April 01, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.04.01

Dr. Kevin MacDonald is Kyle's guest this evening for a discussion of Jewish identity politics, political correctness, psychological manipulation of gentiles, ideas for organization, and more.

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  1. Great interview Kyle !

    Pat yourself on the back you deserve it!!!

  2. As soon as people get a reason to question renegade's credibility they book the token intellectual of the twoofer movement to broadcast through celtic butthole ex gf's mom's guest room.

  3. So this guy didn't figure out, until he was a tenured professor, that he was neck deep in jew horseshit?

    Guy makes the cover of a jew rag. Did he give an interview?

    Wake up folks, quit being played.

  4. I was surprised that Kyle got Dr.MacDonald to go as far as he did.We need the intellectual elite as a foundation for our credibility.Great interview technique Kyle.Thanks for your efforts.And SLEDGE.

  5. Oh yeah, the intellectual elite. The trash that put a knife in our back, for tenure and a pension.

    Until you figure out there is nothing intellectual or elite about them, you're still trapped in jew reality.

  6. They didn't stab us in the back, the Jew slowly wormed their way in and then hired there own to influential positions.


  7. Impressive Kyle. He seemed at ease and did pretty good picking up on some of your very in depth, somewhat commentary injected, questions. Good stuff.

    Big thanks to Dr. MacDonald for offering his time and his generous offer of a monthly show! That speaks well of you Kyle and I would imagine a big plus for Renegade.

    Thanks zap!

  8. Great show as usual.

  9. Kyle, you are the man !!

    Great friggin interview and better than just an interview, a true dialogue with quite a bit of your own inspired and passionate contributions without interrupting or getting in the way of Dr. MacDonald. A rational, intelligent but NOT boring discussion, a good lively session.

  10. @ April 2, 2013 at 12:53 AM

    How can you claim McDonald is not an intellectual???? He explains his positions with admirable precision and dignity.

    You can tell the real deal: as dialogue unfolds that is not scripted you do not get the sense their guard is up. Best I have heard from Kyle.

  11. Christ this comments section is a kikefest.

    This was the best KM interview so far. Much better than Carolyn's and obviously shitloads better than the weirdo dana antcocks.

  12. Yep great interview alright, thanks.

    Notice how wanda stays clear of commenting on intellectual issues. Wanda why that might be? :D

  13. Why is it that every negative comment I read seems to 'sound' like the Celtic Rebel?

  14. Btw, I havent' heard this yet but I am looking forward to it! I always appreciate what MacDonald has to say and Kyle does some damned fine interviews.

  15. How could any supposed 'jew wise' person CRITICIZE Kevin MacDonald???


    Rubric -- negative attitudes toward Kevin MacDonald -- paid Op; possible sayanim; most likely a Jew.

  16. @rockclimber Rectal is a old short troll with no life, it wouldn't suprise me if he's here commenting all day as anon! LOL

    Great interview Kyle!

  17. There's always that intellectual isn't there. Revilo Oliver, William Pierce and now Kevin Macdonald.

    They're all abject failures, but hey, keep going with what's working for you, that's what i always say.

  18. Yes, they are all failures and the inbred racist self-chosenites are all winners. Congrats jews, trolls and the rectal rabbi licker!

  19. Drawing good fire from Rectal, Wanda & KneeMoHomo. If you aren't careful those three are gonna team up for a new network and come after Renegade hard to save and protect the Chosenites and their multicultural attack on European cultures.

    Rectal, Wanda & KneedMaHomo Network gonna get funding from GregNJ and Renegade gonna go down. LMAO

    Great interview!
    Thanks to the good DR and also for the post.

  20. Truth is that intellectuals are not good at communicating with the masses, ie with common white people. They tend to think in abstract categories, and theories that are not essential part of averege joe's problems.

    Thats why Hitler was so good, that he has been a front sodier, he had suffered from poverty, he layed bricks and did not had that hidden contempt for common man that intellectuals tend to have amd mational socialism of people's movement, not college debate, but NS needs them as well. WE need white collared people's support when we win, but our roots are deep in the ground, nature and nation.

  21. Kmac says repeatedly that having a jewish elite wouldn't be a problem if they weren't hostile.

    Sorry but all that book learning and he still doesn't understand the jew.

  22. People listen to intellectuals, they're intelligent.

    Who better to lead people into a dead end or the wrong direction, they always do.

  23. Its seems that Renegade is the Race-Mixer network. Dr. McDonald is a Race-Mixer, Sledge is a Race-Mixer, who else over there is a Race-Mixer???

  24. Im convinced that EVERYONE in the alternative media that gets any recognition has rat jews running the operation. They create drama constantly just like a fucking hollyjew movie. And they're all either christ-tards, race mixers, or soft on the jew. God damnit I'm sick of all fucking kikes! I've never come across one that offered anything worth keeping. Let alone a fucking jewish elite, kevin mcgoodjew.

  25. Great show, highly recommend. Remember, we have a common enemy.

  26. Great interview.You were well prepared.

  27. Anonymous said...

    Im convinced that EVERYONE in the alternative media that gets any recognition has rat jews running the operation. They create drama constantly just like a fucking hollyjew movie. And they're all either christ-tards, race mixers, or soft on the jew. God damnit I'm sick of all fucking kikes! I've never come across one that offered anything worth keeping. Let alone a fucking jewish elite, kevin mcgoodjew.
    April 2, 2013 at 8:39 PM

    If you're so convinced of that here's a really obvious & simple question for you - why do you keep listening to them & then commenting like this behind a cowardly Anonymous moniker? Maybe you should just Alt+TAB back to the 15 pages of gay porn you've got open in your other browser and leave the serious stuff to the big boys. In other words - fuck off retard!


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