May 11, 2013

Palestine, Just Telling It As It Is


  1. Brave young man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Owen Jones is a lefty queer . Like Mark Glenn et al he wants us to focus on jew-crimes against muzzies in Palestine. FUCK THAT .

    The jews ruling USA and UK , etc , are far more dangerous to OUR PEOPLE .

    Dont get sucked in .


  3. When I say he is a lefty queer , I mean: He is yet another homosexual promoted to speak for us .

    Fuck him .

  4. My salute to this brave fine young man!

  5. Most likely a communist on bbc. Save the muslims and fuck whitey.

  6. "When I say he is a lefty queer , I mean: He is yet another homosexual promoted to speak for us."

    No gay can consciously and voluntarily choose to be anti-Israel? What? Is it some genetic defect in the species? Have you made a study of all gay men to know this?

    It's rare for any gay man to speak out against the hand that feeds him (the Jew) -- unless he's a Jew himself.

    Amazing, your infallible knowledge upon the subject! Some might even call it "chutzpah"!

  7. 1:38 AM
    I believe there is such a thing as decent homosexuals. They were born fucked up, they know they're fucked up and there is no way in hell they would want anyone else to suffer they're affliction and they bear their burden. Unfortunately, it seems, almost all homosexuals don't feel this way, they want to make us feel they are normal and why not buttfuck your buddy, you might like it.

  8. 3 mins: "Video Israel doesn't want you to see"

  9. " They were born fucked up, they know they're fucked up and there is no way in hell they would want anyone else to suffer they're affliction and they bear their burden. Unfortunately, it seems, almost all homosexuals don't feel this way, they want to make us feel they are normal and why not buttfuck your buddy, you might like it."

    You don't see the gift in being different. You've got some serious limitations. With every liability, there's a prize. Gay men can see the beauty in other men where women only see money or safety. Gay men can see the games women use to keep a man. Heteros are often clueless.

    Gay men and women are Nature's natural birth control. Gay men and women come out of wombs just like heteros do, some of which heteros are born without consciences,born with low IQs, or who already have coke in their veins.

    Why not just STFU?

  10. 3:04 PM
    You're a sick fuck, typical product of the normalization of homosexuality.
    Get it through your fag head, you aren't normal to us.

  11. Here is an example of a Muslim who converted to Chriatianity.

    USIsrael backed FSA Insurgent Eats Heart of Syrian Soldier
    He is following the instructions given in
    Jeremiah 19:9 NIV
    New International Version
    I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, and they will eat one another's flesh during the stress of the siege imposed on them by the enemies who seek their lives.'

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. "You're a sick fuck, typical product of the normalization of homosexuality. Get it through your fag head, you aren't normal to us."

    Doesn't that response prove you're the typical product of your Jewy Christianity and your false sense of Jewy entitlement? Yes, it does.

    Because you're "normal," you think of yourself as some sort of god, a leader for the White race, a representative of all the White heterosexual men in the U.S. Get over yourself!

    You can't even read. Nobody ever wrote about "normalization" or normal. Everybody knows gays are different. You can't be the boss or leader of anyone, White, gay or hetero,. -- terms, by the way, which were invented only a century ago and never existed in the history of mankind. People were much more fluid and more natural than the rigid mind-fucked hallucinations you are pretending to subscribe to.

    You're just a low-lfe trash talk who wants to sound like the man you don't even know how to be without your precious ideologic rhetoric and Jewy Christianity.

    And probably you're uglier than sin, to boot.


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