April 14, 2013

Renegade Roundtable 2013.04.13

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  1. Boy's, you've been drinking again!

  2. Loogie, this is for you as a Putin fan;


  3. It's so funny to listen americans talk about foreign politics, like they have slightest idea whats going on behind their borders. It's hilarious! :D

  4. Can't stand these semi-drunk ramblings.

  5. Putin is a jew. Or just a jew puppet that wears yarmulkes.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Can't stand these semi-drunk ramblings.
    April 14, 2013 at 9:24 AM

    Why the fuck are you listening then idiot? Man you trolls are really showing just how extremely retarded you are lately...

  7. Says the guy with rectum in their name

  8. @ April 14, 2013 at 10:37 AM

    And your pitiful excuse for being here making inane troll comments is?

  9. Perhaps anti-christards should be a moniker given to those that can't restrain from pissing on christianity. Yes christianity is a psyop mind screw. But it is ingrained into white culture and history. In the incessant christian bashing by the usual suspects ie. Lugh:drunken rambling know it all that can't seem to shut up; Kyle:self professed sage of all things esoteric; and Dave: satanist charlatan guru wannabee; they create division and discord in the pro-white movement rather than benefiting it.
    Even after Kyle asks 3 highly esteemed academics their opinion of the nationalist approach to the subject of christianity, he continues to disregard their advise by denigrating christians since he naturally knows everything.
    Just how beneficial to Renegade's credibility is it to bash christianity while promoting satanism. You're acting like idiots. Grow the eff up and be mindful of the ideas that you are projecting.
    Kyle the hypocrite deletes and bans polite counterpoint debate in his little chat room. He can't handle it when anyone in the cause disagrees with him and seems incapable of point/counterpoint debate. Perhaps if you grow up and learn friendly debate you would have less trolls.

  10. Im not the same guy as the first "troll" comment. And I don't have to explain to a child why I come to this site and decided to point out the hypocrisy in your accusations of retardation. Are you having fun being the self-proclaimed "rectal" police?

  11. April 14, 10:14

    Is that you, Kyle Cunt?

  12. So did Kike Sledge finally answer if He would send his jew kids to Madagascar?

  13. Kyle is a ban happy hypocrite. These historically illiterate retards seem to forget that christianity preserved partially greco-roman cultural heritage (latin language, alphabet, calendar, architecture, laws, medicine, etc) Monastery schools, amazing medieval art and architecture, chivarly and so on.

    Without that there is very little from europeans to be proud of, if we dont include rape, pillage and human sacrifices of pagan cultures.

    Life is not black and white and it's certainly not a comic book fantasy a la vikings.

  14. Earth is Satan's Kingdom and jews are rulers of that kingdom as they made deal with the Devil (not Son Of God)

    If you are living sinful life, you'll have to make a deal with the jews.

    This is why they have all this power, becase there are so many sinners out there.

    Seven deadly sins are:

    Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

  15. @1:39 PM if what you say is true, it wouldn't suprise me one bit, after all we are living in the kali-yuga age.

  16. If Putin is a Jew why is he letting Assad crash on his boat?

    And Christianity didn't preserve Greco-Roman culture. Greco-Roman culture preserved itself despite the Christian hordes. They changed the calendar, they integrated hebraic laws, forbid most forms of medicine etc. They also burned libraries and anything in opposition to Christianity. Very few Christians sought to preserve the old ways but this was not the main Christian ethos which turned Europe into a hell on Earth for 1000+ years.

    What your citing about the denigration of the Pagan were written by Christians, who murdered any Pagan they came across. Hardly a great source.

  17. Anon @ 1:17

    Everything you just listed was created by pagans, then hijacked by jews and christians. Congratulations on being a historical dimwit.

  18. Anon @ 1:39

    Actually the whole solar system is Satan's kingdom, because Satan is the sun. The god of the jews and christians is yahweh. In conspiracy culture the jews have essentially paraded yahweh in satan's costume to confuse the goyim. So now you hate your true creator (sun/satan/odin) and turn to the jew god for salvation.

  19. When you surround yourself with yourself you end up talking to yourself. That's all these people are, some nutjob talking to himself.

    This is just a freak show, meant to discredit any real advancement in the struggle against jewry.

    I hope these people are jewish, if not, they're just really stupid.

  20. Lugh, so you think that jews dont control russia? Who did they hand the reins to after communism?

  21. yea Lube, so you dont think the jews control russia? Then Why wont they give east prussia back (Königsberg)back to Germany? and why don't they denouce the atrocities commited by reds against the german people? unless putin does a whole 180 change in the near future and totally goes against jewry, he's nothing more than a pawn.

  22. Satanism didn't exist until Jews created the figure as an antagonist and declared pagan gods as malevolent demons. Then come along idiot satanist declaring that Satan and demons are the good guys and evil is suddenly good. So satanist claim to embrace the labels the enemy of their people placed on their former gods. It's like blacks embracing the "n" word. It's an idiotic strategy, if it's even sincere. Why would anyone embrace a derogatory term created by their enemy to bring them down? Why not just go back to the original pagan gods? They avoid that issue since they really push a different agenda. Satanist are charlatans with an agenda. Evil is the inverse of live; they still dance around that trying to redefine the word. Yet we have idiots like crawdaddummy proclaiming "Hail Satan" along with Dave in Kyles little chatroom. Hell, Kyle even told Seigfried on air that he may be a Satanist. A network that seemed to have potential after dumping the rectal scum is falling into it's own stupidity.

  23. Putin's Support Gives Clout to Chabad Sect - Moscow

    Of all the strange relationships that define today’s Russia, few are stranger than the alliance between President Vladimir Putin and an ultra-Orthodox rabbi named Berel Lazar.

    Rabbi Lazar is a follower of Chabad-Lubavitch, a Hasidic sect based in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, that is on the fringes of mainstream Judaism. Its devotees are known for their love of the Rebbe, their late spiritual leader. Some even think he’s the Messiah.

    In Russia, the Lubavitch are not a marginal sect but a dominant force in Jewish life. Their leader, Rabbi Lazar, goes by the title of Russia’s chief rabbi and is viewed by many to be head of the country’s Jewish community.

    Thriving on Mr. Putin’s patronage, his organization, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, is now one of Russia’s leading charities, with schools, clinics, orphanages and community centers across the country. Some credit it with single-handedly reviving Jewish life in the Russian hinterlands.


    Vladimir Putin told me a personal story in the Kremlin


    Putin molests young boy in public.


    President Putin Awards Chabad Rabbi Gold Medal
    October 7, 2003

    In celebration of S. Petersburg’s 300th birthday, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin issued a gold medal award to the city’s Chief Rabbi and Chabad-Lubavitch representative, Mendel Pewzner. At a public ceremony last week Petersburg’s Mayor, Mr. Alexander Dmitreivitz presented Rabbi Pewzner with the award on behalf of President Putin.




    MOSCOW — In an extraordinary 40 minute meeting with Russian Jewish leaders yesterday (November 25), Russian Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin promised to assist the Jewish community in combating anti-Semitism, building schools and reclaiming former synagogue buildings for Jewish communities.


    Germany to pay $300 million more to russian holohoax extortionist jews.


    Misuse Of Memory: Chabad To Decorate Putin With Medal – AT AUSCHWITZ
    Russia’s Chabad Chief Rabbi and Mr. Putin’s favorite Court Jew Berel Lazar announced the most sickening public relations stunt I’ve ever seen:

    Russian President Vladimir Putin will be decorated at Auschwitz with the Salvation medal as a symbol of gratitude to the Soviet people for the liberation of the notorious Nazi death camp, Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar said Monday at a press-conference.


    Putin visits Western Wall

    Russian President makes late night visit to holy site, says 'Jewish past is engraved in Jerusalem stone'


    Путин и Берл Лазар - Putin lights menorah



  25. Is Renegay the new home For Satanism now. LOL!

  26. Since Satan("Ha Satan") is a Jewish mythological character found in the TANAKH, any kind of belief system built around this character is just more kosher certified bullshit.

    Think outside the Jew box.


  28. Well Kyle? Aren't you man enough to debate some of the above made points? I didn't think so. You prefer media where you can ban and delete at will. Truth is you are a narcissistic budding satanic guru wannabee, and many of your positions can't stand up to scrutiny; hence why you are ban crazed. Oh the hypocrisy! Can you taste that hypocrisy between the legs of Celtic Rebels ex-girlfriend? It's a bit odd that you find yourself living in her mother's house. Who are you to call anyone a parasite?

  29. Celtic Rebels ex-girlfriend? is she another greek midget, lol!

  30. Yes Renegade is home for Satanists. We have no churches financed by jews like you christards do. We have no radiostations sponsored by jews likd you jewdao christians do. We do not have the msm Fox jews with all their jewdao christards, we only get propaganda through your judao christard Hollywood movies, your jewdao christian militaries, JewWorld Order whose footsoldiers are the jew slave bondservants to your jewish wife jeazous and his jew gawd YAWEH. Thank you Dave from Texas for giving the Advoceries to the jews a radio show. Expect constant battering by the jewworshippers because it is their job to seve the jews.
    Satan forgive them for they are too stupid to know what they are doing.Channeling their psychic energy to the jews.

  31. No Churches built for Rentapagans? Hey you do know that your Church was a fkn tree!!!! There are plenty of trees around... Why aren't you rentapagans out there making a shrine? You can get all the wiccas to join you and have a big orgie.

    Or is it because this fantasy only exists on the internet? hmmm

  32. If Jews hate Christianity so much, why are all US Christian churches exempt from paying taxes to the Jewish controlled US Government?

    Explain that one, Christards.

  33. ^
    Because Jews are clever enough not to openly provoke a sleeping giant.

    A better question is why Jews spend big $ to produce all these pagan video games and movies.

  34. They make big money off them. And it channels their natural interests into a game instead of reality. Kind of like how christianity channels spirituality into retardation.

  35. If jews love Christianity, why isn't is mandatory in schools?

    Jews promote ideas because they like them, they tell you what to think, you pay them money for it, and you like it.

  36. Looks like the 12yr old jewish kids and the white trailer trash christards are trying to have a revolt in a cornflake box here LOL! What a bunch of morons if they think their comments actually affect anyone's opinions. Keep trolling dickheads! :D

    Anonymous said...
    Because Jews are clever enough not to openly provoke a sleeping giant.
    April 14, 2013 at 10:09 PM

    HAHAHAHA! Funny little alternative reality you're living in Cleatus :D

  37. Anonymous said...
    Are you having fun being the self-proclaimed "rectal" police?
    April 14, 2013 at 12:27 PM

    Yes :P

    Anonymous said...
    April 14, 10:14
    Is that you, Kyle Cunt?
    April 14, 2013 at 12:46 PM

    No :P

  38. Sometimes you must separate a philosophy such as Christianity from the people who practice it. Most Christians I know just want to be good people. They have been programmed with the same pro-Israel propaganda as the professed atheists.

    It only helps the Jewish cause to bash Christianity, because it is so connected to European cultural identity now. You need to educate people about history, the truth about religion; but you can't forget that people are emotionally attached to their beliefs, and name calling is not going to get them into your cause.

    You can talk about not wanting Christians on your side, but who is going to fight with you then?

  39. You can talk about not wanting Christians on your side, but who is going to fight with you then?

    Why would Christians "fight" with us? They worship the Jews as gods on earth, LITERALLY. They are commanded to do so by their Jewish written holy book, the TANAKH.

  40. Because Jews are clever enough not to openly provoke a sleeping giant.

    But wait, I thought Jews "hated" Christianity? If they "hate" it so much, why do they exempt Christian churches from paying taxes? That makes no sense, you stupid Christard.

  41. "but who is going to fight with you then?"
    Well the Nord guy from The Avengers movie, the dudes in Game of Thrones, the Rohirrim from Lord of the Rings, Olaf whatshisname from Skyrim: Elder Scrolls, Vagina Vikeness from exile, Lord Sholtes from the beach, and Master Lugh of the Microphone. Everybody is quaking in their boots.

  42. @7:26 PM SHOOT yourself in your fucking face kike sholtes, you satanist are a bunch of goat worshipping emos, nothing productive has ever come out of you degenerates, just ridicule and persecution. So keep on further dividing the "movement' with you satanic bullshit, your clearly an idiot with no life who just fantasies about persecuting christians all-day even though most of those christians are of white european heritage.

  43. Loogie is uneducated maoist clown.

  44. Greek and roman literature and philosophy preserved thanks to islam and christianity, because their religions is based on written texts. Monastery schools and libraries where only instititions in early middle ages who offered higher education.

    Who do you think destroyed ancient Rome? Not jews and christians, but pagan huns from Mongolia and China !

  45. Zap is also commie atheist.

  46. Retrogrades prefer wage a crucade against their fellow white agnostics and christians, because that is more interesting that unite in fight against international jew. Unfortunately their egos are too big for that conquest, since the blind fanatism. Also lack of deeper knowledge shows in every level.

    This is not national protectionism, this is World Of Warcraft fanclub.

  47. "Austerity creates men, prosperity creates monsters"

    When times gets tough, you need faith more then ever and i prefer christianity any day over some nutty cult what demands to sacrifice little children and virgins in full moon.

    Hell, if renegade boys is the best that white race got to offer, then maybe they deserve to die off, lol

  48. Anonymous said...
    Hell, if renegade boys is the best that white race got to offer, then maybe they deserve to die off, lol
    April 15, 2013 at 8:10 AM

    Spoken like a true jew ;)

  49. The literally retarded Christian hordes basically aren't smart enough to beat the Jews. Key word here is retarded.
    Those who refuse to read more then one book and refuse to recognize the natural world are only good for combat if you indoctrinate them since birth and spend a ton to train them.

  50. Rectal police is eighter Sig or Kyle, protecting their little Skyrim fanboys from hostile world, lol

  51. Amazing Atheist 2.0


  52. Who do you think destroyed ancient Rome? Not jews and christians

    Well of course you would say that, since you're a Jewdeo-Christard apologist.

  53. @1:55 PM and Im guessing your a Pagatard apologist who likes to brag how great vikings but you yourself are a swarthy sicilian! lol

  54. Anonymous said...
    Rectal police is eighter Sig or Kyle, protecting their little Skyrim fanboys from hostile world, lol
    April 15, 2013 at 9:36 AM

    Nope. You are very non-perceptive. Are you a christian?

  55. 8:20 PM Says the pathetic fag who links with a picture of a gay guy. Thats how you spend your time?? lol


  56. No Churches built for Rentapagans? Hey you do know that your Church was a fkn tree!!!!
    This from the anomous real jew above is a good point. But there is a real effort by jewdao christards to even go afer Our Sacred Oak trees.
    I worked for a Seventh day Advettist tree planting company planting loblolly pines for the paper industry. Our instructions were to kill all the Oak trees we came across to make room for loblolly pines.
    I always buried acorns whenever comming across Oaks. Didn't work the summer crew whose job it was to poison the Oak Trees.
    At the time I did not realize that they were just getting rid of Our churches to make paper trees to be used in printing bibles and christard filth around the globe. Now I know. We need to plant Oak Trees. Hail Oden cursed is the name jesus Maxine Dietrich is a Preistess and Satan embodies all Pagan Gods Hail Satan

  57. Mike da Kike Sludge is a fat Jewish turd. Alex Jones #2 and boy what a number 2 this guy is!

    Enjoying dividing the movement for your Jewish offspring while you can shill not even white-nationalists can put up with your divisive shit.


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