April 17, 2013

Ugly Truth with MG 4-16-2013

The terror bombing in Boston–who benefits?

This and other news items.




Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures 



  1. Monday, we chased this little race-denier off facebook.

    Glenn attacks Whites who are against White genocide:

    Facebook (update+zrdoef1fgehz@facebookmail.com)
    4/14/2013 [Keep this message at the top of your inbox] Social updates

    Mark Glenn commented on your photo.
    Mark wrote: "you are an moron who is living testimony as to why there is nothing 'superior' about the white race. You and your hillbilly, low rent trailor park trash will always be the butt of jokes and the 'guests of honor' on programs such as Jerry Springer, Howard Stern and others because you are too stupid to beat the Jews at their own game."

  2. The mohel who does metzitzah b'peh (sucking the bloody penis of a baby) benefits from such events as this. It takes away the growing awareness and attention that the mohel has been getting. Keep your eyes on the root problem ... metzitzah b'peh. In the face of any disaster, keep the focus on getting the rabbi who sucks bloody baby penis out of my country (US) , or in prison. Make this issue a priority.

  3. I have to ask once again, how does Mark Glenn financially support a wife and nine(9) half-Arab babies? He doesn't have a job, and his wife doesn't have one either.

    How does this gigantic Arab mongrel family support itself?

  4. Glenn attacks Whites using the usual myth that White racialists/revisionists/nationalists are "trailer trash[his words]"; he is a parasite living off welfare of his 9 kids. His wife is a (sephardic ?) sicilian.

    here he is attacking me in facebook before we ran the the little midget off:

    Mark Glenn: like I said, time to move on to something more important than this 'white' nonsense. Before I go though, let me guess--you are unmarried or otherwise unattached? You have no children or grandchildren, right?

  5. Glenn, went to Univ of Cincinnati 1990-2000, now works for Alan Levi.

    Glenn in facebook attacking me:

    Mark Glenn: There is no 'white genocide'. Whites still make up the most powerful block of people in the world in terms of economy, military power, etc. The Jews love it when people like you and others of your ilk start talking about 'white genocide' because by doing so you alienate 99% of those who might otherwise join the cause against organized Jewish interests. You sound like a bunch of tin foil hat nutters when you use arguments such as this. I have said it before and will say it again--you are your own worst enemies

  6. Maybe Mark Glenn's nine kids represent his nine inches of manhood to compare with other males. I wonder if his manhood requires an EBT card?

  7. I have to ask you WNs and CIs something. What is your plan other than talk? Are you going to run the miniorites out of America? Yeah right. Consider it a fruitless effort.

  8. Mongrel Glenn and his kin are no different than niggers, in Fact just look at Europe, Like niggers or mexicunts, all muzzies do is make babies and get on welfare. The True scum of the Earth, Muslims and Jews are the same semitic bullshit!

  9. google... 'Israel is paying internet workers to manipulate online content'
    As many of you may have suspected,
    Israel is paying and training internet bloggers to delete,rewrite,and revise internet content to shape public opinion to Israel's benefit.
    Additionally, investigative reporters that infiltrated these groups have reported that Israelis are being trained to spread disinformation and to try to create conflicts among different religious,racial,and ethnic groups if it would benefit Israel.....etc.

  10. MG is slimy but the white genocide arguement IS spastic. 700 million whites and ppl crying genocide? It's bad enough when jews play that card and there's 40 million of them.

  11. 1960 murka was +95% White; rhodesia is gone, SA going; all White nations are being flooded with nonWhites (sweden is partly 40% nonWhite); most White nations fertility rate is less than 1.5 and and and

  12. Quality>Quantity

    Duk do I care if Mike Delaney has 15 kids that end up marrying nigs. My Uncles tell their daughters, that if she wants a black bf, don't bother coming home.

    And Swedes are half responsible for pushing their degenerate liberalism. Maybe they'll harden up. Besides, it won't be a problem cleaning Europe once people have had enough. I'm more concerned about Jews manipulating every fkn movement there is like Jared Taylor and KMacdonald Party.

  13. "I'm more concerned about Jews manipulating...."
    Yes .
    "Our race is the Master Race.We are divine gods on this planet.We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects.In fact,compared to our race,other races are beasts and animals,cattle at best.Other races are considered as human excrement.
    Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races.Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron.The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
    Former Israeli Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize Winner Menachem
    Begin in a speech to the Knesseth,
    quoted by Israeli journalist Amnon Kapeliouk,"Begin and the Beasts" New Statesman, June 25,1982

  14. Interesting what the American General Patton had to say about jews:"...we entered the synagoge,which was packed with the greatest stinking bunch of humanity I have ever seen.When we got about halfway up,the head rabbi,who was dressed in a fur hat similar to that worn by Henry VIII of England and in a surplice heavily embroidered and very filthy,came down and met the General (Eisenhower)...The smell was so terrible that I almost fainted and actually about three hours later lost my lunch as the result remembering it."
    General Patton in Germany, diary entry Sept 17, 1945
    PS: US General Patton was assassinated in Germany......not by

  15. Here are more statements made by a Prime Minister of the same state;
    "The Palestinians would be crushed like grasshoppers...heads smashed against the boulders and walls."
    Former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir in a speech to Jewish settlers,New York Times,April 1,1988

  16. "...The mohel who does metzitzah b'peh (sucking the bloody penis of a baby..."
    I heard the mohels use the chopped off pieces of the baby's penis as chewing gum...
    or is this just another anti-semitic rumor ?

  17. So besides the all the usual rubbish that fills these comments section, I take it that the show was a good one and that no one has anything to offer other than slander and racist remarks?



  18. 5:50 PM "Racist"? I guess your still drinking the jew kool-aid by using their terms!

  19. poeple are crearin whiote pesticie a will!

  20. Delaney is an obvious plant. This has been shown time and time again. As soon as William Finck got out of prison he was promoting him on his podcasts. He was also paling around with other criminals like Kaplan Quest. What you people don't understand is that CI is deeply entrenched in the prison system with groups like Aryan Nations and Aryan Brotherhood. Their network extends far outside the prison system. Also, keep in mind that the so called "Aryan Brotherhood" was co-ran by a jew named Silverstein.

    Now, to his credit, Mike has never tried to cover up his past and the one felony he commited a long time ago. Mark, you should cut him some slack on that. If Mike was a real criminal he would have a record of repeated behavior. He does not. Now this does not in any way excuse his support for the murderous Bill Finck.

    But I think that if you screwed up once as a young man and learned from it you should be cut some slack.

    Let's assess Delaney's work.
    1) Co-created Missing Links. A good piece of work. But why did it take over 3 years to be made publically available? Never understood that one. It was a great movie though. You got to give him that.
    2) Missing links bus tour. Didn't really accomplish much. Did show that a number of his "cohorts" popped up out of nowhere. This pattern was shown again when Delaney needed someone to back his attacks on ZCF (Anglin, who popped up out of nowhere).
    3) Promotes Finck. Has even said openly that he refers to his "good friend" Kaplan Quest as a "dog" to serve his DSCI goals. Is that a way to refer to a friend that you have BBQ with?
    4) Delaney has confronted many people publically to his credit. I have no issues with that. So he has done good things there.
    5) Created TruTube.TV. Says it is completely open to any posters. This remains to be seen. I would like to see the stats of how many Creativity/Pagan/Atheist vids are allowed (given that they are diametrically opposed to CI). Maybe he allows it, maybe he doesn't. The court is out on this one.

    So it is really a mixed bag with Delaney, imho. I see good and bad. So I'm left with not knowing how to judge him, even if it was my place to do so (which it is not).

    p.s.: And for the record, Scott Roberts never said his wife was jewish. He said that she was of partial amerindian heritage.

  21. I meant to say Delaney "could be a plant". Not an "Obvious" one.

  22. So now we know that John Friend has a half white, half asian daughter. Interesting....

    The plot thickens.

  23. William Finck ATTACKS!!!!


  24. John Freund has yellow fever?

    He should get together with Mike Sludge. They can commiserate about their race mixing.

  25. I just left the following comment on MG's site. What are the chances of it making it out of moderation? Moderation the refuge of the coward, so that's one strike against him already:

    Hi Mark. I just did a search on your site and am wondering why you have not once mentioned the FBI frameup of your neighbour up there in Idaho, Edgar J Steele? Maybe you had disagreements with him, but what they have done is disgusting. His wife and family support him even though the frameup states that Steele conspired to kill his wife. http://www.free-edgar-steele.com/

    1. I believe his wife was on the show a couple years back.


  26. John Friend has a Half asian kid?? Where did you get that from?

  27. Mark Glenn in this podcast fails to mention that Muslims are forbidden to agree that Christ was murdered by the Jews rather he was swept away to Heaven & god sent someone who looks like him to be crucified.

    1. Was MG supposed to talk this issue?

      Did he warn listeners in advance of this discussion to be had?

      I wasn't aware, did I miss that part?


  28. Anglin did't just "popped out from nowhere", he was long time host of now deceased Outlaw Forum and former truther and neoprimitivist, who exposed shills like Alex Jones and Alan Watt.

    After discovering jewish agenda, he converted into white nationalism.

  29. Amazing how pagan-tards expect help from everyone. If Delaney is a CI tard and sets up his site, why would he post videos about gaytheists and 'creativity' whatever the fuck that is. Youtube puts gaytheists on their front page every day.

  30. Listening to the first 1/2 hour of this another pro Abrahamic religionist show who is against whites it stinks of racism and pro religionist propaganda. Yes De,eny has coopted the once great website ZCF but this marxist glenn promoting the idea that America needs yet another Abrahamic religion to control the media and politics of America. Nothing against the muslims having rule in their own countries but we have no need for Islamic rule in Americahanks and why don't you go live in the Middle East of somewhere like Somalia where you muslims and blacks rule.
    I keep track of what the msm doesn't report in their jewsmedia and every day another white woman is murdered by a black and I feel no guilt in calling blacks by their proper name niggers.
    Right now you muslims have overrun Europe and are immigtating to America. We do not eant you here and go back to your homeland. I would agree to exchange all whites in the middle East for all the Arabs in the United States and leave you to rule your own domain. We could supply our own oil amd let you fend for yourselves. You can have all of our jews and devout Evangelical Abrahamistys too. We could revert to Our European religions and get rid of the Abrahamics all together.Hail Satan

  31. OK MG did reply:

    Ed and I got along fine and for the most part agreed on issues related to the Jewish problem and the Middle East. The few minor disagreements we had over other issues of political perspectives ended amicably. And although I tried to get his wife Cindi on as many radio programs as possible to discuss his case, I did not cover it on the website for the simple reason that as much as there were many good people who supported him, unfortunately there were also problematic people cut from the same cloth as Delaney & co who I did not want buzzing around TUT and making it look like a haunt for racists and neo-Nazis, nor do I want them here now.

    LOL, so he does half a dozen posts about Delaney and the crew hahaha... oh well it's his site and he can do what he wants with it, at least MG has more character than that bunch.

  32. Analcore, don't you have an anti-hate rally you should be attending? I hear Roseanne Barr has one coming up. She'll even be selling anarchist t-shirts and multi-cult lattes.

  33. After discovering jewish agenda, he converted into white nationalism.

    Yeah, that's what D'Andre wants you to think. Less than 12 months ago, D'Andre was on the radio with Iconoclast talking about how all whites need to be exterminated.

    You stupid suckers. D'Andre is a fake.

  34. "We could revert to Our European religions and get rid of the Abrahamics all together.Hail Satan"

    LOL! keep on dreaming kike sholtes, people aren't ever going to go back to belief system based on worship of the flesh and sexuality. Only you and AnalCore want to wank off to that.
    Go have fun with you paganism with the low lifes of africa.

  35. Creativity is the modern white man's religion.


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