April 21, 2013

Die Drachenhöhle with David in Texas 2013.04.21

Astrology Show 5: As Above, So Below

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  1. Trolls... READY!!! SET!!! GO!!!

  2. crikets..................

  3. RabbiJesusMinistriesApril 21, 2013 at 11:10 PM

    I hearby denounce this show a heresy in Lord Jesus' name! The work of the devil! He has many forms! Especially science!

  4. i'll take the wizard hat, magic wand, magic mirror, pixie dust combo

  5. Dave cleo man, please tell me ma future man

  6. I tell you what these christians are the real reason why we are in this shithoe, good show Dave, you tell'em about the real deal.

  7. 1:05 AM

    2 Corinthians 4:16-18 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

  8. "By defending myself against the jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
    Mr A Hitler

  9. April 22, 2013 at 1:49 AM

    Ultimate proof that christianity will always lead to nazi Germany and killings of millions innocent jews, poles, homosexuals, gysies, communists and catholics. Christianity is root of all evil, including horrible zionist murders of Gaza and book burnings of Alexandria.

  10. Wow, check this out, these are the Fake Nazis -ANP, that John Friend exposed on his Show, they let the Antifa expose all sorts of personal and private info, said they brag about 200 members but only really may have maybe 20 or 30and their "Security Chief Kozak", not sure if that is a fake name took a convicted felon to the meeting with the anti-Nazis and bought the Antifa lunch. Shit, these fake ANP Nazis need to use a better fake name for their Security Chief, they should call him Commandant Klink.

    http://southsideara.blogspot.com/2013/04/infiltrated-american-nazi-party-in.htmlantis lunch.

    Scott Roberts has a video out about these fake ANP nazis, he says they are a false flag.

  11. April 22, 2013 at 2:25 AM

    brainwashed white christians are muchj worse then and jew or nigger could ever be

    fuck christians!

  12. 2:50 AM

    at least ANP are not stinking christians

  13. I heard that anp leader last week say that the jews are not the problem, because there are so few and that he and his "american nazi party" is ok with working jews and homosexuals because they could be a source of money. This is wierd coming from a nazi Leader??? WTF. doesn't surprise me that their security mimrod bought lunch for the antifa and the antifa ended up with all that info, they are obvious jew backed.

  14. April 22, 2013 at 3:30 AM

    After Rockwell's death ANP probably ceased to exist. What remained was just an FBI bait and intelligence op for awaken white people.

    They have every reason to work in low key and covered in secrecy.

  15. Christianity - religion of HateApril 22, 2013 at 5:43 AM


  16. Wow. Christian spammer has really seen the light. Now he's filling up the all the comment sections with anti-Christian spam. Don't worry Christian spammer ... Not all Christians are the problem. Only a grown man who call himself a Christian is the problem (or at least a very big part of the problem, as he is unconsciously beholden to jew-virus, obediently serving his master).

  17. lol i'm such a nerd XD

  18. Christian spammer is hateful idiot that denies countless crimes of christianity

  19. 1200s

    Pope Gregory IX authorized the killing of witches. The number of deaths due to witch hunts has been estimated at between 100,000 and 2 million. [Haught, 1990, 73]


    The Fourth Crusade, initiated by Pope Innocent III, took the Christian city of Zara (Zadar) in Hungary for Venice in order to raise more funds for the crusade. The pope had objected but the crusaders took the city anyway. [Billings, 128]


    "Innocent III made clear to the German princes by the Decree 'Venerabilem' ... in May, 1202, in what relation he considered the empire to stand to the papacy. ...." The right to elect a king was given to the German princes by the Apostolic See. The pope has "The right to investigate and decide whether a king thus elected is worthy of the imperial dignity ....," i.e., the pope had the final say. "There was scarcely a country in Europe over which Innocent III did not in some way or other assert the supremacy which he claimed for the papacy." [Catholic Encyclopedia, "Pope Innocent III"; Grun, 164]

    This was a reversal of the previous state of affairs in which kings approved, or even chose, popes.


    Crusaders from the Fourth Crusade sacked Constantinople, the seat of the empire and eastern Christianity. They were allowed three days by their leaders to pillage and destroy. They looted the main church, St. Sophia, destroyed or stole sacred relics, raped women, girls and nuns, and massacred thousands of Eastern Orthodox Christians.

    One Byzantine historian, Nicetas Choniates, wrote: "Even the Saracens [Muslims] are merciful and kind compared to these men who bear the cross of Christ on their shoulders." In other words, the European Christians who were supposed to liberate Jerusalem from the Moslems spent their energies killing other Christians of the eastern empire and looting their holy places. This crusade never got to the Holy Land.

    The crusaders also took over the eastern empire and divided the land and the spoils among the Venetians and the French nobles. Constantinople was made a Latin kingdom. Kingdom and patriarchate lasted only until 1261, when the Byzantines retook Constantinople. Rome tried to force a union with the Eastern Church on its own terms in 1274 and again in 1438. Both efforts failed.

    After the crusade's success in the east, Pope Innocent III wrote to the Greek emperor: "... we believe the Greeks have been punished ... by the just judgment of God." What provoked Innocent's outrage was not the undeserved violence against innocent Greeks, but that the crusade's leaders failed to give him control of the Greek Church by permitting the Venetians to select a patriarch. But, according to Billings (137), Innocent was angry about the sack of Constantinople and had never authorized it. In 2004, 800 years after the crime, Pope John Paul II finally apologized to the Greek Orthodox Church. [Ellerbe, 67-68; Martin, 134; McCabe, 1916, 193-194, and 1953, Ch. IV; Williams, 2002, 231-233]


    Pope Innocent III endorsed the slander that Jews made their wet-nurses pour their milk into latrines for three days after taking communion. Only then would they allow them to nurse their children. [Kirsch, 170-171]

  20. 1209

    Pope Innocent III's Albigensian crusaders, led by Simon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester, massacred the inhabitants of Béziers in an effort to stamp out the Waldensian and Albigensian heresies.

    Thousands of the residents of Béziers were blinded, mutilated, dragged by horses, and used for target practice. Papal legate Arnaud Amaury said, "God's wrath has raged in wondrous wise against the city." [Haught, 1990, 56]

    The massacre was started by a somewhat disorganized band of mercenaries accompanying the main force of French knights and their followers. The knights of course did nothing to stop it. The mercenaries were the first ones in because they were encamped the closest to the city. They got in because a few of the city's defenders stupidly opened a gate so that they could ride down the mountainside and harass some of the soldiers. When the knights saw that the mercenaries were plundering the city, they drove them out so that they could get the plunder to which they felt entitled. The regular troops "... cared not a straw for the slaughter, but 'choked with fury' when they saw other people making off with their plunder." [Oldenbourg, 110-121]

    At the fall of Béziers, an underling asked papal legate Arnaud Amaury how they could tell true believers from the heretics. Amaury said, "Kill them all. God will know his own." The Catholic Encyclopedia ("Albigenses") denies that Amaury uttered those words. All other sources consulted disagree and attribute those words to Amaury. Oldenbourg (p. 116) says the quote was attributed to Amaury "by the German, Caesar von Heisterbach."

    "In 1209, Arnold Aimery [Amaury] exulted to the Pope that the capture of Béziers had been 'miraculous'; and that the crusaders had killed 15,000, 'showing mercy neither to order, nor age, nor sex'." [Johnson, 1976, 252]

    Amaury also wrote the pope: 'Divine vengeance raged miraculously. Our men spared no one, irrespective of rank, sex, or age, and put to the sword almost twenty thousand people.' After the killing, the crusaders set fire to the city. [Oldenbourg, 391]


    After capturing Bram, Simon de Montfort, leader of Pope Innocent III's Albigensian crusaders, blinded and mutilated a hundred of the town's defenders. He let one keep an eye so that he could lead the others to nearby towns as a warning.[Kirsch, 49; De Rosa, 160; Oldenbourg, 136]


    After de Montfort's successful siege of Minerve, he ordered 140 perfecti [Cathars] to be burned without charges, trial or sentence. [De Rosa,160; Kirsch, 49]

    "... at the capture of the Castle of Minerve, the Crusaders piously offered their prisoners the alternative of recantation or the stake, and a hundred and eighty preferred the stake...." [Lea, 1901 v.1, 105]

  21. 1205

    Pope Innocent III endorsed the slander that Jews made their wet-nurses pour their milk into latrines for three days after taking communion. Only then would they allow them to nurse their children. [Kirsch, 170-171]


    Pope Innocent III forbade any legal help for heretics. [Catholic Encyclopedia, "Inquisition"]


    Pope Innocent III called upon the King to use force to rid southern France of Cathari heretics. He also declared a crusade (the "Albigensian" crusade, named after the town of Albi) against them, offering indulgences, eternal salvation, and land to those who participated. By the end of this crusade some thirty years later, the entire region was destroyed and a million people had been killed. "For the first time in Europe, a pope was calling on Christians to kill other Christians." (Kirsch, citing Karen Armstrong) [Ellerbe, 74; Kirsch, 45; Catholic Encyclopedia, "Cathari" and "Albigensis"]

    According to many sources, the pope had been trying to settle the dispute with the Cathars by peaceful means until January 14 or 15, 1208, when the pope's representative, Peter of Castelnau, was assassinated.

  22. Christian spammer is as blind as his Christian god and therefore denies crimes against his own self. He's a self-hating idiot.

  23. 11:58 AM So which is it tooty fruity, you told us Christianity is weak and pacifistic and now Christians are vicious killers. You're a loser.

  24. As is always the case... the rent-a-pagans, gaytheists, klassenshits, liberals, commies and kikes end up on the same side. Says it all really.

  25. Fuck Christians, they persecute our jewish pagan brothers.

  26. Digging up klassen is the biggest tell. Shouldn't you clowns be sticking up banks or killing random negros? That's what typical creaturds do, in the name of the great and powerful klassen!

  27. 12:45

    Jewish pagan brothers? Lol wtf are you on?

  28. Why don't you scumbags tell us how the great and powerful klassen lost all of his assets when one of his creaturds went on a random shooting spree?

    Why don't you tell us how matt hale, the new creaturd leader got busted in an fbi sting. You do know that promoting hatred of every race and religion on the planet is an fbi sting waiting to happen, don't you?

  29. Anon @ 12:37, 12:57, There goes christard spammer, lying and over simplifying to legitimize the jewish messiah.

  30. the great and powerful creaturd spammer doesn't have the guts to rob banks or go a shooting spree.

  31. I havent seen anyone spam for creativity. I saw someone mention klassen a few times. And then I saw christard spammer go on a spam rampage mocking klassen. He must be a jew that doesnt agree with a white expansionist ideology. Klassen made a lot of sense but he got torn apart by the judeo-christian mainstream.

  32. there are probably more creaturds in prison than out. the church of the creaturd is a magnet for psychpaths, they hate every race and religion on the planet, they worship themselves. This sounds very familiar to another religion that is full of psychopaths.

  33. klassens was a piece of shit, all you have to do is replace white race with jew in all of his trash and you have judaism, it's the talmud for white people.

  34. creaturd spammer is ashamed of church of creaturd, even creaturds know they are a joke. all of the ideology is the same hatred of Christianity, association of Christianity with jews, advocacy of mass murder for advancement of the white race.

  35. Jesus was a jew and true member of his great tribe, however it was the evil christian doctrine that has led to the unspeakable horrors of Holocaust and countless sufferings of gypsies and poles in Eastern Europe and elsewhere...
    If Jesus indeed was a loyal and faithful jew, why then the strange silence on the part of the Israel concerning one of her most influential sons? The first reason was impossible claims made for Jesus as the new God of the Gentile Christians who spurned the universal God of Judaism. One can only imagine how the jews of Jesus time must have felt about this claim, that he should be considered to be God himselff and a rival of their own God. The exltation of Jesus to a deity destroyed whatever interest there may have been on the part of Jews in his teachings.

    Other reason was the christian persecution of jews once the church was in power. Instead of putting the teachings of Jesus into practice, christians began a reign of terror throughout the Roman world. This was to continue down through the centuries. In the name of christ, jews were treated with contempt, hunted down, tortured cruelly, and killed.

    Christianity has done exactly same thing to pagans, and heretics as to the jews, soforth jews have rightfully so rejected christian doctrine.

  36. msm hates creaturds, what a laugh. when the jews hate something they don't give it attention in msm, they ignore it completely.

    jews love creaturds, they couldn't have thought up a more divisive bunch of shit themselves. jews arent going to be opposing you on message boards, they'll get the feds to find an operative to be your best buddy. made any new friends lately? have friends in financial trouble?

  37. Though many of the perpetrators do not profess Christianity, antisemitism has flourished in Christian Europe. The charge of deicide has shaped the Christian conception of Jews and marked them as the Other. History has shown that, for Christians, no charge was too outrageous to levy upon Jews. Nowhere was this more clearly expressed than in Nazi Germany, its allied European states, and occupied territories. Compounded by racial science, Christian antisemitism, never benign, turned lethal and led to the near eradication of Europe’s Jews. Postwar reactions against the Nazi crimes may have made antisemitism much less socially and politically acceptable, but it hardly disappeared.

  38. I thank Jesus Christ for the Christian "reign of terror". Looting pillaging hillbillies to the north, looting pillaging sand niggers to the south. Jews didn't persecute and kill their savior. Why would they have anything against jews?

    If only illiterate hillbillies would have won or the mecca worshiping sand niggers.

  39. 1:34

    I agree, christard spammer is a relentless fool.

  40. April 22, 2013 at 2:25 PM

    Me too, he seems to be some kind of hater.

  41. Hate is a good thing. But christard spammer hates all the wrong things. Freedom from jewish religions is one of them.

  42. He (and all male Christian spammers) supports the work of the mohel , by de facto, by choosing to worship a male deity figure.

  43. From 1897-1899, Saint Hitler Attended Lambach Abbey, a Catholic monastery in Lambach, Austria and was taught by Benedictine Catholic Monks.

    The Lambach Abbey coat of arms has a swastika and the symbol decorates the carved stones and woodwork of the building. Swastikas also adorn the chapel Hitler attended for Mass and choir practice.

    Therefore, this Catholic Abbey is where young Hitler saw a swastika for the first time in his life.

  44. Jesus was Born a Jew Although He was born in Bethlehem (Matt. 2:1, Micah 5:2), Yeshua was raised in Nazareth (Luke 2:39-40). Both were Jewish towns at the time, according to archeologists and historians. Bethlehem is just south of Jerusalem while Nazareth is north, in the Galilee section. Both of Yeshua's parents were from Nazareth (Luke 1:26-27, 2:4, 39) and they returned there with the Child when they had done everything according to the Law of the Lord that His birth required (Luke 2:39). His aunt and uncle were also Torah observant Jews (Luke 1:6) so we can see that probably the whole family took their faith very seriously.

    Yeshua's parents made the 140 mile (225 m.) round trip to Jerusalem every Passover (Luke 2:41) in observance of Deut. 16:16. It was at the age of twelve that Yeshua stayed behind an extra three days to learn from the Temple teachers (Luke 2:46). Although He already understood the Torah well (Luke 2:47), His attitude of listening and questioning indicates love of the Hebrew scripture and respect for the teachers. He also respected the Temple itself, calling it His Father's (Luke 2:49). Near the end of His life, He praised a widow for giving all she had to the Temple (Luke 21:1-4). In adult life, His disciples were Jews (John 1:47, Matt. 20:25-26) and they called Him 'Rabbi' (John 4:31). Mary called Him 'Rabboni' (John 20:16). They sought Him because they believed the Torah and the Prophets (John 1:45).

  45. If Jesus Christ is jewish and Jesus Christ loved jews so much and the jews loved Jesus so much why are the gospels full of criticism of the jews?
    Why did the jews finally have Jesus crucified for criticizing them? Why for most of the history of Christianity were the jews treated poorly?

    Why do you promote a version of Christianity and history that is so easily refuted? Why do you do it over and over again when people have continually pointed out how wrong you are?

    Are you a retard? Are you looking for retards? Both? john sholtes is on board with you.

  46. If Jesus Christ is jewish and Jesus Christ loved jews so much and the jews loved Jesus so much why are the gospels full of criticism of the jews?

    They're not. The only gospels that could be construed as slight "anti-Jewish" is the gospel of John, which is a Gnostic gospel. But even in the gospel of John, it says that "salvation is from the Jews". The disputes between Jesus and the Pharisees in the synoptic gospels is typical Jewish infighting. Arguing about their religion was THE favorite pastime of ancient Jews.

    Why did the jews finally have Jesus crucified for criticizing them?

    They didn't. The story is a myth. Jesus of Nazareth is not historical. The gospels are 100% fiction.

    Why for most of the history of Christianity were the jews treated poorly?

    They weren't. Jews have always formed an elite affluent group in every European Christian nation they have ever inhabited.

  47. The Jews hate gentiles and they don't want to be friends.
    They want to be outsiders who can leech of them.
    Christianity provides that.

  48. 7:09 PM Everything you say is a lie and is not based on reality, there is no basis in fact to your assertions so you don't even try to present any. They can all be refuted with common sense and a few facts.

    First you say the gospels aren't critical of the jews and then when it's stated that Christ was crucified for his criticism of the jews you conveniently say they are all made up. You haven't read the gospels and wouldn't know, I have and they are definitely critical of the jews. If the gospels are so complimentary to the jews, you would think they would be mandatory reading in schools instead of banned.

    If the jews were in fact running Christian europe why was it necessary for napoleon to emancipate them after his jew funded conquests, when they were forced to live in ghettos and were regarded as second class citizens?

    You aren't even a skillful liar.

  49. The roman pagan historian tacticus acknowledged Jesus Christ and he hated Christians.

  50. History is mostly a lie. I doubt jews were ever persecuted much.

  51. What happened in 1848, 40 short years after napoleon freed the jewish revolutionaries, communist revolution across europe. The revolutions were put down, many of the jewish revolutionaries made their way to the u.s.. 1860 in the u.s., revolution freed the negros, the jews co-revolutionaries. ww1 revolutionaries from u.s. made their way to russia and started another revolution to free the jews in the one country napoleon couldn't conquer.

    You say history is all a lie and then you go through and cherry pick history that fits your agenda

  52. Christard spammer you must have me confused with another commenter (your schizophrenia is acting up again). Ive never quoted anything historical here, because there are so many accounts that contradict eachother its hardly worth talking about. Also because jews love to play the controlled opposition game, so I'm always suspicious of anyone's motives. The jews at the top dont mind sacrificing a few of their own to achieve a greater plan. I've only quoted the bible on here, to prove it was jewish.

  53. when they were forced to live in ghettos and were regarded as second class citizens?

    Most people aren't aware that the Jewish ghettos were the choicest real estate in any European cities. Jews self-segregated themselves, by the way. It wasn't forced on them by Europeans.

    Jews have always formed an elite ruling class in Western Civilization. You obviously don't know enough about Jewish history to comment on this subject.

  54. Christard spammer, you don't know enough about Jewish history to discuss it.

    Jews were a wealthy, powerful ethnic group in Hellenistic and Roman times. Jewish power and affluence are not a modern phenomenon at all.

  55. The roman pagan historian tacticus acknowledged Jesus Christ and he hated Christians.

    His name is "Tacitus", not "tacticus".

    The supposed passage about Jesus in Tacitus' Annals may well be a medieval forgery. But even if it is 100% authentic, it wouldn't provide independent confirmation of Jesus' historicity. Tacitus' Annals were published in the early 2nd century, almost 100 years removed from the supposed lifetime of "Jesus of Nazareth". So if the passage was authentic, Tacitus was simply repeating the founding story of Christianity that he was hearing from Christians in his own day.

    NT scholars don't even use the Tacitus passage as proof of a historical Jesus, for the reason I just mentioned. NT scholars mainly rely on the Pauline epistles to prove Jesus' historicity.

  56. Oh, and Tacitus never uses the name "Jesus". He uses the Jewish religious title "Christ". This is proof that Tacitus received this story from Christians, rather than any kind of official Roman archives. If there were any official Roman record of Jesus' execution, it would have referred to him by his name "Jesus", not the Jewish religious title of "Christ".

  57. Jews were a wealthy, powerful ethnic group in Hellenistic and Roman times. Jewish power and affluence are not a modern phenomenon at all.

    This isn't true, they were only powerful after the ChristianEra began.

  58. So jews have been the lords over white Christianity since it's inception, white Christians have been the most productive people in the history of the world. Jews decide to dump white Christians in favor of niggers, who are the least productive people in the history of the world.

    I don't know but if I'm lord of reality, I'm probably going to favor white Christians, but that's just me.

    Not only is everything you say a lie, it also defies any logic.

  59. Christians never invented anything.
    The only thing that progressed was their ignorance.
    What are you talking about?

  60. Gee, I don't know, let's take Henry Ford, the man who revolutionized the auto industry and opposed jew domination. Devout Christian.

  61. 12:28

    How does that defy logic? Now that jews have built up a technological and scientific world dictatorship parasiting off white people, they dont need them anymore. Whites are the only race that could ever have a chance at overthrowing them, so they want a world of low IQ dark people to prevent that from ever happening.

    But you should be happy christard spammer, because most of them are christians.

  62. Yes, let's take Henry Ford, the man who apologized to the Jews and kissed their asses. Devout Christian.

  63. Jews have a magic religion that makes people worship jews, why is it forbidden in schools instead of mandatory? White people have been jew worshiping zombies for 2000 years and now jews have tv, sounds like a good combination to me. The only serious threat to jews power have been Christians, the rest have been retards. You would deny morality to non whites just because white people rejected it? If white people cease to exist, it will be because we became immoral, tv whatching retards, not because of Christianity.

  64. Henry Ford did alot more to raise awareness than every scumbag antichristian in history.

    I don't know what they threatened him with to make him change and neither do you.

    Name me one antichristian that has ever done anything worthwhile against the jew, you can't there aren't any you scumbag.

  65. “My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.” - Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

  66. You keep lyin about historical fact, over and over and over and over you are easily proven to be a liar. Keep watching jew made ww2 media if you want an antichristian Hitler or national socialism

  67. You have 0 historical figures in the last 2000 years who have done anything except betray us for the sake of jews.

  68. "Religion, like everything else, is a thing that should be kept working. I see no use in spending a great deal of time learning about heaven and hell. In my opinion, a man makes his own heaven and hell and carries it around with him. Both of them are states of mind." - Henry Ford

    And political speech is a pretty lazy way to tell someone's personal beliefs.

    And now Staatspräsident Bolz says that Christianity and the Catholic faith are threatened by us. And to that charge I can answer: In the first place it is Christians and not international atheists who now stand at the head of Germany. I do not merely talk of Christianity, no, I also profess that I will never ally myself with the parties which destroy Christianity. If many wish today to take threatened Christianity under their protection, where, I would ask, was Christianity for them in these fourteen years when they went arm in arm with atheism? No, never and at no time was greater internal damage done to Christianity than in these fourteen years when a party, theoretically Christian, sat with those who denied God in one and the same Government."
    Speech delivered at Stuttgart 15 February 1933; from Norman H. Baynes, ed. (1969). The Speeches of Adolf Hitler: April 1922-August 1939. 1. New York: Howard Fertig. p. 240.

    It's no secret that even if Hitler was an atheist he couldn't push it, as he would have gotten grave resistance from preachers. In fact most internal resistance in Germany to Hitler was from religious groups already.

    Personally, he surrounded himself with non Christians, like Himmler Rosenberg Bormann Hess et cetera, so if he encountered some of these people like who go in these comments who act like anyone non Christian is somehow a Jew for some reason he'd probably think they were foolish.
    I do think he was a Deist, but not a traditional Christian or an atheist. He was a brilliant man who loved hearing new ideas. He probably saw "God" as the creative force of nature in a sense. His personal belief in God was likely similar to Fichte's, one of Hitler's favorite philosophers. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2175479

  69. April 23, 2013 at 3:56 AM

    Lugh keep rockin, dude! Lets kill as many christians with plastic axes as we can, let the evil christiards blood flow forever!

  70. “Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism”

    Vladimir Lenin (Russian Founder of the Russian Communist Party, leader of the Russian Revolution of 1917, 1870-1924)

  71. The economic oppression of the workers inevitably calls forth and engenders every kind of political oppression and social humiliation, the coarsening and darkening of the spiritual and moral life of the masses. The workers may secure a greater or lesser degree of political liberty to fight for their economic emancipation, but no amount of liberty will rid them of poverty, unemployment, and oppression until the power of capital is overthrown. Religion is one of the forms of spiritual oppression which everywhere weighs down heavily upon the masses of the people, over burdened by their perpetual work for others, by want and isolation. Impotence of the exploited classes in their struggle against the exploiters just as inevitably gives rise to the belief in a better life after death as impotence of the savage in his battle with nature gives rise to belief in gods, devils, miracles, and the like. Those who toil and live in want all their lives are taught by religion to be submissive and patient while here on earth, and to take comfort in the hope of a heavenly reward. But those who live by the labour of others are taught by religion to practise charity while on earth, thus offering them a very cheap way of justifying their entire existence as exploiters and selling them at a moderate price tickets to well-being in heaven. Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a sort of spiritual booze, in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demand for a life more or less worthy of man.

  72. But a slave who has become conscious of his slavery and has risen to struggle for his emancipation has already half ceased to be a slave. The modern class-conscious worker, reared by large-scale factory industry and enlightened by urban life, contemptuously casts aside religious prejudices, leaves heaven to the priests and bourgeois bigots, and tries to win a better life for himself here on earth. The proletariat of today takes the side of socialism, which enlists science in the battle against the fog of religion, and frees the workers from their belief in life after death by welding them together to fight in the present for a better life on earth.

    Religion must be declared a private affair. In these words socialists usually express their attitude towards religion. But the meaning of these words should be accurately defined to prevent any misunderstanding. We demand that religion be held a private affair so far as the state is concerned. But by no means can we consider religion a private affair so far as our Party is concerned. Religion must be of no concern to the state, and religious societies must have no connection with governmental authority. Everyone must be absolutely free to profess any religion he pleases, or no religion whatever, i.e., to be an atheist, which every socialist is, as a rule. Discrimination among citizens on account of their religious convictions is wholly intolerable.

  73. Even the bare mention of a citizen’s religion in official documents should unquestionably be eliminated. No subsidies should be granted to the established church nor state allowances made to ecclesiastical and religious societies. These should become absolutely free associations of like-minded citizens, associations independent of the state. Only the complete fulfilment of these demands can put an end to the shameful and accursed past when the church lived in feudal dependence on the state, and Russian citizens lived in feudal dependence on the established church, when medieval, inquisitorial laws (to this day remaining in our criminal codes and on our statute-books) were in existence and were applied, persecuting men for their belief or disbelief, violating men’s consciences, and linking cosy government jobs and government-derived incomes with the dispensation of this or that dope by the established church. Complete separation of Church and State is what the socialist proletariat demands of the modern state and the modern church.

  74. The Russian revolution must put this demand into effect as a necessary component of political freedom. In this respect, the Russian revolution is in a particularly favourable position, since the revolting officialism of the police-ridden feudal autocracy has called forth discontent, unrest and indignation even among the clergy. However abject, however ignorant Russian Orthodox clergymen may have been, even they have now been awakened by the thunder of the downfall of the old, medieval order in Russia. Even they are joining in the demand for freedom, are protesting against bureaucratic practices and officialism, against the spying for the police imposed on the “servants of God”. We socialists must lend this movement our support, carrying the demands of honest and sincere members of the clergy to their conclusion, making them stick to their words about freedom, demanding that they should resolutely break all ties between religion and the police. Either you are sincere, in which case you must stand for the complete separation of Church and State and of School and Church, for religion to be declared wholly and absolutely a private affair. Or you do not accept these consistent demands for freedom, in which case you evidently are still held captive by the traditions of the inquisition, in which case you evidently still cling to your cosy government jobs and government-derived incomes, in which case you evidently do not believe in the spiritual power of your weapon and continue to take bribes from the state. And in that case the class-conscious workers of all Russia declare merciless war on you.

  75. The Russian revolution must put this demand into effect as a necessary component of political freedom. In this respect, the Russian revolution is in a particularly favourable position, since the revolting officialism of the police-ridden feudal autocracy has called forth discontent, unrest and indignation even among the clergy. However abject, however ignorant Russian Orthodox clergymen may have been, even they have now been awakened by the thunder of the downfall of the old, medieval order in Russia. Even they are joining in the demand for freedom, are protesting against bureaucratic practices and officialism, against the spying for the police imposed on the “servants of God”. We socialists must lend this movement our support, carrying the demands of honest and sincere members of the clergy to their conclusion, making them stick to their words about freedom, demanding that they should resolutely break all ties between religion and the police. Either you are sincere, in which case you must stand for the complete separation of Church and State and of School and Church, for religion to be declared wholly and absolutely a private affair. Or you do not accept these consistent demands for freedom, in which case you evidently are still held captive by the traditions of the inquisition, in which case you evidently still cling to your cosy government jobs and government-derived incomes, in which case you evidently do not believe in the spiritual power of your weapon and continue to take bribes from the state. And in that case the class-conscious workers of all Russia declare merciless war on you.

  76. Our Programme is based entirely on the scientific, and moreover the materialist, world-outlook. An explanation of our Programme, therefore, necessarily includes an explanation of the true historical and economic roots of the religious fog. Our propaganda necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism; the publication of the appropriate scientific literature, which the autocratic feudal government has hitherto strictly forbidden and persecuted, must now form one of the fields of our Party work. We shall now probably have to follow the advice Engels once gave to the German Socialists: to translate and widely disseminate the literature of the eighteenth-century French Enlighteners and atheists.[1]

    But under no circumstances ought we to fall into the error of posing the religious question in an abstract, idealistic fashion, as an “intellectual” question unconnected with the class struggle, as is not infrequently done by the radical-democrats from among the bourgeoisie. It would be stupid to think that, in a society based on the endless oppression and coarsening of the worker masses, religious prejudices could be dispelled by purely propaganda methods. It would be bourgeois narrow-mindedness to forget that the yoke of religion that weighs upon mankind is merely a product and reflection of the economic yoke within society. No number of pamphlets and no amount of preaching can enlighten the proletariat, if it is not enlightened by its own struggle against the dark forces of capitalism. Unity in this really revolutionary struggle of the oppressed class for the creation of a paradise on earth is more important to us than unity of proletarian opinion on paradise in heaven.

  77. That is the reason why we do not and should not set forth our atheism in our Programme; that is why we do not and should not prohibit proletarians who still retain vestiges of their old prejudices from associating themselves with our Party. We shall always preach the scientific world-outlook, and it is essential for us to combat the inconsistency of various “Christians”. But that does not mean in the least that the religious question ought to be advanced to first place, where it does not belong at all; nor does it mean that we should allow the forces of the really revolutionary economic and political struggle to be split up on account of third-rate opinions or senseless ideas, rapidly losing all political importance, rapidly being swept out as rubbish by the very course of economic development.

    Everywhere the reactionary bourgeoisie has concerned itself, and is now beginning to concern itself in Russia, with the fomenting of religious strife—in order thereby to divert the attention of the masses from the really important and fundamental economic and political problems, now being solved in practice by the all-Russian proletariat uniting in revolutionary struggle. This reactionary policy of splitting up the proletarian forces, which today manifests itself mainly in Black-Hundred pogroms, may tomorrow conceive some more subtle forms. We, at any rate, shall oppose it by calmly, consistently and patiently preaching proletarian solidarity and the scientific world-outlook—a preaching alien to any stirring up of secondary differences.

  78. The First Crusade was launched by Pope Urban II in 1095. Its goal was to "liberate" Jerusalem and the rest of the Christian Holy Land from Muslim control. However, before leaving for the Holy Land (and also on route to the Holy Land), Christian Crusaders lashed out at Jews, whom they believed to be "infidels" living in their midst. The following quote is an account of the massacre of Jews in Rouen, France, which took place in 1096 and was directed by one of the sons of William the Conqueror.

    "In the monastery there was a monk who was a Jew by birth. When the beginning of the pilgrimage to Jerusalem began to be bruited throughout the Latin world, he was thus rescued from his superstition. On a certain day when the people of Rouen who had joined in that expedition under the badge of the cross, began to complain to one another, " We, after traversing great distances toward the East, desire to attack the enemies of God there. But this is wasted labour, since before our eyes there are Jews, of all races the worst foes of God." Saying this and seizing their weapons, they herded them into a certain church, driving them in either by force or guile, and without discrimination of sex or age put them to the sword, but allowed those who accepted Christianity to escape slaughter."

  79. "At the beginning of summer in the same year in which Peter, and Gottschalk, after collecting an army, had set out (i.e. 1096), there assembled in like fashion a large and innumerable host of Christians from diverse kingdoms and lands; namely, from the realms of France, England, Flanders, and Lorraine. ... I know not whether by a judgment of the Lord, or by some error of mind; they rose in a spirit of cruelty against the Jewish people scattered throughout these cities and slaughtered them without mercy, especially in the Kingdom of Lorraine, asserting it to be the beginning of their expedition and their duty against the enemies of the Christian faith. This slaughter of Jews was done first by citizens of Cologne. These suddenly fell upon a small band of Jews and severely wounded and killed many; they destroyed the houses and synagogues of the Jews and divided among themselves a very large, amount of money. When the Jews saw this cruelty, about two hundred in the silence of the night began flight by boat to Neuss. The pilgrims and crusaders discovered them, and after taking away all their possessions, inflicted on them similar slaughter, leaving not even one alive.

    Not long after this, they started upon their journey, as they had vowed, and arrived in a great multitude at the city of Mainz. There Count Emico, a nobleman, a very mighty man in this region, was awaiting, with a large band of Teutons, the arrival of the pilgrims who were coming thither from diverse lands by the King's highway.

  80. The Jews of this city, knowing of the slaughter of their brethren, and that they themselves could not escape the hands of so many, fled in hope of safety to Bishop Rothard. They put an infinite treasure in his guard and trust, having much faith in his protection, because he was Bishop of the city. Then that excellent Bishop of the city cautiously set aside the incredible amount of money received from them. He placed the Jews in the very spacious hall of his own house, away from the sight of Count Emico and his followers, that they might remain safe and sound in a very secure and strong place.

    But Emico and the rest of his band held a council and, after sunrise, attacked the Jews in the hall with arrows and lances. Breaking the bolts and doors, they killed the Jews, about seven hundred in number, who in vain resisted the force and attack of so many thousands. They killed the women, also, and with their swords pierced tender children of whatever age and sex. The Jews, seeing that their Christian enemies were attacking them and their children, and that they were sparing no age, likewise fell upon one another, brother, children, wives, and sisters, and thus they perished at each other's hands. Horrible to say, mothers cut the throats of nursing children with knives and stabbed others, preferring them to perish thus by their own hands rather than to be killed by the weapons of the uncircumcised."

    Sources: The Account of Albert of Aix see also Solomon bar Samson, "The Crusaders in Mainz, May 27, 1096"

  81. "Just at that time, there appeared a certain soldier, Emico, Count of the lands around the Rhine, a man long of very ill repute on account of his tyrannical mode of life. Called by divine revelation, like another Saul, as he maintained, to the practice of religion of this kind, he usurped to himself the command of almost twelve thousand cross bearers. As they were led through the cities of the Rhine and the Main and also the Danube, they either utterly destroyed the execrable race of the Jews wherever they found them (being even in this matter zealously devoted to the Christian religion) or forced them into the bosom of the Church."

    Source: The Account of Ekkehard of Aura


    During the First Crusade, on July 14, 1099, the Christian army laying siege to Jerusalem launched a three-pronged assault on the city. After two days of fighting the Crusaders broke through Jerusalem's defenses. As the city's defenders fell back in disarray toward the Temple Mount, Crusaders followed them, killing everyone they could find. Every Jew and Muslim in Jerusalem, as well as a large number of Eastern Orthodox Christians, was slaughtered on this day. The number of civilians killed has never been firmly established. According to J. Arthur McFall, Taking Jerusalem: The Climax of the First Crusade,

  82. "The Crusaders spent at least that night and the next day killing Muslims, including all of those in the al-Aqsa Mosque, where Tancred's banner should have protected them. Not even women and children were spared. The city's Jews sought refuge in their synagogue, only to be burned alive within it by the Crusaders. Raymond of Aquilers reported that he saw "piles of heads, hands and feet" on a walk through the holy city. Men trotted across the bodies and body fragments as if they were a carpet for their convenience. The Europeans also destroyed the monuments to Orthodox Christian saints and the tomb of Abraham. ... While the slaughter was still going on, many churchmen and princes assembled for a holy procession. Barefoot, chanting and singing, they walked to the shrine of the Holy Sepulchre through the blood flowing around their feet."

    Three Christians with the Crusader army described the events as follows:

    "Both day and night, on the fourth and fifth days of the week, we made a determined attack on the city from all sides. However, before we made this assault on the city, the bishops and priests persuaded all, by exhorting and preaching, to honor the Lord by marching around Jerusalem in a great procession, and to prepare for battle by prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Early on the sixth day of the week we again attacked the city on all sides, but as the assault was unsuccessful, we were all astounded and fearful. However, when the hour approached on which our Lord Jesus Christ deigned to suffer on the Cross for us, our knights began to fight bravely in one of the towers - namely, the party with Duke Godfrey and his brother, Count Eustace. One of our knights, named Lethold, clambered up the wall of the city, and no sooner had he ascended than the defenders fled from the walls and through the city. Our men followed, killing and slaying even to the Temple of Solomon, where the slaughter was so great that our men waded in blood up to their ankles....

  83. Sounds like some holohoax nonsense

  84. "We are the joyous Hitler youth,
    We do not need any Christian virtue.
    Our leader is our savior
    The Pope and Rabbi shall be gone
    We want to be pagans once again.”
    - Song sung by Hitler youth

  85. “The heaviest blow which ever struck humanity was Christianity; Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child.  Both are inventions of the Jew.” - Hitler's Table Talk p.7

  86. “Kerrl, with the noblest of intentions, wanted to attempt a synthesis between National Socialism and Christianity. I don’t believe the thing’s possible, and I see the obstacle in Christianity itself.” -Hitler’s Table Talk p.145

  87. “It’s Christianity that’s the liar. It’s in perpetual conflict with itself.” -Hitler’s Table Talk p.61

  88. “…the only way of getting rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.” -Hitler’s Table Talk p.61

  89. “The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity. Christianity is a prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilisation by the Jew of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society. Thus one understands that the healthy elements of the Roman world were proof against this doctrine.” -Hitler’s Table Talk p.75-76

  90. “Christianity is the worst of the regressions that mankind can ever have undergone, and it’s the Jew who, thanks to this diabolic invention, has thrown him back fifteen centuries.” -Hitler’s Table Talk, p.322

  91. “We’ll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State. We shall continue to preach the doctrine of National Socialism, and the young will no longer be taught anything but the truth.” -Hitler’s Table Talk, p.62

  92. “By nature the Duce is a freethinker, but he decided to choose the path of concessions. For my part, in his place I’d have taken the path of revolution. I’d have entered the Vatican and thrown everybody out—reserving the right to apologise later: “Excuse me, it was a mistake.” But the result would have been, they’d have been outside!” -Hitler’s Table Talk, p.145

  93. “So it’s not opportune to hurl ourselves now into a struggle with the Churches. The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death. A slow death has something comforting about it. The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble. All that’s left is to prove that in nature there is no frontier between the organic and the inorganic.” -Hitler’s Table Talk, p.59

  94. “But, even so, it’s impossible eternally to hold humanity in bondage with lies. After all, it was only between the sixth and eighth centuries that Christianity was imposed on our peoples by princes who had an alliance of interests with the shavelings. Our peoples had previously succeeded in living all right without this religion. I have six divisions of SS composed of men absolutely indifferent in matters of religion. It doesn’t prevent them from going to their deaths with serenity in their souls.” -Hitler’s Table Talk p.143

  95. “When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.” -Hitler’s Table Talk, p.59

  96. “This terrorism in religion is the product, to put it briefly, of a Jewish dogma, which Christianity has universalised and whose effect is to sow trouble and confusion in men’s minds.” -Hitler’s Table Talk, p.393

  97. “The Fuherer is deeply religious but deeply anti-Christian. He regards Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish Race.”- Adolph Hitler: The Definitive Biography by Joseph Goebbels

  98. All of your antichristian Hitler quotes have been refuted. Table talk is a translation of a translation of written down conversations that were edited by borman, an antichristian and possible traitor. He kinda disappeared, until his remains were miraculously found in the 70s.

    Keep on lying though, it's what you do best.

  99. Bormann to do such a thing is unfounded and if Bormann was a traitor wouldn't he make him appear Christian for propaganda purposes if it's so great? Even if Bormann added some it wouldn't be to the sheer volume as is implied.

  100. It's impossible for borman to be a traitor, because you said so? If he was a traitor he would have wanted to make Hitler look bad by making him sound antichristian. The whole thing is hearsay so it doesn't even matter.

    All of the evidence that says Hitler was Christian is fact, all of the evidence that says Hitler was antichristian is hearsay.

    You're just internet trash. Hitler may have been against certain churches but not Christianity.

    You people are either retarded scumbags or paid to be divisive scum.

  101. A political speech is not personal feelings.
    If Bormann was a traitor, he'd know that Hitler was going to be seen as evil.. so why wouldn't he make him sound more Christian if the evil agenda was to make Christianity look bad?
    Also the evidence that points to Bormann being a traitor is weak and Hitler himself stood up for him on numerous occasions.

  102. If Hitler was seen as a Christian people would be alot more sympathetic toward him and national socialism.

    If Hitler didn't mean he was
    Christian, in public speeches, then he didn't mean anything he said, he was just a psychopathic power grabber, like the jews portray him. All you people do is repeat jewish propaganda. You're either really dumb or really cheap.

  103. Why would Bormann, who has not been known to obfuscate anything and was a loyal friend, obfuscate classified documents no one was supposed to see?
    And on that note, the table talks are rarely used as anti NSDAP propaganda, as the endless blind holocaust material is.
    There is no primary sources leading one to believe Hitler was a Christian beyond Speeches which can be construed as rhetoric to diffuse possible civil conflict.

  104. The development of German culture has not followed a steadily rising course. Decades of no growth are followed by periods of slow but steady progress, then new ideas suddenly appear that transform our culture in fundamental ways. A new view of the world opens up, giving us entirely new ideas of our nature and our environment that can only gradually be investigated. They give our people the opportunity for new growth, new flowering, new possibilities.

    The 15th and 16th centuries during the Middle Ages were a period when the Nordic spirit found characteristic expression in the Copernicus’s teaching that the earth revolved around the sun. The earth, which formerly was thought to be the center of the universe, became a small planet that was just as subject to the harmony of eternal laws as the course of the stars. The former world of appearances collapsed, and the Nordic spirit opened the door to a new scientific worldview. As a result of his revolutionary discovery, the worldview the Medieval Church had so successfully built to control people’s minds gradually fell apart over the following centuries. Today’s scientifically-based worldview freed us from the spiritual domination of the priesthood. We owe to it our great advances in technology, the sciences, and economics.

    Today we are in the middle of another revolutionary epoch. Revolutionary scientific understandings of genetics and race have found political expression in the National Socialist world view. Once again a world of appearances collapsed, which had concealed from our eyes the true nature of humanity and the connections between body, soul, and spirit. The foundation of the Christian worldview is the doctrine of the separation of body and soul; the soul and spirit belong to a world independent of the physical, free of natural laws, and they are even to a certain degree able to free the human body from its natural setting. It is a major shift when racial theory recognizes the unity of body, soul and spirit and sees them as a whole that follows the eternal laws of nature. A new epoch is coming, one perhaps even more revolutionary than that resulting from Copernicus’s work. Ideas about humanity and peoples that have endured for millennia are collapsing. The Nordic spirit is struggling to free itself from the chains that the Church and the Jews have imposed on Germandom. And it is not only a spiritual battle, for it finds expression in National Socialism’s struggle for power, as well as in the today’s battlefields to the east and west. The coming victory will bring a fundamental change in our view of the world, and opens the way for Nordic mankind to a new and greater future.

    SS Training manual

  105. Nobody uses the table talk against Hitler, because it is easily refuted as hearsay. Hitler was Christian, you can't prove otherwise so you lie and speculate.

    Sure there was an antichristian element involved. Hitlers biggest mistake was not burning them at the stake.

    The post rome Christian monks were the intellectuals of there time, they preserved classical knowledge.

    You always forget to mention that during the "dark ages", a jew term, the Christians were fighting off illiterate tribes from the north and jew run muslims from the south. You also forget to mention that during the "age of enlightenment", jew term, jew idealism began to spread. You're also too dumb to figure out that all of these advancements coincided with the printing press. More people had more access to information, they weren't smarter just more informed.

    As usual jews took advantage of information technology for their own ends, yep, this is also where they started spreading jew horseshit, same with radio, movies, tv, internet.

    Christianity had nothing to do with it. It's all jews taking advantage of information technology to spread shit, including the erosion of Christianity.

  106. Few Christian monks preserved knowledge. It was mostly Irish who, far from the reaches of Rome, hid it away until the plague of ignorance subsided. The Vatican openly banned most scientific texts.
    While the Jew did attempt to subvert new intellectual movement it was only because their mind control scheme was subsiding.
    Much of the classical knowledge was destroyed outright.
    Christian technology advanced little during the Dark Ages, and when the church's power began to wane.. technology expanded at such a rate it clearly shows that Christianity was responsible for a millennium of crippling ignorance in Europe.
    Hypatia, who the Christians murdered by flaying the flesh from her bones with clamshells was on the verge of confirming the heliocentric model which took until Copernicus for that work to be finally completed, and said work was promptly banned from the Church.

  107. You're dumber than fuck. How did the irish, magically get this classical knowledge? Pagan space beams? They were tribal barbarians until they were Christianized.

    This hypatia, alexandria story is mostly a jew made myth. You probably get your ideas about it from a jew movie. Some fact, mostly fiction, jewwed up history, meant to appeal to really dumb white women, and you fell for it.

    You always leave out the part about the tribal pagans in the north and muslims in the south in your history of the "dark ages". Printing press 1450, soon after technological advancement and jew influence. No big conspiracy. Same as it is today. Jews manipulate information technology.

  108. The invention of the printing press led to the toppling of the Catholic Church as the supreme political power in Western Civilization.

    So the fact that advancements in science and technology are bad for Christianity should tell you something.

  109. Why don't you read Hypatia's writings?
    She did work on bisected conics in relation to the heliocentric model.
    If she lived, she would have confirmed it.

  110. 2:11 PM I can't, Christians burned all classical knowledge. What did she do hide it in her underwear drawer? This is a woman with male contemporaries who knew the same shit she did. Funny how the Christians didn't kill them all. This is jewwed up history, if this wasn't a woman you would have never known this person existed. You fall for it every time.


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