April 21, 2013

Renegade Roundtable 2013.04.20

The Cake-WalkLugh, Sledge, Dana and Eric.

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  1. And not a single christian was stirring!

    Death to all christians, gas them all!

    Hail Odin, Hail Victory!

  2. 2:04

    Damn right, brother! Let them suffer as they let pagans suffer! I would personally dig out my own grandma, rape her and throw her remains to dogs, this fuckin lutherian bitch!!!

  3. Lol, this is kinda gross, but you're right, fuck'em all! :D

  4. An all boy gang bang! Where's barney frank?

  5. Ed Chiarini told me that William Finck are the same person.
    They are both from the same town, habe the same nose and have the same speech impediment.
    Also Frank is a common Jewish anglicization of Finck.

  6. * that Chiarini and Finck are the same person!
    The devil got into me there lol

  7. * that Barney Frank want Bill Finck are the same person

  8. Jesus was jewish bastard and so where most of the whites who believed his bullshit!

    Fuck these white scumbags also, future is ours!

    Keep on the Good Fight, Renegade!

  9. Christians and national socialists are the worse cunts out there, catholic Hitler was such a loser, this fucking prick deserved his faith.

  10. "By defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
    Mr A Hitler

  11. yea totally, pagans invented civilisation, christard s invented shit Odin and Zeus can beat this jahve faggot any day fuck christianity!

    Christians are our main enemy we cant do anything against the jews, before we fuck all christians to our submission

  12. We would prefer if faggots, niggers, & wiggers didn't comment on our shows,


  13. Well the Christians never advanced society beyond that the pagan Romans and Hellenics had already built. In 1000+ years they were not able to do anything.

  14. wow what a bunch of racist inbreds, i just got into the truth movement thanks to 911missinglinks but im starting to wonder how much TRUTH there actually is here...

  15. 3:12 AM

    Mike you got to admit the christians are the problem, we cant hide from this questions, renegade knows the deal. Christian scum is main reason why we are in this shit today!!!

    Death to christianity!

  16. April 21, 2013 at 3:22 AM

    Renegade is not part of the Truth movement, they are not even antijewish movement, they are trashy bunch of alcoholics, mental patients and losers. you should go other sites if you want to keep your sanity! Do not make quick judgements!

    BTW Missinglinks was good documentary!

  17. 3:31 AM

    lol i bet youre one of thoese christian scumbags,, haha, educate youself about real history christianity sucks

  18. Christianity is deadliest mental diseases out there, it is the main reason why america sucks today.
    What we need is pagan/atheist revolution and we need to shuffle this shit the fuck out of here, including most pro-christian trash! Christianity is incurable metal disorder, i support antichristian eugenicism!

  19. gotta love the internet

  20. i sacrificed my dog today. it was great. i felt the power.

  21. Hitlers main problem was ignoring christian question thats why he lost. He was really partly christian and could not force himself to put all christian germans to camps, this was reason why Germany lost the war.
    Christian branwash machine is now at full force and look at our state today! Christian whites are gonners, fuck them all. We must not waste our energy to idiots, never accept christian to white nationalist movement. Never!

  22. Christians never accompished anything, Deleney is criminal scum and so are all his pals or whoever accepts christian values. Christian american-european is lost cause. Only paganism can save our movement, we are true elite of white people!

  23. Fuck yeah, if hitler would have just killed all the christians first we wouldn't be stuck with this shit

  24. 4:30 AM

    Hitler was himself half-christian, thats why he was really weakling and could not accomplish anything. Christianity is our problem.

  25. This comment section makes me want to vomit. Are these people really national socialists and white patriots?

  26. 4:40 AM

    christiards are back, HAHAHAAA!

    Go praise your scamming jew, fucking idiot.


  28. 4:47 AM

    Chechens are from Caucasus, ie they are caucasians and mostly muslims, they do not wirship the jew because they are not christian losers.

  29. 4:40 AM Its the Same Pagan Wanker thats typing all these anti-christian comments, the bastard will never accomplish nothing in his life, and just wants to fantasize about killing christians all day. How pathetic lol!

  30. i'm still wondering about hitler, he had blue eyes and shit but brown hair and he lost probably part nigger

  31. I would like to see that christian who would really solve the jewish problem. Thats right, there are none!

    There's your anser right there dude.

  32. 4:51

    Hitler was inbred redneck frim hills of austria and born loser, since his days from catholic school, where he got fucked in the ass by the white rabbis ie priests

  33. April 21, 2013 at 4:51 AM

    We know that is you again, christian spammer, not tired yet? Your bible is full of bullshit.

  34. any you niggers be rockin eminem no christard there nigger

  35. I found this site thanks to Mike Sledge show link, but looks like i'm in a wrong place after all.

  36. 4:59 AM

    You have to educate yourself about christian question man, there is plenty of good shows out here. Christianity is a mindfuck.

  37. fight the power niggas white devil used christianity to enslave us

  38. Yep agree. Hitler should've put every German Christian in a camp from day 1... or maybe just kill them because you can't trust them to work. After that, the world would've been easy to conquer. Wouldn't even need guns, just hand the pagan warriors some big hammers and Thor could've sent the lightning power into them.

    Then Himmler would do some chant in the woods and bring back a few ancient aliens from their base in Tibet and shit would get real.

  39. we ruled the world niggas we invented civilization in egypt niggas then the white devil came and stole it kill the white devil

  40. i think its pretty obvious these scumbags do this for a paycheck. they go out and publicly express hatred for pretty much everyone on the planet, because you're going to make a living that way, they dig up klassen, that guys original followers are mostly in prison.

    i would say the people who run this site are getting coin too "hey let's run a site with a common opponent, but we'll set up constant conflict"

    i just hope this scum gets double crossed, a prison term or a bullet

  41. These "Renagaders" can learn a few things about how to do a real April 20 Show. Rodney Martin's Special was the real deal, I loved hearing the old German Fraus who lived under Hitler and who still have the fighting spirit. If Renegade wants to do something real, they need to get Martin on their line up, he does some excellent stuff and hangs with the real people, but the problem, renegaders shit talk christians and Martin is some kind of ultra traditional lutheran like they had in Germany under Hitler I think, so the renegaders would kick him to the curb.

  42. useful idiots never think about what's going to happen when they are no longer useful
    I'd say these clowns are dead meat, they can't get out, they put their name and face on this horseshit, unless that's fake, anyone know these scumbags personally? probably not probably fake it's just all phoney as a 3 dollar bill

  43. i think rodney's a genuine person, these scumbags hate his guts, on his first shows here they were trying to say he was a negro or had downs syndrome, that's the kind of scum they are

  44. The truth will outApril 21, 2013 at 7:00 AM

    Haven't had time to listen to mike's show yet.

    What's the odds that his show doesn't make any mention of religion?

    Yet these comments are filled with Bolshevik mantras.

    Good to see that Jesus Christ and Hitler still has the power to scare the juwes to this day?

  45. Chechens are not only white people they are some of the toughest and rugged white people that exist..as sledge being from Ukraine should know this.

    .too bad they r not pagan. look up their president ramzan kadyrov and tell me how Mongolian he looks. Too bad Eric has to deal with ignorance.

    If they were Scandanavian pagans Sledge would be all over them.

    Look up their father anzor tsarnaev and tell me he's mongoloid

  46. Lugh shows up and Mikes like "uh huh....yeah....yeah....uh huh...right...." Sledge couldn't get a goddamn word in while Lugh drones on and on just to hear himself talk, pretending to be an expert on everything. I had to turn it off. Couldn't stand it anymore after 5 minutes of the Lugh turd.

  47. @April 21, 2013 at 5:41 AM
    I never heard the guys at Renegade say those things, but if that is true, they are total misfits and need to staick in their houses on wheels. Sledge is a jew racemixer, while Rodney has like 6 White kids with a white wife who he has been married with for like 20 years who is German and Scottish I think?? It was also said by Carolyn Yeager's that he homeschools his kids, so it looks like Rodney walks the walk while the Renegade drunks attacks the real people while they race mix and do all the jewish crap. Lets see Rodney and any Renegage-reject debate Rodney, it would not be a pretty sight.

  48. My jewdar is going beserk. Yes, Christians are the problem. Let's go after them and leave the Jews alone.

  49. You mustn't be as smart as the renegades. First we need to wipe out the Christians, then hand everyone left a comic book of Thor, a book by proud homo-sodomite Klassenshite, a few manuals by Alesteir Crowley on Satanism... and then we can beat the Jews.

    All heil Odin and Ashteroth.

  50. Anon @ 5:26

    Christard spammer, we all know youre the one getting the paycheck. And we all know youre the one making ridiculous comments about genociding christians because youre a jew and want to make paganism look evil.

  51. Lugh please listen to the show and see how your constant interrupting ruins the flow

  52. 8:30 AM Quit your fucking whining you sound like a little girl. There aren't any pagans here, who do you think you're fooling, just a pack of nihilist, anarchist scumbags, who need to be shot or put in prison.

  53. Lugh sidelined by audio problems = best roundtable yet.

  54. The interruptions on the roundtable shows are becoming unbearable (had to switch off) - other than that, enjoyed the information that was flowing for a short time, nice insights from the new guys.

  55. 10:28

    OK christard spammer

  56. Sledge is a jew racemixer, while Rodney has like 6 White kids with a white wife who he has been married with for like 20 years who is German and Scottish I think?? It was also said by Carolyn Yeager's that he homeschools his kids, so it looks like Rodney walks the walk while the Renegade drunks attacks the real people while they race mix and do all the jewish crap.

    Yeah, but Rodney Martin has a mild cases of Downs' Syndrome. And most of his kids do too.

  57. What is it going to take to humble Lugh?

  58. 5:41 AM Rodneys April 20th show was awesome.
    Most of these Scum bags who bash him here have NO LIFES, and must take out their Frustrations on others, they're pathetic people who love to bash christianity all day. But in the end of the day they're gonna do nothing, they're a bunch keyboard warriors who probably never left their moms basement and don't have families of their own.

  59. Chechens ARENT White, Just look at how mongoloid they look you tards, I have Friends in Russia, and Russians DON"T regard Them as white European. They're mongrel people.

  60. 7:21 AM Yea Rodney (Keltic/Germanic descent) and others like Mike delaney, are actually WALKING THE WALK, and not just spouting a bunch of rhetoric on how the white race is dying, like most these other clowns, who are just merely entertainers at best and probably can't even get white girlfriends and live alone at home. SLedge (jew kid) and Friend (Chinky kid) have good Info but they can't be leaders knowing that they both have mongrel kids, no one would take them serious regarding the preservation of the white race, same goes to scott roberts.

  61. 2:51 PM...what makes the Russians the ultimate judge of who is white? The Mongols ruled that area for 300+ years so their blood is in there....the Mongol and Russian princes used to intermarry with each other. Look at the father and stop being an idiot.

    Google search Anzor Tsarnaev and tell me is a Mongol.

  62. 3:10 PM, I said They're Mongrels with Mongoloid admixture you idiot, I've personally been to russia as well and seen many of these people, and they look like gypsies, different from the russian ethnic peoples!
    Not every russian is pure as well although, but theres also an animosity russians have with people of the chechnya and the caucasus, russian nationalist have been killing some of them as well.

  63. 2:47

    How can you live in your mother's basement if you don't have a family of your own?

  64. Hey- April 21, 2013 at 2:34 PM
    I listened to Rodney and the quality of his guests and then listen to the idiot Sledge and the other renegade-tards, who just keep interviewing eachother, and it sounds like the renegade tards are the mental deffectives or drunks panhandling looking for change for their next bottle of Mad-Dog 20-20.
    Rodney has like 6 white children, Sledge has jew kids. Sledge likes that "tight Kike Pussy".
    Rodney has a white wife like for 20+ years, the renegade-gays swap partners, are effeminate and do everything kikish.

    I have never heard rodney say crap about you renegade degenerates, but like the trash you are and jews, you are shit talking. You renegaders are real "agents", just like Hal Turner.

    Renegade Radio- The new Home of Special Needs White Trash, Agents and Jew Racemixers

  65. 3:27 PM I know Right, Those Guys are such a Contradiction, They complain about jews and White Genocide all day, Yet they're are contributing towards it by making jew kids or NOT having any white girlfriends or families of their own? They just want to bitch about paganism all day, blablablahh....
    Why are you Contradicting yourself Renegade?? Are you just all talk and just entertainment.

  66. Lugh came on at about 20 mins in. I stopped listening at 28 mins. I think Lugh was drunk again. Bad form. Very difficult to understand and basically hijacked the show Mike started. Have no clue what happened after that and really no longer give a fuck about Renegade.

  67. It seems there are a lot of Jew lovers commenting here with their typical Christian Bashing. Did you guys study your Torah today?

    And for the program content? A guy drunk off his ass is not informative nor interesting.

    I'll bet 'the powers that be' are amazed on how stupid we make our selves look.

  68. Christians are jews.

  69. Fuck these christards, but lugh is an absolute pain in the ass to listen to.

  70. That's right, white barbarians, give yourself lobotomies first, stop all critical brain functions. Odin and Wotan forbid that you should think, you see it's only when you think and don't act on primitive guttural instinct like an animal that the kike can manipulate you and get you to fuck yourself over and fuck your fellow superior lillywhite brethren and sisters over. A white mob of barbarians with no brains is what is needed. That's right !! Blood and race above all else ! Unquestioning racial hordes thirsty for blood of the darkies. Holy shit, I'm getting a hard-on already just thinking about it !! Join the tribal hordes of white meat and fight racial war after racial war to boot all the kikes, niggers, sandniggers, spics, chinks, towelheads, muzzies, hindus, sikhs and mongoloids back to the hovels they crawled out of. Then and only then will 'evil' and naughty bad deeds be automatically erased from human life since the DNA in white jizz is too superior to be 'evil.'

    Count Donny Black Linderstein von Finklesheenie III

  71. Shove it up your ass, kike.

    Life is about race, reason and territory.

    Go jerk off karl marx in his grave you piece of shit.

  72. Oh no, white people never did anything wrong before Christianity, they were hand holding rocket scientists. You just don't know "history".

  73. Anon @ 7:55

    Christard spammer, you almost had us going there. If you had left Odin/Wotan (they're the same god, one's in scandanavian, the other's in german) out of your anti-"racist" rant @ 7:48 we might not have been able to figure out it was you. But thanks to your spewing we've been able to confirm that you know just as little about white mythology than you do christian/jewish mythology. Clearly you're not the most intelligent jew that couldve been assigned to this website.

  74. Haha Odin sacrificed his eye to give man WISDOM. What did king of the kikes jesus do? He told you to fear knowledge before he sat there like a pussy and let himself get spit on and killed, "for our sins". Meaning you could either be sheep that gets pushed around or you can do whatever the fuck you want, like slaughter a whole bunch of white pagans in cold blood, and the king of the jews will forgive you.

  75. Looks like 'the powers that be' have achieved their goal of creating infighting and making people who are supposedly awake...look like clueless idiots.

    Equally amazed by the amount of Christian bashing by alleged awake and alert people who probably never picked up the bible and could not tell the differences between Judaism and Christianity.

    I keep seeing these same themes running through these comments and other comments about other shows on here where people equate Christianity and Judaism as being the same. It must be the same posters reading from scripts supplied by some agencies.

    Wow, I was not aware that there are no differences between Christians and Jews.

    So tell us how come if Jews and Christians are the same then how come they ban nativity scenes and crosses from public buildings and schools during the holidays?

    Why was the Bible thrown out of the schools in 1962 and 1963. Why do Jews hate Jesus? Why did they reject him as their Messiah?

    Come on people...wake up. We come off looking like a bunch of blithering idiots.

  76. 10:10 PM I think that's their point.

  77. can't even get white girlfriends

    Who wants a white girlfriend? White females are Jewified cunts.

  78. then how come they ban nativity scenes and crosses from public buildings and schools during the holidays?

    ALL religious objects are banned from public buildings and schools during holidays.

    You may not know this, but the United States was explicitly founded as a secular nation, with no official religion. Of course, you don't want to hear that, since you're a Christard ideologue with an agenda.

  79. 10:32 PM You're so fucking dumb you don't know jews were in ghettos in most of europe at the time of the founding of the u.s. The gaytheist founders of this country had no problem letting jews right on in.

    You people are so dumb, you don't know how dumb you are.

  80. christians are scumbags, Renegade is the only real show out there to tell like it is. Without christianity we would live in paradise right now! Christians percecuted pagans and witches and burned the poor jews.... wait, not that. I mean christians are trash, thats what i wanted to say.

  81. Nothing is more funnier than antisemitic marxist.

  82. Check out kalssen @Part XII - Odinism.....102

    I think he was right, the Norse tales had less educative or social bonding content than the Homeric or general ancient Greek myths or for that matter Aesop's Fables.

    There's a lot of stuff on Internet Archive by Klassen which shows he developed over time. He also severely critiqued Harold Covington, which might explain why Covington wrote the 1993 post-mortem slur (assuming the document wasn't a fake).

  83. ("You may not know this, but the United States was explicitly founded as a secular nation, with no official religion. Of course, you don't want to hear that, since you're a Christard ideologue with an agenda.")

    So why was the Bible in the schools, nativity scenery on public buildings and in schools until the 1960's?

    Why do people have to swear on a Bible in Court before giving testimony?

    Why do politicians have to swear on the Bible before they take office?

    Why are the 10 Commandments displayed in the Supreme Court?

    Why can't the preachers today don't stand up to the government or politicians?

    Because Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)
    drafted legislation that created the 501 C3 tax exempt status in the 1950's that forbade preachers and ANY church from preaching against the government or politicians. Because If they do, they will lose their tax exempt status and pay a fine. LBJ later went on to be Vice president and later President when JFK was assassinated.

    ("Christians are jews.")

    Why is it against the law in Israel to teach Christianity? If Christians are Jews then why can't you teach Christianity there? Christians are NOT welcomed in Israel. So how could Christians be jews ?


    No; there are strict laws against it. You cannot teach Christianity in any setting where a Jew - even an atheist or "secular" Jew - might be "exposed" to it. Technically you are free to teach it to Palestinians - what they sneeringly call "the Arabs" - but in actual practice you would likely be harassed; they can shoot Palestinian children in cold blood,they can bulldoze or bomb Palestinian homes and the world cares very little,at least not the Western Powers - as long as they are Muslim Palestinians.

    If they are Christian on the other hand it may mean very unpleasant publicity back in the Protector States - the U.S.,the UK and France. They don't care if some so-called "settler" beats an 18-year-old shepard to death as long as the victim was Muslim,but if he was a Christian - now how is that going to play in Peoria?
    They have done everything they can to hound out Episcopalians,
    Unitarians,Catholics,Armenian Orthodox,Presbyterians - and the last thing they want is anyone converting Palestinians into Christians.

    Dead Christians are viewed very differently in America than dead Muslims. You can go there,start a mission,promise not to teach Christianity to "Jews" - most are atheists - but even confining your mission to the actual people of the Holy Land will sooner or later result in strange fires of undetermined origin in your mission building,and so on.

    Don't take my word for it. I could be lying to you. Why not go there and find out for yourself? Good luck and may God bless and protect you. By the way,the Muslims are very friendly with Christian Palestinians.

    The first opposition to the current Ethnic State was the Christian-Muslim Association way back in 1919.

  84. Why don't they teach Christianity in Israel?

  85. Jews pretend to hate christianity to legitimize it in the goy's mind. Reverse psychology. You think the jews wouldn't use it?

  86. 9:13 PM you're spot on bro, jews only pretend to hate white people, when in reality they love us


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