. LMAO!!

  5. Yes, they're names that a lot of jews use to blend in. Jews love to pretend to be Irish because its an area not commonly associated with jews unlike, say, Germany. In my hometown the owner of the town newspaper frequently claims to be "a good ole irish boy" yet he sports a giant hook nose and a rat fink mouth and chin.

  6. A lot easier to tell from the first name rather than the second which is usually stolen. For example Aaron Lopez the slaver.


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