March 31, 2013

Scorpio's Grand Conspiracy Hour Episode 29 - 2013.03.31

1) Latest paytriotard drama
2) Discussion of WN and NSM movements in Amerikwa
3) Jewish leftist thinking in academia
4) Various rants

Scorpio's Talkshoe



  1. Some good Jew movie dialogue clips. I remember when I used to watch and listen to a lot of Jew movies stuff.

  2. The best show yet Scorp! Really appreciate the honesty and realness of what you're saying. Where was the first part of the show taken from? Was it a movie?

  3. Scorp implies, if the Jews were gone, the void of those committing genocide-for-profits on all ethnics groups would still be business as usual. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?

    There is no other ethnic group of people that behaves as the Jew. The Jew culture cult is to prey on non-Jews. To look at the non-Jew as something of a lesser being; one that is here to serve them and to be taken advantage of.

    As for those non-Jews with Jewish behavior, what do you expect? The entire culture had been shaped for generations via Jewish control over education and mass media. And you imply that everyone has a choice to make without admitting that most are simply brain-washed by the Jew. Scorp is the sort that says the rape victim is partly to blame.

    Wow. So insightful. So Cool.


  4. According to Scorpio those 79 regions of planet Earth that rid the Jew parasite from it's lands 109 times were wrong. It should have been painfully obvious to them that the Jew void would be filled by their own kind and nothing would change.

    Scorpio is deep; or rather deep in it.

  5. The only show of its kind worth listening to on a regular basis. Even when I don't agree with him fully, no other host sounds as real and as SANE as Scorpio.

    And yeah, Greece, Rome, the Aztecs and many other civilizations all fell into decadence, cruelty and ruin without any substantial Jewish influence whatsoever. That's not to say that Hollywood, Israel, etc are just fine and aren't hurting the world right now, but it's not as simple as just equating Jews with the devil or whatever.

  6. I removed my comment above to clarify it. Great show scorpio. I agree, gentiles are in on the conspiracy along with the jews, but I would add that the jews are the masters.





  8. American/British/French/German/Israeli/Russian Special Forces are no different than:

    The Knights of Malta (Hospitallers, Order of Hospitallers, Knights of St John, Order of St John, and currently The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta) or the:

    Teutonic Knights and Templars

    The Crusades never ended...

  9. It's the Teutonic Zionists and The Germanic Death Cults, silly Rabbi, tricks are for yids ;)


  10. Scorpio likes to inject that the Jew isn't the only problems we have. This is correct and lacks perspective.

    The Jew is the FOREMOST PROBLEM for the entire planet.

    Would all problems disappear if the Jew disappeared? Of course not, but a world without Jewish influence and corruption would be a much better world. GET IT?

  11. B’nai B’rith was begun in the backroom of a New York saloon in 1843 by a group of Jews from Germany, even before the Alliance Israelite Universelle was formed in France, and opened its second lodge in Berlin in 1885, then in Rumania and Austria. It is described in TIJ as freemasonry exclusively for Jews, adding that “the Jew demands as his right entrance into other Orders; into his own he admits none but Jews.” It’s militant arm, the Anti-Defamation League, wasn’t created until 1913.
    This organization brought all its power to bear against the Shakespeare play “The Merchant of Venice” being read in high schools because of the Jewish character Shylock, a moneylender who demanded a literal “pound of flesh” from the Christian Antonio. The League claimed in 1919 that 150 American cities had excluded the play from their public schools. This was presented as a victory for “Jewish rights.”

  12. It's the Teutonic Zionists and The Germanic Death Cults, silly Rabbi, tricks are for yids ;)

    You forgot about the Luciferian Controllers.

  13. Germanic Death Cults?

    Yes - Sorta

    But involving Jewish Mysticism

  14. "Scorpio" sounds like a nice man with a pretty good head on his shoulders, but his views on Socialism are almost hopelessly American.

    Any somewhat sensitive and intelligent American who has been lucky enough to have spent more than a little time in Europe before massive Third World immigration, the introduction of the Euro and the consolidation of the EU (all gifts from the US, by the way) has been impressed and even moved by things like the health and the brightness of the people, the public transportation, the city parks, the absence of rules and restrictions that make no sense, the general orderliness and cleanliness of cities and towns, the relative lack of obnoxious behavior on the part of children and young adults, etc. One does not think of governments that "stomp on people's heads," and that delight in telling individuals what they can do.

    If we are honest, we must admit that these European countries were, more or less, "National Socialist."

    Now, they are plunging toward complete Americanization (or American-Style Socialism).

  15. Brain Child of the EU:

  16. Oh come on now. If the Jews didn't create an EU someone else would have. Right?

    Scorpio wisdom: whatever the jew is doing now is what any other group would do if the jew was not here.

    The bigger picture Scorpio. The bigger realistic picture. The foremost problem Scorpio and what they are doing. Are they getting away with so much partially because of their holy grail holyhoax? Should we not try to get the truth out re the holyhoax? The guys over at TM seem to think no one cares about that stuff. Or maybe we should care a LOT about THAT and nine11 & the USS Liberty. What if enough people knew the real deal about those three events in a factual way. Would 110 happen?

  17. @ "Oh come on now. If the Jews didn't create an EU someone else would have. Right?

    Scorpio wisdom: whatever the jew is doing now is what any other group would do if the jew was not here."

    Why not ?

    If you gave some gentile like Stalin or Kruschev or Bush or McCain or Romney or Charles Manson or Jeffrey Daumer or somebody the legal right to print money for entire nations & charge interest on that money & then have legalized counterfeiting also, if you gave them the MASSIVE POWER that comes with this, do you really think they would just refuse and say 'No, let somebody else play god, I don't want to play god' ?

    Are you so naive to think that power corrupts only those of Jewish DNA ?

    And if they played god for hundreds of years like this, would they still not be of white European DNA ? Or would their DNA then morph into something you can distinguish as Jew-DNA again for you to feel comfortable in your over-estimation of your own race into a role of perpetual 'victimhood' ?

    And who would be so naive as to think that 'usury' is the only exploitable power-trip or massively unfair advantage that ever existed or can exist on the face of the planet ?

    Unfortunately for all you white supremacists, Scorpio's garden variety American common sense happens to be right on the money.

  18. "If you gave some gentile like Stalin..."

    The Jew conspired and bribed. You consider that "giving"? Tell us what you are if not a Jew.

  19. @anon 12:54 AM

    "And who would be so naive as to think that 'usury' is the only exploitable power-trip or massively unfair advantage that ever existed or can exist on the face of the planet ?"

    Probably those that do not know much more about the Jewish crime cult than their usury scams. Those that do not know about their various genocide for profit schemes. Those that do not know about their bribes to politicians to control immigration, education, medical, and energy cabals. Want more?

  20. @anon 12:54 AM

    Yeah, we "gave" the inbred racist jew banker the FED. How about some Jew bribe politicians "gave". How about blackmailed politicians that keep "giving" to the Jew?

    Nice try Jew.

  21. And, if the Jew was not there to "give" the FED to (no matter they conspired to create it) another group would have come along and we would have "gave" it to them instead of the Jew?

    Where is the logic? There are no other group on the planet that operates as the Jew. They are unique; and for those unique efforts of theirs, they have been thrown out of 79 Countries 109 times. You want to compare the Jew to what? There is no comparison. Nice try tho.


  22. Jew apologists: "If the Jew didn't do it, some non-Jews would be doing it.

    Fucking disgusting.

  23. And if the Jews are doing something it is only because the non-Jews let them do it. (Jew logic)

    If you get fucked over by the Jew, it is your fault for letting them do it, right? Anyway, if they didn't fuck you over, some non-Jew would fuck you over anyway, right?

  24. @ "If we are honest, we must admit that these European countries were, more or less, "National Socialist."

    What are you talking about ? A bunch of Jew-occupied-governments, all under the yoke of usury are 'more or less' National Socialist ?

    Are you hallucinating or something ?

    A clean country with cheerful people and children that picks up all its trash without Moslem or non-white immigrants is 'National Socialist' ?


    Are you that deceived by people's day-to-day outward appearances and wish to be good-natured and be happy ?

    How about Germany under Merkel ? It's pretty goddamn clean. I mean you can't even spit on the street there without somebody telling you to clean up after yourself. The people are pretty polite. I mean there are laws against people flipping each other off on the highway during incidents of road-rage, tailgating, etc. Would that be a wonderful example of 'National Socialism' too if you only deported all the Turks, Muslims & other non-white immigrants back where they came from ?

    They would be better off than they are now, that's for sure, since these immigrants are deliberately brought in in too large a number from non-white countries, have little respect and are not made to respect the country they are immigrating to on pain of deportation, but National Socialism they would be still be FAR from being.

    "Breaking of the thralldom of interest. That is the kernel of National Socialism."

    As long as you are in thrall to interest, under the yoke of usury, you cannot possibly be 'National Socialist,' even if you're a nation of albinos.

    Also, it was in the relatively liberal socialist enclaves of Sweden and the Scandanivian countries where the Jews first legalized pornography in the 1960's before they were able to pass laws to legally launch it full scale in the USA as well in the early 1970's.

    "Scandinavia is important in the history of Western 20th century erotica and pornography, not so much for its production, but because it set a legal precedent as the first region to legalize written and pictorial erotica.

    An obscenity trial of an unexpurgated edition of Fanny Hill in Denmark in 1964 led to the conclusion that pornography was not harmful to adult readers. Pornography was subsequently decriminalized, first in Denmark, the rest of Scandinavia following suit.

    This decision influenced obscenity and pornography laws in the United States, because some of the Danish findings (most prominently the work of Dr. Berl Kutchinsky) were republished in the first Presidential Report on Obscenity and Pornogarphy, the so-called Lockhart report.

    A second result of the decriminalization was that a number of pornographic and erotic publishers such as Private Magazine set up business in Scandinavia.

    Later, Caballero Control Corporation (CCC) appropriated the name 'Swedish Erotica' and recorded a string of 8mm hardcore loops. Cabellero also used the name 'Swedish Erotica' for their pornmagazine, which they subtitled a film review magazine."

    Scandanivian socialism also taxed people upwards of 70 to 100% until the last couple of decades. German National Socialism, on the other hand, never had income tax rates of more than 13.7% even during the war. 13.7% was the VERY TOP income tax rate that anybody paid. In England at the same time, during WWII, there was a MUCH MORE SOCIALIST climate in terms of income taxes at 23.7% for the top personal income tax.

    Also the biggest coroporations in Germany did not pay any taxes at all but were heavily regulated in order to make sure their heavy production efforts served the German people.

    At the same time that there were no higher taxes than 13.7%, there were monetary & lifestyle improvement incentives from the state itself if you had more than a certain number of kids, etc.

  25. I think everyone is taking what scorpio said out of context. By saying that if the jews were gone overnight we would still have problems he means that we would still have to deal with the hoardes of communist thinkers that they've produced over the past century. So hes right, we need to get rid of the jews and at the same time correct all the Freudian-Marxist thinking in our people. How is that so hard to understand. This is an intellectual war as well as a racial war.

  26. Scorpio's observation about white nationalist promoters having a lot of personal problems makes a worrying amount of sense when looking at the Renegade lineup, Andrew Anglin, Mike Delaney.

  27. Scorpio needs to decide what he believes. He'll say one thing and then in the next breath he'll say the exact opposite.

    Very two-faced and double-minded. I think Scorpio isn't sure what he believes.

  28. Thanks for you're time and efforts Scorp. Always an eye opener and thought provoking. Keep on keepin on.

  29. @anon April 1, 2013 at 8:20 AM

    "So hes right, we need to get rid of the jews....."

    Scorpio said we need to get rid of the jews? I missed that part.

  30. Scorpio did say if we got rid of the jews, the "systems" would all still be in place and the non-jew would just continue to make the system keep moving along.

    Pretty hopeless, eh?

    Well, those "systems" were created and molded by the jew to server the jews best interest. Things like the medical cabal, the one that kills over 800,000 per year in JewCorp USA; the leading cause of death. Massive profits for the jew with that "system". Instead of discussing all the other systems, of which are also genocide-for-profit schemes, let us stay with just the jew run medical one for a bit. According to Scorp, we need not even discuss revamping the entire medical industry if the Jew is extracted from it.

    As someone mentioned previously. Scorpio is a bit shallow in his thinking, but he comes off as way cool on his show. Scorpio is a cool name. Scorpio sounds pretty cool on his show. His show has a cool format to it; mixing jew movie audio and other audio pieces that sound pretty cool. He only does about a show a month for only about an hour; that is pretty cool.

    When Scorpio walks down the street and try to look cool, Scorpio will not like that very much.

  31. Any show that Mixes Historical accuracy with the current truth is worth a listen.
    Just because dogma stops some from considering alternative viewpoints doesn't make those viewpoints any less valid.
    Think before you rant...
    & keep it up Scorp. Anything that makes me think gets my vote.

  32. @ 43 minutes, I agree with you about empty thinking, degenerate society. The way most people think is based on illusions. I just watched a 6 year old girl cry when my dad said he ate the Easter Bunny!!! From birth were saturated by bullshit; Easter Bunny, Santa, Jesus,etc.... Hhhmmm... I tend to think that nature will eventually right itself back to something much more sane than what we're dealing with today. That road is not going to be pleasant...

    I enjoyed the show Scorpio.

  33. Anon. 3:26 AM,

    Yes, from a typical Jewmerican perspective, many European countries were, more or less, "National Socialist" before the consolidation of the EU and the introduction of the Euro. (Please, note that there is a reason for the quotes)

    What were Thomas Friedman and his fellow creatures doing in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, in books and on our televisions throughout the 90s and early 2000s? They were trying to convince everyone that was unfortunate enough to read and listen to them that borders are no longer relevent, that any kind of economic nationalism is a thing of the past, that "free markets" are the only way to productivity and happiness, and that "Europe is living in the Dark Ages." More often than not, their contempt for European countries was absolutely palpable.

    And why would these creatures express such hostility toward European countries?

    Well, these countries had a high amount of financial and cultural sovereignty (bad!); their tax revenues were much more likely to go to health care, transportation sytems, education, urban maintenance and other things having to do with the nation's general welfare (Yahweh forbid!); and their governments and people tended to be less supportive of Israel and war (fags!). On top of all of that, according to almost every human developement index, these Socialist countries were outperforming the US in the most crucial areas, including social mobility.

    We should take care to not romanticize anything. It is not in our best interest. Cultural Marxism, Jewish power and influence, laws against so-called "Holocaust Denial"... it's all there, and it's been there for a long, long time.

    However, romanticization has nothing to do with the observation that pre-EU Germany (or Denmark, Austria, Sweden, The Netherlands, France, etc. ... take your pick) made America look like a junkyard.

    A very badly run junkyard.

  34. @ "Probably those that do not know much more about the Jewish crime cult than their usury scams. Those that do not know about their various genocide for profit schemes. Those that do not know about their bribes to politicians to control immigration, education, medical, and energy cabals. Want more?"

    Shut the fuck up with that condescending 'want more' arrogant nonsense asshole.

    You are a deluded moron with Victimhood Complex who thinks your own shit doesn't stink. You are like a guy sitting on the toilet enraptured in the smell of your own white farts and can't understand why other people throw up when they smell the stank you left behind.

    Your pristine & untouchably 'pure' white people are the ones that WILLINGLY co-operate with the Jews in ENFORCING all these unjust scams & the laws making them legal on other people, including the average, everyday Jew who drinks flouride like the rest of them. They are not simply 'FUCKED OVER' 24 hours a day by some 'super-genius' cabal. They WILLINGLY participate.

    If you're too naive to see that, then you're part of the problem. When the goy refuses to co-operate, the parasite will have no host to feed on. It is BECAUSE the host co-operates WILLINGLY & KNOWINGLY, for 100% sure on the higher levels of power that the parasite succeeds. There were many other industrialists at the time of Henry Ford & it was only he who spoke out. You can bet your bottom dollar that ALL OF THESE PEOPLE knew about everything Ford was talking about but they WILLINGLY & KNOWINGLY co-operate with the International Jews because they would rather enrich themselves at the expense of the common interest of all and the long term interests of both themselves & their progeny. You can say that irrational, shortsighted men are almost always also 'evil' men & women by default.

  35. anon@ 12:03 AM

    Yawn. Typical Jew input, but I am not, as you like to call "white". Why would you imply I am? Do you NEED me to be, for YOUR Jew agenda?

    Yes, Jews have paid off and bribed all the non-Jews of every Country they have raped and got thrown out of. What's new there? Just like Scorpio seems to feel, the victim Country is just as fault as the parasite that is sucking it dry through deceit, bribes and threats of physical harm, to include death, to its host peoples. Everyone seems to have a price and the Jew has known this for thousands of years. They have most of their criminal schemes quite refined. They were bred (many inbred) for taking what the non-Jew earns. It is part of the culture, but YOU know all about that, right?

    Now what was all that Jew bathroom stuff about? You freaks love the scat stuff. Nice try Jew. White farts? Strange imaginations. I bet you wallow in some interesting stuff in your dreams, eh?

  36. Last 2-anons, you guys are on the same side, why the anymosity?

  37. @anon 12:03 AM
    "If you're too naive to see that, then you're part of the problem. When the goy refuses to co-operate, the parasite will have no host to feed on. It is BECAUSE the host co-operates WILLINGLY & KNOWINGLY, for 100% sure on the higher levels of power that the parasite succeeds."

    Yes, yawn, so true. This is how is always is. You really have a passion for the obvious, eh? Anyway, such is the parasitic jew way, until such time as those being used as jew tools have no choice but to join the masses and kick out the jew for their 110th time.

  38. Not only would getting rid of the Jews not stop the system as it is, following a vanguard of the uneducated rabble that proclaims itself the 'real truth movement' will make things worse.


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