March 05, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.03.05

Guest: Tim Rogers talks about how to identify the professional agitators, How to bring the NWO down from the bottom up; Paid Shills; CIA admits full monitoring of Facebook and other social networks

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  1. Tim Rogers seemed baffled Deanna was not a fan of Glenn Beck. Rogers seems like a bullshit artist. Very clever when he has to weasel out of a point. Guys like this are probably pros. I hope Deanna decides she and her fans do not have to suffer through several more hours of this guy. I learned nothing except I cannot listen to this guy again.

  2. This is what he was crying about:

    "Recently, I listened to a program of Deanna Spingola's where she had on a person named Tim Rogers who claimed that there are agitators in every neighborhood on the planet - save in Russia for some reason - who are paid by the Jews to cause chaos on the "low down" by encouraging people to have extramarital affairs and promoting teenage suicides. Though he for some reason cites David Duke as his inspiration, he believes in all sorts of insane "truth movement" conspiracies - depopulation, Satanism, the whole bit - and says that the only way to solve any of our problems is to somehow "appeal to the local police." (Please note that I am not directly attacking Deanna here, she is clearly a kind-hearted and honest person who simply tends to be intensely gullible.)"


  3. Deanna has more credibility than anyone else I have listened to. She gets top honors in my book.

    Andre, over at has no credibility. He has earned none. In fact, he is not to be trusted, unless you think like Carolyn Yeager and enjoy chatting with the like of him and his ilk, such as CI types and/or "white" supremacists.

    For Andre to call Deanna "intensely gullible" fits Andre's credibility problem for sure.

    Deanna is gullibility level is probably not as bad as most, but all of us have some degree of it. She is not perfect and has stated so. She is not a pro and has stated so. She is an honest person that loves the truth and is actively seeking it, sharing it and documenting it.

    Andre calling Deanna "intensely gullible" says more about Andre than Deanna. Believe that.

  4. 1) I went to to check something. On the front page was this video. I suppose this must be an example of a UK 'organiser', I don't know if this is one of the types the guest may have had in mind.

    2) If Totalfascism don't know about Alinsky and Rules for Radicals then listen here:
    Financial Sense New Hour: John Loeffler states he periodically consults his copy of Rules for Radicals(!) (@43'42.33).
    Read the book if you want to understand the techniques.

    3) Well done Mrs Deanna Spingola for outing "Russ", this was the quickest by any host so far.

    4) However, please do not malign the forums. Yes, I noted the irrelevant post concerning 'Victor Thorn' but I guess so did others. Trust no-one, including yourself - and by that I mean you, me and anyone else.
    The forums can help ppl to check things out for themselves.

    5) Question by email from Louise - would that be an alt. of "Mel V."? Brian Gerrish talks back 2013-02-10 (start at ~20m):

    6) From what I've read online, UKC/Gerrish may simply be impeded by UK law from publicly probing the issues. Remember, no 1st Amndt.

    7) Somebody posted this the other day, 'their' desired end result?

  5. Excellent interview. Yes for Tim Rogers.

    And as for bringing up
    Glenn Beck, he does agree with Mrs. Spingola that American women should not be entitled to a safe legal abortion.

  6. Nice comment by desperate "King Tutt"

    This program hosted by Deanna was about agitators and plants... Do not look to far.

    .Does anyone know the history of the Babylonian Jewish Pharisees and Pharaohs. We can all now spot the agitator subversives a mile off when we have the knowledge of what they believe they are and when we understand how they operate!


  7. It's great to have someone on the show who know's the real truth, not the 'created truth'. Mr Rogers is right, there are agitators working amongst us and in our community on behalf of Zion.

    Mr Rogers is merely pointing out that the entire Nationalist scene is manipulated and controlled, it has been since WW2.

    Let me give some of you knuckle head 'White' Nationalists a little advice, if you care to actually pull your finger out of your arrogant arses:

    Realise you support a colour 'White', not a race (Caucasoid). Colours for races were set up by Zion to divide people and use with their other creation 'Racism'.

    Realise that since WW2, you have been indoctrinated by 'Nazism', the opposite of National Socialism. You are actually working for Zion as a 'Nazi'. You are working in their divide and fight program for the future civil war (Much like the EDL in England). This program attracts insecurities of angry host peoples losing their homeland, and then turns that emotion into resentment and hate towards other people.

    Realise that when you mock, hate, and belittle other races, it is not doing any true National Socialist any favours with trying to educate the masses, as you should also be educating the other races and working towards a unified front instead of fighting each other (Which is what Zion wants).

    Realise it's not 'all Jews'. You have many 'Jews'. Cryptic Jews like the Ashkenazi's, or orthodox Jews like in Israel. Most of these Jews, real or not, will promote and work for Zion. As far as the rabbit hole probably goes, you can't blame an entire block of people based on what a handful of them have done. We can understand this with regards to the presence of Jewish soldiers in Hitler's Military. So surely it's not 'All Jews', if it is, they are very clever actors.

    Start by realising this first you brainwashed fools, because I can tell you this: The Fuhrer would not shake your hand, he would not associate himself with such a non-Aryan way of thinking.

    You have to remember we are all spiritual beings moving into the next step in our intelligence. As cruel as nature can be, our evolution should not be immature enough to hate or mock other beings based on race. A true Aryan is noble and encourages other races to make the best of themselves as National Socialists too.


  8. Agree with K Tut. Rogers fantasies about indoctrination groups working in every community have absolutely no credibility. I was rolling my eyes at the nonsense he spouted in the first Spingola show he was on, and didn't bother with this one.

  9. Here are some fantasies for the agitators to choke on CHECK THIS OUT

    The young foundation, the late Phillip Blight is part of this foundation; interesting document-
    intellectuals, activists,
    political entrepreneurs, trouble makers, or prophets
    find their voice in denouncing the present and
    promoting a different future, with a characteristic
    tone that is deliberately unsettling, amplifying
    dissonance and tensions. at the same time the
    longstanding personal relationships that held the
    system in place come under strain as some sense
    that change is imminent and others resist.

    In the conflict model you could probably generalise a little and say that on average it takes 2-6 months to get heard after a bad decision, mistake or an injustice ... 6 months - 1 year to re-build trust and negotiate a change .... and about 2-5 years to repair the relationships in the community - and there is *always* a lot of damage with the conflict model, win or lose - the smaller the community the more damage.

  10. The so called "parliamentary minutes to Alinsky activities going on in the UK", aren't minutes at all as you claim on Total Fascism, they are lifted straight off Glen Beck's blog.

  11. Beep, read the first link. The second is just showing a link to what Alinsky is. Here is the parliamentary minutes and quotes and more. If you want to see more just ask

    In an article in the Telegraph (28/12/2010) Michael Gove compared the
    Government’s approach to Big Society to Maoism. He appeared to be alluding to the Government’s ceaseless push for “revolutionary” change. He
    hit the nail on the head rather better than he realized. The Big Society is indeed a revolutionary movement launched from the countryside
    Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be
    As well as being “Maoist” there are weird streaks of anarchism and even
    Leninism (All Power to the Parishes) about the notion of Big Society. Both
    “Red Toryism” and its more recent (and equally incoherent) mirror image
    Without such strategic intervention a very different and even
    more dangerous atomisation would break out between different neighbourhoods or localities setting those with fewer resources in direct competition
    with each other as well as the richer ones. In this sense Blond's approach is
    akin to a kind of communitarian anarchism.
    The Big Society actually represents an atomisation of our society and could
    easily descend further into an anomic and chaotic locality-based version of
    the devil take the hindmos
    82. Sir Ronald struck a note of caution in warning that Big Society Capital should not be
    expected to “bring a revolution in the space of five years”.
    Instead, he urged it to be seen
    as a “10 to 20-year project”: a similar growth period to that of business entrepreneurship in
    the UK in the 1980s.

    Q30 Paul Flynn: I think we all greatly admire your
    work, Mr Kruger, but the reality is that on the question
    of recidivism, of drugs in prison, there has been no
    progress in 40 years, and we have a Home Secretary
    now who does want to have revolutionary change.
    This document has a full list of organizations that are going to using Saul Alinsky Rules for radicals
    page 65

  12. I know what Alinski is and how its used by bastards like Soros to "democratise", dismember and asset strip countries. The problem is that you want to shoehorn everything little thing that happens to YOU into some grand Alinsky plot. Like the thing with Andre. The notion that people in a village in Wales attacked you using Alinsky methods is risible. It doesn't add up.

  13. Perhaps guest lives in Portmeirion and the show was a pastiche of The Prisoner.

    I'm not actually joking 100%, but nearly.

  14. I take it back, he says Newport, S. Wales.

    Tim Rogers guests again.


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