March 11, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.03.11

Guest: Clint Richardson, Producer of The Corporate Nation, Reality Blog; The Most Important Topic For Everyone In 2013

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  1. If you liked this show, watch this vid:

  2. What do you guys think about Clint Richardson? What is his angle.

    I tried listening to his own broadcast and frankly I was rather bored. He seems to ramble and talk in abstract terms.

    He interviewed a lady regarding agenda 21 and spent so much time trying to imply that no one owns anything and countries and borders don't really exist.

    He seems all over the place.

    what is his agenda? what is he trying to say?


  3. I liked his article here

    but that's subject to the comments about e.g. how truly "connected" remotely related people (6th cousins etc etc) really are when even 3rd cousins only share less than 1% DNA. Informed opinion on *that* would be interesting.

    He did what I thought was a good show with Deanna in September exploding certain 'conspiracy theories' surrounding the Federal Reserve e.g. accrual of interest on monetised debt, ultimate recipient of it (wicked private banks -vs- US Treasury Dept)and so on. I'm wondering if someone like Stephen Goodson should be invited to state their opinion on the issues discussed then - purely for comparison purposes, you'll understand.

  4. LOL! Why don't you just ask me what my "agenda" is?

    Have you ever considered that some people may not actually have one... that when one sees the horrors of things as they really are that they might just want to write about it before it's too late?

    Perhaps you should self-actualize your own enslavement before you attempt to criticize others for trying to break the chains that bind themselves?

    -Clint "abstract" Richardson-


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