April 09, 2013

Call of the Ancestors with Siegfried 2013.04.09

Siegfried discusses some of his own ideas regarding White American freedom and the spellbinding its being hit wiht as of late by means of the video game industry

Kyle from renegade streamed the show.

Siegfried's Blog
Truth Militia Radio

Call of the Ancestors with Siegfried 2013.04.09.mp3


  1. Shit I was gonna call in this week to talk about bioshock the kill whitey video game. Maybe next time..

  2. Video games are biggest waste of time ever, if you're not training to be Homeland Security drone operator.

  3. Thanks for this! I really like Siegfried's shows. I can relate to much of what he says!! Keep 'em coming!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Call of the Sicilians

  6. Sicilians were the only group to rival the jews for American control. Considering they are from a small island, compared to international jewry... they did pretty well. Better than all these half-fag neo-nazi groups that made lots of noise, and f-all else.

  7. >1/4 of the people in the USA were germans when the country was half decent & isolationist. 2/3 of Germans are nazis, the nazis you see are the extreme nazis & how many are German anyways. Merkel is a nazi.

    Jews have won, future in unknown, so to say they have won for now is just compounding the loss.

    Whites have failed, you better figure out why if you want your race to survive.

    Siegfried does not produce any impediments to the mission, so I hope he sails well.

  8. @6:25 PM Sicilians are Part Negroid dumb ass, sickle cell trait is particularly high in Sicily, In New York City, Italian Americans are second to African Americans in occurrence of Sickle cell disease!!!!
    sicilians not northern italians, are mixed negroid

  9. Yes and Sicilians along with England have the most Norman blood. Look up what the Normans accomplished and you'll find it's the best blood Europe ever produced.

    I bet it beats whatever mongrel mixture you are.

  10. @7:29 PM That don't fucking matter you fool, they're still mongrels like Cypriots, Albanians, and Bosnians compared to English or Celtic people! I you idiot americans think anything that comes out of Europe is white, but that notion is different here in Europe!
    Btw im of norwegian and german descent, all Germanic and proud.

  11. Oh that's rich. Let's all parrot the Jew-inspired line of Sicilian negroid influence. Try spouting that bullshit in Sicily. Euro-admixture isn't the worst thing in the world; look at Chopin! Or Lawrence Dennis LOL

  12. These fags are jealous. Normans beat down Anglo-Saxons, Germans, Byzantines, Celts, French, Arabs, Turks. The Kingdom they set up was in Sicily and they were the true power behind the Crusades.

    Norman blood is like Blood of the Gods and more than cancels out 2% negro genetics.

    In fact, the Jews and Wasps had to team up just to stop the Sicilians. I bet they're happy with that decision lol.

    And lol to the Norwegian. Probably descended from the housewives who stayed at home while the Vikings went conquering.

  13. Im 3/4 sicilian and an aryan. German and Irish the rest. Sicily was always a strongehold of aryan Greeks and Romans against Carthage in North Africa. Hannibal of carthage was even an aryan but the rest of the carthaginians were white/arab mix. Eventually the arab/white blend mixed with many of the romans.

  14. @7:47 PM Its not Jew-inspired siegfried, what he or she said is right, there is afro-admixture in Sicily, just look at the genetics. We got to get over the notion 'if you look white you are white' mumbo jumbo, Race is deeper than skin color.

  15. People who are on the front lines for thousands of years will always get their 'hands dirty'. That some pasty albino expects them to feel inferior is laughable.

    But hey, let's not worry about the Jew Admixture in Germany. That they had to pass laws to stop Jews hiring Female Housekeepers under 40 says it all. Wonder how many pure whites have an Uncle Hymie in their family tree hahaha.

  16. Hey seig, let dopeys talks bs... there is genetic data out there that ascertains the genetic marks of each population in europe... needless to say, morons who push the 'sicilly is black' are just that, morons.

  17. Hey Sig can you figure out how to get callers on the renegade broadcasting channel?

  18. "That some pasty albino expects them to feel inferior is laughable. " Whats that suppose to mean you fucking kike, jealous you are a mongrel piece of shit like your arab cousins?

  19. Haha you little bitch. That's the problem sitting indoors playing x-box too much. Maybe you should get outside and you will look like a real 'bronzed' warrior, like Achilles in Troy, hahhah. But don't worry dude, the Jews will make you a new video game or tv-show soon so you can feel like you're tough again.

  20. ^^Typical shitposter that makes this site the treasure trove of wisdom that it is today...

  21. @12:22 AM WTF, so now your gonna make fun of Pale skinned whites?? LOL! Your comment is SO ridiculous I don't know where to start! Don't be jealous cause your a turd colored jersey shore Guido and im NOT! lol

  22. Real nationalists don't give a fuck about all the jibber jabber above. The beast IS rising and no amount of childish bickering about whose gang is bigger is going to stop it, fact.

  23. LOL the Guidos and Jews took over and now pasties gotta troll them about African mixture. No wonder WN is fkn useless. When's the next season of Game of Thrones starting?

  24. Sicilians are part Arab, not part nigger. The Saracens occupied and controlled Sicily for centuries. That's how Arab genes got diffused through the Sicilian population.

    You idiots don't know what you're talking about.

  25. @11:34 AM Yea but some of those arabs carry Negroid Blood you idiot, most modern arabs are mixed persons! Most sicilians are in FACT mongrels, Just like Bosnians, albanians, cypriots, maltese, people from the caucuses, and some southern Portuguese an spaniards! Sorry if you little bitches don't like hearing the facts, but this is well known by people outside of southern europe! for god sakes many european people adamantly don't regard Albanians as white and see them as Gypsies! I know you stupid stormfronters and gullible americans think that anything that comes out of Europe is white, maybe that was the Case in the ancient times but it certainly isn't NOW.

  26. @5:04 AM If WN wants to be relevant then they better start defining what "white" means. If your just gonna regard it as 'looking white' than you might as well shoot yourself in the head. Start being honest, know your history and know that race is more than skin deep!

  27. Good show but the fiddle playing needs a bit of work.

    Lakshminarayana Subramaniam fiddle lunacy for Monsieur Siegfried:





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