April 19, 2013

Foon1es FlopHouse Radio 2013.04.18

In a tumultuous week of world events. i bring you my hurried response - Flophouse Podcast 02. Hope you get something worthwhile out of it...less music too!

Foon1e's blog



  1. nice job, much improved from show #1 with it's sound level prob.

    Since you're critiquing messageboard comments, and IF you agree, next show I'd really like to see the xxx-TARD suffix so popular among the shills & trolls, shamed out of popularity. As a 'ridicule' gatekeeping gambit, it may or may not have carried some sting early on- but it's long since just gone ad-nauseum. The only 'value' it brings nowdaze is triggering an eye-roll from me and a skip to the next comment, coz the xxx-TARDer has shown their hand and their 'contribution' is ALWAYS a bust when such generic & worn-out 'ridicule' is all they've got.

    Fortunately it's usually in the first sentence that they poop out their ...TARD, saving me from suffering through the remainder of their spew.

  2. Was that Dwolf? I'm confused. LOL

  3. Good show. Keep em coming.

  4. Thanks for the feedback. Working on it.

  5. Too bad my parents didn't accept multiculturalism either, I might have gotten some better genes and i might not have been born with a lisp and a lower than average iq.

  6. Excellent show but your analysis of 'anarchy,' (a branch of liberalism or anti-statism which 19th century Jeffersonian individualism and 20th century post-Rothbard libertarian individualism also belong to, the political science and methods of becoming more and more 'de-centralized' or 'state-less') though certainly more intelligent than the buffoonish and worthlessly laughable dismissals of certain intellectual midget Mr-know-it-alls at certain gatekeeping toilets for troll-level non-thinkers, slogan-pushers, and wannabe party-line purgers, still stays only on the surface level.

    To understand liberalism, libertarianism and anarchy and why so many intelligent people tend to prefer it, you have to understand the concept of natural rights and its relation to human civilization and the creation of what is called wealth (that which did not exist before man created it by using reason to re-arrange the material universe to his benefit).

    The human brain, which at some point in ancient became capable of making the 'right choices' and creating wealth and later societies organized to create wealth does not develop at the same time in all human beings, not amongst those of different races and not in those of the same race. ONE monkey picks up the bone or new 'technology' (as in Kubrick's 2001) and uses it, the OTHERS then follow suit. This is the root of 'might-makes-right,' the 'leadership principle' which later developed into the 'aristocratic principle' and finally systems of 'natural rights' or 'protection-of-individual-rights-makes-more-might.'

    Similarly, 10 humans of the same tribe or race did not sit down in a cave one day and all spontaneously start to sharpen sticks together with a stone to create the 'wealth' of a more advanced weapon or technology, a spear they can chuck at an animal and which would result in having more food, etc. ONE human, for whatever reason being more intelligent than the rest at that point in time, does this by doodling around ON HIS OWN, in relative 'freedom' or 'leisure' and then THE OTHERS imitate him. This wealth represents MIGHT, because it results in PHYSICAL superiority over others and over the animal kingdom. In this way, primitive technology follows primitive technology and Might is created and little tribes and groups taking shelter behind that 'might.'

  7. (continued)

    The relatively small amounts of 'independence' from the tribe needed to create new 'wealth' at this stage of human development is taken for granted instinctually by the tribe. There are no coded or written down 'laws,' but there is already even at this primitive stage a tribal understanding and operative 'natural' law. The person that creates the new wealth or weapon is not always the PHYSICALLY STRONGEST but STRONG ENOUGH to have enjoyed the few moments of 'statelessness or freedom from the tribe' to THINK and create what was not there before but now, AS A RESULT OF THAT THINKING, is there in his hand. The FRUIT OF HIS LABOR is in his own hand first and belongs to him first before being copied by the tribe.

    The fruit of his own labor in his own hand MAKES HIM STRONGER THAN THE REST for a temporary period, until OTHERS REALIZING THIS, COPY HIS INVENTION, monkey-see-monkey-do, gain similar strength and equalize strengths and bring about the 'norm.' After a certain stage, you have MANY INDIVIDUALS within the tribe, all at the same time, DEVIATING FROM THE NORM and creating wealth and technology of different kinds, ALL REPRESENTING NEW MIGHT but not of the same level of strength or quality.

    When a guy is working on his 'wealth creation' and another guy goes and knocks him on the head and kills him and prevents him from doing his work and benefiting the tribe, he better have plenty of strength behind him and plenty of his own 'benefit' to offer or the other members of the tribe will not stand for it. Therefore, primitive tribes learn to leave certain people (not everyone but does who have proven that they can do something) alone for longer and longer periods because they instinctually sense that leaving them alone creates more might and wealth for the tribe. They instinctually sense that 'the common interest' will MORE LIKELY THAN NOT be served through 'the individual self-interest.' After all, don't they want new things created that were not there before that they can all play with ? Yes they do.

    So gradually, through this process, more and more people are left alone for longer and longer periods of time in order for the individual family units and then the tribe to benefit until a system of oral laws develops in that tribe or primitive 'society.' These oral laws create a certain level of harmony, barter and trade amongst the people of the tribe and then amongst the various tribes, etc. and eventually become the root of the first natural rights that actually get written down. The harmony of all of these societies is broken, from the beginning, by those who are lazy and do not create but HAVE STRENGTH THROUGH ADVANCED CAMOUFLAGE, or the PARASITES.

  8. (continued)

    Parasites or those who do not create, but TAKE BY FORCE OR FRAUD, that which others created. Parasites LEARN TO WAIT until those who create have brought new wealth into being before commencing their plunder. They commence their plunder by various of forms of direct or indirect BRUTE FORCE, or what is called INITIATION OF FORCE. In order to do this, they have to join together with other parasites (or freeloaders) in A GROUP and PRETEND TO BE FOR THE 'GOOD' by giving FRAUDULENT REASONS' of their intention to 'benefit the tribe.' In reality, they are only benefitting themselves AND THE MANY OTHER PARASITES ALLIED WITH THEM, by taking what is not rightfully theirs and which they would otherwise have to trade for fairly through wealth creation of their own. In this way, they encourage more and more parasites to join their team, and plunder the producers. The more parasites and freeloaders that overtake the society, the sooner it rots and disintegrates until the entire civilization is destroyed and the process has to begin anew.

    Now, at this point the critic of Libertarian or Anarchic theory might say, 'well, how about when the producers are also part-time hypocrites and parasites themselves?" Well, that is precisely the point. Once the false principle that 'the group has rights' (rather than individuals within each group) is introduced or that IT IS THE GROUP'S RIGHT TO INITIATE FORCE against the individual who HAS NOT DEMONSTRABLY HURT, either physically or psychologically, other individuals or groups of individuals in that society through force or fraud-initiation of his own, then THAT'S when the door is opened to institutionalized parasitism and plunder and more and more part-time producers and part-time plunderers.

    By introducing the false collectivism of saying that simply 'remaining an individual creator' or 'not sharing with parasites' that which you have earned through individual work and individual initiative and have every (natural) right to is wrong, you're already headed towards barbarism. No one is preventing you from CONVINCING to the best of your ability or selling the producers on the long term interests of their society or race being of far greater importance to themselves than other less narrowly conceived interests. Convincing and salesmanship is not initiated force or fraud, FALSE ADVERTISING is. The most gigantic fraud of history, of course, the uber-fraud is that of USURY and that is sold through the FALSE AND ABSURD BELIEF of entire societies of people that somehow COUNTERFEITING of wealth that does not exist can magically produce more aggregate wealth than is otherwise possible.

    The collectivist principle says that INSISTING ON EQUAL AND FAIR VALUE IN TRADE with the creation of other individuals is already an 'offense' of 'greed,' and vague 'egotism' and 'selfishness' against a mystical super-entity called 'society' or 'the common good' IRRESPECTIVE of any demonstrable damage to the individuals that congregate to form that very group of 'common interests' of beneficial social relationships or 'society,' THAT false outlook is what allows the parasitical instincts of all free reign to grow into an epidemic of 'dog-eat-dog.'

  9. (continued)

    So the root of all of it morality. If a human action taken or something created out of that specific action and not another creates wealth that is 'good' for the individual or healthy for the individual who made that choice and appreciated by his mates who imitate him, then that choice is repeated over and over again and called the 'right choice.' That 'right choice' and the 'moral choice' are one and the same. The very space required for the ability to make this 'right choice' as opposed to the 'wrong choice' is where the concept of 'freedom' or 'individuality' originates from and the concept of natural rights also stems from.

    You cannot FORCE that which benefits someone down his throat. He has to FREELY choose it himself. The very initiation of force or introduction of sadism into the equation is not different in principle than that of the indirect force or FRAUD used in brainwashing through small, imperceptible steps entire societies of individuals and FORCING the wrong choices which hurt them down their throats. The very illusion created by the false principle that you can FORCE that which benefits a person down his throat 'for his own good' is what also allows FORCING that which hurts people down their own throat 'for their own good.'

    Protection from evils of 'freely hurting yourself' becomes the reason for FORCEFULLY shoving your benefit down your throat. The right of SELF-DEFENSE against initiated force and fraud is confused deliberately with INITIATED BRUTE FORCE posing as SELF-DEFENSE, the defense of mystical entities called 'society,' 'country' or 'race' which are somehow magically NOT comprised of individual human beings but are a 'super-entity' of their own all individuals should be sacrificed to at every turn. In reality, of course, this super-entity is just the cover behind which the parasitic elite 'do-gooders' of that 'society' or 'race' hide behind in order to plunder the producers out of their natural rights and their inalienable ability to make FREE CHOICES. Choosing to follow a CODE OF MORALITY which collects those free choices of the past that have resulted in wealth creation and benefit to both body and soul and therefore are now considered RIGHT or 'moral' actions can therefore only be YET ANOTHER FREE CHOICE made by the individual. The very forcing of morality negates the phenomenon of 'morality' at its root because it NEGATES FREE CHOICE.

  10. (continued)

    Anarchy is not 'chaos,' anarchy is perfect equilibrium through adherence to the correct principles or NATURAL LAW, similar to that of a human organism in peak health, an organism whose signals are not jammed by pharmaceutical drugs by the initiation of the 'force' of toxicity and disequilibrium into the system through parasitic substances and parasitic organisms. If you disturb the equilibrium of your body by feeding it THE WRONG PHILOSOPHY (in the form of toxic religions or 'wrong choice' and 'bad for you' immoral decisions connived through allegorical con-jobs that exploit the very desire to 'do good' by substituting a counterfeit 'good' for the real 'good'), the wrong foods, by lack of exercise, by feeding it toxins and drugs, by making incorrect, wrong and hurtful decisions, your body will let you know by losing that equilibrium, through pain, nausea or disease. If you ignore those you will deteriorate and die. True freedom is a hard discipline requiring eternal vigilance and always has been, it has very little to do with false libertinism of hedonism. Libertinism and hedonism are counterfeit funguses cushioned by collectivist nanny states that grow in the absence of true freedom, NOT because of it.

    The common misconception is that a stateless society or that of an-archy is one of NO CENTRALIZED LEADERSHIP or MULTIPLE CONFLICTING PRINCIPLES. This is not true. There is only one principle of 'natural law' and that is the freedom to make free and unimpeded choices of 'right' and 'wrong' and derive the benefits and suffer the consequences. There is no such thing as a human social unit without inequality and without LEADERS and FOLLOWERS. Even identical twins that do almost everything together and in the same way become unequal when having to inevitably deal separately to some extent with a non-identical outside environment.

    Leaders have strength and all strength is at bottom based on the ability to use brute force, to use the might which initially conquered the very decision-making space needed to make 'right' and then instituted the concept of 'rights' simply because it resulted in far more might than ever before. MIGHT or strength or health of one form or another was always the deciding factor in what was al-lowed. So the society of the most unbeatable reserves of available BRUTE STRENGTH is developed through the SELF-DEFENSE against the very initiation of an earlier, more inferior stage of that same brute strength by parasites against producers. So, in other words, a healthy society can exist only to the extent that its IMMUNE SYSTEM is functioning and this immune system or self-defense mechanism of the entire society is itself strengthened only by individuals who are free to discipline or disciple themselves after whoever they choose.

    So an anarchic libertarian society is not a society where 'everything goes' and 'chaos rules' but a society of calibrated equilibrium that is not coerced but consented to, a society where only one principle rules and there is only one wrong: initiation of force or fraud and only one absolutely necessary and vigilant use of FORCE, that of defending against, the initiation of force or fraud. Your rights end where mine begin, it's as simple as that.

  11. (continued)

    Who defends the individual's natural rights against force or fraud in an anarchic society in the absence of a formal 'state' funded by coerced taxes violating the very principle the society is based on that of the no initiation of force ?

    Does the family unit disappear ? No.

    Do leaders within the family disappear ? No.

    Do leaders outside the family disappear ? No.

    Do large groups that believe in the principle of non-initiation of force against the individual exist ? Yes.

    Do lawyers exist ? Yes.

    Do natural rights lawyer's organizations that believe in the simple principle of the non-initiation of force exist ? Yes.

    Do police and security forces and companies that compete with each other to offer better and better services of protection against those who might seek initiate force exist ? Yes.

    Do outlaw groups that want to initiate force and violate rights and be parasites and freeloaders exist ? Yes.

    Can corrupt security forces that start initiating force instead of protecting against the initiation of force exist ? Yes.

    Will any of these outlaw forces be in the majority when compared to proper forces that seek to offer value in the protection of THE VERY PRINCIPLE THAT BUILT THE SOCIETY ITSELF ? No, they will be in the minority and always remain the minority because the society is organized to protect THAT which gives it strength and it is the extent of the protection of the individual's natural rights against force and fraud which GIVES IT THE MOST STRENGTH.

    To say that a society organized on the principle of vigilant self-defense against initiatory force gives free reign to Jews to practice the UBER-FRAUD of usury and the myriad of other fraudulently malicious deceptions and criminal acts funded and supported by the very existence of usury and legalized counterfeiting is absolutely absurd.

    Collective action remains the principle of self-defense in this society. The collective 'realities' of race, whatever they are, are subordinate to the individual human being. You are free to preach and proselytize all you want; you are NOT free to force your own choices on others, you are not free to initiate collective force against individuals, but you are FULLY FREE to discriminate against anyone and everyone you don't like or don't approve of, on your own property, based on your own judgment and enjoy the benefits or suffer the consequences.

  12. "It is a notorious fact that the morality of society as a whole is in inverse ratio to its size; for the greater the aggregation of individuals, the more the individual factors are blotted out, and with them morality, which rests entirely on the moral sense of the individual and the freedom necessary for this. Hence, every man is, in a certain sense, unconsciously a worse man when he is in society than when acting alone; for he is carried by society and to that extent relieved of his individual responsibility. . . . Any large company composed of wholly admirable persons has the morality and intelligence of an unwieldy, stupid, and violent animal. The bigger the organization, the more unavoidable is its immorality and blind stupidity. Society, by automatically stressing all the collective qualities in its individual representatives, puts a premium on mediocrity, on everything that settles down to vegetate in an easy, irresponsible way. Individuality will inevitable be driven to the wall. This process begins in school, continues at the university, and rules all departments in which the State has a hand. In a small social body, the individuality of its members is better safeguarded; and the greater is their relative freedom and the possibility of conscious responsibility. Without freedom there can be no morality." ~ Carl Jung (from The Relations Between the Ego and the Unconscious, p.169)

  13. Anon, I have't read your long spew, I'm more interested in hearing if Foon1e hails from Northampton as he sounds a lot like whispering 'bob harris'.


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