May 29, 2013

David Duke Show 2013.05.29

Today: Dr. David Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald go to the movies. Today they discuss how Jewish Hollywood Movie and TV programming are brainwashing the American public and hundreds of millions of people all over the world. They begin by discussing Vice President Joe Biden's speech to a Jewish organization saying that Jews are responsible in the change of American values and how fictional TV portrays have changed our attitudes on many societal issues. Then they go into detail about many Hollywood movies and they create hatred against those the Jewish supremacists see as their main competitors, European Americans, and create positive images of Jews for the audience so as to advance their agenda.

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  1. Dave! You lost your toupee!

  2. Looks like he's having a bad comb over day

  3. Hilarious!
    What an inspirational, uplifting photo that is sure to become a classic.

  4. Haaahahahahaaa!

  5. If Duke and MacDonald go to the movies, i wonder do they hold hands or is this as far as they dare to go in first date?

  6. Looks like Mamis got a new source of income.They always are using the worst pictures of David Duke to muddy his image.Then of course the shills who respond always go with it.Although I don't agree with everything Duke says especially his Christianity which I think he only uses so he is accepted by the almost totally christian brainwashed Americans he gets more out to the World with his videos than every other source combined. I commend him for this.

  7. How can you not like this adorable picture a real truth sayer and hair loser like that? Mr. Duke better start praying for a better hair line quick or his hair will recede faster than a penis near the mouth of a mohel!

    Sorry that may have been in bad taste but this world tastes like cancer right now anyways.

  8. is it me or does david looked stoned

  9. 8:31 PM

    Who don't you have a gunbarrel bong hit, you braindead spammer?

  10. It smells funny here. Too many judes in this blog. Any definite white is always smeared. This grizzom must be one of j..

  11. Duke should trade hair with Rense. Rense's hair would make a swell match with Duke's beard. Duke's wig would be better suited to Rense as he has that rather dark mustache.
    Trading Pieces.

  12. David Duke looks like a Lenin now. He has such good, warm eyes like Lenin had. I bet he also likes little children, flowers and fawns. How can this man be evil?

  13. Duke is Balled?

  14. Duke is Balled?

  15. LMAO @ that pic!

  16. How long has he looked like that? All of the times that I have ever seen him he had hair, so has he decided to just look natural? Thank you for finding that picture.

  17. You need to donate so he can buy a new wig.....

  18. Kmac confusing Dharma and Greg with Will and Grace. D%G was about a hippie bitch and wasp guy. W&G was the one with 2 fag but buddies. Of course, now its worse. You got Modern Family where 2 fags have a little Chink girl. One day, all 3 can get thier asses reamed.


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