March 19, 2013

Mike Sledge reports 2013.03.18

Exposing Engineered Political Apathy

Mike Sledge does a special report concerning the apathy that runs rampant in the “conspiracy culture”. Mike takes a look at how this was intentionally put forward years ago so as to stop any potential oppositional organizations before they even take off. This kind of programming is one thing we need to overcome.

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  1. Why do anything when we got shows like this telling how bad not doing is and telling how you should orgnize, but they go apeshit when somebody actually tries to do organize and be active and attack him like pack of hyenas for stealing their "glory".

    Everybody tries to be little Alex Jones and creat their own little troofer cult to sell t-shirts "and stuff". This is all they can do. If you wait for a leader to pop up, you gonna stay waiting. Hitler is dead and he sure is not gonna come and save your little pale asses.

  2. Is this in response to Dwolf's diatribe?

  3. Sledge put Dwolf right where he belongs,in the dust bin of conspiracy history along with the many other new age agents feeding off the pacifistic tendencies that have been implanted into the minds of the masses.

    This ain't the sixties and Mike realizes that there is much more on the line today.One could say that everything is on the line today.

    Sledge already covered the similarities of the get back to the land and grow your own food "movement" of the bolsheviks to what is again being regurgitated today as a solution to our problem.

    His ideology is right on.Whether he can unite the troops remains to be seen.This call needs to target the youth like the Golden Dawn has.We have a long way to go but with a correct line and new blood I believe we can win.

    Good one Mike.The way this train is rolling many will be forced to make a decision,fight or flight and there will not be many places to flee to.

  4. If Americans would have taken the offensive in the sixties these demons would not have the almost total control that they do today.

    Thanks for the breakdown Mike.This broadcast should expose the ineffectiveness of what is considered defense and how it holds us back from achieving anything worth while.Pretty hard to disagree with you there.

  5. Forget about the Dwolf negative energy drain because we have the Positive energy of the Sledge hammer.

  6. Growing food? That is so basic. Of course we should be growing our own food. For normal families a woman tends to the house, children and tending a small garden.

    The men form communication schemes and provide protection to their communities. They also can unite in small teams for action against threats. What the men needed was a COMMON philosophy and the will to protect it.

    And for the last comment about "if" Americans took care of the problem in the 60's bullshit; someone in 30 years might say the same thing about today. The control was here before 1960. It was here before 1860! Get a fucking grip.

  7. Yes vaK you are absolutely correct,but I think there was a major victory taking place for cultural Marxism as a result of the sixties.Americans were in the streets then,by the tens of thousands,which could have been a force .

    Where are they now ? Major Consolidation with the sixties.

    Not many normal families left,not in these urban centers anyway vaK.

  8. Yes, Whooli. And some of these radio hosts and other chatters seem to be making dwolf's show out to be a whole lot more passive than what it was. Probably due to a rather ignorant member of the chat. My first question would be- Why are you people so angry about what was said? For the most part, the dwolf podcast was giving good examples of how we need to learn new skills, and if you people out there would think just a little, you might be able to realize how valuable some skills like this could be. Beer making and gardening were just examples, people. Use your heads.

    You can sit online all day long, listening to the same old shit, the ranting and raving that is 95% of the "truther" or nationalist radio crap. Or you can get off of your collective fuckin' asses and learn something that might be a little useful to your families and "causes". Do you bitching morons really have a problem with that? I cant wait until you have to come to someone like me to get your ammunition when SHTF. Grow up and try to think a little bit for yourselves. It's nice to see that even around here, common sense is not very common.


  9. cut to the chase, the shows mike sledge has done for NP & the stuff Rich does on the web page is stuff I can use w/ the regular people that I deal w/ in real life. -quasar

  10. The conspiracy culture isn't apathetic, they are active and enthusiastic about pushing diseased leftist thinking. Dire Wolfs show was the precis of an umbrageous gimp ideology. Very likely a traumatized MPD non survivor.

  11. Put a name to your comments, a legit name. Sounds like the same person over and over with an Anonymous description. It's really not a big deal to sign up with Chatango, don't be afraid.


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