May 02, 2013

Reconstructions Live with Mike Sledge 2013.05.02

The Hammer, Cross, and Sickle

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism



  1. yea yea yea yea.....smoke weed everyday

  2. EPIC Tyron rampage!!!!!


  3. Andre Anglin is a race mixing pedophile.

  4. who's andre anglin and who cares?

  5., and if you don't care that a pedophile wigger is trying to run the WN movement with CI trash Kike Delaney and Bill Finckelstein then you're either one of them or just a moron.

  6. Why does everyone call anglin a wigger when he is a chigger? He clearly has asiatic eyelids. White Nationalism is funny.

  7. Communist faggots are pathetic. Hey analchug, how's Roseanne Barr?

  8. There is no difference between ci trash and this trash. Look at this clown here, tries to associate Christianity with soviet russia. ci wants to be the chosen people. Both groups go out of there way to discredit Christianity, alienate anyone with any sense and attract the dregs of society.

  9. I'll take an Asian race-mixer... even a black, a native, an eskimo, hell, fkn anything but someone who brings more mamzers into this world.

    This show has about as much cred as Jonestein.

  10. These people are highly suspect, look at this lube guy, he's lives in canada, so he says, he expresses idealism that is far more radical than the great and powerful zcf, yet the great and powerful zcf is in fear for his life, while lube broadcasts on internet radio a couple times a week and pretty much promotes genocide of anyone but pagan/antichristian, undefined aryan/nordic background on internet forums.

  11. I doubt they are even on the kike radar yet. They do get a mega 200 listeners, but from that, most are either -

    -jews laughing their ass off
    -over the hill pagans/satanists like sholteshit.
    - younger rentapagans on meth, playing skyrim.
    - and a few people at mami's also laughing at this clown show.

  12. These peoples version of history is total jew revisionism. Romans and Greeks didn't gradually accept Christianity over a 400 year period, while the Christians were being brutally persecuted by jews and their stooges. Jews came into Rome and Greece with a secret mind control whammy, that put everyone under their spell immediately, making them worship jews.

    European Christians wondered around in sack cloth, in a jew worshiping stupor, until, and this the part they haven't promoted yet, jew worshiping, sackcloth wearing morons, took back muslim spain back, where jews were having a huge heyday, in spite of being worshiped by a bunch of brain-dead Europeans.

    This is where the huge spark of European ingenuity came from, not because some Christian German tradesman invented the printing press and started printing bibles, it's all jewish, we owe all of Christian civilization to jews, according to these retards.

  13. 12:57 AM

    They aren't on kike radar, they are kike radar, along with most, if not all of the antijew forums, gauging sentiment.

  14. EVERY white I told about the spring break attacks knew NOTHING about it. They never heard of the Wisconsin fair attacks either. Whites are the only race that are unaware there is a war on them.

  15. Time to take out the trash!

    Andre Anglin is a race mixing SICK pervert.
    Andre Anglin OF Total Fascism with Jail Bait Girlfriend .

  16. Andre Anglin, a christiantard sick puppy, is the guy that runs! Boycott him! Let John friend and other people that had him on know about it.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. If you ARE attracted to a hot 15yo girl your prolly a PEDOphile scum on your way to jail to meet big bubba in the showers...

  19. what a bunch of sick freaks! acting as if there are no hot women 17 and up.

  20. Andre is finished. I knew there was something weird about him when I saw him in that video with kike delaney. And sure enough, he's a christian pedophile.

  21. EPIC Show Mike, thx. Show on YT:

  22. I could care less about andre anglin but I didn't see anyone in that video, being forced or coerced into doing anything they didn't want to do.

  23. Communism IS Torah/zionist/talmudic KABBALISTIC/New testament jewish LAW!

  24. 1:20 PM
    You sir, are a fucking idiot.

  25. 2:18 PM

    You retard, CAN NOT read.

  26. @nik had to try twice for that link to work for me...

    excerpt "24. When I say that communistic regime must not be instituted before there is an altruistic majority, I do not mean that they will be willingly idealistic. Rather, it means that they will keep it for RELIGIOUS reasons, in addition to public opinion. This coercion is one that will last for generations, for religion is the primary compeller."

  27. Andre got into a fight or what... lol is that his real dad? maybe is a joke...

  28. And sure enough, he's a christian pedophile.

    "Christian pedophile" is redundant.

  29. But Soviet Union was SOOO goood as it was mandatory atheistic and evolution theory was no 1 subject in every school of the country.

    Infact it you got caught going to the church, they would cure your insane christian beliefs by bullett in the neck.

    Long live Great Comrade Stalin!

  30. 3:50 PM

    Are you saying that 15 yo young woman is ugly?

  31. May 3, 2013 at 7:28 AM

    Proof please. Talking flirtatiously to 15 yo girl is not criminal act in any country.

  32. Anonymous said...

    Andre Anglin's father admits they are both pedophiles.

    Deat anon kike nigger, you obviously haven't heard of irony and sarcasm.

    If some anon nigger calls my family pedophiles though phone, i would probably react the same way.

  33. 4:02

    No Andre, she wasn't ugly. But you're still a pedophile for preying on a highschool freshman rather than an actual "young woman" your own age. What are you 27? Maybe 24 at the time? You're a twisted fuck and if I caught you hanging out with my daughter I'd bloody you up just like in that picture. Is that what happened? Someone found you preying on their CHILD?


  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. 4:02 PM

    We are saying that you are a sick twisted FUCK!

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. fuck off mike with your christ hating.

  39. Anonymous said...

    I doubt they are even on the kike radar yet. They do get a mega 200 listeners, but from that, most are either -

    -jews laughing their ass off
    -over the hill pagans/satanists like sholteshit.
    - younger rentapagans on meth, playing skyrim.
    - and a few people at mami's also laughing at this clown show.

    May 3, 2013 at 12:57 AM

    You've nailed it, bro!

  40. These clowns try to be as controversial as possible, but they just don't get it. We're not listening until we see lube sacrificed on an alter to satan!

  41. Oh look who called in from Tel Aviv! Our favourite spammer sholteshit.

  42. CItards and christards are just that RETARDS! and maybe even pedos like that race-mixing scum jew-christ-lover Andre from Totalpedoism

  43. The power of Yeshua compels you!

  44. 4:45 PM

    Makes you wonder what kind of clowns and mental drones would listen to CItards then, doesn't it? LOL

  45. Bow to the Jewish DEMON genocidal Yahweh or you are a shill. - Christian troofer Logic.

  46. 5:16

    THE christard spammer, how's jesus working out for you?

  47. Guys, can't we all just get along? Jesus Christ saved us from these barbaric Gentile problems. Duh, remember? Thank the King of the Jews, our Lord, for giving you the oppurtunity to redeem yourselves. Bow to him. Ask him for forgiveness. Then sell all your belongings and give them to the lowest of people on earth. Do this or burn in Hell with Satan. Read the Bible. Hail G-d.

  48. No LARP this weekend, it's too nice out. NUDE GRECO-WRASSLIN!

  49. RabbiJesusMinistriesMay 3, 2013 at 6:26 PM

    Oh no! Andre, they found out!

  50. Great information once again Mike.I double checked your research and you were right on the money.That was the first time I ever heard about Bishop Lucifer.Mike makes right.

  51. Like any of you fucktards would not be hitting on that lovely creature !And why are you commenting on Andre ?


    Bill Cooper breaks it down

  53. at 6:40 PM

    I triple checked your ip and it comes from Lube's bedroom.

  54. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. Bill Jooper specifically said that jews were not involved in the conspiracy.

  56. Slaughter these heathen fucks! Anti-christ European worshipers!

  57. With no regard towards andre anglin, if you went to the Philippines, or many other third world countries, there would be parents begging you to bang their daughter, for a price, or in the hopes that you would marry them.

  58. The Bill Cooper clip is no different than this radio program I just got done listening to. Just saying :o)

  59. 7:20 PM
    Who wants to slaughter these heathen Europeans? I want to tie them up and tickle their feet!

  60. May 3, 2013 at 6:59 PM

    I totaly agree with you!

    Only sick fucks that can not get laid go to countrys like Philipnes to satisfy their sick needs!

  61. 7:39 PM

    I know what's youre doing, i just hacked into your browser history.

  62. 7:55

    Thanks for the update, pedo jew.

  63. All this jibber jabber about this and that and where does it get you? Where does it get us? Nowhere. ALL these comments are just a waste of time, including mine, and some of you are spending A LOT OF TIME posting what basically amounts to "blah, blah, blah" and nothing else. A worthless comment on a tiny little blog in the middle of internet oblivion changes nothing. The broadcasts from Renegade however do have a little more power. That is all that matters. Love it or hate it, that is one truth amongst a few other truths and commenting here will not change that. FACT.

  64. 8:16

    Have you joined Renegade vikingtard troof brigade yet? Plastic swords and horned helmets you have to buy yourself.

  65. JewsforJesus.orgMay 3, 2013 at 8:27 PM

    Great work christard spammer. 2 more shekels per post for you. More butt jokes and we'll see about another raise.

  66. 8:27 PM

    Spoken like a true jew.

  67. JewsforJewsus.orgMay 3, 2013 at 8:38 PM

    8:29 PM Well I am Jewish. I'm a representative of a Jewish organization. But that's okay, because Jesus was a Jew.

  68. JewsforJesus.orgMay 3, 2013 at 8:53 PM

    Woops. Seemed to have slipped there. Didn't mean to say "Jewsus". I swear we don't talk like that here in the office. Jesus was the best!

  69. Jews are pretty cool people, they're down with Satan and stuff. It's the white christians who are the real enemy, i say kill'em all!

    Hail Sweet Lucifer!


  71. this is even more disturbing info provided here a/t John Friend'ss
    part of young asian girl sex ring.

    Funny Friend'ss was talking to Stew Webb how Friend'ss new a/t all the pedophile in Nebraska. Now we know why!


  72. Who names themself Aryan Buttlove? A christarded jew worshiper covering up for another christarded jew worshiping pedophile.

  73. Christards? Ewwwwwww, to many women.

  74. I can't believe these degenerate antichrists. Don't they know that Jesus was a good Jew and that he saved the Gentiles from their inherent wickedness?

  75. 9:57 PM Is that what you tell yourself? That she's a woman when she's really just 15?

  76. purge the movement of the homosexual, the race mixer, the homicidal murderer
    &pertinacity storypsi!

  77. 8:21

    Hey christard, if you're insinuating that pagans are "Larpsters" because they don't have a political voice, which you probably are, then you're hypocrite. What the fuck are christards doing to stop the jew world order? And you outnumber us by 50,000! Easily with all the non-whites following jewsus! And pagans not having a say in this jewish system only further proves that it's less of a political tool than christianity. You're just too stupid to realize that you're a part of the tribe of israel. It's ok, we don't expect much from you jew worshipers.

  78. 10:14 PM

    Antichristians/pagans don't have a political voice. That's a laugh. Who do you think got oboingo elected?

  79. Jews, mr troofer. Real pagans, not atheists and jew agers, are right wing.

  80. "Real pagans" are anti-racist, pro gay marriage, against judgmental morality or any kind of personal responsibility for their own behavior. Anything else is a figment of your imagination. There is no pagan scripture, doctrine or codified morality. All of your ideals of chivalry came from Christians in the middle ages.

  81. Jesus came... to save you! Jesus is so sexy it hurts!

  82. "Real christians" are anti-racist, pro gay marriage, against judgmental morality or any kind of personal responsibility for their own behavior. Anything else is a figment of your imagination. There is no christian scripture, doctrine or codified morality. All of your ideals of chivalry came from pagans in the ancient world.

  83. God-fearer

    Gate Proselyte

    Hellenistic Judaism

    Second Temple Judaism

    Jewish Christianity

    Paul the Apostle and Judaism

    Split of early Christianity and Judaism

    Origins of Christianity

  84. 1:40 AM

    It doesn't work for you, the only statement that is true is Christians are antiracist. Even this is misleading, you'll find most white Christian communities are just that, white.

  85. Relevant to issues discussed by Sledge but more specifically to Hunt's show

    -- we surely must all now know at least some of the plentiful grotesqueries contained in the Bible as highlighted in the c19th onwards in publications like the "Bible Handbook" (Foote and Ball).

    What would be a step further is some research / ideas on who promoted the uptake of Christianity in Western European kingdoms and principalities after the fall of Rome.

    How did the English and Irish monks have the money and other resources to support their proselytising journeys spreading the 'Good News'?

    In medieval times wasn't it actually forbidden by canon or even secular law for the laity to read the Bible, assuming they even could read?

    Why at the time of the 'Enlightenment' were measures of secular law in place to enforce Sunday observance, not just in terms of church attendance but in restrictions on drinking in taverns, commercial activity etc?

    All this and the other reasons that a moment's reflection could produce indicate the enforcement of belief as control system.

    Flavio Barbiero - Secret Society of Moses - any cred.?

  86. Remember The Franklin Coverup In Omaha,NE
    John Friend Is From Nebraska. I recently looked at videos of John Friend on youtube and to me he is kind of flamboyant or effeminate.

  87. 9:49 AM

    He has a wife in my opinion. And he also is very friendly.

  88. 8:43 AM

    Enlightment is a myth.


  89. wtf??? Principle of Hope contains declarations like @1.51.00 ubi Lenin ibi Iuerusalem

  90. 12:45 AM More Judeo-Christian lies. You're like a machine that spits out exactly what jews want you to believe.

  91. 9:49

    Most likely he's another closet pedophile. Atleast Andre admits being one. Come on John, don't run from the truth.

  92. Young girls are hot. Thats why they're called jailbaits.

  93. You'll find most "white" Christian communities are racially mixed, because as rabbi Saul said, there is no race, ethnicity, or nationality in the Christian faith - we are all one in Christ Jesus.


  94. The Next Christianity

    In looking back over the enormous changes wrought by the twentieth century, Western observers may have missed the most dramatic revolution of all. While secular movements like communism, feminism, and environmentalism have gotten the lion’s share of our attention, the explosive southward expansion of Christianity in Africa, Asia, and Latin America has barely registered on Western consciousness. Nor has the globalization of Christianity – and the enormous religious, political, and social consequences it portends – been properly understood.

  95. America was founded by christians, America will end with christians.

  96. Yahweh was not jewish, he was edomite.

  97. These renegade faggots where talking about titties, buttholes and bashing nwo nazis just a year ago and now they are self-proclaimed fathers of white nationalism? What a fucking joke.



  99. 12:43

    False. Almost every founding father was anti-judeo-christian.

  100. 1:48 PM Sholtes never said anything about niggers in the power structure. They arent smart enough to control anything. They're the jews' pet chimps. They are a serious problem in our society that needs to be dealt with. It's no laughing matter.

  101. Lol, Andre is such a piece of shit.

  102. Judaism has nothing to do with christianity, they're pharisees.

  103. It's obvious the Christians running the banks and the media are the problem.

  104. This comment section has become nothing more than junior high toilet wall.

  105. 2:32 PM Funny. Obviously the jews are the main problem. Everyone should know that. But christians follow a jewish religion and technically are a part of the tribe of Israel, so they're a problem aswell.

  106. 2:39 PM

    How exacltly christians are making your life miserable?

  107. Since rentafags want to continue with their degenerant lifestyle, it's obvious that they hate christian moral codes, because they are spiritually too weak to follow them.

  108. I don't resent "christian morality", which is actually Aryan morality, except for the suicidal "love your enemies" and "give up your possesions to the weak" jew spew. You don't have to worship a mythical rabbi in order to have morality and a healthy family unit. Jews told you otherwise, and you believed them.

  109. 2:42 PM
    Well for example, fascist christards broke up our nude greco wrestling matches! Spoiled the whole weekend!

  110. 2:42 PM Seeing white people worship a jew and piss on their global dominace before christianity makes me miserable.

  111. There goes another spiritual jew, pissing on the white people that founded all the civilizations of the ancient world, because a jew told him they were gay.

  112. 2:53 PM
    At the height of "aryan morality" Roman emperors made themselves gods, their degeneracy and lack of concern for anyone but themselves is well known.
    Pagan northern tribes also had this "aryan morality", besides looting and pillaging, they thought nothing of selling other aryans into slavery to muslims and jews.

  113. The world began when Christ was born! He saved us from the darkness and made it possible for us to be in the tribe of Israel! All that matters are the words that come from his sweet, sensual, Rabinical voice. Through Him we have life. Christ or burn! Hail Yahweh, Lord of the Israelites! Father of Almighty Jesus!

  114. Nothing is better than midnight pizza and good play of WoW with your fellow pagans.

  115. Pagan/atheist racialists are really outcast of the outcast, noone really wants to do anything with them. And somehow they're enough delusional to think that they represent the real white voice.

    They can play they're little games as long as they have internet access.

  116. 3:11

    A jew told you that and you believed Him.

  117. Hey guys, I know that everything the Jews say is a lie right...
    but that one time when a Jew said "there is a magic rabbi who happens the son of the entity that created the universe and can do magic tricks and if we follow what he says and submit our free will and rationality we can live forever in eternal happiness... and if we don't listen to everything he says or if we question it we will suffer eternally in some mysterious fire dimension somehow"... that one is totally legit, it just makes me feel warm inside (and i dont want to burn in hell:( )

  118. Jesus is not a jew, he is an isralite. Actually, if you wanna know how Jesus looked like it was something like Kyle Hunt

  119. 5:57

    HAHAHAHA! Jesus not a jew. Thats funny!

  120. HAHAHAHA! Israelites not jews. That's even funnier!

  121. Yes, jews are really edomites, you would know that if you actually read the bible.

  122. then why do the levis and cohen still have the exact same same dna as levis and cohens dug up in israel retard?

  123. HAHAHA! The only thing you've ever read is HAHAHAHA!

  124. Whites are god people, ie we are really gods.

  125. Finck has more knowledge than any of you israeli teenage fuckwads.

  126. 6:40

    HAHAHA! I thought YOU were an israelite, smart one. HAHAHA!

  127. 5:17 PM
    No, that is historical fact, pagans were brutal bastards, early Christians were no saints either compared to modern society, but compared to ancient pagans they were saints.
    Early Christians didn't outlaw slavery but they did outlaw the sale of Christian slaves to jews. They also made laws forbidding jews from having Christian slaves.

  128. 6:52 PM Wikipedia doesn't count.

  129. @ "Andre Anglin's father admits they are both pedophiles."

    First off, your stupid video is already deleted by you tube. Second, even in countries where the age of consent is 18, someone over 18 who bangs a post-pubescent girl is legally defined as a statutory rapist and not a 'pedophile.' Roman Polanski's case had other elements involved beyond just the statutory rape such as deliberate drugging of a minor (with Ludes and alchohol) and sodomy which would have locked him up for a long time (probably over 10 years) that's why he ran off to Europe and started legally banging 15 year old Nastassia Kinski and her 15 year old best friend both at the same time in an open menage-a-trois (Polanski brags about this in his book, purporting show the sexual puitanism of the USA and the openness of the French)

    Just try calling a woman over 18 who banged a 15 year old guy a 'pedophile' and see how ridiculous you sound. Let's say a centerfold from Playboy that was 25 years old jumped out of the pages and banged you as a 14 year old jerk-off in junior high, would you call that pedophilia ? No, you'd be celebrating your good luck. What are you going to say now ? It's different for guys ? Bullshit. A pedphile is someone who's attracted to pre-pubescent children exactly as Andre stated; nature says one thing but western societies have put up laws, some of which are good and prevent exploitation of the naive by the experienced and others of which unnaturally delay sexual relations between women who mature earlier and men who tend to mature a bit later.

    In some countries such as the Philippines, it's not even statutoray rape. Andre admits that the age-difference could easily lead to an exploitative relationship but then a relationshiph between an 18 year old woman and a 45 year old man could be twice as exploitative as that between a 20 year old and a 15 year old and yet, one is completely legal and the other 'statutory rape' in the USA.

    So stop throwing that pedophile word around so carelessly. Tracy Lords was in the 1980's the biggest porn star in the world and only later it came out that most of the videos she made were made under a fake ID when she was 15 years old. Did that mean that millions of men in the world were now pedophiles because they had been tricked by her fully developed womanhood at 15 ? Fucking ridiculous.

  130. No sale andre. You sick pedo fuck. How relieved are you that your jew buddies deleted your ending so quickly?

  131. 7:06 PM

    Stop talking bullshit. Real women love older men who are more experienced and even fatherly. 18 girl and 22 yo boy could more easliy end up with "exploitive"relationship, because they dont know really how to treat another, especially young males. They cheat a lot easier too.

    It has proven, that healthiest babies are born from families with young women and older man.

    All this idea of 45 old women chasing 18 yo boys is really perverted and probably promoted by the jew media.

  132. Jesus is son of the Creator, not a jew, he is human being.

  133. Jesus was seeded by the jewish tribal god into Mary who was jewish and also married to jew Joseph. Real winner religion you picked there bud.

  134. 7:06 PM
    You don't even need wikipedia, the word slave itself comes from slav, who were sold into slavery by the pagan, nordic rus to the ottomans, they did the same thing everywhere else.
    I guess you are going to tell me same romans who liked to watch people murder each other for sport were really nice people.
    Your jewish historical revisionism doesn't even stand up to common sense, let alone historical fact, which anyone can easily check for themselves with and internet search.
    Only idiots believe jew historical revisionism. You might want to reevaluate your own perceived intelligence level and change it from genius to dunce.

  135. 7:34 PM Hey moron, the slavs didn't become slaves until the ninth century CE. BY CHRISTARDS.

  136. And the slavs we know of today weren't even around during pagan days. They were a new racial type formed during the Hunnish mongoloid invasions. They raped German and Gothic women furiously and the Slav was born. A Germanic mongoloid. Given that they were violent animals, I wouldn't even blame the christards for enslaving them. It was a preventative action against future invasions. This was always the custom in ancient times.

  137. You can lie and call people names but it doesn't make it the truth, pagan norse were in russia long before Christianity and they were indeed looters pillagers and slave traders.
    I don't know how you can believe you are opposing jew domination by promoting jew historical revisionism.
    Either you are jewish or a retard.

  138. What's your point? When the Rus were in Russia they traded Mongolian slaves. So what. That's what every race did when they won a battle. It was to prevent future invasions. Unlike your precious Israelites in the bible that slaughtered every living person. Women and children included. Atleast the Aryans let them live.

  139. 8:09 "you are jewish or a retard"

    But when you lie and call people names it's the truth though, right?

  140. Slavs are just former slaves of fallen Roman empire, people without real cultural roots, nomadic people, who inhabited vast areas of the east where they interbreeded with the mongols. And now slavic hordes are conquering Europe again,settling places like Britain, central and western Europe, America etc.

    Many of them are involved in organized crime and prostitution rings. Some of them have become even radio hosts.

  141. And have children with jews.

  142. Jesus is genuine savior of humanity.

  143. Three cheers for Jesus!

  144. Slavs are the white people who inhabit eastern europe and russia. When the vikings got to russia they sold white slavs into slavery to muslims, they did the same thing in the west, after they were Christianized they stopped this.

  145. Like I said. Slavic people didn't appear until the racial mixing of Germanic and Mongol during the Hunnish invasions around 500 CE. Slavs weren't enslaved until 900 CE by the "Holy Roman Empire". The Vikings did not sell any white Slavs because Slavs are not technically white and didn't even exist yet when they were settling Russia. If they sold any slaves they were Mongols.

  146. 10:30 PM
    That's retarded and has no factual basis, slavic people beg to differ.
    You don't take a basis of asians add some germans and get white people, with white features. Russian slavs are white, you can see some asian, in some of them. The farther west the more german slavs are, the farther south the more Mediterranean, the farther east the more asian.
    Vikings traded with, looted, pillaged and enslaved anyone they came in contact with depending on what was more beneficial to them.
    Vikings came into contact with russian slavs before the Christians, enslaved whoever they could and sold them to muslims.

  147. 12:05

    Jews told you that Vikings were evil and you believed them.

  148. Vikings weren't evil, they were tribal dumbasses, once they learned that tribalism was evil they quit.
    Modern Scandinavians are just as evil as their ancestors, only they let themselves be destroyed instead of destroying others, both concepts are antichristian.

  149. 12:05 AM

    Vikings didn't sold anyone to slavery, you hav't heard even mongol invasions of Russia. Russians are ex romans slaves who traveled to the east. They really dont have any real homeland. Kind of like americans.

  150. Russians even invited skandinavian viking kings to rule them, because they didn't know how to do it themselves.

  151. Andre Anglins Father Greg Anglin Admits They are Pedophiles..

    videos been deleted now here

  152. AAAAAAARRRGGGHHH! Look at mee, i'm a viking!

  153. Paganism is in your blood.

  154. If rentagays would rule the world, you should watch movie Lord Of The Flies to get the picture.

  155. 6:43 AM

    So what, i'm a pedophile too, every normal human being loves children. They just don't fuck them.

  156. I fucking love Slipknot.

  157. Andre is a piece of shit child molester. I wonder if anyone goes to his site anymore other than to see what nonsense he's spewing to direct attention away from his pedophilia. "Hitler loved Christ" "National Geographic kids are HOT"

  158. This sucks, change the channel, dude.

  159. Your Average CItardMay 5, 2013 at 10:12 AM

    Can't spell average.

  160. 10:12 AM Hence why we shouldn't expect them to understand the jew buybull.

  161. Anyone who talks shit about Andre is eighter jewish or useful idiot.

  162. 11:08

    That's funny Andre. It really is.

  163. new andre anglin barrett wanted poster

  164. Thought provoking show as corroborated by distractionary and multiple irrelevant comments postings.



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