March 18, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.03.18

The Importance of Persistence

Why we need to carry on, define the agenda, expose the corruption, and create a better world. Topics will include racial warfare, the power of blood, real spiritual connection, and more. David will be stopping by in the second hour.  (Kyle and David)

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  1. How many whites have joined and have participated in military agencies and have raped & pillaged countries all over the world for centuries?

    Violence is not a racial issue. Violence has been bred into all humans. But by whom?

    Kyle is a race baiter or has blinders on.



  3. Travon MArtin?

    I always thought this story was fake?

  4. Kyle fails to use common sense with his projection of perpetrators of rape.

    He uses the black women are typically only raped by black men versus white men angle without utilizing simple economics of where blacks live in America and leaving out the fact that blacks rarely leave their own neighborhood.

    You would think that some common sense exists in this man since he worked for Google.

    Black men and women live in the same ghettos which in turn leaves out the white man in this picture altogether purely because of simple geography/economics/sociology

  5. I used to work for a Tow Truck Company as a dispatcher and release the vehicles to those who had the proper ID and cash.

    I learned quickly that Cops target Mexicans and Blacks for their asset. Their vehicle and everything that is in it.

    Tow companies and police have special arrangements.

    It's all a con. Time to wake up and realize that the Jewish Cabal is the enemy.

    The Only race that's important is the human race.

    "I do not consider the Jewish Cabal human when they promote dehumanization".

    Let's keep our eyes on the targets

  6. "blacks rarely leave their own neighborhood"

    Life-experience and crime statistics say otherwise.


    Why is rape so widespread and commonplace throughout the African continent? In its war zones, and outside of its war zones?

    How does one explain the rape epidemics in Haiti?

    How does one explain away the reality that the extreme rise in the number of rapes in the once low-crime paradises of Sweden and Norway has been a direct result of the massive influx of non-European immigrants (Africans, Middle Easterners, etc.)?

    While pondering that last question, please, do not be tempted to argue that the Jewish media is pushing these "anti-Muslim" stories. That same Jewish media had been trying to bury this reality until it no longer could, when brave women and men came forward, demanding that something be done about this disgusting situation.

  7. That was a very good show Kyle. One of your best. Loved the Indian inclusion; very nice stuff.
    Thx zap!

  8. 2 Morons VS Black Israelite

  9. First and fourth comment was written by the whiny jew.

  10. Congo soldiers explain why they rape

    Cannibal Warlord of Liberia

    1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500% (as a result of immigration)

  11. Great show as always, Kyle. On YT:

  12. Good show. I see the marxist guiliani and torahcle fans are here as well. Typical. Good to hear more talk about the EXPLOSION of black on white attacks and rape. Yes the jew pushes it but that doesnt change the fact the blacks are doing this. But these marxist multicultural "jew wise" morons will still cover for the black criminals, hispanics, and muslims destroying white nations.

  13. I have a Rubric which allows me to understand the real Truth of a particular matter...

    that Rubric is the veracity with which a certain topic or subject gets attacked and maligned.


    White Genocide -- attacked; ridiculed; patronized; laughed at; and often just ignored.

    White Separatism -- attacked; ridiculed; patronized; laughed at; spun to mean Supremicism; etc.

    White Achievement -- attacked; ridiculed; patronized; spun etc.

    Black on White Crime -- attacked; ridiculed; belittled etc., etc.

    I am amazed at the quantity and the persistence of those who just can't stand the white race. No other subject is this electrifying.

    The jew hates the white race and all that it stands for and lives for the moment to attack it in all ways.

    The more you attack -- the more I am convinced.

  14. This guy does not sound like a Muslim/Colored person:

    Until 2006, women in Uppsala faced a remarkable hurdle in seeking justice: the city's chief of police, Göran Lindberg, was himself a serial rapist, convicted in July 2010 of more than a dozen charges, including "serious sexual offenses."

    Feminism is worse in Sweden than US. Rapes are added to the stat sheet even when a boyfriend looks at a woman's vagina to see if she cheated on him or if a man no longer wants to be with a woman, the women have become vindictive by reporting rape to get back at that man. Statistics in Sweden are "grey" and are not reliable.

    Sweden is a morally bankrupt society and that's been that way before immigration took place.

    This is a common occurrence in Sweden:

    Maybe you should ask a native Swedish male what's really going on instead of using a Jewther website to prove your point?

    More Swedish men report being raped

  15. Nice try JIDF retard
    I have talked to people in Sweeden about it, and I don't want to talk to someone from Tel Aviv like yourself

    And it's not just women either, it's girls :

  16. Great show Kyle.Dave is much more effective when he speaks as he did on this show rather than reading everything.You guys at Renegade continue to raise the bar.Thanks for your energy.


  18. As Thomas Dalton has pointed out, the tactic of using "White Genocide" as a rallying call to White or European nationalism is an extremely weak one. To begin with, the European populations in America and in most European countries are sustaining their numbers or continuing to grow, as they will well into the foreseeable future.

    The real problem has to do with enforced Globalism, the destruction of national sovereignty, the erasure of borders, the massive immigration of non-European peoples, and the inevitable collapse of ethnic, social, economic and cultural cohesion. There is no doubt that those immigrants from "The Third World" reproduce at a much greater rate than Europeans, and that their presence has wrecked the social programs for the native populations, as well as the native support for those programs. Also, there is no doubt that this state of affairs has discouraged many European couples from having larger families.

    This situation is extremely serious, and it needs to be dealt in a serious manner. Going on and on about "White Genocide" diminishes this.

  19. A study came out recently that received fairly wide coverage. It found that at least one third of American counties are dying.

    In one popular article that dealt with this sad and pathetic reality, it was mentioned that the main reason (and a painfully obvious one-- duh)that all of these counties are dying has to do with the fact that there are little or no jobs to be found that would enable a person or a family to live with any kind of stability. And what was the main solution offered in the very same article? Hmmmm. You guessed it. More immigration!

    Ummm... aaaa...

    Holy shit.

    What can one possibly say?

  20. To the assholes who are slandering Swedes:

    You have never been to Sweden.


    You are a Puritanical type who really does not care that European culture would not exist if not for its Germanic and Hellenistic foundations.


    You are perfectly comfortable with misogyny-- an ugly, unreasonable and destructive thing that is an insult to our Germanic inheritance.


    You have allowed your perfectly reasonable and justifiable contempt for the Jews and their allies to lead you to imagine that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

  21. @Lugh

    Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Norway, England and all these European countries have always been much less violent internally than the United States.

    What happened externally when they went on foreign adventures whether as direct agents or useful idiots of kosher money powers is another story. And no, idiocy doesn't get anyone off the hook.

    In the old days (pre-1970's), if any of the few foreigners allowed in European countries, had the unmitigated audacity to assault even one person, never mind raping and pillaging regularly, immigration would have been immediately stopped & anyone with criminal record deported. The country that sent these miscreants would then have been roundly humiliated in the press as a land of uncivilized savages not deserving of goodwill & trade. Do you think a single Iranian during Reza Shah's time would have had the gall to rape someone in Hitler's Germany when trade with Germany constituted 50% of all their foreign trade ?

    The huge number of black-on-white rapes in the US (such as the recorded in 2005 DOJ stats that are brandied about on all white nationalist & supremacist sites) were minute to non-existent in the 1950's. But since the 1960's & civil rights legislation, black-on-white rape has been subconsciously encouraged as 'payback' for years of oppression & white women also programmed by Jew-Media to show preference for blacks as 'cooler' than whites.

    "In the 111,490 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was white, 44.5 percent of the offenders were white, and 33.6 percent of the offenders were black. In the 36,620 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was black, 100 percent of the offenders were black, and 0.0 percent of the offenders were white. The table explains that 0.0 percent means that there were under 10 incidents nationally."

    White nationalists (those who are pro-white & respect all others who live up to similar standards) and supremacists (those who hate all non-whites regardless of standards) alike don't like to mention the fact that in that same year of 2005, 44.5% of the offenders raping white women were still white. So, given the same level of psychosis operative in the population, if there were no blacks or non-whites around at all to commit rapes at a rate of 5 to 7 times that of whites, there would still be 49,613 rapes of white women by white men (111,490 * 44.5%).

    Nowadays, whites don't need to go rape non-whites because

    1) They're more attracted to white women just like everybody else, since white feminine beauty is held up as the ideal in the media and in all the nudie magazines. The first black Playboy centerfold was in 1965, the first Asian in 1964. Later on, Hefner started international editions with different models.

    2) Whiteys don't have unlimited power like they had as recently as the 1950's. They would get beat up if they even stepped foot in a black or Hispanic ghetto, much less go raping and pillaging. The opposite was also true for blacks that went to a white neighborhood and started messing around with white women in the 1950's. They would get beat up and chased out of town and in the Southern states maybe even lynched.

    3) White women today are much less repressed than a hundred years ago, so whites don't feel the need to go bang, consensual or non-consensual with non-whites like they did then with millions of slave-women and lower class colored women. That's how they created millions of mulattos in South America and whatnot. In those days, a repressive Puritan culture made their white women's attentions less attractive & the grass more exciting on the other side & with the amount of power they had, much less dangerous. So they just stay in their own neighborhood and rape the neighbors.

  22. And if nigs stopped raping white women tomorrow, I suppose everything would be perfect? Seriously wtf are these crocodile tears...

    You want to stop it happening? Then get your hardcore friends together, and go lynch the next nig who rapes a girl, that'll send a message rather than crying like a bitch every day and night on blogtalk.

  23. @anon 4:16 AM

    Where do you think you are, "Sweet Home Alabama" in the 1950's ?


    Don't worry, AJ has all the Stormfront / White Nationalist territory covered and co-opted already within his 150,000 downloads a day gate in order to unite the world in a return to 1776.

    1776 worldwide motherfucker !! You got that ?

    Just do what Jones, Dykes & Dicks tell you and shut the frig up.

    Whites Told To Wear Wristbands To Promote White Guilt: Infowars Special Report

    A look at the race baiters in our country who would rather see us divided than united.
    Aaron Dykes produced a special report on the fact that whites are being coerced into wearing white wristbands and find minority mentors to become fully vested in their white guilt.

    Then Alex Jones covers the deep race hate tactics being used by DHS and other government agencies to see white people as the new terrorists.

    and finally Alex introduced Battle For The Republic, A 16 minute extra on ENGAME available here:

    Here he shows the giant corporations who are engaging in race wedge tactics to keep all Americans from coming together.


    This is an extremely weak Muslim authored article. For example "debunking" means they cite rapes are preformed by people with "European citizenship" and not "ancestry". They were also sneaking in naming Norway because it's probably the country that allows the least immigration and is most on the ball with realizing the Jew and multiculti- which is why they had to pull the Brevik Op.

  25. This situation is extremely serious, and it needs to be dealt in a serious manner. Going on and on about "White Genocide" diminishes this.
    We need to elicit a reactionary response in the populace. The "Liberals" might be more easily won over with facts and figures, but for he gen pop this is good propaganda.

    What happened externally when they went on foreign adventures whether as direct agents or useful idiots of kosher money powers is another story. And no, idiocy doesn't get anyone off the hook.

    What does this have to do with minorities?

    White nationalists (those who are pro-white & respect all others who live up to similar standards) and supremacists (those who hate all non-whites regardless of standards) alike don't like to mention the fact that in that same year of 2005, 44.5% of the offenders raping white women were still white. So, given the same level of psychosis operative in the population, if there were no blacks or non-whites around at all to commit rapes at a rate of 5 to 7 times that of whites, there would still be 49,613 rapes of white women by white men (111,490 * 44.5%).

    No one is denying this. Plus you today have the phenomenon of feminists who'll string men along on false rape charges to get money or just to be a vindictive bitch because Gloria Steinham told them to. Just recently here there was a high school kid who claimed a teacher assaulted her but it turned out she just wanted a higher grade and lied about it. This phenomenon doesn't necessarily carry over to blacks either because they don't live in the same proximity and what have you.

    Nowadays, whites don't need to go rape non-whites because

    I'll give you the puritan thing because the church brainwashed them into thinking they're not human, but if you look at Asia.. all of their cartoons have characters with Western features and hair. Any black man who gets a lot of money, the first thing he'll do is try to find a white woman. Here is another study that proves that whites are naturally more attractive:

  26. Assuming the info delivered was factually correct and w/o checking what I heard tallied with recollection, I'd say this show's standard was one to aim for and maintain.

    It’s now known that cells from a developing fetus cross the placenta, allowing the baby’s DNA to become part of the mother’s body.

    Dave in Texas' input on telegony gives a certain spin to the pre-60's (attempted) norm of No Sex Before Marriage - despite what says in its definition ('former belief' / ' supposed influence')

    [tuh-leg-uh-nee] noun
    a former belief that a sire can influence the characteristics of the progeny of the female parent and subsequent mates.


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