April 08, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.04.08

The White Wave

Kai Murros joins the show to discuss pan-European white nationalism, what he thinks needs to be done in order to secure a future for our people, and his visions and hopes for the years to come.

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  1. Congrats for gettin heavy cavalry in!

  2. Renegade wankers are not leaders of any kind, they can't protect white people in any way besides broadcasts and empty declarations.

    I mean can you imagine Kyle or Lugh creating nationalist marches or community militias?

    Lol, all they can is talk, talk, talk, talk.

    Bunch of wankers, all of them.

  3. Awesome interview. Kyle is about as good as it gets. Someone name a few that are better.
    Thanks Kyle, Renegade & zap!

  4. @anon 6:19 PM

    Oh hi Rectal. You going to do anymore shows at any other networks?

  5. atheist are a minority, the majority of this minority is communist but antizionist.

    Christians are a majority, a minority of this majority is anticommunist and antizionist.

    the minority of Christians that is antizionist and anticommunist is probably greater in number than all of the atheists.

    even the atheist subject of this interview is church member.

    these peoples target audience is a minority of a minority.

    can you get any dumber than that?

  6. Get lost with you're christianity bullshit or go post at Friend's article.

    You have no idea what so ever what european mentality is.

  7. Militant atheism was part of stalinist soviet union and now is part of american modern trendie mindset.

    Soviet subversion process is almost completed.

  8. Wow! These trolls are really showing their complete ignorance of anything outside of their shores in the good ol' U S of Ayeee/Israel! LOL!

    Great show yet again Kyle, keep it up man! And keep getting the hard hitters in from all over the world. Minority of a minority my ass! Hahaha! The beast that has always been rising back up is quickening its efforts & gathering strength & momentum and there's not a damn thing the enemy can do about it! Hail!

  9. european mentality=tribalism


    wearing pagan symbols made it alot easier for Christians to put bullets in "nazis"

  10. @8:10 PM ha and Im guessing your a degenerate nihilistic atheist! LOL
    If there's anything worser then a dumb mega-church going zionist christian its a goddamn Atheist! Kikes just love your mentality!

  11. "He spent the years 1990-1999 at the University of Helsinki studying various subjects"

    Nine years at he University???? Now he tends his garden he says, yes by all means this is a quite the "heavyweight", just the type you want to have with you in a street fight, oh, never mind, we are talking about Sledge

  12. He got his Masters. Perhaps he did his studies part-time or took some time off? Those years of study indicate nothing that could make me question his intelligence.

  13. tending his garden--make me question a LOT...

  14. Kyle draws good fire for several reasons; jealousy from the Rectal Gang and the Jew Crews peeing themselves. Keep them coming Kyle. You are about the best interviewer out there. Very good stuff.

  15. Didn't Klassen also say---

    Xianity =

    Praise Jew on Sunday;
    Bash him on Monday.

    Keepin' yer wheels spinning for Amerikwaaaaa.

  16. Anonymous said...

    Kyle draws good fire for several reasons; jealousy from the Rectal Gang and the Jew Crews peeing themselves. Keep them coming Kyle. You are about the best interviewer out there. Very good stuff.

    April 8, 2013 at 11:11 PM

    Right on brother, you said it straight right there! I'm hearing some great stuff on Renegade right now and so are many, many others starting to tune in. Finally this is stuff we WANT to hear because it is real and shared in the hearts & minds of many who so far haven't been vocal about it. Jealous Rectal? Rectal who? LOL! Of course he is, but who cares - he's insignificant & totally irrelevant when it comes to the real world. As for jews pissing their pants I think we're gonna be seeing an ever-increasing number of pissed-stained panties hanging on jewish washing lines from this point on ;)

  17. kikelovinchristardApril 9, 2013 at 11:13 AM

    Marx and Engels used Christardianity to spread Communism. Why ? Well if you believe that some yenta in the Desert was magically impregnated by the Jew Demon that lives in Outer Space to give birth to the Rabbi/Carpenter Yeshua Moshiach you are probably a good vacant brain dead vehicle to help spread their Ideology. Christianity is Communism, both come from Jew Brains to Destroy Aryan Culture. Yahweh and Yeshua.... Totally Aryan.... LMAO !!!!

  18. April 9, 2013 at 11:13 AM

    if you are a product of aryan culture, you can keep it for yourself.

  19. April 9, 2013 at 12:51 PM
    ^Dumbest comment I've heard all week and thats saying alot

  20. I know most of the posters and talk show hosts totally hate the dirty, evil, disgusting, muzzie terrorist scum, so I don't want to come across as sympathetic to them. However, while our current Marxist Commie govt. is obviously anti-White, and doesn't care about the genocide of Whites by blacks and hispanic savages, I think most of the talk show hosts' sentiments are totally wrong and misplaced with concern to at least many of the more controversial official US govt. policies.

    Whether you are talking about the Patriot Act, their various renewals, the NDAAs, the increased surveillance or spying on so-called "American" citizens, or the whole controversy of the drone program, etc., these ARE NOT, and were NEVER being aimed at White Americans, whether nationalists, separatists, or otherwise.

    These various tools are basically ONLY being aimed at the dirty, evil muzzie animal sh*t scum. This is why conservatives and Tea Partiers (who obviously have total hate, and vitriolic disdain for the Communist usurper Obummer!) have totally for the most most absolutely supported every single one of these programs.

    The US military has ONLY so far used drones to kill or target those savage pieces of sh*t, barbaric, dirty muzzie scum animals, whether in Pakistan, Afghanistan, or other turd world dirty, savage muzzie, piece of sh** countries, including the "American" citizens (they all did us a freakin' favor!) they killed in Yemen. What proud White person gives a flying sh%% about ANY killing of dirty, pieces of shit muzzie animal scum ANYWHERE in the damn world? Yes, the Kenyan born usurper Obummer is a Commie, Marxist Socialist, who is the worst, most incompetent, American hating, president we as Americans have EVER had. And NO, fortunately, the evidence does not actually point to him being a dirty, filthy muzzie (secretly or otherwise), as many on the right like to allege. No, he is just tottally incompetent, shallow, dumb, and anti-American, etc. But I will say one thing... at least he is (and the US military) pretty much every day, killing, WITH DRONES, pieces of sh**, good for nothing, dirty, filthy muzzie terrorist scum. How can anyone say that's a bad thing? lol ;-)

  21. April 9, 2013 at 12:51 PM

    it's true the biggest group of antichrist are jews and communists, nobody wants anything to do with you, you're marginal at best.

    an idiot can figure out all of this antichrist nonsense is just divisive tactics. i guess aryans just aren't that smart.

  22. Its not hard to figure out that anon @2:32 is the divisive one. A kike most likely. You can pick out his "antichrist" laden comments in almost every post. He's a piece of shit nathaniel kapner trying to re-establish christardation into the anti-jew movement.

  23. European university is unlike american college for just playing football, doin "projects" and drinking beer, it involves actual studying process.

    Helsinki University is by the way what americans say "ivy league".

    Talking about casting pearls before swine...

  24. April 9, 2013 at 3:26 PM

    what, divisive of the 5 of you? the largest gathering of antchrist "aryans" you'll ever see is in a prison yard arguing with ci over who's turn it is to be the bitch.

  25. Great for getting professro Murros to your show, this man is todays Julius Evola or Filipo Marinetti.

  26. OdinSpearsJewsus said...

    Its not hard to figure out that anon @2:32 is the divisive one. A kike most likely. You can pick out his "antichrist" laden comments in almost every post. He's a piece of shit nathaniel kapner trying to re-establish christardation into the anti-jew movement.

    He's some kind of Catholic crank apologist. I think he's probably European, since his English skills aren't quite at the level of native proficiency.

  27. the two greatest activists in the antjew "movement" were Henry Ford and Father Coughlin.

    Father Coughlin started with a congregation of 25 and ended up informing 10s of millions of people at a time over the radio, until the government shut him off.

    before you denigrate jewish activists in the antijew movement you might want to look up Nicholas Donin. in the early 13th century Donin was a converted jew Catholic priest. Donin informed the pope of all the antichrist heresy in the talmud. the pope ordered the talmud confiscated and examined. the king of france St. Louis had the talmud confiscated and a group of rabbis tried to defend it's contents. of course they couldn't defend it, it was full of antichrist heresy.

    St. Louis had the talmud burned, 25 carriages full of hand written manuscripts. this must have been worth a fortune to the jews, it was probably 100s of years of their "knowledge".

    sure brother nathaniel, and other jew activists might be traitors, but so might anyone else.

  28. You guys are so anti-Jewish, it's astonishing!! You blame everything on the Jews!!!

    What about the REAL PROBLEM? The thing NO ONE talks about ANYWHERE?

    The evil, despicable, satanic, animalistic and barbaric muzzie scum??!??

    The whole Obummer adm is filled with these barbaric, dirty, evil muzzie scum!!!! They are freakin' taking over!! They are changing our way of life!!!!

    How do you feel about the tyrannical, evil, Marxist Socialist, anti-American Obummer (actually a secret, dirty muzzie as most real, non-PC conservatives have discovered) feing so anti-Israel, throwing the Israelis and Jews under the bus??? You raving anti-Jewish, blame everything on Jews types must be really happy!! Instead of raving constantly about Jews, why don't you talk about the dirty, filthy, barbaric pieces of sh** muzzie animals, and the fact that they ARE TAKING over the US govt.????? Have you guys not read Corsi, or Geller, etc.????

  29. Wow, we have a BNP retard here! Hows things in jew/commie Britain? lol

  30. Obama is jewish. Not a muzzie. Jews occupy the government. Muzzies are a symptom of jewish immigration policy. And yes, their disgusting crimes cannot be tolerated. Jews, muzzies, and negros all need to go.

  31. I bet many of the raving, fanatical anti-Semites here actually have sympathy for the pieces of sh**, barbaric, filthy, dirty, so-called "palestinians" (pissostinians)... There never was such a people BTW.

    These are the most disgusting, barbaric filthy animals/muzzies in the world. They ARE ALL barbaric terrorist scum, period. And born that way. Nothing but pure evil... Again, they were never a part of what used to be called "Palestine." These filthy, scum, barbaric animal muzzies have fooled the whole damn world into believing that they were in pissostine prior to the 1940s. (The whole of pissostine was completely empty before the Jews came there...anything else is nothing but filthy muzzie, so-called "palestinian," socialist commie propaganda) Unfortunately, much of the world believes these filthy sand nigg** muzzie scum. What damn, foolish idiots the whole world is!!! lol

    At least true liberty and freedom advocates (ie, non-muzzies) can take solice that the Israelis are killing these barbaric muzzie sand nigg** filth all the time, although imo, they are not hard enough on them ;-)

  32. I bet that unfortunately many of the people here are so damn dimwitted and foolish as to believe that the filthy raghead, sand ni**er, muzzie terrorists scum Iran is NOT an immediate threat to the US, and all western democracies... lol

  33. You site the raving lunatic yenta, Pam Gellar as a reliable source. Enough said. You're a Jew troll. The yids control all the Western governments.

  34. western crusader said...
    I bet that unfortunately many of the people here are so damn dimwitted and foolish as to believe that the filthy raghead, sand ni**er, muzzie terrorists scum Iran is NOT an immediate threat to the US, and all western democracies... lol

    So, scum Iran is giving us this stuff:
    Race mixing encouraged education/media
    Sexual immorality
    Drugs, war on
    Political corruption
    Religious corruption
    Media monopoly
    Lawyer scams for the BAR
    Doctors, genocide for profits
    Corporate conversion from Statehood
    Agriculture, gmo, toxic pesticides
    Scientific control scams
    Holocaust scam industry
    Organized crime
    Kosher tax

    I thought it was jews. Thanks for clearing it all up jew. It was mighty jewey of ya.


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