March 09, 2013

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2013.03.09

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

Stupid American government policies. News and commentary from the Middle east. LOLStupid Americans and cupcakes . Ridiculous gun laws.

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Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live


  1. The blood of innocents/innocence... I think all the ritual is crap...
    not to say it doesn't happen, but it is not magic, black or otherwise. It is only fuel for the fear machine, which runs on the blood of innocence. For a spell to have any real magic, one must utilize one's own blood. There is nothing useful that can be derived from the blood of a baby.

    Look for the deeper meaning in that.

  2. Wanda take your race mixing, spell casting shit, and go back to your Jew man..

  3. Does my race mixing and spell casting worry you?

    How about this... how about you mind your business and WILL mind mine? How's that for a concept? Has that ever occurred to people like you? MIND YOUR OWN GOD DAMNED BUSINESS... and keep your nose out of mine.

  4. You're posting on a public forum you autist.. if you want to be left alone stop posting. No one wants to listen to your moon battery anyway

  5. I am not saying leave me alone... i am saying YOU MIND YOUR BUSINESS... and i'll mind mine. Got a problem with that?

  6. Good talk Fetch.

    Guess why they call it "Human rights"?
    applies for humans, but not to jews, they perceive themselves different.

    On the take syrian desert town, Rakka I think.
    Syrian refugees reported that the terrorists rode in brand new Humvees into the town, while these demons are encircled in Aleppo and being cleared out by the Syrian army.
    It stands to reason, the take over of that strategically unimportant town is being done to split Syrian forces and draw them from the Aleppo offensive to Rakka.

  7. LOL

    Wanda why don't you put a spell on a goose instead of the Jew you married for 18 years!,, You might have a better chance of getting Jew gold from a Jew then a goose... LOL

    Your a joke ,,, keep begging money from Charles listeners you dumb cunt..

  8. Anon... You don't know anything about me... you don't seem to know much about anything, really.

    You are like one of those idiots talking to the wall in IsREAL.

  9. Wanda gave me a hard on right when I thought that I'd have to be on the blue pill for the rest of my life so give her a break please. lol.

  10. It would have been far more direct and precise had Wanda come on Inside the Eye - Live! rather than lob comments from the comment gallery.

    I had not even heard of "Wanda" till a listener requested she be offered time on Inside the Eye - Live!

    Not sure why she declined...

  11. who is this "wanda"?

    "wanda" appears and CG self-destructs.

    "wanda" comments here about her race-mixing and my reply comment is censored (deleted) by zap.

    could "wanda" be leaning on people?

  12. Fetch... I haven't been on here since yesterday morning... Someone is using my name, apparently. That has been going on for some time.

    Are you referring to your chat room? If you are referring to my post from yesterday... that is off my web site, and i don't think it has anything to do with you.

    Unlike some clowns here, i am trying to wake people up.


  13. Am referring to the original post to start this comment thread going - that appears to be the linked to your account...

    Anyways, if you would like to come on and discuss your ideas and concepts you are welcome...

  14. Fetch... that's funny actually. Glad we cleared that up. Lol... okay... next Saturday?


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