April 15, 2013

The Morning Show with Patrick Timpone 2013.01.15

Dr. Jennifer Daniels M.D., M.B.A – Murder By Medicine is No Accident

If you are interested in learning more about why your prescribed medication doesn’t seem to be healing you or how to go about letting it go, today’s show is for you. Learn what’s really going on in the medical industry and empower yourself to take control of your health. We’re delighted to have discovered Dr. Daniels, she’s the real deal. Be prepared for some shocking information in this interview. And please take time to share it with someone.

Show Highlights Include:
-Hear why Dr. Daniels had her medical license suspended
Hint: Asking good questions and actually curing ailments may just not be on THE agenda
-And why she is now on the “DO NOT EMPLOY” List and on the “OH MY GOD SHE MAY BE A TERRORIST” List
-Why antibiotics are the biggest fraud in medical history
-Why we need to stop asking for permission to do things we already have the right to do
-A word or 3 about vaccinations
-What is MRSA? And why does it seem to be the new plague?
-Why in the world are good bowel movements so very important for good health and how to have them everyday
-Hot flashes-A myth of menopause

Healing with Dr Daniels Radio Show airs every Tuesday at 6:00 pm EST

One Radio Network



  1. THANKS for posting this. Dr Daniels is delightfully insightful. SHARE!!!

  2. Apparently this "Doctor" charges people with Candida 200$ for the following pdf: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?petcqhrgsyj8g1c
    Which tells them to eat sugar cubes and drink turpentine.
    Just saying.

  3. Sandy HookinMoonbeamApril 15, 2013 at 5:58 PM

    "Just saying."

    Nice hit piece. Look into turpentine. There is more to it than the jew would have you believe.
    Why not give us your evidence of her charging $200 for the contents of that link?
    Are you the Loon that believes the jew line on Sandy Hook & moon landings?
    Why the hit piece on Dr Daniels? Why put quotes around the title of doctor? What is YOUR angle here?
    Just sayin'.....

  4. "Everything is fake except for magic vitamins on the internet" - The smartest person in the world, Anon @ April 15, 2013 at 5:58 PM

  5. There are reports online of her charging for that pdf.
    She got her medical license revoked so she isn't technically a doctor.
    Probably for charging people for information on how to eat sugar cubes and wash it down with a shot of paint remover.

  6. "magic vitamins"

    I believe what she sells has to do with keeping "regular". Most folks too inactive for proper movement of bowels. Probably 80% of one's immune system is contained within gut/digestive tract. It is extremely important to keep things moving.
    Again, why try to drag her down? The jew controlled govt has already did their deeds on her. YOU with THEM?

  7. "There are reports online..."
    "Probably for...."

    Again, why you attacking her?

  8. Hey Lugh. At least listen carefully to the show. If you still feel like attacking her after that, then go for it. Until then, you are making an ass out of yourself.

  9. Yes, I am in fact in cahoots with the Jews to stop the brave Doctor from saving you with paint thinner laxative.
    Too bad you saw through my fiendish plot.. I'm going to get a pay cut now. I hope you're happy.

  10. http://www.drugs.com/npp/turpentine.html
    If ingested, turpentine is highly toxic and fatal poisonings have been reported in children who have ingested as little as 15 mL of the material. 3

    This is the same as Daniels' recommended dose (1 tbsp).

  11. Jesus christ, Loog, this negress is nuts!

    Sugar cubes and turpentine.

    Only in America, lol

  12. Keep posting what the jews have written Lugh. And, BELIEVE. Sandy Hook. Moon walking/driving. BELIEVE.

  13. I knew one jewess "doctor" who recommended to drink whole month nothing more then hot lemon water, one appple and small cup of yoghurt in a day as magic diet loss formula, but this insanity has reached new levels.

    Who not powdered spider webs and frog feet like they did in middle ages.

  14. Psst. Hey Lugh. Check out the Mythbusters. Those fags will keep you just as aware as you now are. You are at a high level of awareness and they can keep you sharp.

  15. Do you know anything about turpentine Lugh? Not the "jew stuff", but he factual stuff? Historical uses, etc?

  16. They used distilled forms in mixtures but nothing as loony as just taking shots of it like Jaegermeister

  17. She looks like shitskin non-race specimen of the near future.

    Mexi-negro-white-arab-chink-paki nationalism is the new way to go against Kingdom of Judea!

  18. Sandy Hook Lugh the Loon and his Moon Lander side kick are having a good go at a woman that went through the jew medical cabal from the inside. Very telling. Lugh is defining himself with a sharper and sharper focus each time he types. Each time he speaks he sounds as if fighting autism or alcoholism. You can stay on the jew side of the line all you want Lugh. Good fucking riddance.

  19. You say I have autism yet science shows that people who can't recognize faces (ie. the people who think a rogue group of actors are running everything) have autism.. http://www.georgetown.edu/news/autism-facial-recognition-research.html

  20. Medical industry in US is a business first. It is not meant to keep nation healthy, but to pump money from people, "alternative medicine" is pretty much same deal and controlled by the same jews.

    Just look at the arsenic ridden tangy business Alex has set up for his disciples.

    Dog eat dog society indeed.


  22. How many vaccination shots you got in your ass, Lugh, when you where a kid?

    If you're born in the eighties, chances are that a lot of them. Plus all that nasty tap water and processed crap in baby formulas, fast food etc.

    Today its gotten so bad that young generation are already almost all of them mentally handicapped.

    Especially multigenerational american whites, no way they can shoot themselves out from this kosher shit.

  23. More than likely Lugh thinks vaccines are saving lives. He probably had his opinion on it firmed up by the same folks that shaped his views on Sandy Hook and the moon travels, mainstream jew news and education.

  24. Criticizing a woman who is telling you to drink poison that got her medical license removed even though she's a minority.. is a little different then believing in vaccination (though it could be a legitimate practice if it wasn't controlled by the merchants).

  25. 9:25

    Yeah no shit, nazis went to the Moon and Mars and Hitler still lives in one of their bases. Nazi mysticism is hilarious.

  26. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6c4u3ixer1qhvghto1_500.jpg

  27. I don't have an opinion of this woman really, but if she tells people to drink turpentine, witchdoctor.

    turpentine=paint thinner

  28. "poison"?

    Figures. Lugh has no clue what turpentine is. I fucking knew it.

  29. Home Remedies: Turpentine and kerosene have long been used to treat lice infestations, to flush parasites from the digestive tract, and to soothe sore joints and muscles as well as for use as an expectorant and to open the lungs as with a chest rub (mixed with an oil base).

  30. "...the oleo-resin known as Turpentine, can be procured. This is so truly a vegetable product, and so readily available for medical uses in every household, being withal so valuable for its remedial and curative virtues...."

    Some of you idiots get your heads pumped so full of jew knowledge you have no room for facts. You actually mock and repel facts.

    Open your fucking minds and ponder some non-jew viewpoints and writings.

  31. Americans fell for countless retarded snake oil claims. It doesn't make them sane by modern standards.

  32. Let me give you some advice hermanos. Don't get on an Airbust,don't go to a negro doctor and don't eat yellow snow. Sage advice and it didn't cost you a red nickel. RBG

  33. We went to the moon fuckbrains. Lay off Lugh. RBG

  34. I think the Christard poster is the same guy as the "moon landing/Sandyhook hoax" poster.

    He's an annoying troll.

  35. @lugh
    "Americans fell for countless retarded snake oil claims. It doesn't make them sane by modern standards."

    What does that have to do with YOU calling turpentine "poison"?

    Got any other jew rags to recommend for fun? You like the jew comic books in general Lugh?

  36. Feel free to prove that turpentine isn't poison

  37. I use turpentine to clean my canvasses and paint brushes, if you are in a closed room with it for too long your eyes will start burning and you will wind up with a really bad headache. No way in jew hell would I ever put that in my body, it irritates the hell out of your skin when a small amount comes in contact. A certain element of the jewther community have a tendency to suck a hosts cock so deeply they will believe any guest that person has on, the room follows suit and new retardation is born. On to the No Nuke Theories, this will be a fun one.

  38. @"Dr.Ape said...
    I use turpentine to clean my canvasses and paint brushes, if you are in a closed room with it for too long your eyes will start burning and you will wind up with a really bad headache. No way in jew hell would I ever put that in my body, it irritates the hell out of your skin when a small amount comes in contact. A certain element of the jewther community have a tendency to suck a hosts cock so deeply they will believe any guest that person has on, the room follows suit and new retardation is born. On to the No Nuke Theories, this will be a fun one."

    Hey Kyle, why don't you just admit you hate her because she's black you white supremacist douchebag ? Then take your pain-brushes and your shitty drawings and shove them straight up your ass.

  39. The only turpentine these jew ass lickers and christian bashers know of is the stuff jews make. They have no room for much other than what the jews have taught them. Put a fact and a jew lie on a table; these guys will bend over and lick that jew lie all day long.

  40. I was a fan of Renegade but no longer. The unnecessary chistian bashing and latching onto massive jew lies (sandy hook/moon) and attacking those such as Dr Daniels is just too much. Good riddance. I even signed your petition and now wish I did not. Fuck you guys.

  41. Sheeeeit, lube why U gotz to beez Hatin on a Sizta yo's?
    don't beez jealous cuz yo kanadian punk ass can'ts gets any pussy.

  42. I fully encourage all Christards do try Dr. Daniel's negro miracle turpentine cure.

    Let us know how it goes, Jeebus freaks. With YHWH all things are possible.


  43. I was a fan of Renegade but no longer. The unnecessary chistian bashing and latching onto massive jew lies (sandy hook/moon) and attacking those such as Dr Daniels is just too much.

    See, I told you guys that the Christard spammer was the same person as the "Sandy hook/moonlanding hoax" spammer. He just admitted it.

  44. Unnecessary christian bashing? You mean we're not allowed to say anything about the eternal foot soldiers of the tribe of israel?

  45. Everybody that creates division between people of common interest to break down jewish establishment, is perfect foot soldier for Israel.

  46. Lugh says "It's poison!". Lughs pals say "She's a negro!" Lugh whines, "She isn't really a doctor any longer!" Yeah Lugh, the jew medical cabal took her license and you do not even have a clue as to why. You just buy the jew spew. You make me want to vomit. Fuck yourself and keep dragging Kyle and Mike down with ya.

  47. They took it because she wouldnt release her medical records of voodoo potions and snake oil

  48. 5:20 PM True lugh, just another Snake oil Negress, they got plenty of them in Africa.

  49. Way to drag Renegade down Lugh. You drunk again? You think you have lifted your network up a notch or two with your comments? Do you even care?

  50. This thread is proof that when people believe in things like magical rabbis who walk on water and come back from the dead, they'll believe in any idiotic idea that is presented to them, even negro quack medical cures involving the ingestion of turpentine.



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