May 23, 2013

Is There a Superior Race?

Morgan Freeman's Through The Wormhole Season 3, Ep. 2 "Is There a Superior Race?"

Are races different on the inside as well as the outside? Is there such a thing as race at all? Or, could advances in technology create a superior race? The answers to these questions may tell us where humanity is headed.

Is there really a superior race? by Brad A. Greenberg

Here's a great example of the Jewish propaganda being passed off as real science

Jews are not a race, and if they were, these fake Ashke-nazi Zionist wouldn't even be included.


  1. We are all equal and we are all one, except our masters from Tel Aviv, of course.

  2. Brad Greenschlong?


  4. Jews claim thaty they have highest IQ's but who conducts these tests? Kike psychologists.

  5. In Soviet Union Darwin was god among Marx, Engels and Lenin. Doubting Darwin's theory was equal to treason to fatherland and guarateed free train ride to 30 year vacation in Siberia.

  6. Mami, teach WHOOLI how to post a YT video. His embeds never show up.

  7. "these fake Ashke-nazi Zionist" What the Fuck? are you idiots trying to compare National socialist with fucking zionist jews now? Ashkenazis, are a hybrid race, for the most part they are mongrel khazars, if you don't believe me, go do the Research yourselves. The modern day jew is a mix of Mongol, Turkic, and caucasian, They also suffer from allot of genetic disorders because of mass mixing.

  8. The Jews are the smartest chosenites. That's why everyone tells them to move on and get lost.

    In the business world EQ is considered essential and many employers require a high EQ for managerial positions.

    Jew EQ doesn't exist, high IQ with no emotional feelings of empathy for their fellow human Jews are a race of psychopaths.

  9. There is no equality between 1st Level of Consciousness and Level 5 and Level 10 etc. 1 does NOT equall 5 not equal 10.

    Someone who studys and develops competence in ability to reason and think does NOT equal a lowlife thugh who rapes or is mentally retard.

    Yes, there is equality, but at the CORE of all people because we all ARE individuate from the same SOURCE-Consciousness.

    But most on this planet DON'T realize this fact and behave as psychopaths.

    So yes, there is a race, there are (BIG) difference between blood-lines. And this difference is the hybrid reprezentetive of the Annunaki, Dracos, Pleidians,etc. and not to forget the ANGELIC HUMANS (the real human template).

  10. That's why jews are a different race and they behave as a different race, they dont behave human.

    Because they are not human, they are a different race. Choosen yes, by and for their Annunaki masters.

  11. IT's the Evil whites Stupid ! Jews are not a race, I know that because a jew told me and you can trust what jews say. My jewish buybull also told me they are the Synangogue of Satan.. and I trust what is written by jews contained in the jewish buybull. Praise Yahweh !

  12. Taking advantage of the kindness and good nature of other races doesn't make jooze smarter. Their behavior doesn't reflect intelligence but rather deviousness, psychopathy, and a myriad of other negative traits.

    When they leverage a country's own political and legal system against itself to its own detriment it's similar to how Asian countries simply took inventions like cars and televisions and just refined them and modified them. Nothing new was created; something was already existing and was modified.

    They've simply modified countries' existing policies and laws to fit their agendas. Jooze can only change, modify and pervert things that already exist that were either "created" by nature, or other races, such as pornography, a perversion of natural sex, or changing the laws and policies determining immigration to particular countries that formerly favored groups of people from one one region of the world and subsequently severely restricted immigration from that region and favored immigration from all other regions.

    Jooze aren't smart. They're devious backstabbers and psychotic fucks who take advantage of the good nature and kindness of other peoples. That doesn not reflect intelligence. A young child can do that. I sincerely hope their time of reckoning and judgement arrives soon.

  13. 2:56 PM Human is NOT a race STUPID, its a specious!!!
    go keep chasing annunaki space ships

  14. Jews sure as fuck are a race. Anyone saying otherwise is a CI moron or a jew trying to obscure the tribe's identity. Ashkenazi and Sephardic have mostly the same DNA. The tribe split in many directions after the Romans clobbered them at Jerusalem in 70 CE. Hence why you can identify a jew by their nose and other features.

  15. 4:06 PM What the fuck are you talking retard, CI's Believe Jews are a Race, and of the seed line of satan.

  16. 4:10

    That's ridiculous because satan means truth in sanskrit. And in hebrew it means enemy.

    If you're CI and claim to be a real jew israelite (LMAO) then you're an enemy of the truth.

    CI parrots the khazar bullshit theory that was started by a jewish author. Thereby obscuring the jews' racial identity.

  17. Israel, the Eugenics State

  18. If this were true, then why does science divide human beings into 5 distinct racial groups? That being Caucasoid, Congoloid, Capoid, Australoid and Mongoloid. This is based on if a CSI or archeological team dug your bones up they would use your skeleton to determine who you were racially.

    Seems like this was left out on purpose on this little spintomentary.

  19. 5:07

    Eugenics is a good thing. Hence why jews tell us not to do it. We just get the evil nazi propaganda that you eat up and then regurgitate like a good goyim.

  20. What is Caucasoid ? This is funny , because Europeans never would get the idea to call themselves 'Caucasians'.
    This term has been invented by
    'Scientists' in the JewSA :)))
    Armenians , Georgians ( Stalin ) etc.
    are Caucasians , you stupid Americans

  21. Nonconformist you have no idea what you're talking about. The Aryan race appeared in the Caucasus region before they moved on to conquer europe, the mediteranean, and into India. After millenias of semite and mongol invasions what's left is the armenians and georgians of today.

  22. Anonymous said.....Nonconformist you have no idea what you're talking about.

    Ok, we Europeans have no idea what you are talking about, so you
    'Americans' do know more about us then we do :)) .You clowns are totally judaized !! Aren't you Americans circumcised ??? THAT causes
    brain damage .......

  23. Your media and textbooks are jew controlled as much as ours. You just haven't done the research and reading necessary to comment on the history of the white race.

  24. White European people don't and NEVER did mutilate their genitals !! Beside 'Americans', so do a lot of Caucasians , like for instance the Armenians.
    Primitive judaized idiots ...

  25. Ok Ok, CI are the real jews ,
    so the claims by the fake jews ,"the nazis gassed 6 million of us " are false , the nazis should have gassed you guys instead ?????

  26. Jews are not a race, and if they were, these fake Ashke-nazi Zionist wouldn't even be included.

    Hmm, it looks like Mami is one of those retards who think that Ashkenazi Jews are White Germanic Nazis.

    Hey, Mami, stop smoking pot all day and start reading instead. Ashkenazi Jews are Middle Easterners with some European genetic admixture(20% on average). Ashkenazi Jews are the result of Jews settling in Germany during the Dark Ages and interbreeding with German females. Ashkenazi Jews are Middle Eastern-European hybrids.

    Smoking marijuana rots your brain.

  27. Jews are not a race, and if they were, these fake Ashke-nazi Zionist wouldn't even be included.

    Jews aren't really a race. They're a sub-race. They are a Levantine Middle Eastern people. The Jews' closest genetic relatives are the Palestinian Arabs.

    Jews are most definitely NOT a "social construct", despite your idiotic claims to the contrary. Jews are a genetic/biological group.

  28. 12:08 AM
    You're my hero. A genetic scientist, posing as a troll on mami's shit forum.
    Without a genetic link to ancient jews, we could never fool retards into believing we have anything at all to do with anything in the bible and they would know we just like to make stuff up.

  29. Yep. Alan Greenspan and Larry David look exactly like their racial brother Osama bin Laden. FFS.

  30. 12:36 AM CI moron alert.

  31. Americans love to suck Hebrew dicks they cannot get enough . They even go so far in their love for Hebrews they mutilate their dicks to please that Hebrew 'God'!!!
    They claim to be 'white people ' ??
    Americans love that Hebrews control
    their Media , Politics , Congress,
    Senate , the Federal Banking System,their clergy ,their daily life , they love to fight
    the Hebrew's wars out there in the world,sacrificing their lives for them and killing tens of millions innocent people .
    Ridiculous bunch of ass kissers,the Americans


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