April 05, 2013

David Duke Show 2013.04.05

Today: Dr. David Duke and Robert Lloyd today on Fitness Friday. Dr. Duke begins by the political topics and then joins Robert Lloyd to continue a great discussion on healthy foods, and the many different aspects and types of exercise as they are related to health and fitness. Also a discussion near the end of the show covers some of the interesting and powerful influences in his early life and why he took the path in life that is educating, motivating and inspiring so many people across America, Europe, and the whole world.

David's site

56k CF Download


  1. How healthy was it passing around Don Black's wife all these days? I mean really? These career money movement people have got to be expunged.

  2. The Tony Bobbins of WN mauahhaha!

  3. Fucking counter currents turned off comments, fucking shit bags.

    Fuck all this lifestyle shit too.

  4. Jew/Gluten Free ?

  5. WE want an interview with Dave Grizzom, it's about time we get an update from the proprietor of this propagandistic media outlet

  6. Anon 1:17

    I will interview Grizzom if he accepts. I guess I could also take on that drunk Canuck Zapoper as well.

  7. Hahaha girls girls your all pretty

  8. I find it hilariously ironic that Don Black's wife(i.e. David Duke's ex-wife, creeped out yet?) is named Chloe Hardin Black.


    Is that funny or what?

  9. Chloe Hardin Black sounds like a laundry powder, lol


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