May 07, 2013

David Duke Show 2013.05.07

Today: Dr. David Duke and Dr. Slattery, both on the road, hook up by satellite and have a great discussion about the horrendous cost to America by supporting Israel, both by direct foreign aid, and the huge costs of fighting Israel's wars. They also discuss how young people can support the cause and the most important thing young people must do in addition to educating themselves on the issues. Personal health and success is critical for every young person who wants to fight for the liberation of his people, and true human rights!

David's site

56k CF Download


  1. i found cowardly charlie "new" show, he is hiding here:
    The People Speak
    hosted by Charles Giuliani
    Station 2 - Tuesdays
    9:00 - 9:55 PM (EST)

  2. Thanks anon. It will add a new thread for you to troll in a cowardly fashion. LMAO

  3. The People Speak

    Hmm, it looks like Charles Giuliani has gone full Marxist leftard.

    Listen to past guests including Jesse Jackson, Noam Chomsky, Ed Asner, Mary Youngblood, Howard Zinn, Korey Rowe, Chevy Chase, David Swanson, Tommy Chong, Michael Berg, Dr. Justin Frank, Dr. James Fetzer and more!

  4. Now why would Charlie go there unless he was getting compensated? Fuck that. What's he gonna do next, do astrology like the Satan worshipping Dave?

  5. MamisJEWshitMadeInTELAVIVMay 7, 2013 at 5:28 PM

    anonimous COWARD FUCK hiding in telaviv calles someone a coward!

    This site i a total operation!Since this blog lets all kind of intelectual midgets,payed trolls,useful idiots destroy each and every host,totaly DIVIDE us in the name of free speach is for sure a very very smart operation!


  6. The People's Speak sounds like a typical leftie new agy stuff radio, Giuliany always sounded phony to me with his whiny Brooklyn accent.

    I don't understand why so many people fall to his bullshit. He's anti white nationalist and pro-race mixer, how jewish can you get with that?

  7. May 7, 2013 at 1:46 PM

    Thanks, that is good info.

  8. 7, 2013 at 6:13 PM

    "I don't understand why so many people fall to his bullshit. He's anti white nationalist and pro-race mixer, how jewish can you get with that?"

    LOL,and that says a anonymous JEW who can not cope with CG destroying his JEWISH FAIRY TAILES,so called WN who was sexualy abused as a child by a cock sucking RABBI!

    Nice to have you back Charles,even i dought how long you will last at this very political corect network!

  9. 6:13

    Hey retard, guiliani attacks the jewish hoax of christianity as a bait and then he hooks you with the multi-cult. Just as alex jones does but on a different level.

  10. 9:15 is correct.

  11. Look, I am going to say this and that is that:

    I DO find it odd that he said that his show was not going to begin for another month or so, and then makes ABSOLUTELY NO ANNOUNCEMENT WHATSOEVER about this show!?

    What the fuck is up with that? I really want to know because that is very odd of him.


  12. Was the poop town article how you caught on 5:28?

    Or was it that we mainly promote racially separatist shows?


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