May 18, 2013

My Private Audio 2013.05.09

EPISODE 213 - Guest Kurtis Kallenbach talks about how we are trapped in this Roman Cult/Temple Bar legal system with no way out.  We can't be free unless were all free and as long as we live in the Crown corp's prison (Earth) we will remain slaves.

If your interested in getting out of the system and being a "freeman" save yourself a lot of time and listen to Kurt, he's been trying to get out for years and knows all the pit falls and traps.

Kurt Lectures: Season of Treason

Angela's Talkshoe
Angela's Site



  1. Mami,
    thanks for this.


  3. Damn Windsor germanc death cult at it again!

  4. If you want to be a freeman, move to the amazon rainforest and live in the trees. If you want a great civilization, get rid of the jews and stop talking about pointless shit.

  5. May 18, 2013 at 2:59 PM

    "If you want to be a freeman, move to the amazon rainforest and live in the trees."

    Until jew corporation bulldozers will get to you eventually. If you want to be a freeman AND have great civilization, you have to get rid of the jews and corrupt assholes. There is no escape to it, this thing is world wide.

  6. The courts have it all wrapped up and the bullshit that goes on and on about chinks in the chain is a never ending game. The paralegals wrap themselves up in playing gotcha and then the reverse gotcha comes bakk on them.
    The ball is in their court as long as the system is based on Biblical Law. They have been working on the web of legal manipulation for thousands of years.
    It is called Contempt of Court.But that is the only escape.You need to work under the table. Never file an income tax, get any liscenses and be able to get around without driving a car or vehicle, have no bank accounts and never sign anything especially anything where they put your name in all caps.
    It would take abandonment of the present system and start all over.

  7. This was the People's Court on my now defunct old Website. See if you can hack into it because they have it blocked now and I cannot even get in to it.*/


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