March 10, 2013

The Budwig Diet for Curing Cancer and Promoting Optimal Health

The Budwig Diet for Curing Cancer and Promoting Optimal Health

Dr. Johanna Budwig – was one of Germany’s top biochemists as well one of the best cancer researchers throughout all of Europe. She was born in 1908 and lived to be 95. Seven times she was nominated for the Nobel Prize. Dr.Budwig claims to have had over a 90% success rate with her diet and protocol with all kinds of cancer patients over a 50 year period which is why The Budwig Center uses this as the basis of their program and we have been directly authorized by Dr. J Budwig to do so, when we visited her in August 2000.

Dr. Lloyd Jenkins N.D., the owner of The Budwig Center, joined us this morning to share with us The Budwig Diet Protocol. He explained the 4 main cause of cancer and most other illnesses and how curing cancer at the center is approached. We’ve heard a lot about this program lately which prompted us to get the answers from a real expert and the beauty of The Budwig Protocol is that it can easily be adopted into your life to promote ideal health.


The Budwig Protocol and Video


  1. If you're feeling unwell and they suspect cancer, a good start would be not having a biopsy since the surgery involved will invade any tumor, start cells speading and help metastasizing??

  2. Interesting talk, thanks for posting.


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