April 17, 2013

Reconstructions Special Report with Mike Sledge 2013.04.15

The Family Circle

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Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism



  1. Fuck protectionism and fuck rentagays!

  2. Join to the mighty white brotherhood of alcoholics, race mixers and WoW playing satan worshippers!

  3. THE christard spammer strikes again!
    He sure showed us guys, time to pack it up.
    It's been a good couple of months..

  4. Looks like these no-life retarded trolls made it here first. *troll spray

    Anyway, great show yet again.

  5. Preach on, brother Lube!

  6. THE christard spammer is a rotting hunk of kosher meat sitting behind a semen-covered keyboard. Don't take him seriously. Be careful though, he might call you a gaytheist.

  7. 7:34 PM Word from a gaytheist.

  8. What the fuck is the picture of a great Christian leader doing on your podcast? Get it the fuck off of there now. That man would have had every one of you scumbags shot.

  9. It must be tough having to keep minmizing your child porn to scour mamis for anti-jewsus material to troll, huh christard spammer?

  10. 7:51 PM You better watch out with the name calling and baseless accusations, you might hurt somebody's feelings.

  11. All Sledge broadcasts go so far, then they give up the ghost. WHAT IS GOING ON?

  12. I thank Mike for bringing us real history and a real education.Fuck these trolls Mike.Keep doing what you do.

  13. Should i join the klan now or wut?

  14. DikeWedge RebelsLoverApril 17, 2013 at 10:12 PM


    Whites Unite!!!

    These drunken dungeons and dragons players will lead us to victory!

    Hail Odin, Heil Satan, Heil Santa!

  15. Heil Rabbi Jesus! King of the Jews!

  16. The thing is I like some of the info Lugh has put out destroying Christianity, you got that right, so did Nietzsche.

    Some of Kyle's ideas aren't bad I wish he would do a show like he was talking about on the Jewish act of circumcision, I think circumcision is one of the major problems with Jews and in America as well. Psychological effects and the effect this has on relationships should be studied.

    What we have is someone in this movement that is trying hard to push this anti-racemixing agenda
    and maybe even an agenda of racial supremacy that has a Jewish kid, this guy has been compromised and obviously is now working against the movement in order to preserve the life of his little Satan spawn.

    Move on with this traitor and help bring in a wealth of good ideas that can help us defeat the enemy from all sides. Not just one.

  17. April 17, 2013 at 10:36 PM

    Puke hasn't got any info, he quotes cultural marxists and kike lefties, because he knows how to use cut and paste.

    These guys remind of kike rock stars like KISS or Marylin Manson who also waved their nazi symbology for spreading their vicious satanist ideology.

  18. If you like Nietzsche, you should be worshiping jews, pure tribal survivalism and domination, by any means necessary.

    God gave us Jesus Christ and you rejected him. Maybe your descendents will have more sense.

  19. “Let us face ourselves. We are Hyperboreans; we know very well how far off we live. 'Neither by land nor by sea will you find the way to the Hyperboreans'—Pindar already knew this about us. Beyond the north, ice, and death—our life, our happiness. We have discovered happiness, we know the way, we have found the exit out of the labyrinth of thousands of years. Who else has found it? Modern man perhaps? 'I have got lost; I am everything that has got lost,' sighs modern man. This modernity was our sickness: lazy peace, cowardly compromise, the whole virtuous uncleanliness of the modern Yes and No. … Rather live in the ice than among modern virtues and other south winds! We were intrepid enough, we spared neither ourselves nor others; but for a long time we did not know where to turn with our intrepidity. We became gloomy, we were called fatalists. Our fatum—abundance, tension, the damming of strength. We thirsted for lightning and deeds and were most remote from the happiness of the weakling, 'resignation.' In our atmosphere was a thunderstorm; the nature we are became dark—for we saw no way. Formula for our happiness: a Yes, a No, a straight line, a goal.”
    ― Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anti-Christ

    “This eternal accusation against Christianity I shall write upon all walls, wherever walls are to be found--I have letters that even the blind will be able to see. . . . I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough,--I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race...”
    ― Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anti Christ

    “Our age knows better.... What was formerly merely sickly now becomes indecent—it is indecent to be a Christian today.”

    Christianity is called the religion of pity. Pity stands opposed to the tonic emotions which heighten our vitality: it has a depressing effect. We are deprived of strength when we feel pity. That loss of strength which suffering as such inflicts on life is still further increased and multiplied by pity. Pity makes suffering contagious.1
    ― Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anti-Christ

    The Christian conception of God--God as god of the sick, God as a spider, Godas spirit--is one of the most corrupt conceptions of the divine ever attained on earth. It may even represent the low-water mark in the descending development of divine types. God degenerated into the contradiction of life,instead of being its transfiguration and eternal Yes! God as the declaration of war against life, against nature, against the will to live! God--the formula for every slander against "this world," for every lie about the "beyond"! God--the deification of nothingness, the will to nothingness pronounced holy!2
    ― Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anti-Christ

    The "bringer of glad tidings" died as he had lived, as he had taught--not to "redeem men" but to show how one must live. This practice is his legacy to mankind: his behavior before the judges, before the catchpoles, before the accusers and all kinds of slander and scorn--his behavior on the cross. He does not resist, he does not defend his right, he takes no step which might ward off the worst; on the contrary, he provokes it. And he begs, he suffers, he loves with those, in those, who do him evil. Not to resist, not to be angry, not to hold responsible--but to resist not even the evil one--to love him.5
    ― Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anti-Christ

  20. What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power in man, the will to power, power itself. What is bad? All that is born of weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome.
    The Antichrist (1888). Sec. 2

    As an artistic triumph in psychological corruption... the Gospels, in fact, stand alone ... Here we are among Jews: this is the first thing to be borne in mind if we are not to lose the thread of the matter. This positive genius for conjuring up a delusion of personal "holiness" unmatched anywhere else, either in books or by men; this elevation of fraud in word and attitude to the level of an art - all this is not an accident due to the chance talents of an individual, or to any violation of nature. The thing responsible is race.
    The Antichrist (1888). Sec. 44

    The God that Paul invented for himself, a God who "reduced to absurdity" "the wisdom of this world" (especially the two great enemies of superstition, philology and medicine), is in truth only an indication of Paul's resolute determination to accomplish that very thing himself: to give one's own will the name of God, Torah - that is essentially Jewish.
    The Antichrist (1888). Sec. 47

    "Faith" means not wanting to know what is true.
    The Antichrist (1888). Sec. 52

    Whatever a theologian regards as true must be false: there you have almost a criterion of truth.
    The Antichrist

    "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."

    The Dawn, Sec. 297

  21. God gave us Jesus Christ and you rejected him.

    The Kike god Yahweh gave us his son Yeshua and we rejected him?


    Don't you have a holy prepuce to go worship or something?


    The Holy Prepuce, or Holy Foreskin (Latin præputium or prepucium) is one of several relics attributed to Jesus, a product of the circumcision of Jesus.

    At various points in history, a number of churches in Europe have claimed to possess Jesus' foreskin, sometimes at the same time. Various miraculous powers have been ascribed to it.

  22. Lugh, prove that you are not circumcised!

    Show us your mighty sword!

  23. It's kind of funny. Lube fashions himself as an intellectual. I'll bet he doesn't have a skill or trade or degree of any sort, none of these scumbags do. They're all just internet trash.

  24. April 18, 2013 at 1:16 AM

    Thank Odin for Wikipedia!

  25. Lube has no problem with lack of formal education, because he's one of those "special" kids...

  26. There goes christard spammer, talking amongst himself as usual.

  27. You just broke your own record of idiocy level, Lewwwwb

  28. "At various points in history, a number of churches in Europe have claimed to possess Jesus' foreskin, sometimes at the same time. Various miraculous powers have been ascribed to it."
    Oprah's got it now!

  29. ChristardedSpammerApril 18, 2013 at 9:09 AM

    When my Savior Yeshua Moshiac returns, all you filthy Goyim will burn in a lake of FIRE !

  30. JIDFcentralcommandApril 18, 2013 at 9:25 AM

    Agent christard spammer, please report to the JIDF chatroom.

  31. Great quotes Lugh =) Hearing Nietzsche always makes me strive to find purpose to go on in this heap of garbage we call life.

    We have turned into a Democracy of a truth movement, we need a leader of humanity against the Jew. The 1st person that understands this will assume leadership and take us further. Innovation & new ideas are key and has been what has placed the leaders of history in their roles for ages.

    This movement is looking for a leader to unite humanity against it's greatest enemy. The Jew.
    Instead of putting words in each others mouths and bickering with one another let's work together and pass this parasite from the bowels of history.

  32. ChristardSpammersMomApril 18, 2013 at 1:23 PM

    Hey get out of your basement honey, when are you going to go outside and get a job for once, you don't want to end up like lube.

  33. THEchristardspammerApril 18, 2013 at 1:58 PM

    But mom, you got it all wrong. I really hate lube. Rabbi Yeshua Moshiach will return any second now. I have to warn the heretics about the lake of fire. Don't interrupt me anymore.

  34. Lugh, be a good little wanker and dont irritate the jews, otherwise they take away your food stamps and who pays your internet bills then? Then you have to go to flip burgers and you cant even fap to viking fanart at deviantart.

  35. Brilliant show and great education.The truth shall set you free.

  36. 2:41 PM The mighty pagan warrior Loogie loves his Viking Burgers! :)

  37. This such an informative post yet comments are infested by the chriateins.


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