May 26, 2013

"Kill Whitey" UK Tour 2013 (Compilation)


  1. Horrible fake blood, these ops are so amateurish.

  2. European cunts. They go on and on about how we in the US are castrati. No, YOU are the castrati europe. You.

    Your women openly breed with niggers daily. And you sit back and watch it. Just like castrati. This is you europe. A genetic heritage of faggotry. All the real men of europe died a century ago. There are none left in europe.

  3. This looks pretty phoney. Some crazy negro brutally murders somebody in the middle of the street, then calmly walks over to a person with a camera and explains why he did it, all the while carrying a butcher knife and a meat cleaver.
    I don't know, maybe it's just me, but if I see a crazy big buck negro, who just brutally murdered someone, carrying a butcher knife and a meat cleaver, I'm either killing negro or getting the fuck away from negro.


  5. Yeah, we are American truthers, and we know what the dealeo is. Most of us have never been to Europe for a visit, let alone a long stay, but we know what is going on over there.

    All of those rapes supposedly committed by Muslim and African immigrants are PSYOPS. All of those outrageous demands made by religious lunatics, all of that unbelievably destructive and outright stupid behavior, and all of that rioting are all manufactured events.

    We will not allow The New World Order to pull the wool over our eyes. We know that Islam is just a wonderful religion that is not at all like Judaism. We know that fresh African immigrants really are orderly, courteous and intelligent, and that they never do things that are incredibly dumb and offensive.

    And we know that Europeans are a bunch of fags who deserve exactly what they are getting.

    We are the American truthers.

    Hail victory!

  6. 12:32 AM
    We all deserve what we are getting, most of us anyway. Jews have never made a secret of what they are doing, they have told us openly, people just ignored it and kicked the can down the road, for money. We are approaching the end of the road.

  7. So, countries like Sweden, Norway, France, England, Germany, etc. take in large numbers of Muslim immigrants, providing them with housing, education, healthcare, jobs and generous pocket money. Add to this the fact that the native populations of these countries (even that of England) are overwhelmingly opposed to what Israel and Jewmerica are doing to the Middle East.


    What do the Muslim immigrants do?

    Oh, that's right. By and large, they show nothing but contempt for Europe.

    Hmmm. What other group of people does that sound like?

    Oh, yeah. Jews.

  8. I can only speak for the U.S., but I'm sure it's the same in Europe. These problems have been mounting for years, only an idiot wouldn't have noticed. I used to try to discuss these problems with people, I would always get similar responses, it's my kid's problem, religion or social justice or some equality nonsense.
    I figured out these were all just rationalization, an excuse to do something you know is wrong because you don't have the strength to do what you know is right.
    The real problem is money. Immoral people will do just about anything for material wealth and we have become immoral.

  9. Hoax or not there is a real problem with the influx of niggers and muslims into England. Maybe this hoax was made so easy to see through that the alternative media can use it to promote more muslim and nigger immigration into England. Every media outlet be it the alternative media or the msm media is working against the preservation of Western European Civilization.
    Where can a person turn? You get directed to the Chruch which is the hoarder of souls creating a passive it is the Lords will unresisting society with an End of the World goal. You want to rebel and get led to the perverted cults who only exaserbate the problem encouraging suiciide and irrational behavior and ear crushing music. Then they use every means of search for answers into more religious propaganda or some secular rants which never set out a plan for solving problems or bringing on a New Age of Enlightenment and directing our energy towards cleaning up the present mess our World is in.
    The best you can do is react to any situation that you

  10. Muslims are as much of shitbags like their genetic cousins the JEWS!!! They act no different in Europe like niggers act like in the shit hole Africa.

    So fuck you mark Glenn!!!


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