May 25, 2013

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2013.05.25

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

Guest: Zeus Yiamouyiannis, Ph. D., economics futurist and author, Trans-forming Economy: From Corrupted Capitalism to Connected Communities, will be joining Inside the Eye – Live!

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Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Revolution Radio @ Freedom
Oracle Archive


  1. With that schnozz he looks like the usual hasbarat trolls!

  2. Fetch always had a schnozz. And he basically lives in israel.

  3. Any comments on the guest before we degenerate into the usual shit?

    Edit: Too late

  4. 7:11 PM So you think it's unreasonable to question why "The Fetch" left America to live in greater israel? Or why Americans should look to him at all for advice on how to live? Or why we should put him on a pedestal that's immune from criticism?

  5. If you want your free speech, you must bow down to the Master of Free Speech.

  6. 7:25 PM
    To most of the awakened world, America is Greater Israel. Why would I listen to you when I have a hard time telling a Jew tossbag from an American.

  7. fecth0, I think your show has been pretty good over the last month & you were correct about that charlie schultz guy & you're taking the beating of a lifetime.
    rq: I will listen to show & give to you my opinion on the guest tomorrow, lol
    -despotic troofr

  8. That picture looks like fetch, plus he lives in greater israel, with the jews arab cousins, the lebanese.

  9. Hey Zeus, tell me aboot the future!

  10. why is mama shitty son degrading talk show hosts like Fetch and Rense

  11. To most of the awakened world, America is Greater Israel. Why would I listen to you when I have a hard time telling a Jew tossbag from an American.

    That is the puzzling part regarding these comments. In America, if you criticize Jews they can have you sent to a mental institution or sanctioned in courts with heavy penalties.

    In Jordan, there are no bagels to be found anywhere and criticizing Jews is normal conversation.

  12. 2 drunk African chimps Meet 2 Russian Taxi drivers in Voronezh of all places, call them racists and their mothers whores & then shut the fuck right up when they get the ass-beating they asked for

    I like what the camera-man says at the end: "You are guests here, why are are you acting like this here in Russia, my country ? "


  13. lol @ Troll Slayer friggin hilarious.

  14. guest was good talked a/t get your money out of system, very good clear voice.
    -despotic troofr

  15. Dennis Fetch0,
    He’s the one who knows the Israeli Game,
    And things they plan.
    Dennis Fetch0,
    As the Angels are flying, wing to wing,
    Into the scene,
    gemini is green
    Dennis Fetch0,
    To his Jewish foes a dangerous name,
    A Superman.
    Though the Jews will conquer the Earth,
    This indestructible man will show what he’s worth
    -Dave From Texas; you chould nevah haved given me your birthday f00l!

  16. Fetcho interviewing Zeus? Damn he's moving up in the world.

  17. Just litening the mood once in a while with some funny pics. Hell even Spingola got one at some point in a sexy outfit. LOL


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