April 03, 2013

Lugh's Den 18 - 2013.04.03

Kyle Hunt returns to the Lugherbunker for a discussion on strategic warfare and the philosophy of warfare.



  1. I didn't listened this show. Was Loog drunk again? If not, forget it.

    I demand entertainment!

  2. Andre from total fascism is going to be a new ally? Could you think of a more divisive person to entangle yourself with?

    I have listened to renegade from the start and Andre does not seem to share Mike sledges ideology. KYLE, who knows? Maybe just a opportunist sell out?

    You folks are about to enter a den of vipers. But you know that already don't you?

    Ask Andre what he thinks about national protectionism? He is nothing more than a hit piece artist and I'm sure you renegades are going to find that out.

    Remember that getting in bed with Andre is getting in bed with ADLaney.

    Good luck

  3. Is national protectionism fascism?

  4. Wigger Andre and kike delaney? Count me out. Renegade makes it easier and easier to see theyre a jewish operation everyday.

  5. Andre was actually coming on for a debate maybe I should have been clearer.

  6. Good show Lugh and Kyle ,

    Andrew might not be the best the best ally. It's your choice,

    Some advice don't threatened revolution against the US government and detail what you are going to do. Not a good idea.

  7. None of this will ever happen here.I remember the Revolutionary Communists talking like this back in the 80's.I told them they were out of their minds and I will say the same to you guys.The difference is that now the population has put on about 50 more pounds and are drugged up big time.How many countries have been destroyed in the last ten years ?Comparing Spartacus to this war machine is quite humorous.Better just get back to basic educating the advanced masses which are quite small in number or virtually non existent.Enough nonsense about warfare strategy.Grow up.

  8. Lugh is going to get sent to Japan like Tom Cruise so he can be The Last Samurai :o)

  9. War is already being waged upon you, whether you like it or not. Now what do you want to do about it? I suggest you man up and start thinking like a warrior.

  10. There is a rabbi sitting in a dark room hunched over tapping his fingers together and saying in a malevolent voice "EXCELLENT"

  11. Political war is the only war that can be waged at this point sonny and that is through the education of the masses.Debating that issue is fruitless. Even the N.S.D.A.P.,whom you are so fond of,did not wage an actual war on the system.It would have been suicide.After a couple of decades of organizing and also having state power and a powerful military,they were defeated.Since that time the enemy has only gotten stronger.We have gotten weaker.

    Get off the macho bullshit and use your head.You ain't Chairman Mao with the backing of big international corporate jew money.And you ain't a guerilla.You are an intellectual.And so are the vast majority listening to your message.The war on us was declared at the signing of the Constitution.We were defeated under the watch of the enemy by Abraham Lincoln.Picking up the gun will lead to a mass slaughter.It is that simple.Fight smart.They have a 250 year advantage and their agenda has back up plans in case we feel frisky.There is no military solution to this mess period.The enemy must be exposed and hopefully the people will take it to the streets as things sharpen up.Then the real work will begin depending on how diligently you have studied.

  12. You know deep down there is no defeating them on the battlefield Kyle.Return to your reason which has taken momentary leave and think about it.Now cut the shit out. Get back to what you do best and that is education,agitation,and propaganda.

  13. People need education on military tactics, as they are being employed against our people, and there is certainly an "infowar" taking place. This study is essential.

  14. Andrew Anglin is forming a new political party. The working name is "Monkey Faces United for Fascism".

  15. Anon 1:44,
    these are people who are proud of being drunk on air. Anyone that listens to this for more than a bit of 'light' entertainment has issues.

  16. You will not admit that you made a mistake in judgement will you Kyle ?

    To promptly admit when one is wrong is the real man-ing up !

    People do not need education in military tactics.They may need education in "street theatre tactics" however.

  17. What is this, dungeons and dragons?

    LARPing fo victory! Sad thing is that most "white NS" are never gonna organize, they're heads are too deep down in their own assholes.

  18. "Street theatre" can work out only in big cities like Jew York or Los Jewngeles, but these are already overtaken by liberal hordes.

    Rest of America is unfit for street action, because it's streets are designed for cars, not for people.

  19. Why should anyone care about warfare? We all need to be guerrilla gardeners and home brewers. That will be the path to victory.

  20. At least Renegade is raising the right issues. How to go about trying to sort them out will only come out of much discussion and bandying round ideas - that's the way I viewed this particular show. It is thought provocation. Anyone who thinks this kind of discussion is an actual call to arms is I think reading way too much into it or just a plain & simple shit stirrer (they seem to outnumber the intelligent here).

    If you're looking for pure entertainment though Mami's has provided links to Rense's show here so you can get your fill of UFOs, Fukushima radiation reports (I hear it's reached the moon now) and batshit crazy english remote reading fools!

  21. To Silver Dusk,
    I suggest that you listen again.They were talking about the objective conditions as it applies to warfare today.Obviously you have selective hearing, which given the broadcast,I do not know how that was possible. They were very clear in their intent.No shit stirring necessary.

  22. Lugh and Kyle, i serously suggest
    that you organize a small white nationalist rally, that itself will recruit more serious suppoters then any blogtalk broadcast. That will shut down negative comments, because people seem to be precautious and for a reason.

    You can talk the talk, but you also have to walk the walk.

  23. Anonymous said...

    Lugh and Kyle, i serously suggest that you organize a small white nationalist rally...

    I think if you go back to the previous report with Mike & Kyle they do actually discuss that very thing briefly ;)

  24. We have rallies and conferences on the burner. We hope to achieve this in due time.
    Keep up the support and we will be doing such things in the near future.


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