March 10, 2013

Renegade Roundtable 2013.03.09

Nationalism is Rising! Some Renegade hosts continue to discuss the need to organize and act. Calls will be taken.

Lugh, Sledge, and Dave.

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National Protectionism

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  1. Suzette "the Whipette" returns!


  2. best roundtable ever! not as much interrupting. Excellent info.

  3. Let me start by saying that I like what Renegade has going. Advocacy for a robust but equitable racial nationalism is an acid test for opposition to the jews, one which seems an even more reliable test than willingness to expose the holohoax and Israeli terrorism on 9-11. Renegade has separated itself from Oracle and most of the rest of alternative media, who are too cowardly or controlled to support such nationalism. Because the JWO is above all else anti-white, Renegade’s WN is more proscribed and revolutionary than TUT, which emphasizes multinational nationalism. Unlike TM, Renegade isn’t steering the nationalism too closely towards the jewish goal of pitting the other races against each other. And while Rense has Duke on his network and I think Don Black as well, this seems more to be about promoting leaders of WN who are predictable and to some degree acceptable to the establishment. As to WN media itself (counter-currents, Duke, the former Reason Radio, CY, etc), Renegade adds an innovation and energy that could often be lacking in the movement.

    That said, this roundtable brought a latent concern of mine to the forefront.

    When David Duke presents the moon landing or HIV-AIDS as authentic, or worse, when he equivocates over the holocaust or insinuates that arabs did 9-11, I’m pretty certain I’m being lied to. I can excuse it somewhat because I figure that without his connections to Louisiana politics and to whomever in the establishment wants us to believe in the official account of 9-11, Duke would probably end up like Matthew Hale or JT Ready. I’m less sympathetic to lies from agents like Rivero and Dawson, though their lies (on geo-engineering, Apollo, and plane at the Pentagon) do at least seem in alignment with an American-first, anti-zionist faction. However, if you practice deceit with the justification that the ends justify the means, that that’s how the world and intel ops work, you should be apologetic about it I think. On the contrary, Rivero and Dawson use ridicule at times in their lies.

    My point is that I do now believe there are benign shills, that maybe there must be benign shills, and that part of being a benign shill is not losing your sense of humanity when you deceive, that is, being as uninsulting as you can in your deceit. If one felt compelled to, for instance, deceive an audience about the moon landing, one could preface it with a discussion of the negative consequences of disbelief, as one way to excuse the stretching of truth. On the show Mike talked about the drive to dismantle NASA, which a listener could construe as a reason to favor a belief in Apollo. Certainly NASA funding would be hurt if the public came to perceive the Apollo program to have been a hoax. Personally I think the bigger threat is complacency from a false belief in the accomplishment, unless the current so-called “back to the moon” program has achievement near at hand. As Netanyahu said, “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” What could be a better blow to western culture than for the jews to lead new host country China to the moon, while revealing to a destroyed America that Apollo was a sham.

    Anyway, I’m not accusing Mike, Lugh or Dave of deceit. Even if they perhaps overstated their conviction in the moon landing they had the decency not to use ridicule, and Mike perhaps was hinting at a pragmatic reason to favor belief (though going into a fuller discussion of this as I began to do in the previous paragraph would have been preferable). I’d just recommend that, should Renegade ever feel the need to bend the truth for expediency’s sake, they do so with a higher code of conduct than others in the alternative media.

  4. I had not looked into the moon landing in depth until I was onto the Jewish issue and was free of the "it's the government / mystery cults" angle. I think many in the movement still view the ML in this framework.
    I went and looked at the arguments, evidence, counter arguments, counter counter arguments .. and through independent study I have come to the conclusion that it was not a hoax.
    I'd recommend everyone out there to do the same.. it'd at least be a lesson in research etiquette.

  5. Not getting quite as many views and comments since this
    "National Protectionism".

    Nobody wants to listen to more WN radio, there is no Nation called White.

    I was looking forward to RenegadeRadio doing something really original and innovating, but instead you guys have been supported and duped into "White Nationalism" such as TruthMilitia.

    White Nationalism will and has not lead anywhere since it's abhorrent stench of an idea came into existence.

    With WN most of them don't want just Europe, they try to claim parts of Africa and America for themselves as well as other areas not based on cultural values, moral fortitude, or intellect simply.. based on a color of the skin. What a JOKE.

    Your not gaining any viewers than some neanderthal jew WNs now tuning in to your radio, but you are losing your original audience (if you care)


  6. Should people that have been given Jewish color schemes for use in personal identification repel them.

    I'm not some cheap color that has been classified by Jewish controlled education and media for non-Jew use. The Jew can hide behind those colors.

    Shake off those colors and give yourselves respectable identifiers. No "white", "black", "red", "yellow" or "brown" movement will ever remove the parasitic Jew from the grips of a nations death.

    It is literally "us" verses "them" and we do not have to accept Jewish pushed multiculturalism to band together for a common interest; one to save us all from the various genocide-for-profit schemes.

    We survive together or we are all doomed to serve the Jew as their plans have revealed.

  7. Is that Drew from Phil E?
    Yeah, the Jews put all that effort into forcing us to be multicult so we need to be multicult to stop them, it's bulletproof
    Ultimately multiracial groups don't get along. Even in sports teams you have tension.. and monoethnic teams will do better even if they have less skilled players. It's engrained psychologically.. plus most ethnic minorities dislike whites and think jews are white and lump us together.


  8. Regardless of ethnic backgrounds, people can unite against a common enemy.

    Forced immigration and integration polices shoved down our throats by the Jewish Crime Network has created 99% of any race problems. People naturally live amongst those they are best familiar with. There is comfort there. It is natural. It works naturally until the Jew fucks it up.

    Multiculturalism is a Jewish tool. People of different ethnic groups working together to themselves of the Jewish Parasite is not multiculturalism, it is survival.

  9. correction:
    ...working together to rid themselves...

  10. This is key. People of different ethnic backgrounds do not have to live together and mingle unnaturally to share an opinion or a common goal.

    Perhaps most "whites" feel that the minorities are not worth having as allies as they like the "perks". It is also said that those same minorities see the "white" man that has caused most of the problems. This may be true, but it is of course because of their ignorance they feel this way. The main point is that not all of them feel this way. There are people of all ethnic groups that stand out among their own people as a person of honor and fairness. They also may or may not know that the Jew is the real problem for all peoples and that the Jew owned media puts all the blame on the "whites".

    Bottom line. Do not omit entire ethnic groups in a fight for survival just because "most" of them may think a certain way.

    To have any chance of an effective national movement to take a strong hold is when NO ONE is excluded to help in its cause.


  11. Truth Soldiers are needed.
    Skin tone requirements: NONE

    Spread the word:
    Slave Trade
    AMA Medical Cabal (750K deaths/yr)


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