April 13, 2013

Zaney Delaney

Yes, ladies and gents, it had to happen eventually. Mentally ill people are by their very nature unstable and are subject to periodic eruptions that are for the most part beyond their control, much like those who suffer from Tourette’s Syndrome or epilepsy.


 ***Read article at The Ugly Truth***


  1. Here we go again!
    3,2,1,keyboard wariors START!!!!

  2. Scott Roberts, Alex Linder, Mike Delaney, Brendon Oconnell, And Others Makes Appearances On Israeli TV.

    Very interesting jewish documentary where you can clearly see that the next step will be to take out the internet!
    Most comments left on this site just prove their point!
    Afther seeing this documentary its clear to me that many of comentators here and on other sites come from TELAVIV!


  3. What a sideshow shitslop. One's loyal to muzzies and the other is a CI nutjob. Jew-created drama all the way.

  4. Here is Mark Glenn at his best. Someone name Steven left a comment on TUT. The comment was very reasonable and balanced. A comment in support of the white race. And then Mark Glenn has to SPIN it as usual, and take a piss on us.

    From Steve --

    I don’t know much about Delaney so I shall not judge him at this time if at all.
    What I do believe however is that what is known as white people of european origin have the right to exist , thrive, be fruitfull and multiply, be in controll and dominate the nations they originated in, conquered and settled. They have the right to defend themselves from being blended out, weeded out and genocided by enemies of their race and nationalities both foriegn and domestic.
    Right now they have a job to do that is long over due to preserve their genotype and ensure that white people never perish from the earth. That is not insanity or unreasonable racism, this is a matter of self preservation. In North America and Europe we need regime change in favor of our people.

    From Mark Glenn

    ed note–so, using your own words as a model, all white Americans of European descent should go back to their place of ‘origin’, is that right? At which point they would have the ‘right’ to preserve their ‘genotype’ and ensure that they never ‘perish’ from the earth.

    Absent that, what this means is that–as the old saying goes–’all’s fair in love and war’, and this being the case, what this means is that the mexicans, chinese, or any other people for that matter, have the right to do to America what the Europeans did to their ancestors, which is to invade, displace, deculturize, etc, etc, etc.

    After all, what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, correct? If it was ok for europeans to do it to the Indians, Mexicans, etc, why should it not be ok for them to do it to us?
    End quote

    According to MG, the only thing that white Europeans ever did for the world are --

    Invade; Displace; and Deculturize

    According to Mark Glenn and Company --

    the Jew is White.

    The Jew is Evil

    White is Evil.

    If anyone here hasn't yet figured that out, what more proof does one need?

    And the irony -- Mark Glenn lives in the Nation the White man created. That's Chutzpa folks.

  5. I personally know dozen of former con men jailbirls who have turned into religious lunatics. Must be something they put in their food.

    All we need right now civil war between nationalists and blood thirsty crucaders.

  6. Mami's comment section is getting more insane day by day. Must be all these bans at chatroom.

  7. Yes Roy it is true, white people have no right to claim North America as a white country. Europe yes. North America is where the world gets together to party.

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJaAUyK-kNU

  9. Anarchore...

    I would venture to guess that the likes of Mark Glenn would say that even "Europe" doesn't belong to the white race. I'm sure we stole that too.

    They want us eliminated from the face of the planet. Their own words. MG won't say this, but I'll bet my life he is working for it.

    The sad part in all of this is that there are white men on this forum who still can't see it and work against their own future posterity. That is the shame.

  10. I dont want to live in this shithole of a planet anyway.

  11. Sponge on a stick.... lmao

  12. Analcrumb is a commie jew. Every race has a right to the land that they conquer. As of now we're getting invaded by every race imaginable, but that doesnt mean they dont have a right to do that. Its just our responsibility to not let them. White people were in North America way before 1492. But dont expect the jew textbooks to tell you that.

  13. Mg is correct. This is a war and we need to fight to survive. Bitching about it on the internet does nobody any good. We have been conquered by the Jew. The question is what are we gonna do about it.


  15. Balkanize North America and use it as a massive social experiment where the various tribes and ideologies can try out new forms of organization and government, including stateless organization.

    You are never going to 'take America back'.

    North America was born in blood and exploitation, this is the chance to redeem it and be an example to the world.

  16. TUT is nothing more than a Haven for Raghead lovers lead by their prophet mark, our struggle isn't for the sake of muslims but for the future of europe and europeans. I could care less if kikes and muslims blow each other up in the desert!

  17. Mike Delaney is a white jew, nothing more needs to be said.

  18. @12:06 PM Mark Glen is a Kike Jew, Muslims and Jews are basically cousins.

  19. @12:22 PM I hate muslims and their pedo prophet

  20. Dana has also joined renegade, so renegade has taken the top assets from truthmilitia...
    I told truthmilitia they should merge w/ renegade several months ago.

    irony: they decided to hold onto Delaney, Friend & a jew shit eating grin!

  21. Does anybody know how Mark Glenn financially supports his wife and nine(9) kids? He doesn't have a job.

    It looks like Mark Glenn has more in common with Mike Delaney than he thinks.

  22. 12:55 PM I think Mikes wife is an RN, if you anything about how much they can make, its allot. Mark on the Hand is probably another muslim like in europe who just suck off welfare.

  23. Analcore sure loves his jew multi-cult. Can't blame em. Its easier for kikes to blend in that way.

  24. Kike Deleney has dropped the ball since his drama with ZCF muslims versus baptist nazi fantasy known as CI.

  25. TUT, all they talk about is Israel and Zionism. I've never seen a video condemning black on white hate crimes or how jews are specifically targeting whites. How are you exposing the jew if you don't research and talk about one of the jews most brutal weapon which is multiculturalism. TUT promotes communism and extremist multiculturalism. You will not find a single friend of whites on all those shows.

  26. @1:15 PM Mark Glenn is an Anti-white Kosher host, Him and all the other assholes over there at TUT pro muslim, TUT just follows the same jewish playbook and says its only a "Zionist" problem, muslims and kikes are virtually related which is probably why he hates pro-white movements so much!

  27. Agreed. Kike Delaney isnt a friend either. This was probably set up to give both of these shills credibility.

  28. @"What a sideshow shitslop. One's loyal to muzzies and the other is a CI nutjob. Jew-created drama all the way."


    Exactly !! And with Mark Glenn completely gatekeeping the most obviously fake Psy-Ops like Sandy Hook like the monkey he is.

    Mark Glenn's nose is up the ass-crack of the fucking Ayatollah Khomeini's gang of muzzie retards in Iran and his buddy Jonathan Azzofzian positively worships Khomeini and Che Guevara as the two greatest heroes for freedom in the 20th century !


    ZCF is anti-Muslim ? I don't think so. He's anti-clerical and atheist against all forms of vicious superstition and filthy theocratic hypocrisy.

    Never mind that Azzofzion, a wigger rapper who often declares his music to be a universal bond between peoples, never mentions that negro hip-hop and all western and non-religious or non-military music is ILLEGAL to perform in public in Iran and women are completely banned from singing anything in public, even religious music praising Allah.

    You guys wanna laugh ?

    Check out some of the writings of this medieval lunatic that Mark Glenn and Azzazio worship as a 'heroic freedom fighter' :

    Khomeini on Urinating and Defecating

    "Urinating and defecating are forbidden in four places: blind alleys, except with the permission of those living along them; the property of a person who has not given permission to do so; places of worship, such as certain madrasas; graves of believers, unless one does so as an insult to them. (#64, (Resaleh p.40))

    "It is not necessary to wipe one's anus with three stones or three pieces of fabric: a single stone of single piece of fabric is enough. But if one wipes it with a bone, or any sacred object, such as for example, a paper having the name of God on it, one may not say his prayer while in this state. (#69, (Resaleh p.41))"


    On the Danger of Music:

    "We affirm that music engenders immorality, lust, and licentiousness, and stifles courage, valor, and the chivalrous spirit; it is forbidden by Quranic laws and must not be taught in the schools."

    Ayatollah Khomeini's
    Gems of Islamism

    (Excerpts from some of the 'legendary' Ayatollah’s
    books, speeches, comments)

  29. Mark Gleen is a Lebanese Arab. You can't expect him to be pro-white. He's pro-Arab. And he views Ashkenazi Jews as European whites.

    His wife is Sicilian, which means that she's probably mostly Arab too. I imagine that Mark Glenn views his nine(9) child breeding program with his wife as some sort of Arab reconquista or something. In fact, I'm sure of it.

  30. baptist nazi fantasy known as CI.


    That's a great phrase to describe them. I'm going to steal it, if you don't mind.

    You're exactly right. C.I. nuts are a cross between Southern Baptist fundamentalists and neo-Nazis. Hilarious.

  31. r 16651"The goyim people are rascals who bow down to force but are merciless towards weakness in others, unforgiving of their faults and enjoy committing crimes. They cannot bear the contradictions of a free social system but are willing to become martyrs in the face of the violence of bold despotism. It is those qualities that help us become independent" -- Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

  32. Mark Glenn is an Anti-White, Pro Arab ASSHOLE!
    He could care less if the West becomes a third world muslim hellhole.

  33. I'll take Mike Delaney over Mark Glenn any day, because TUT LIES about the Sandy Hook hoax and attacks those who tell the truth, as the great Muslim Arab physician, Dr. Khazam Khaleel, at www.NoDisinfo.com. But shame on you who are prejudiced against Arabs and Muslims. Read the KORAN.

  34. What I don't understand is how did this whole thing start? Who threw the first punch and why?

  35. These two bitches deleney and glenn are such drama llamas.

    State pen is their natural habitat.

  36. Its hilarious alright.

  37. @4:02 PM The Bastard Arab Glenn gave the first punch.

  38. Hah, what a fucking joke that Delaney is as well as the Truth "nigga" Militia, who allied with a Christian Identity wigga. Truth Militia will be a flash in the pan with Delaney being their downfall.

  39. Yeah I liked truth militia. They started out saying that they were anti-christjewinsanity and anti hitler worship. Then they sided with kike delaney and john friend. The two sources of those ideologies in this non-movement. Honestly I think they're just misguided. But atleast someone is covering the negro crime epidemic. And no-friends just left. So we'll see what happens.

  40. Tom "CIA" Metzger is new handler of Toof Militia's guido proletariat.

    His speciality is turning beer drinking skinheads into lone wolf terrorists.

    What a perfect present for Homeland Security boys!

  41. I don't trust MG (Muslim sympathies) but he's still too smart for American WN's. American WN's can't go on about 'racial rights' because America is not their ancestral home.

    So WN's expecting sympathy makes them look retarded... You just gotta take the country, not ask for it, or expect anyone to hand it over.


  43. "So WN's expecting sympathy makes them look retarded... You just gotta take the country, not ask for it, or expect anyone to hand it over."

    Even though whites were in North America in the ancient past, goodluck getting Americans on board with that. So this statement is correct. Enough of this ZioDuke white privelege white genocide pussy shit. We need to just take what we have the ability to take! The masses are drawn to power, not beggards and limp wrists.

  44. 6:06

    Thats right, you eighter take your country back by force or admit that you lost and get your white ass back to Europe.

    If you do nothing, they will kill you eventually, like they do now in South Africa.

    United States will be next South Africa, only 100 times worse.

  45. @6:06 PM So are you calling for an all out war? Ps Mark Glen is only smart to the layman, If you like Muslim worship anti-white rhetoric, then listen to the rag-head glen, Muslims are as big a tools of the jews as are these anti-white traitorous politicians!

  46. 6:43, I agree on the muslim rhetoric which is my issue with MG... but like I said... American Whites looking for some 'moral justification' is ridiculous. Expecting ppl like TUT to shed tears for white disposession is a jew/black mindset.

    What 6:40 says is correct. Real power is taken, not given. That doesn't mean 'all out war'... it just means pushing back and getting a piece.

  47. 6:43

    We're already at war, only our side hasn't made a single shot yet.

  48. @anon 3:44

    If the Ayatollah Khomeini's Iran is what 'the Koran' represents then you know where you can stuff it. Muslims that are mostly secular and only mildly religious and can live up to Western standards not many rational people have any problem with.

    The bottom line is if you live in a Western nation, you have to live up to Western standards. These are not 'Christian standards,' or 'Jewish standards' but white European people's standards. Cultures are not equal and never have been and the individuals forming each culture or commonly accepted standards of behavior are usually of the same genetic background. If you are of a a different genetic background, then you have to adhere to and respect and assimilate into the European nation you live in. If not, then you have no business following the multi-cultralism carrot that the jew dangles in front of your nose & mooching off European countries like some parasite freeloader while disrespecting its institutions and original white people's standards. In other words, helping the Jew in his multi-cultural assault on whites while at the same time pretending to not like the Jews because they fuck with the Palestinians night and day.

  49. They fuck with the Palestinians, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians and whoever else they can get away with not obeying the Jews, using white European troops to do it. But that's no reason why you Muslims should go team up with the Jews to rape white women in white countries and deal drugs and engage in criminal behavior, basically help the Jews shit on and destroy their culture even more as some sort of revenge. You should instead respect the white culture and tell the Jews to go fuck off out of white countries because you stand with the whites and will live by the white standards or move back where you came from. If you did that then you'd be respected as an honorable peoople by the whites but that's not what you have been doing. You've been dancing to the Jew's cultural Marxist tune and serving as a tool for his world conquest just like the brainwashed troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere.

  50. @ "I don't trust MG (Muslim sympathies) but he's still too smart for American WN's. American WN's can't go on about 'racial rights' because America is not their ancestral home.

    So WN's expecting sympathy makes them look retarded... You just gotta take the country, not ask for it, or expect anyone to hand it over."

    If you go back far enough no land is anybody's 'ancestral home.' Why go back 400 years ? Why not go back thousands of years ? There is evidence that whites were here before Indians but that's beside the point. The white people did 'take' the country but they took it out of the hands of a bunch of warring tribes that would still be riding horses bareback and raiding each other's scalps and taking other tribes as slaves today if not for that European 'taking.' Might made right but where did that might come from ? It came from their tradition of common law which had protected individual scientific discoveries and the superior weapons built with these discoveries. They built a country that had the highest standard of living in the whole world up until 1913 and we all know what happened in 1913. Similarly a bunch of white convicts exiled from England and their descendants built Australia. So even the lowest rung of the whites build countries that live up to European countries whereas the highest rung of the Muslims build countries that become Saudi Arabia and Iran (Gaddafi and Assad became a threat only when they became secular and westernized and started copying white standards).

  51. Still pitty that ZCF is turned into shit. It used to have excellent articles.

  52. ZCF wasn't even white i think he is a mongrel, he looks like a mestizo or guido in those pictures, he had done good work. But he was a nihilistic atheist, who use kosher jew words like "racist".

  53. "White Genocide" means the US going form 90% white in 1970 to a max of 65% white today-and the majority of newborns now being non-white. Things not so bad in Europe except for the fact that they have critically low birthrates way below replacement level combined with alien immigration in massive numbers.

    Hollywood and MSM aside, we forget about other forms of institutionalized cultural genocide:

    Let me clarify my off-hand remark. I have no specific qualms with Jackie Robinson per se. I have qualms with the absurd hagiography around him and other Secular Black Saints. American school kids are fed an endless diet of MLK, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Nelson Mandella etc. etc. yet haven’t the slightest idea who George Washington was or what he did, and so on. Same with the media. I’m irked by the historical over-inflation of sainted blacks (and increasingly Hispanics as well) while genuine white heroes and hugely important historical figures are either ignored or turned into villains.

  54. You guys are all a trip and the joos think you for your lame thoughs ( apologies to the few this does not apply to)-"A well-known White Nationalist trick is to claim that if “Black Pride” is socially acceptable, “White Pride” should be socially acceptable also. This trick can be easily shot down by pointing out non-equivalence in the definitions of “blackness” and “whiteness”. “Blackness” is defined by possession of “black” heritage. “Whiteness”, on the other hand, is defined not by possession of “white” heritage, but by non-possession of “non-white” heritage.


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