April 29, 2013

New Troll Policy at Mami's Shit

A unilateral decision has been taken regarding trolling of Fetch's Inside the Eye - Live shows:

1)  All comments of a personal nature forthwith will be deleted, as many of you have noticed.
2) You should troll using ONLY an "anonymous" tag.
3) Trolls who are identified will have 100 of your identified threads removed permanently as payment for being an asshole and trolling the Troll Slayer.

Word out.

Go Eff yourselves and your childish bullshit when it comes to getting in my face. If you are deleted from the comments section and just can't help being an asshole and are dumb enough to return to be an asshole - then welcome to being treated like an asshole.

Forthwith -

For every 1 identified trolling post aimed at The Fetch personally, 100 posts of any and all nature will be deleted as payment.

Other than this policy - you are free to troll like idiots in all other threads and we will continue to humor the fact that you enjoy playing in a grammatical sandbox and giggle like a bunch of gurgling idiots

JOHN SHOLTESHITSBlogger - the Snot Nosed Poster Child  Dumbfuck (John sholtes said...)

BloggerYou still have another 99.6 posts to go relative to the new policy - moving forward - your bullshit already has been removed as courtesy of your being a dumbshit and getting in my face with your bullshit....so make sure you don't waste your time and post really long threads.  I will be counting words.  All posts less than 100 words will be treated as 1/5 of a post...so that means for every 5 posts of 100 words or less, these will be count as 1 post.  
That means that if you want to remain here - you are also going to have to not post really really short posts either or be prepared to post around 500 shorts posts - which are going to be deleted.
You will get credit for posting more that 100 words as a single post and then when I do read it, it will be deleted.

I figured since your single line "oh he is a Jew" trolling bullshit was not worth being counted as a single post - hence your 100 word policy.

You smart enough to figure that out dumbF%$#?

This is my way of saying F&^% you for getting in my face and being a total jackass and loser.

Don't blame me because you are a total asshole and not quite intellectually gifted enough to figure out that targeting me personally with your misleading and poisonous bullshit was neither humored nor welcome.

Since you want to be an asshole you will be treated like one - at least your giggling anonymous gurgle friend was smart enough to be pathetic anonymous coward so he can hide like a slug under a rock before he got stepped on.

With warm and kind regards,

Troll Slayer


  1. Nice. Yeah, that Sholtes idiot has got to go.

  2. So this only applies to Fetch's broadcast ?

  3. Only Fetch's shows. Sholtshit and his buddy are tag team jackasses from Israel or at least the Tel Aviv School of Manners and Etiquette.

    Mami's is doing great now and can afford to lose a few of the Tel Aviv School of Etiquette jackasses now.

  4. Most of those jackasses like stoltes don't even listen to the shows they comment on!!!!

    Plus they are always off topic and make no sense.

    Tell you the truth the comment section here has become a big fucken joke.

    I bet it's only 3 to 4 people who is fucking it up for everyone else. Typical jew behavior.

    Ban there dumb asses, no one givies a fuck what they think anyways.

  5. Yeah - the reality is that it has become pretty insane - good for page views but Stoltshit seems to have a real problem with his dial being stuck on stupid.

    I mean - we try to allow "free speech", but when you have these gurgling idiots from the Tel Aviv School of Etiquette and Manners, what you tolerate is getting yourself abused by a group of gurgling idiots.

    What I never figured out was why Stoltshits and his jackoff buddy would come to the Inside the Eye - Live Show and say the exact same damn stuck on stupid line 4 weeks in a row - get deleted and still come back.

    Like - wtf? Stuck on stupid is a major understatement for these morons.

  6. Whatever they said must've hit a soft spot if Fetch is reacting this way.

  7. Good riddance to wannabe satanist.

  8. Whatever they said must've hit a soft spot if Fetch is reacting this way.

    It was nearly the exact same stupid as shit line every week posted right after the shows went up - which means that anyone WANTING to comment first had to wade through a couple of stuck on stupid jackasses.

    And their clearly Tel Aviv School of Etiquette and Manners (teenage Jewish jackasses) has gotten way out of hand.

    I am thinking of being Jewish like they accuse me of and changing that 60 number to 6 million!


  9. For the purpose of this thread - be clear on who "he" is -

    Stoltshit is a stuck on stupid idiot.

    "He" is not being clear and others can read into words what is not there.

  10. I found 3 more threads of Sholtshit - but they are not counting toward the 60 deletions he has remaining...

    Feel free to post here when and if this jackass decides to post moving forward -

    We will sweep out the Tel Aviv trained trash at the earliest...

  11. HAHAHA!!!! This is great!!!

  12. HAHAHA!!!! This is great!!!

    Indeed it is! Imagine 6-10 years ago and Jews played both aisle - they trolled to get people riled up and then their Jew admins deleted people who bought the troll bait.

    Now we have our own audiences and can treat these Tel Aviv trained trash as they have treated others for so long.

    Can you imagine Mr Stuck on Stupid Sholtze just asking to get into a war with the Troll Slayer?

    Where is all that bullshit you were saying again, Mr. Sholtzeshithead?

    What is that about Jew this and Jew that Mr Tel Aviv trained trolling jackass?

  13. The problem with Jews is and has always been - they mistake tolerance for weakness.

    They mistake acquiescence with acceptance.

  14. I have changed my mind. After going back through 2000 posts and seeing how this Snot Nosed Poster Child operates - the number has been reverted back to 100 posts moving forward.

    The stuck on stupid buffoon has posted 2 posts of like 10 words each for a total of 2/5 of a post -

    That mean the moron will be let free as Sholtzeshit persona after another 99.6 posts.

    I better go get some more bullets for that troll slaying gun of mine...

  15. I'm confused. What in particular was he doing that was any worse then everyone else?

  16. I agree with this policy and think it should be expanded to other shows as well!

    I dont know what that SHOLTZ wrote but i can tell you that he is not even close to many braindead fucks that post here!
    Why MAMIs alowes comments that talk about someones children,wishing someones death,calling people niggers,shitskins and many other words without a LOGICAL CRITIQUE its unclear to me!THATS ABUSE OF FREE SPEACH!
    I also think that many of those are operating out of israHELL!!

    Its ok to have critique and not agree with someone but to spew all this hate and filth is just silly and SICK!

    I started to think that MAMIs is a operation of its own with a goal to destroy many ligitimate researchers and hosts!

    I do not necesary agree with most of the shows but i would never troll and write bull shit abouth someone!I just dont listen to the shows i dont like,its so easy!

    I sugest you do something or this site will destroy it self!


  17. I'm confused.

    It is ok.

    The parties involved understand precisely the game in play and that is what is at issue.

    Move along and never mind...it is not that important really - just sweeping out some of the trash that was being put in front of my face.

    It wreaked, though - sorta like a pair of 6 week old jock straps that a couple gay football players were saving for each other as part of their mating ritual.

  18. Sholtes is an anti-christian bashing satanist troll, so fuck him. For all i know he could be an old jew trolling for a living.

  19. I also think that many of those are operating out of israHELL!!

    I do not have any editorial control over the other threads. However, I will extend my editorial to include those who are willfully and maliciously abusive in my threads.

    That is the message to be gotten out to this Tel Aviv School of Etiquette trash.

    I do not necessarily agree with most of the shows but i would never troll and write bull shit about someone!

    It takes a special breed of stuck on stupid brain cells to join the Tel Aviv Trained Trolling Club, that is for sure. Generally you need to have the manners and people skills of a monkey - and even monkey's often possess better manners than this level of trash.

    I suggest you do something or this site will destroy it self!

    This is just the first salvo in that effort -

  20. For all i know he could be an old jew trolling for a living.

    The thought crossed my mind...

    Could be a teenage or college age genius. The thought crossed my mind. Some of them are paid by the post to it is best to simply eliminate the posts as a pure hedge.

    If - and we do not know - but IF their is a pay for post arrangement or some other form of payment based on effort, the income stream will not be easy here.

    They will have to post anonymously...

  21. so fuck him

    My sentiments - for other reasons wholly unrelated to yours.

  22. 3:33 PM Ive heard him say he was retired, so i figured he was old, but yes some of his comments are very vulgar, where he espouses killing christians and anybody who opposes satan as god, I mean if it sounds like a jew then it must be one, know what I mean.

  23. Ive heard him say he was retired, so i figured he was old,

    Retired - from the IDF maybe? He can still be young then - but who knows - these fools live their lies as if they mean something.

    yes some of his comments are very vulgar, where he espouses killing christians and anybody who opposes satan as god,

    Most likely mis-direction and just a front...then you would see some tidbits are are pure Jewspeak -

    I mean if it sounds like a jew then it must be one, know what I mean.

    Yeap -

  24. Can't you just say limit posts from a particular IP to something like 5 every 24 hours?

  25. Can't you just say limit posts from a particular IP to something like 5 every 24 hours?

    Not that I am aware of and really, it is not the intent here to limit anyone.

    However - when special circumstances arise I guess we have no choice but to deal with them as special cases...

  26. Love the proactive approach to dealing with these cretins. If there was ever someones attention they didn't want, It IS the Troll Slayer. Mop the floor with em' Dennis

  27. Just to clue you guys in as to why this thread exists - here is an example of one of the private threads from these people and of course I knew this was prevalent - which is why action was being taken -

    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:33:39 AM): like the colonic
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:33:54 AM): and people tend not to take well to tyrants
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:34:27 AM): control freak piece of shit
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:34:33 AM): have it out in public
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:34:37 AM): but you dont have the balls
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:34:58 AM): because you dont want your ass whoopin to be publicly viewed
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:35:31 AM): and no, you psycho egomaniac, I am not the goddam mossad, hasbarat or whatthefuckever crazy shit you dream up
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:36:10 AM): how is someone going to threaten violence over the computer you dumbass?
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:36:18 AM): Im talking whooping your ass intellectually
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:36:32 AM): given the fact that you missed that, proves your stupidity
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:37:19 AM): you crusty old piece of shit
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:37:43 AM): nobody wants to beat up old geriatric people
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:38:10 AM): whiney yenta
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:38:25 AM): hiding behind your ban hammer
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:38:31 AM): like the pussy that you are
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:38:57 AM): just like your fag friend Alex
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:39:18 AM): you are truly retarded
    anon-1 (4/30/13 12:41:54 AM): kike shill

    Funny to watch people blame others for an action they brought upon themselves...you simply could not leave these type of people alone because they would not let you...

  28. You are most likely correct about the Satanist false front thing. I'm certain that he doesn't believe anything he espouses. He is just here to start s**t.

    This other character on Renegade on Saturdays is doing the same thing that Sholtes was trying to do.

    He is trying to weave this little web of "Satanism is allied with Paganism", which is ludicrous. Satan is an Abrahamic concept that has nothing to do with Paganism.

    So you can see that what they are doing is to distort the facts to cause confusion. It could be about anything, frankly. Tel Aviv tactics 101. By way of deception...

  29. He is just here to start s**t.

    Yeap. There is a level of intellect used in this efforts. In the case of this one - lots of verbiage, taunts and soft assaults all over the place. The logical conclusion is we witnessed someone just wanted to cause s**t - or is desperate for attention - but I lean to the former.

  30. Post another John Kaminski article and weed them out.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Sorry Diceman -

    Hit the wrong button. I prefer to keep it in perspective. The offending parties sought to elicit a reaction from me. When they were not happy with the initial reactions, the persisted in their activities and have since been neutralized as is my right.

    There is no reason to allow this type of trash into your house on a daily basis and for now - they will be eliminated well into the intermediate future.

  33. RE:
    Comment deleted

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    April 30, 2013 at 3:10 AM

    WTH, that was my comment, which I put time & thought into! (short version: I'd tolerate Mami's requiring blogger handle registration if it helps reclaim the boards from the TARD-tard "WN" hasbarats; even though it would silence me here, coz I don't trust google.gov)

    ?!? Twas a thoughtful & respectful comment !?!

  34. I love the smell of burning trolls in the morning!

  35. And Sholtze flakey -

    The same comment posted in multiple threads will be viewed as spam and removed without counting towards your probation...

    Which means that your last piece of spam put into Renegade and Realist report - identical words for two threads - was nothing but spam.

    Thanks for playing and working so hard - carry on.

  36. Madness. It's spreading like a wildfire.

  37. Got a nice breath of fresh air - sweeping out all that trash.

    What did they say again?

    Oh well. Must not be too important...

  38. "He continued, accusing the Jewish people of harming their relations with Poles.

    “The Jews have a problem because they are convinced they are the chosen people.

    They feel that they are entitled to interpret everything, including Catholic doctrine. They will always criticize whatever we did or will do. It will never be enough, it will always be wrong and not generous enough. I am convinced that there is no point in a dialogue with the Jews, because it leads nowhere,” said Jasiewicz."


    Typical jewish hypocrisy, besides the insane holocaust narrative.

    The Pole is absolutely right, but is still a hypocrite himself.

    Fetch, these people suffer from a mental disease, artificially induced by their scribes.
    They expect every body else to be insane as well, and if he refuses to b insane, he will either end up in front of a jewish inquisition and put in jail, or in a jewish run mental institution. Or he ends up having an accident, I forgot this approved cult practice.

    The jews fight a war against us and even criminalize any criticism on them in Europe. This war is fought on physical and spiritual level.
    It is time we realize the all out war waged on us and strike back.

    I don't like the typical jewish ban practice, but I welcome that people from Tel Aviv or New York suffering from the mental disease are banned. They are drafted as front soldiers by the criminal cult.

    Greetings from Europe, and let them cry wolf.


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