April 10, 2013

The Nationalist Hour with Rodney Martin 2013.04.10

In the first hour:
Rodney responds to listeners questions Re:
Hitler’s Foreign Policy as it was related to “Nationalism for other peoples” and whether the SS was infiltrated with Soviet spies.
Addresses Christianity in the Third Reich, we will hear from Hitler and Goebbels and George Lincoln Rockwell themselves
In the second hour:
Rodney addresses the difference between Real National Socialism and False Flag or bastardized “Amerikan” versions that have degraded National Socialism, such as “The American Nazi Party”, which, while invoking George Lincoln Rockwell and Adolf Hitler, has embraced the Marxist Occupy Wall Street, taken an official Tolerance policy regarding homosexuality (says it is no big deal), has made positive statements regarding "working Class Jews, and has an "official Non-Aryan Sympathizer Division" and expose this "entities" statements and positions that are inconsistent with fundamental National Socialist and foundational concepts and principles which are timeless.
Rodney will discuss the importance of maintaining fidelity to fundamental principles as opposed to self-defeatism via stipulation to "moderation" and "concession to the Jewish Narrative" and "blaming our People".
The music breaks will feature Third Reich period artists.

Rodney Martin



  1. the thing w/ carolyn yeager is at least i know she is german

  2. riddle me this!
    Is Rodney a white or black person's name? Can a white person become black? I hope not! What is Rodney Dangerfield's first name?

  3. wiggers are whites who think they are black

  4. The thing about April 10, 2013 at 11:23 PM, they might be a Kike, no name???

  5. he is a German

    Rodney \r(o)-dney, rod-ney\ as a boy's name is pronounced RAHD-nee. It is of Old German Surname first commonly used in the mid 19th century

    Martin is a patronymic surname taken from the ancient Latin given name Martinus, derived from Mars, the Roman god of fertility and war.

    Surname Origin:

    German, French, Scottish, Irish

  6. SPOT ON Rodney! All these Pseudo NS idiots have to stop defaming the ideology and those people who fought for real National socialism!

  7. loved it when he said we should say, NOT ANOTHER STEP BACK, big difference between him and those limp wrists on with friend last night.

  8. Is this Rodney the Fat Clown in that picture?

  9. Rocky said that homosexuals should stay in the closet, what you suggest Rodney, to castrate and gas them or what?

    I'd like to see to catch popularity with that attitude, lol

  10. Ancient Greece and Rome (national socialist beauty ideal) was pederastic culture, dont know about germanic pagans, probably fucked little boys as well.

    Christianity is anti-homosexual idology and you atheists claim that it is root of all evil. BTW your big idiol Terroja "Amazing Atheist" Kincaid said that he was raped by his uncle when he was a kid and has pederastic fantasies, lol

  11. Is this Rodney the Fat Clown in that picture? April 11, 2013 at 12:10 AM, The clown in the pic is the fake nazis like hose queers who were on with friend yesterday

  12. @April 11, 2013 at 12:13 AM
    spoken like a true fag or jew or both. Rodney didnt say gas or castrate, he said we do not compromise and have them, tell me what value is a faggot to our race like Rodney said? jews are he ones who always take up for faggots.

  13. Ronald McHitler, that is so genius, LMAO

  14. " Christianity is anti-homosexual idology " Bhahahahahahahahahahahahahah, oh that is even more hilarious than the Ronald McHitler Abrahamic Religions, Christardianity, Islam and Judaism are responsible for raping more boy ass than any cults on the planet. Stop buggering us with your Christarded nonsense.

  15. antichrist is cool. everybody is doing it, jews, homos, communists, anarchists, common degenerates. jump on the band wagon baby, it's taking off.

  16. If you are a white American who is sincerely and deeply concerned about your country and about preserving your European heritage, and if you are not breeding as much as possible ("getting busy"), you are little more than useless.

    Yes, your country bears absolutely no resemblance to NS Germany, a country with a government that created an economy and culture that inspired its people to reproduce more, and that gave real support to families, mothers, children and fathers. And, yes, you may very well be, along with tens of millions of your fellow citizens, unemployed or underemployed (and in massive debt), as your government okays the continued influx of hundreds of thousands of Third World immigrants per year. And, yes, it would be incredibly foolish to believe that your elites will be embracing economic nationalism in the foreseeable future. And, yeah, you may be a tad concerned about the ever-increasing rate of violent crime, as well as about having to live in what already is the rape capital of the advanced world. And, yes, it may be extremely difficult to get out of bed in the morning when almost every town and city around you is literally rotting. And, of course, you may wonder how you could possibly raise kids when you can't even take care of yourself.

    But come on! "Get busy"! Having lots of children is our main priority. If you are not reproducing, you are not worthy of being one of us.

    -- Your dear American WN leaders (and Yahweh!)

  17. April 11, 2013 at 12:38 AM=FAGGOT

  18. Mr. Martin has done great work. In particular, his presentation on the economic plan of the NSDAP was outstanding. Mr. Friend has done very good work, too. We should be thankful for both of them.

    However, some of their views are highly problematic. Rocky's statements and questions underscored them-- often, quite powerfully.

    For starters, White Americans need to recognize that we have much more than a Jewish problem. We have an Anglo/Puritan problem, and that, in large measure, has led to the enormous Jewish power that exists in the US. White Americans were the ones who destroyed NS Germany. White Americans were the ones who were persuaded by Jewish propaganda that was absurd on its face, as well us utterly offensive and childish. And why? Well, like the Jews, we Americans, with our deep Puritanical roots, are "the chosen people." And why would the leaders of "the chosen people" lie?

    Mr. Martin has been talking a lot about "the Jewish buffet," and how we should not tolerate any of it. The problem with this is how easy it is for purists to conflate just about anything with Jewish machinations. For instance, women having greater opportunities equals "radical Jewish feminism." For the purists, family planning does not spring from reason and responsibility, but rather decadence and Jewish scheming. And frankly, most Americans who go on and on about decadence would accuse the artwork of NS Germany that celebrated the body and sensuality of being pornographic, and they would frown upon white married couples enjoying sexual pleasure that was non-reproductive.

    As for homosexuality, Lady Michele Renouf made a very reasonable statement about it in an interview a few years ago. Essentially, she said that, decades ago, homosexuals recognized that "they were queer," and did not try to convince others that their lifestyle was "normal." They did not try to push for absolutely ludicrous and destructive things, like gay marriage, adoption rights, pride marches, etc. She also expressed that she did not want any harm to come to homosexuals. For purists, Lady Michele Renouf has taken from "the Jewish Buffet," rather than conforming to a European sense of justice and fairness. And regardless of what Hollywood would have you believe, the "Nazis" were not rounding up all suspected gays and lesbians. There was no "Homocaust."

    Again, Mr. Friend and Mr. Martin are doing great work. However, Rocky said quite a few things that these men should think about and take seriously.

  19. Rocky hit on the spot; there is too much holocaust, jew/nigger and Hitler wanking to the same people who visit these blogs and podcasts and have to read and listen same stories over and over again and somehow these bloggers claim that that their WINNING somehow.

    It must be self satisfying like wanking in front of a mirror, but totally useless for reaching realistic goals. Instead going out and talking to the common man or getting decent organization going, these self proclaimed "leaders" prefer to play virtual badasses.

  20. April 11, 2013 at 1:00 AM- YOU are spa,mming, you are wrong on so much it is a waste of time to
    reply. If you are a Fag, that Rocky guy will take you in

  21. @ April 11, 2013 at 1:27 AM, OHHH YA, while Rocky has a Fag Fest and calls it NS??

  22. @11:23 PM Rodney is of Germanic and Celtic descent, no mongrel or kike in him.


  24. The Jewnited States of Mudmerikwan only resembles Weimar in one aspect, that rat faced kikes are running it into the ground, other than it's fucking hopeless. The sooner this shit burns to the ground the better. The Day of The Rope is Near !

  25. 2:14

    Then Amurica will be just South Africa 2.0

    Wiggers and nationalist guidos gonna love this, lol!

    Pumpin' fo da money, hoe!

  26. Christianity will be NEVER tolerated in our national socialist revolution and all these CI-tards will get kicked out of our sacred movement!





  27. SS Chief Heinrich Himmler's "pederastic proclivities [were] captured on film" by Nazi filmmaker Walter Frenz (Washington City Paper, April 4, 1995).

    Desmond Seward, in Napoleon and Hitler, says Hitler is listed as a homosexual in Viennese police records The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams.

    Read also THE MASTER PLAN OF THE ILLUMINATED ROTHSCHILDS: Ron Patton interviews Marion Knox

    Hitler, if homosexual, was certainly not exclusively so. There are at least four women, including his own niece, with whom Hitler had sexual relationships, although these relationships were not normal. Both Waite and Langer suggest that his sexual encounters with women included expressions of his coprophilic perversion as well as other extremely degrading forms of masochism. It is interesting to note that all four women attempted suicide after becoming sexually involved with Hitler. Two succeeded . The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams.

    The three men who collaborated and were able to put it together were Jacob Frank, Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Josef Johan Adam Weishaupt --that is Weishaupt's complete name, which begins with Josef. Now the Joseph in the Bible was the favorite son of Jacob and the savior of the 12 tribes while in Egypt. The survivors who were experimented on and programmed by Mengele, would refer to him by different names. Two of those names were David and Alexander, which happen to be the first names of the last two generations of Rothschilds. You have to remember that their genealogy and the names they choose for the "chosen ones" are very significant to them. Also, the name Joseph in the Illuminati is considered, "the name above all names".

  28. Thor can kick jewsus' ass. Judeo-Christian mythology is a joke compared to Norse mythology. "jews are gods chosen people" + "become sheep of the LORD Yahweh" VS "wisdom is all" + "honor thy father in battle" is what it breaks down to for the most part. White people conquered the globe and all the mud races following Norse mythology. Since christianity they've been genociding non christian whites, fighting wars for israel, and building debt temples for jew bankers. My how we've advanced thanks to this jew book.

  29. Really grand that norse mythology indeed where pagans gods fornicated raped and killed each other, including involving in cannibalism.

    Oh yeah, those noble vikings where baby killes and ate human flesh as well! They all also had slaves.

    What a wonderful role models to worship.

  30. I don't know what norse mythology youre reading and getting those delusions from. It certainly isn't Odinistic mythology. The only god in the Odin myths that wasnt a noble role model was Loki. And he was always portrayed like a jew with a hook nose and sloped forehead, weak but clever. He betrayed the gods and led the forces of evil against them. He was killed in the end. And once again there was no rape, incest, or cannibalism like in the disgusting jew bible. The norse gods all had healthy marriages.

  31. odin is the god of war, instigator of war, murder is salvation, this sounds exactly like the old testament.

  32. NY Times

    After Strange Gods
    Michael Chabon


  33. Yahweh The Jewish Demon that lives in Outer Space is the God of War ! When his Son Yeshuah Moshiah " Jewsus Chryst not his real name " returns all the filthy goyim on the planet will burn in a lake of fire. Failure is the only result when " White " man worships a Plague from the Desert fairy tale that originated in the Sinai. What connection do your Ancestors have to this filthy book of murder, dick chopping, baby raping vile filth ? None that I can see or would want to be associated with. So Onward Christarded Soldiers ! Kill in the name of Jew Gawd and Rabbi Jewsus.

  34. Jesus is salvation for all human kind, who are ready to take Him into their lives! Jesus is the way for he is Life.

    Praise the Lord!

  35. Praise Jewsus! He will take care everything! Just relax and pray and this will all go away! Think not of the morrow, the morrow takes care of itself!

  36. You mocked Jesus Christ over the internet. You're an independent, free thinker. You should get a tattoo on your face to mark this historic occasion.

  37. War is an important fact of nature. Face it. The jews used the war mentality from earlier white mythology in their bible, and look how much success they've had. When the white man used it, Odin brought them to conquer the globe. When the jews used it, Yahweh brought them to conquer the globe. So you have a choice, are you a jewish warrior or an aryan warrior?

  38. How dare you mock rabbi yeshuah moshiah! He's my jew-commie imaginary friend!

  39. @ 4:09 AM Your like Lube, you only care mostly about waging a pagan crusade against christians while the Jews laugh their asses off!!! Face it asshole, most Europeans aren't going to embrace that life style, Why don't you look at all these anti-racst/anti-nazi Pagan Groups, most of them are tolerable of any religion and embrace egalitarianism/multiculturalism, LOL! yea sounds like mighty pagan warriors huh!

  40. Really grand that norse mythology indeed where pagans gods fornicated raped and killed each other, including involving in cannibalism.

    Well, Christians have a ritualistic ceremony where they symbolically eat the flesh and drink the blood of a mythological Jewish rabbi. This ceremony is called the "Eucharist". Perhaps you've heard of it?

  41. Here's a link to a Christ vs. antichrist video.


    Nice company you folks keep.

  42. http://i.imgur.com/cg2VkGM.png?1

    Also, this is relevant: http://nseuropa.wordpress.com/2013/04/11/heinrich-himmler-speech-about-homosexuality-to-the-ss-group-leaders/

  43. Yes goyim, what is already a majority non white religion (and rapidly becoming more non white by the hour) will save the white race!


  44. Lugh:
    I addressed the issue with "churchism" vs. Christian traditional principles (as Hitler spoke of) and Hitler's support of Christian principles vs. his issues with what I call "Churchism". Christianity should not be opening the floodgates to non-whites, but at the same time Jewish attacks, both internal and external on traditional Christianity (which was both racial and anti-Jew) have greatly helped it become BOTH a Judeo-Christian and non-white movement. I have found it's the moral foundations that bother a lot of anti-Christians, they want to partake of the Jewish decedence and like he "if it feels good just do it mindset, which has devestated our Race and Culture.

  45. Good show Rodney, alot of these people are hopeless, i think, they fall for every jew trick in the book.

  46. You are giving too much airtime to this John Friendstein whose main goal is to focus everything around Christianity. Hours and hours of explaining how "Real Christians" who are some mysterious group who somehow conform to Fink's realization that the white race are the real jews is wasting airtime. Yes the only way that the founders of National Socialism could have gotten support was by playing along with this indoctrinated religion which engulfed the majority of the population at the time but in no way did they idealize the teachings of Jesus.
    Rockwell expressed the desire to do away with Christianity and so did Himler. Hitler was excommunicated from the Catholic church and prohibited bible study classes. If John Friend has the intention of making the doctrines of this already outdated and discusting philosophy the center of the Nationalist movement he should get his little group of real jews and form a jewclub. This is not what we need to focus on. And this goal is not what we need to visualize
    It is your goal to kill all Gentiles and become martyrs for your jew king under the jew world order.
    Ka - boom! - All gone
    "I will sweep away everything
    from the face of the earth,”
    declares the LORD.
    I will sweep away both man and beast;
    I will sweep away the birds in the sky
    and the fish in the sea—
    When I destroy all mankind
    on the face of the earth,
    declares the LORD."

  47. "Hitler was excommunicated from the Catholic church and prohibited bible study classes."

    This statement is FALSE. Hitler was NEVER excommunicated from the Catholic Church and I provided a speech on my Show in which Hitler said the National Socialist Government guaranteed Christian education and sought coexistance with the Catholic and Protostant Faiths.

  48. On 11 November 2012, Rabbi Baruch Efrati was quoted thus by the Jewish news portal, YNet:

    "Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years were in exile there...

    We will never forgive Europe's Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly… Not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity…

  49. I fail to see how Christianity is a "moral foundation". This seems to be a large fallacy and a bold statement. You also said Hitler stated this with no quotations.
    Atheists are also generally more moral and law abiding then religious people. People with personal moral dignity are going to do better then those who are moral because of an existential threat from a theoretic deity (especially one that says if you are obedient to said deity crimes and immorality are absolved.. which in turn led to much of the egregious crimes in the name of Christ).
    It is difficult to pin down exactly what he was as both the right and the left try to say he was one or the other thing to give themselves moral ground in this mixed up world of ours.
    Another issue is acting just because you have a book that tells you to do things as opposed to doing something because you have a strong personal moral base or a strong ethnic moral base for your people. Take the Himmler speech I posted. No mention of religion or what have you, just concise points grounded in natural logic and ethics. Exuding an argument like this is preferable as it can appeal to anyone and faith tends to be extremely subjective.

    Also,political speeches are hardly strong evidence as no matter what kind of person you are, in politics you're going to skew things a bit.
    While Hitler did not lie nearly as much as someone like Obama, for the greater good politicians must use language that can reach as many as possible.

  50. Rodney, you do NOT follow the teachings of christ.

    Let me preach the good word of your christ fairy tale out of the holy masonic jew book then you can tell us exactly what is so positive about the teachings of your jewish saviour.

    Matthew 5:44 (KJV) But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

    Matthew 10:34-39
    King James Version (KJV)
    34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
    35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
    36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
    37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
    38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
    39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

    Matthew 15:24 (KJV) But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

    Luke 14:26 (KJV) If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

    ohn 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

    Galatians 3:28-29
    28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

    Is this fake, Rodney?

    Go to the 6 minute mark and tell me that Rosenberg is lying or that this film was created in hollywood by jews.


    Germania: the Nation that Defeated Rome


  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.


  53. Like I said Hitler accomodated the Christian faith but uniting the Cathlics and Protestant was on the basis of National Racial identity not on the scriptures. As far as the Catholic Chuch goes there were many supporters of Hitler in the church but the traitors were mainly Christians and Grave Of Adolf Hitlers Parents Desecrated by Priest
    If you christians ever get your wish and your protocols of christianity aka book of hallucinations come true by your collective focus and visualization the end is near and the jew king will come with his mouth sword and kill all gentiles who refuse to go on bended knee. So fuck you and the horse he supposedly rides in on. I will never bend my knees to the jew king and his last words were eat me. Go ahead and eat your jew king drink his blood and get on your knees but do not try to push this shit on me. Twenty more lashes for jeezes. He deserved what he got.
    And quit using Pagan symbols like the Sowelo Rune Swastica SS and the Blacksun symbol stick with your dead jew on a stick. In 1937 all Confessing Church seminaries and teaching was banned. So far I've only seen one real christian he plucked out one of his eyes and cut off his right hand.
    And as far as saying that christianity is anti homosexuality goes what the hell are you married to this dead jew as he said you are his brides. So not only are you faggotts but necrophiliacs and polygamists as well.
    By the way the rapture is scheduled for next Thursday and in order to get taken up you must commit suicide so hurry up and go. Leave the Earth to us.

  54. "I fail to see how Christianity is a "moral foundation". This seems to be a large fallacy and a bold statement. You also said Hitler stated this with no quotations."

    I provided a clip of Hitler in the Reichstag and read other direct quotes from Hitler with dates, etc. Perhaps you should listen (for comprehesion). One of the speeches was Feb 1, 1933, another was Feb 14, 1933 when he declared the National Socialists were Christians.
    Your personal (anti-christian) bias clouds your judgement. Also, as I said, I have no issue with Pagans and Non Believers, I know many of both, so long as their priorities are Race, Culture and our Children's Future. You, however seem to be very preoccupied with waging war on Christianity,at the expense of those 3 priorities, much like Georg Lukacs,the Jewish-'Hungarian' Marxist philosopher who I spoke about as well. look him up, his arguments are nearly identical to yours. Perhaps you may want to get busy having White Children which would do the cause more good than waging war on White Christians, many of which are racial and do have White Children. As Rockwell said, I played his clip as well, we need he "White Christian Masses". White Christian Massess are a natural constituency for TRUE National Socialism.

  55. @ John Sholtes
    Respectfully, you spend too much time on You Tube, Bloigs and on the Net, Try reading a few books written prior to 1965 and talking to people (other than via chat rooms), especially people who lived in the Third Reich, the most successful Nationalist System that ever existed. Again, I say this with all due respect.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Good show Rodney, alot of these people are hopeless, i think, they fall for every jew trick in the book
    What book your jew book? Aren't you one of the real jews? So the biggest trick was just forcing Europeans to follow your book. What a waste of trees. When I worked for a treeplanting company ran by Seventh Day adventists we were told to kill all the oak trees we came across to make way for loblolly pines used for paper. Every thme I came across an oak tree I buried the acorns to make more Oak Trees. The fucken christians want to kill the Sacred Oak and some priest cut down Thors Oak. You will pay for that. When you die all of the pagans you killed will be waiting for you.

  58. I find it always interesting that whenever someone challenges Christianity the comments section is on fire. That is because there are basically two types of people. Those that can give up the semitic beliefs and those that cannot. And for many it is very difficult because Christianity has been so deeply entrenched in western culture for so long.

    For my part, I side with Alex Linder on the topic. Nothing good can come from Christianity when it comes to fighting the jews. They can try to paint it anyway they want (i.e. CI). But that is just like putting lipstick on a pig. The assertion that Christ was not a jew is absurd. But as soon as you bring up this glaring fact CI types resort to their only response: "YOU'RE A JEW!". That is the only response they can come up with. It's the same with Christians. As soon as you say "prove to me that your god exists!" they respond with "prove to me he doesn't!". Arguing with these types won't get you anywhere. They are going to believe what they believe.

  59. It is difficult to pin down exactly what he was as both the right and the left try to say he was one or the other thing to give themselves moral ground in this mixed up world of ours.

    The reason why it's so hard for NT scholars to pin down exactly what Jesus was is because it's very likely that he didn't exist. The portrait of Jesus in the gospels is shallow and contradictory. That's why every NT scholar who tries to reconstruct the "historical Jesus" ends up with a completely different result.

    Jesus is most likely 100% mythical. That's why every detail of his life is copy/pasted from the Jewish Old Testament.

  60. all of the people i have known with this "viking" attitude either got shot, went to prison or betrayed their fellow "vikings" for a couple shekels or to avoid prison.

    all the while there were people promoting this attitude, with no intention of putting themselves at risk.

    you internet "vikings" are promoters, you have no intention of putting yourself at risk, but you promote this attitude. everything you do is divisive and counterproductive.

    i'll bet none of you have even read Rockwell's book. George Lincoln Rockwell would have done anything in the struggle against jewry.

    you people can't even respect other peoples religious beliefs.

    this struggle will be won or lost by Christians, not a bunch of thug wannabes. antichrist is insignificant at best, but generally counterproductive.

  61. We will never forgive Europe's Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly…

    The only millions who Europe's Christians slaughtered were other European Christians. That should give you a clue as to Christianity's true purpose.

  62. Again, a few throw away lines in political speeches are hardly solid evidence for such a bold claim. Especially considering allied propaganda made it a focal point to make him seem anti-Christian, thus he couldn't go out and say things that are outwardly derogatory to Christianity. If he gave Christian leaders who were against him ammunition it could have led to a revolt against him.
    His true personal feelings are still a bit of a mystery.
    One thing that we can agree with is that he decided to try to lead Germany to greater things and that he would try to work with Catholics and Prots for his aims.
    “In the ranks of the movement [National Socialist movement], the most
    devout Protestant could sit beside the most devout Catholic, without
    coming into the slightest conflict with his religious convictions.
    The mighty common struggle which both carried on against the
    destroyer of Aryan humanity had, on the contrary, taught them
    mutually to respect and esteem one another.”

    [Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf" Vol. 2 Chapter 10]

    He did seem to have some kind of religious leanings. Maybe a deist or a gnostic.

    Further, a large swath of not the majority of the inner circle of the NSDAP. I would imagine I sound more like them. Lukacs mostly promoted the worst of degenerative sex practices and issues of this nature, nothing of which I've EVER closely mentioned. And this method is something of another story. Allow me to elaborate.. critters like Luckacs use this argument as a Hegelian dialectic. As large proponents of individuals, especially the intellectual class are more or less predisposed to believe in Creationism, the Jew will try to tack on that discrimination of immorality is a Christian thing and not a human thing (another fallacy). This is how the Jew attacks the non Christian.
    And heck, I just posted a photo about how Germanic Pagans threw homosexuals into bogs.

    If you want I can pick a communist, a German nationalist Christian in fact who would parrot your rhetoric my friend. And he is no random unknown pulled from the wastebin either, he is the co-author of the Communist Manifesto!

  63. God and Jesus Christ are very real to hundreds of millions of Americans, over 2 billion people world wide, you people are losers.

  64. Christians will never exterminate "gods chosen people", as evidenced by their history of repetitive "exiles". End of story. They're useless and at best just a hinderance to solving the eternal jew problem. Move out the way christarded children, Odin and Thor have some kikes to flatten.

  65. so you believe Hitler was a lying sociopathic scumbag just like the jews say. jews define your reality.

  66. Why don't you look at all these anti-racst/anti-nazi Pagan Groups, most of them are tolerable of any religion and embrace egalitarianism/multiculturalism, LOL!

    Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
    - Matthew 28:19

    And the gospel must first be preached to all the nations.
    - Mark 13:10

    and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
    - Luke 24:47

    From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth;
    - Acts 17:26

    There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For God does not show favoritism.
    - Romans 2:9-11

    For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
    - Romans 10:12-13

    For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
    - 1 Corinthians 12:13

    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
    - Galatians 3:28

    Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
    - Colossians 3:11

    And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.”
    - Revelation 5:9-10

    After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”
    - Revelation 9:9-10

    Then I was told, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.”
    - Revelation 10:11

    Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people.
    - Revelation 14:6

    “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the nations. Who will not fear you, Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
    - Revelation 15:3-4

  67. God and Jesus Christ are very real to hundreds of millions of Americans, over 2 billion people world wide...

    That's right. And 60%+ of them are non-white. Christianity is a third world religion. It has returned to its non-white roots.

  68. go to it "viking" you're not going to do much "exterminating" behind a keyboard. i'm willing to bet the only violence you've ever encountered or plan on encountering, occurred in a role playing game.

    people who promote exterminating anyone are generally working for the government.

  69. "I find it always interesting that whenever someone challenges Christianity the comments section is on fire"

    Well, this should tell us something, LEARN FROM IT, even racial Whites will NOT give up their faith, nor should they, nor should Pagans, nor should non-believers be forced to believe in somehing he do not, BUT, SOME NON-CHRISTIANS running around waging war on Christians, including racially aware Christians, will not build our Movement, in fact Hitler said, "no good will come from attacking Christianity". those who do, are marginalized. Our priority must be Race, Culture and our Children's Future. I highly question anyones motives who places war on religion over our Racial existence. Linder, as good a writer as he is, cannot build a broad movement, and has not with his attacks on people's faith. Why is it so easy for so many "Pro-Whites" to attack our Culture and Heritage and be a pawn of the Jew Agenda? Sorry people, 80%-90% of White Americans embrace Christian Traditions, they will NOT convert to Paganism in order to become a White Nationalist. They will look at you like you are a loon and you will loose credibiliy when you make that demand EVEN if they agree with some of what you say on other issues. By the way, I have not seen a unified Pagan statement, is it even discussed? opposing Homosexuality, abortion, pornography, etc, (Jew perversions), at least the Catholics still hold firm on those as do Conservative Lutherans and Anglicans. No doubt Christian "Churchism" is an abomination, BUT a great many White Christains do not buy into what false Prophest say at the pulpits, in fact a great many White Christians do NOT attend organized Churches. Perhaps some should look internally as to the root causes of their opposition to Christian principles as opposed to "Churchism", I too m oppoed to "Churchism", but if you oppose Christian Principles because you like to slum it, as the Jews want us to do, if you like to do the occasional dope and excessive drink, or play with a whore, gratify yourself with Jewish Porn at the expense of our women or race-mix, etc, etc, that is weakness of character and all of which Christian Principles fought and why the Jew worked so hard to infiltrate and crate Judeo-Chriatianity.

  70. so you believe Hitler was a lying sociopathic scumbag just like the jews say. jews define your reality.

    If this was aimed at me, no politician can be 100% truthful 100% of the time, even lads as good as Hitler. People are too fickle. He made concessions for the Christians as he did the socialists.
    Further, the German Christians were not anywhere remotely as retarded as American Christian Zionists.
    Hitler luckily did not have to sit through listening to the likes of Hagee, Robertson et al and if he had somehow reincarnated in America today he would probably decide to sound a lot like me. He attacked the Bolsheviks as the greatest lapdogs of the Jew and today it's the Christian Zionists.
    God to the Germans was mostly Teutonic tradition masked in a cathedral.
    God to most Americans is no less than the state of Israel.

  71. Odin sacrificed his eye so the white man could obtain godly wisdom. But if dead multicultural commie jews are your thing, there's always the shephard of men jesus.

  72. it's pretty obvious they're promoting Christian morality among the non whites pushing whites away from Christian morality. you're being replaced, what do you do? exactly what the jews tell you to.

  73. How will the 5,000 year old jewish problem be solved without a surgical removal from this planet? I.e. Extermination. It cant. And everyone here knows it but is too pussified to admit it.

  74. and why the Jew worked so hard to infiltrate and crate Judeo-Chriatianity.

    Jews had no need to "infiltrate" something that they created, you idiot.

  75. 7:36, that's not true. The solution to the Jewish problem is to get all Jews to convert to Christianity. That will solve the problem permanently.

    Well, that's what the anti-Jewish Christian hobbyists on the internet tell us anyway.

  76. if Hitler was alive today he would probably have you shot, for promoting hatred of the majority of white people and divisiveness among the people who are struggling against jewry.

  77. not only is genocide immoral, even promoting the idea is illegal. i guess when they round you clowns up, you'll have made a nearly impossible task even more difficult. is that you're plan?


  78. it's pretty obvious they're promoting Christian morality among the non whites pushing whites away from Christian morality.
    Yes us Europeans needed the jews to teach us about Morality. Without the jew Paul we would just be savages. The backward Pre Constantine Romans and Greeks were just animals. thank you jeezus for giving us morality. We now can sin all we want and take joy knowing that you got whipped instead of us. I do like that.
    Another lie by someone above saying that in Hitler's
    Adolf Hitler - February 10 -1933 speech he said National Socialism is a Christian movement.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIHEv6T8B8s Yes you real jews can insert whatever you want into the writings of Hitler but you cannot do it with his recorded speeches or any recordings. So just like the real jews that you are lie all you want but quit using Our Pagan Symbols like the Swastika the Sowelo SS Rune and the Blacksun for your cult. stick with your dead jew on a stick. You brides of Christ are not only faggotts but necrophiliacs and polygomous as well.

  79. Ah yes I forgot. All the jews need to be converted to christ, the other jew. "Gods chosen people". We cant lay a finger on them. What was I thinking? Their sacred mongrelized DNA produced the savior of the world.

    Who needs pesticides when we've already got bibles?

  80. Im supposed to be afraid of some jewish law that says I cant mention THE ONLY solution to stopping the jew world order? ..or of some christard that get's offended of his savior's DNA being targetted for eradication?


  81. go to it "viking" you're not going to do much "exterminating" behind a keyboard. i'm willing to bet the only violence you've ever encountered or plan on encountering, occurred in a role playing game.
    Well jewworshipper I am willing to give you some of my Pagan love any time just like I did to to Rastafarian niggers who wanted to kill some Nazis a few weeks ago. This my real name and you can mesage me on facebook and arrange a meeting anytime. As far as I am concerned you christ cultists need to be taught a lesson for cutting down Thor's Tree.

  82. just like all internet tough guys if you did everything you claim you'd be in jail all of the time.

  83. well you wouldn't be afraid of a jew law that can put you in prison idefinitely if you were working for the jews. or if you were really stupid.

  84. WV Foundations said...

    "I find it always interesting that whenever someone challenges Christianity the comments section is on fire"

    Well, this should tell us something, LEARN FROM IT, even racial Whites will NOT give up their faith, nor should they, nor should Pagans, nor should non-believers be forced to believe in somehing he do not, BUT, SOME NON-CHRISTIANS running around waging war on Christians, including racially aware Christians, will not build our Movement, in fact Hitler said, "no good will come from attacking Christianity".
    Another lie posted by a real jew and you cannot back that up. Give me the recording you liar. Then even the white KKK which got infested with christianity could not wait to go kill millions of goy for the jews. It was you white christians who killed millions of whites for the jews. You are worse than jews. Bondservants to a dead jew whose goal is to set up the jew world order. If I saw your jew king descending on a horse from the sky with a sword in his mouth I would shoot him down.

  85. The only thing white Christians do better than kissing Jew ass is killing other white Christians.

  86. Rodney is of Germanic and Celtic descent, no mongrel or kike in him.
    Wrong. All christians let the jew jeezus cum into them.

  87. "Further, the German Christians were not anywhere remotely as retarded as American Christian Zionists.
    Hitler luckily did not have to sit through listening to the likes of Hagee, Robertson et al and if he had somehow"

    Lugh: Thank you, you made my point. If you want to look at the root of the contamination of Christianity, look to the "Scofield Bible".
    I would really like to have you on my Show on this topic. BOTH my Grandparents and Great-Grandparents were German Christians, German Christians:
    Embraced Martin Luther's posting of the Ninety-Five Theses which they considered a demonstrtion of German nationalism, to emphasize that Germany had a preferred place in the Protestant tradition, and to legitimize antisemitism and was reinforced by the Luther Renaissance Movement of Professor Emmanuel Hirsch.
    The revival of Folkish traditions and the the de-emphasis of the Old Testament in Protestant theology. The German Christians actually pre-dated the National Socialist Government, German Christians organized in 1931. After 1945 we have practiced as the/a
    Free People's Christian Church.

  88. @ John Sholtes, your IQ is obvioulsly in the high negatives.

  89. @8:30 PM Fuck you Kike sholtes clearly some somebody like you who hates Christianity like you is a fucking kike or delusional idiot. I come from a Norwegian Lutheran family you asshole, Unlike you or Lube who are wannabe Vikings, I have viking blood in me, but I respect Christianity not act like a immature stupid child and start espousing nonsense like a jew.

  90. There were many problems before Scofield.
    For instance.. the way I see it Luther ENDED the Renaissance, and created what would equate to hundreds of years of European Civil War.

    But all that aside it could be fun to have a chat on this in the future on air. While I'd steer away from doing so with certain unnamed and swarthy characters you were someone I always respected regardless of differing opines.

  91. My clan, the Sween clan were half Viking - half Celt and were the greatest warrior clan in the history of the British Isles, my nigga.

  92. But all that aside it could be fun to have a chat on this in the future on air. While I'd steer away from doing so with certain unnamed and swarthy characters you were someone I always respected regardless of differing opines.

    Lugh: Please contact me, my email address is available on my site at www.wvfoundations.org.

  93. If you want to look at the root of the contamination of Christianity, look to the "Scofield Bible".

    If you want to look at the root of the "contamination" of Christianity, look to the New Testament.

  94. Mankind has faced a bewildering multitude catastrophes and Jewish-made terrors over the past few millennium, most of which stem from a single solitary conflict between two opposing social qualities: individualism vs. collectivism.

    These two forces of organizational mechanics have gone through evolution after evolution over the years, and we believe the long battle is nearing an apex moment; a moment in which one ideology or the other will become dominant around the world for well beyond the foreseeable future.

    Collectivism as a philosophy is a perfect tool for the Jewish dominated oligarchy. The men who dominate such systems rarely if ever actually believe in the tenets they espouse. They sell the idea of single-minded society as a nurturing light that will create group supremacy, prosperity, and perfect safety. But the truth is, the Jewish supremacists couldn’t care less about accomplishing any of these things for the masses. Capitalism or Marxism are both tools of the Jews to exploit the masses.

    The most vital aspect of the collectivist process is convincing the public that the individual citizen is not sovereign, but is actually the property of the group.

    Fools on Mami's Shit are espousing a form of collectivism as salvation for the group or the white only group. They want to move the nation toward an even more extreme form of socialism - they want militant national socialism citing Hitler as an example. They forget what happened to Germany - it was destroyed in a hellstorm, the men killed, the women raped, the nation turned into a Jew Holocaust farm.

    America has been financially killed, its people subverted by Hollywood, moving toward fascism will be the coup de grace, a way for the Jews to exterminate the American people. They will do this with external war then internal civil war. By the time is all over say 2 decades from now the nation will be smoking rubble.

    Liberty and freedom have been trashed by Jewish programs like welfare and corporate fascism. The jobs have been shipped overseas, the nation is spiraling into debt, the comparison to Weimer Germany is apt.

    You all ought to be aware of those promoting militant socialism. What we need is more freedom, not less.

  95. Lugh said...

    My clan, the Sween clan were half Viking - half Celt and were the greatest warrior clan in the history of the British Isles, my nigga.


  96. @9:10 PM lol! lugh, you truly lost it, a canadian nerd with a congested voice hahahahha...yea you sound like such a badass, the christians are shaking in their boots!

  97. Oh, I didn't realize that "WV Foundations" is Rodney Martin himself.

    Rodney, your website looks horrible. The format is a nightmare. You need to install the WordPress software on your site and use that instead of whatever it is that you're currently using. Your website looks like it came straight out of 1996.

  98. Rodney(nigger name), here's a nice quote for you directly from the pen of your German messiah:

    When we are inclined to boast of our position we should remember that we are but Gentiles, while the Jews are of the lineage of Christ. We are aliens and in-laws; they are blood relatives, cousins, and brothers of our Lord. Therefore, if one is to boast of flesh and blood, the Jews are actually nearer to Christ than we are, as St. Paul says in Romans 9. God has also demonstrated this by his acts, for to no nation among the Gentiles has he granted so high an honor as he has to the Jews. For from among the Gentiles there have been raised up no patriarchs, no apostles, no prophets, indeed, very few genuine Christians either. And although the gospel has been proclaimed to all the world, yet He committed the Holy Scriptures, that is, the law and the prophets, to no nation except the Jews, as Paul says in Romans 3 and Psalm 147, "He declares his word to Jacob, his statutes and ordinances to Israel. He has not dealt thus with any other nation; nor revealed his ordinances to them."

    — Martin Luther, That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew, 1523


  99. Rodney \r(o)-dney, rod-ney\ as a boy's name is pronounced RAHD-nee. It is of Old German Surname first commonly used in the mid 19th century

    Martin is a patronymic surname taken from the ancient Latin given name Martinus, derived from Mars, the Roman god of fertility and war.

    Surname Origin:

    German, French, Scottish, Irish

  100. @ the Swine who posted - April 11, 2013 at 11:22 PM, your quote is from 1523, might I suggest you read, IF YOU CAN, Luther's 1543 "On the Jews and Their Lies". Beyond this, Luther's last sermons called for the removal of Jews from all German Lands.

  101. I have new web site under construction. Check back soon.

  102. @11:34 Pm Exactly! I come from a deutsche Luther family as well, luckily i've been good at making some of my family aware of the works of luther.

  103. In the United States, "Rodney" is a common nigger first name. I think it's fitting that a Christard like you has a common nigger name, since according to the New Testament the first non-Jewish convert to Christianity was a castrated Ethiopian nigger:

    Ethiopian eunuch

  104. I hope that if one deals in a kindly way with the Jews and instructs them carefully from Holy Scripture, many of them will become genuine Christians and turn again to the faith of their fathers, the prophets and patriarchs. They will only be frightened further away from it if their Judaism is so utterly rejected that nothing is allowed to remain, and they are treated only with arrogance and scorn. If the apostles, who also were Jews, had dealt with us Gentiles as we Gentiles deal with the Jews, there would never have been a Christian among the Gentiles. Since they dealt with us Gentiles in such brotherly fashion, we in our turn ought to treat the Jews in a brotherly manner in order that we might convert some of them. For even we ourselves are not yet all very far along, not to speak of having arrived.

    — Martin Luther, That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew, 1523

  105. @ the Mental Midget who posted April 12, 2013 at 12:37 AM, I was raised by German Grandparents. You are another typical example of very low IQ who gets all your information off the internet and TV. Maybe momma should kick you out of the house before your 50th birthday so you can learn something real. Interesting, you do not share your name, might it be Israel or Shamier?

  106. @April 12, 2013 at 12:44 AM, spam the same quote all you like but
    your quote is from 1523, might I suggest you read, IF YOU CAN, Luther's 1543 "On the Jews and Their Lies". Beyond this, Luther's last sermons called for the removal of Jews from all German Lands.

  107. The guy at April 12, 2013 at 12:37 AM--his name is probably Pee Wee Herman or Leslie gobblegork, most defineately an efeminate fustrated person who overly masturbates to pictures of niggers.

  108. We want to deal with them in a Christian manner now. Offer them the Christian faith that they would accept the Messiah, who is even their cousin and has been born of their flesh and blood; and is rightly Abraham’s Seed, of which they boast. Even so, I am concerned [that] Jewish blood may no longer become diluted and impure.

    First of all, you should propose to them that they be converted to the Messiah and allow themselves to be baptized, that one may see that this is a serious matter to them. If not, then we would not permit them [to live among us], for Christ commands us to be baptized and believe in Him. Even though we cannot now believe so strongly as we should, God is still patient with us.
    However, if they are converted, abandon their usury, and receive Christ, then we will willingly regard them our brothers. Otherwise, nothing will come of it, for they go too far.
    Yet, we will show them Christian love and pray for them that they may be converted to receive the Lord, whom they should properly honor more than we.
    If the Jews would be converted and stop their blaspheming and whatever else they have done to us, then we will gladly forgive them.

    — Martin Luther, Warning Against the Jews, 1546

  109. Beyond this, Luther's last sermons called for the removal of Jews from all German Lands.

    Nope. Wrong again, nigger Rodney. Luther's Warning Against the Jews called for the removal of Jews from German lands ONLY IF THEY DID NOT CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY.

    Big difference there, nigga Rodney.

  110. What's the matter, nigger Rodney? Are you afraid that your target audience of pro-whites will find out about the story of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:26-40 of your Jewish written holy book and then quite rightly view you as the complete joke that you are?


  111. @April 12, 2013 at 1:08 AM
    Have the courage to post under your name, for all anyone knows you are a Jewish Homosexual in here trolling, You are again using selective quotes.

    In Luther's last 2 Sermons he said, regarding the Jews,

    "We are at fault in not slaying them"

    As to the "colorful" adjective you like to use in front of my name, it is a well established fact my name is Germanic and you prove how a person can take pride in their ignorance.

  112. April 12, 2013 at 1:21 AM IS A NON WHITE TROLL, PROBABLY ANTIFA

    Read how he says " pro white target audience" FUCK OFF KIKE, NIGGER OR WHATEVER YOU ARE.

    We know Rodney is a German/Celtic and a NS.

  113. @1:21 AM Buzz Off loser, Your clearly an antifa Troll!

  114. Everybody watch the christards try to make christianity seem anti-jew. Theyre struggling to grasp at any obscure out-of-context quote from popular archetypes like Luther or Hitler to give themselves credibility. Notice how they dont use their very own jew bible to disprove its jewishness. Because they can't!

    Take your Essene bullshit elsewhere, like in a six foot hole. The pages of the bible were clearly just toilet paper from the dead sea cliffs that the jews bound together to convert goyim to their jew god. And you read their smeared shit on parchment everynight like it's something divine. Wake up and smell the feces children.

  115. [43] Therefore I say to you, that the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and shall be given to a nation yielding the fruits thereof. [44] And whosoever shall fall on this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder. [45] And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they knew that he spoke of them.

    Jesus Christ is antijew, you however are not, you're just a degenerate scumbag like every antichrist. Why don't you go promote gay marriage, abortion or antiracism with the rest of antichrist?

  116. Matthew 5: 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
    18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

    Jesus was a Rabbi. And you are a dupe. And if every "antichrist" (you use this term repetitively, I can tell youre the same christard or jew that argues in every post) knew that christianity was a jewish hoax they wouldnt fall for the jew's social marxism. I.e. They need to learn how jews always play both sides of the coin to confuse the goyim. Especially with christ and antichrist. They promote christianity to pussify and delude goyim thinking abilities and they promote social marxism as "antichrist" to make christianity seem like a bastion of truth, which it is not.

    You are obviously not jew-wise.

  117. Hey, Rodney Martin, I've never seen your picture. For all I know, you could be a boot lipped nigger with purple-black skin. Nobody has seen your face.

  118. @11:37 AM His pictures are in his Website you fucking kike troll, he's out in the open unlike a closet troll like yourself.

  119. He's out in the open because he does the bidding of the jews. He has nothing to worry about. The christardation of the truth movement is a jewish agenda. (Alex Jones, Nathaniel Kapner, Kike Delaney, those are some big ones there are plenty more, I'm sure you know, you probably frequent all their sites)

  120. @12:26 PM Oh really...LOL! Dude your no different than these david icke paranoid retards who thinks everything is a "jewish Conspiracy" and now theres a insidious "christian conspiracy" ohohoh. Put your Tin foil hat on and get out of your moms basement troll!

  121. April 12, 2013 at 10:48 AM

    antichrist is an accurate term isn't it. indeed Jesus Christ did fulfill the law of the prophets, making him the messiah. the jewish covenant with god was now void, the only means of salvation was by accepting Jesus Christ and his teachings, making the jews heretics. i don't see what is projew about this, this is antijew.

    i know your reading comprehension is poor, if you can even manage to read anything without pictures. you are accustomed to reading something and then having a jew tell you what it means, instead of thinking for yourself, you have done the same thing with the gospels. you have to quit doing this or you will always be stuck in jew reality.

  122. We should definitely get rid of all whites who mock the Holy Name Of Jesus Christ as they are worse then jews and should be dealt as fast as possible!

  123. We need to purge this movement of idolatrous christards. Theyre an absolute embaressment. They will never accept what has to be done. And thats kill "gods chosen people" that produced their "good jew" messiah. History has proven that their repeated exiles have done nothing but snowball the problem. They thought they were being "righteous" in the eyes of jew yahweh by not holding jews accountable for their crimes like they would with any goy that commited treason. Yet theyre too stupid to see how well theyve been played by the jews chosen myth. Jews in advance knew they would rub them the wrong way with their crimes. So they wrote the bible and played goys like a fiddle.

  124. @1:42 PM Hahaha...So what the War is against Christians now LOL! You fucking Atheist and Pagatards CANT even start a Movement and your already deciding who to purge out! just more WISHFUL THINKING from you apathetic big mouth trolls!
    Why do you even claim jesus is a "jew messiah", read the Talmud and all its volumes you fucktard, im sure its so pro-jesus! lol
    Most rabbis would praise your childish rhetoric from you airhead pagans since pagans have nothing against USURY!

  125. Hey, guys, I finally found some pictures of Rodney Martin on the internet:


  126. since pagans have nothing against USURY!

    That's not true. Both Plato and Aristotle wrote against the idea of interest/usury. And this was many centuries before your Jewish written New Testament even existed.

  127. indeed Jesus Christ did fulfill the law of the prophets, making him the messiah.

    How so? All the "Messianic prophecies" that Christians point toward in the Jewish TANAKH are either grossly taken out of context or aren't Messianic prophecies at all.

    Have you ever read the passages in the TANAKH that Christians claim are "prophecies" of Jesus Christ? I know you haven't, because if you had then you would know that they're all taken wildly out of context and most of them aren't Messianic prophecies in the first place.

    See, this is why Jews laugh at and ridicule Christians and Christianity. Christian doctrine is based on fanciful midrashic interpretations of Jewish scriptures.

  128. Here are the anti-interest/usury passages from Plato and Aristotle:

    "In marrying and giving in marriage, no one shall give or receive any dowry at all; and no one shall deposit money with another whom he does not trust as a friend, nor shall he lend money upon interest; and the borrower should be under no obligation to repay either capital or interest."


    "There are two sorts of wealth-getting, as I have said; one is a part of household management, the other is retail trade: the former necessary and honorable, while that which consists in exchange is justly censured; for it is unnatural, and a mode by which men gain from one another. The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term interest, which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of any modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural."


  129. Christard: "Plato? Aristotle? They sound like satanist heathen antichrists to me."

  130. April 12, 2013 at 2:58 PM

    Are you jewish? You denounce Christ, and seem awful familiar with jewish opinion on religion, you claim to be well versed in jew explanation of the old testament and you accept jew definition of what the messiah should be. I think you're jewish

  131. @ 2:52 PM yea so what plato and Aristotle, did the germanic, slavic, and celtic tribes take heed of their words, saying and doing are too different things? Usury was notorious in pagan Rome buddy, it was a kike-fest. In the end I don't care what you are, as long as were right on race, thats all that matters. But most of you closet pagan homos just want to bicker about christians all-day while you waste your life away on nonsense en-stead of grabbing a wife, and start begetting allot of kids for the white race. I don't see pagans going around having a bunch of kids like mormons do you?

  132. April 12, 2013 at 3:03 PM

    Who do you think translated and copied the writings of the ancient greeks? vikings? vikings didn't even have a written history until Christians taught them to read an write.

    Christians incorporated the the thoughts of great philosophers into Christianity.

  133. Usury was notorious in pagan Rome buddy, it was a kike-fest.

    [citation needed]

    Yeah, unlike the modern Christian infested United States, which is totally free of Jewish banking and usury. Oh, wait.

    You Christards don't have any clue what you're talking about. Your arguments are paper thin and easily demolished. Most of you aren't very bright, and very few of you have any degree of education beyond high school.

  134. Christians incorporated the the thoughts of great philosophers into Christianity.

    What you mean to say is that the subversive Jews who created Christianity incorporated Greek philosophical ideas in order to make Christianity more palatable to a Greek and Roman audience. This process of merging Greek culture and ideas with Judaism started long before Christianity. Philo of Alexandria was the primary purveyor of this type of Jewish subversive crap. Many of Philo's ideas were incorporated directly into Christian theology, such as the idea that Jesus was the "Logos" of Yahweh. Philo's writings provided the foundation of Christianity.

  135. April 12, 2013 at 4:20 PM

    I think the problem with people like you is the jews told you were intelligent because they told you certain information. You can't figure out that information doesn't make you intelligent, it makes you informed. You also can't figure out the jews give you certain information to make you think what they want you to think.

    When you take this jew information and add the positive reinforcement of making you think you are superior for having information, you become thoroughly brainwashed.

  136. @4:17 PM Your are truly a fucking moron if you believe modern USA is a christian nation! LOL!
    if your so passionate about your pagan rhetoric why don't you start an organization en stead of ranting on the internet all day you clown!

  137. April 12, 2013 at 4:20 PM

    so you go along with the idea that all of Christian civilization is a jew conspiracy. tinfoil hat time.

  138. Your are truly a fucking moron if you believe modern USA is a christian nation! LOL!

    It certainly is. The United States is the most Christian of all Western nations, bar none. 90% of Americans identify as Christians, and there is a church on every street corner in the United States.

    Do you "anti-Jewish" Christards ever get tired of lying and making stuff up?

  139. April 12, 2013 at 4:42 PM,

    Sorry, but you're not going to cover up for your ignorance with a cheesy debating tactic like that.

    Don't try to escape the fact that you aren't knowledgeable enough about Christian origins and ancient history to intelligently discuss this subject.

  140. April 12, 2013 at 4:49 PM
    The majority of Americans (73–76%) identify themselves as Christians and about 15–20% have no religious affiliation.[3][4] According to the American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) (2008) 76% of the American adult population identified themselves as Christians, with 25% identifying themselves as Catholics, and 51% identifying themselves as Christians spanning some 30 religious groupings.[3][5] The same survey says that other religions (including, for example, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism) collectively make up about 4% of the adult population, another 15% of the adult population claim no religious affiliation, and 5.2% said they did not know, or they refused to reply.[3] According to a 2012 survey by the Pew forum, 36 percent of Americans state that they attend services nearly every week or more.[6]


  141. April 12, 2013 at 4:51 PM

    I'm knowledgeable enough about you to know you get all of your information from jews and communists, and you believe every word they say.

  142. "You also can't figure out the jews give you certain information to make you think what they want you to think.When you take this jew information and add the positive reinforcement of making you think you are superior for having information, you become thoroughly brainwashed."

    You mean the Bible?

  143. April 12, 2013 at 5:07 PM,

    Your posts are kind of stupid. You're embarrassing yourself. Maybe you should just cut your losses and run.

    Go hang out at $tormfront. They cater to Christards very heavily over there.

  144. http://reknew.org/2009/04/more-good-news-only-white-american-christianity-is-dying/

    The Jesus-looking Kingdom has always thrived best among those marginalized by the dominant culture.

    That's exactly right. This is what the ancient Jews who created Christianity originally intended. The Christian movement in the Roman Empire initially grew among the racially mixed slave and urban slum dweller classes. And we see today that Christianity has come full circle and returned to its third world roots: over 50% of the world's Christian population is non-white.

  145. jews didn't give us the new testament, Christians did, it's not information, it's philosophy, you retards treat it like information.

    the new testament doesn't make me feel intellectually superior, it's not that difficult, unless you read it backwards like you people do.

    the new testament will make you morally superior to jews and degenerates and that's the point.

  146. April 12, 2013 at 5:30 PM

    i don't know how anyone can be dumber than you people. you say you promote white interests, but you hate most white people. you say you oppose jews, but you hate Jesus Christ the greatest opponent to jewry.

  147. > conquered the world for the jews
    > greatest opponent

  148. April 12, 2013 at 5:36 PM

    Hey you people moved up a level, from linking to flat out antichrist communists to bolshevik christians.

    Don't make me start linking to all of the scumbag, degenerate antichrist and pagan sites, they're alot worse than bolshevik christians.

  149. jews were discriminated against treated like garbage and put in ghettos until some gaytheist conquered europe, with jew money and emancipated them.

    is this how they used Christians to conquer the world. you people are tinfoil hat jeff rense morons.

  150. jews didn't give us the new testament

    So when Paul says that he is a Hebrew of Hebrews, descended from Pharisees, and a member of the tribe of Benjamin, he's lying?

    the new testament will make you morally superior to jews and degenerates and that's the point.

    How is that? The "moral teachings" of Jesus are found almost verbatim in both the Torah and the Talmud.

  151. how did the jews get so much money if they were so prosecuted? and can you guys go 5 minutes without using "gay" or "butt". can you have a conversation like an adult? it doesnt help your cause and only makes you look idiotic.

  152. Jews were discriminated against treated like garbage and put in ghettos until some gaytheist conquered europe, with jew money and emancipated them.

    Really? Is that why the Catholic church gave Jews a monopoly on banking and money lending during the Middle Ages?

  153. how did the jews get so much money if they were so prosecuted?

    Good point. Don't expect the conspiracy theories of the Catholic Christard apologist's to make any logical sense.

  154. but you hate Jesus Christ the greatest opponent to jewry.


  155. April 12, 2013 at 6:10 PM

    Once the followers of Christ accepted Christ as their savior, they became Christian. They were oppressed just as much by jews as Christ was, alot of the persecution of Christians in rome was instigated by jews.

    Before Christ, prophets came and criticized the jews for their degeneracy, elijah, john the baptist, they were murdered. Jesus Christ came and that was it, degenerate jews are the jews we have, moral jews became Christians.

    In the talmud, they have so many laws, some moral, some the opposite, jews can pretty much do anything they want and still be good jews.

  156. April 12, 2013 at 6:41 PM

    So you're saying that as long as Jews convert to Christianity then everything is fine and the Jewish problem is solved? Okay, it's good to know where you stand.

    And you still haven't explained how the morality taught by Jesus is any different from the morality taught by the Torah and the Talmud.

  157. In the talmud, they have so many laws, some moral, some the opposite

    You mean like the New Testament?

    jews can pretty much do anything they want and still be good jews.

    You mean like how Christians can do anything they want and be "forgiven" by God/Jesus?

  158. Before Christ, prophets came and criticized the jews

    Are these the same prophets who said that the Jews would control the world and the gentiles would be their slaves?

  159. Luke 4: 14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.15 And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read. 

    Yeah, jews totally hated jewsus.

  160. The jews were being oppressed in Christian Europe but not in muslim Spain. They got rich.

    The jews were expelled from Spain in 1492. The reformation started around the same time. Followed by the religious wars.

    Liberal idealism started being promoted at this time as well. When the U.S. was founded jews were still in ghettos in most of europe, but the liberal idealists in the U.S. gave jews free reign.

    At the same time jews fomented revolution in France, which had kicked them out and burned their talmud in the 13th century.

    Jews financed napoleon, another liberal idealist, who conquered most of europe and emancipated the jews. Jews now had money and revolutionaries.

  161. Yes if jews converted to Christianity and obeyed the teachings of Christ, that would solve the problem, but they haven't for 2000 years so i don't see why they would now.

  162. April 12, 2013 at 6:51 PM

    The new testament isn't hard to understand, but you've spent your whole life listening to communists and jews so you probably can't make sense of anything.

    God will forgive sin but not if you committed a sin with the intention of being forgiven. Jews promote the idea that you will be accepted by God regardless of your actions, you should know that, jews are your guiding light.

  163. If jews converted to christianity it wouldnt change anything. Judaism is Yahweh just for jews. Christianity is Yahweh for everyone. Both born out of the Talmud and Dead Sea Scrolls.

  164. @7:28 PM Go back outside and worship the tree shaped phallus for odin you closet kike!

  165. Anonymous said...
    Hey, guys, I finally found some pictures of Rodney Martin on the internet:


    Idiot, don't you know how niggers got white names, they inherited them from their slave owners.

  166. Jews promote the idea that you will be accepted by God regardless of your actions,

    Actually, it's Christians who promote that idea, not Jews. Christian soteriology is based on the idea that humans are saved by the atoning blood sacrifice of Jesus, not by any actions on their part. Christians also teach that you can be forgiven for any immoral activities you may have committed simply by confessing to a pedophile in a dress and having him absolve you of your guilt. Judaism teaches no such thing.

  167. Yes if jews converted to Christianity and obeyed the teachings of Christ, that would solve the problem

    But the teachings of Jesus are Jewish teachings that are found in the Torah and Talmud.

    So you're saying that if the whole world followed the teachings of Judaism that the earth would be a utopia?

  168. The new testament isn't hard to understand, but you've spent your whole life listening to communists and jews

    But the New Testament promotes communist ideas and was written by Jews.

  169. The jews were being oppressed in Christian Europe...

    [citation needed]

    Charlemagne brought Jewish merchants and moneylenders into the heart of Germany. That's where Ashkneazi Jews originated. The Jews that Charlemagne brought into Germany settled down and started breeding with German females. This was the origin of Ashkenazi Jewry.

  170. "Those whom the Jews destroy they first make Christian." - JB Campbell

  171. ex Arminius' post
    Germania: the Nation that Defeated Rome

    interesting to note near end that ancient German tribes did not execute freemen for murder or other crimes but demanded restitution payment of wehrgelt (sp.?), some shades of later Islamic law (payments / forgiveness at option of victim's family).

    Re: Luther: Charles Giuliani stated in a fairly recent show that Luther was a Rosicrucian and coudn't be taken at face, although I forget the details.

  172. Medieval Sourcebook:
    Capitulary for the Jews, 814

    1. Let no Jew presume to take in pledge or for any debt any of the goods of the Church in gold, silver, or other form, from any Christian. But if he presume to do so, which God forbid, let all his goods be seized and let his right hand be cut off.

    2. Let no Jew presume to take any Christian in pledge for any Jew or Christian, nor let him do anything worse; but if he presume to do so, let him make reparation according to his law, and at the same time he shall lose both pledge and debt.

    3. Let no Jew presume to have a money-changer's table in his house, nor shall he presume to sell wine, grain, or other commodities there. But if it be discovered that he has done so all his goods shall be taken away from him, and he shall be imprisoned until he is brought into our presence.

    4. Concerning the oath of the Jews against the Christians. Place sorrel twice around his body from head to feet; he ought to stand when he takes his oath, and he should have in his right hand the five books of Moses according to his law, and if he cannot have them in Hebrew he shall have them in Latin. "May the God who gave the law to Moses on Mount Sinai help me, and may the leprosy of Naamon the Syrian come upon me as it came upon him, and may the earth swallow me as it swallowed Dathan and Abiron, I have not committed evil against you in this cause."

    jews were living, peacefully in german lands long before Charlemagne

  173. April 12, 2013 at 7:50 PM

    What jews teach themselves, and what they promote are two different things.
    When jews like an idea they promote it. If jews liked Christianity it would be in every classroom.
    All of your idealism is jew promoted and your too stupid to figure it out.

  174. April 12, 2013 at 8:04 PM

    Sure Christianity is communist, that's why the first thing communists do is destroy it physically or subvert it.

    You people are a joke, you pretend bolsheviks in russia were good little Christians.

  175. I hope you people here are jewish, if you are white I don't want anything to do with you and i doubt anyone else does either

  176. All these pagans have room temperature IQ, now there more concerned about fighting christians and fucking kikes! lol

  177. Communism is Christianity's atheist cousin. Just swap LORD with STATE. Jews arent subverting their own creation, Christinsanity. They've been replacing it with communism because they knew the fantasies of Christianity would wear off with the times. Both are jewish programs on different sides of the same coin.

  178. Jews surely hate christianity, thats for sure.

    Learned from these comments:

    Jews - scamming, lying scum

    American "aryans" - fat lazy manboys, with 13 yo mentality.

    Why don't you fap to My Little Pony instead >


  179. Jews surely hate christianity, thats for sure.

    Yep, that's for sure.

    Jews for Jesus

  180. Communism is Christianity's atheist cousin.

    Christians are atheists too. They don't believe in any gods, except the Jewish one.

    In the Roman Empire, Jews and Christians were considered atheists, because they didn't believe in the legitimate gods of the Roman state.

  181. When jews like an idea they promote it.

    Yep, that's right. That's why you can find endless varieties of Christian shows on television. There are even entire television channels and networks exclusively devoted to 24 hour Christian programming.

  182. The Nationalist Hour with Rodney Martin

    I think it's great that Corky has finally made his comeback after many years of absence from the world of television.

    Welcome back, Corky! Your fans have missed you!


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