May 10, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.05.10

Guest: Michael Walsh, author of Witness to History. A revisionist account of how the Jews started WWII, talked about the situation in Europe which is very similar to our own with self-serving politicians who ignore the concerns of the people. We also talked about orchestrated opposition and the moles and traitors within the so-called truth movement.

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  1. Another excellent program from Deanna! Many thanks!

  2. Agreed. And worth listening to a second time if only for the book references, like "The War That Hitler Won: Goebbels and the Nazi Media Campaign" by Robert E. Herzstein, just to name a highlight.

  3. Who is " They " ???
    Come up with some names , so we can kill these bastards !!!
    We're killing innocent people all over the world , but our real enemies " They ", the names of these bastards are never mentioned .

  4. The China/Nathanyahoo/Japan nuke story comes from 'Benjamin Fulford'. Same story has Israel using a 'buster bunsting nuke' in Syria. Fulford pushes nukes, and he is 100% disinfo....

  5. " They " are not only the enemies of
    'nazies', "They " are the enemies of
    us , The People !!!! Kill these bastards before " They " kill us.

  6. "Not a people of the western press"
    in Latvia ...
    ok , there we already have some enemies , the chief editors of News Papers and TV !!!


  8. The media is the only one , who supplies us , 'The People' with info !!Their responsebility is , to be honest , because we depend on them !!
    Those of them that are lying to us , are our enemies , KILL THEM !!!
    Easy to understand language methinks

  9. Yeah yeah ....
    as long as we let vermin destroy us
    nothing will change . And the masses - except the people of Germany
    in the 30's - are but a bunch of herd animals ............

  10. .."a bunch of herd animals ......"

    Guess who the herd belongs to? You were serialized and bonded at birth; and if a male, chances are the jewish medical cabal clipped part of your penis off to make very expensive cosmetics for facial applications. Those bond owners might be jewish bankers if you look hard enough. They are the ones that control their farms with debt notes and genocide-for-profit health care that kills over 800,000 per year in their Corp USA farm complex.

    It is not televised. Still watching?

  11. The ones that control you, and think of you as nothing but an animal to serve them, pay off and blackmail over 500 actors in their Corp USA to pretend that the farm is still a "country"; that the "Constitution" still applies. The scheme is a balancing act that most of the herd buys easy enough by watching their TV's. The real game of life of earth for most will end early, but most cannot break away from that TV; so the slaughtering will pick up pace big time real soon.

  12. Ok , share with your friends , and so
    what ??
    WE NEED A LEADER !!! A real organisation , with no faggots and slimy jew infiltrators waving swastika flags.

  13. "rodin said...
    The China/Nathanyahoo/Japan nuke story comes from 'Benjamin Fulford'. Same story has Israel using a 'buster bunsting nuke' in Syria. Fulford pushes nukes, and he is 100% disinfo...."

    "" They " are not only the enemies of
    'nazies', "They " are the enemies of
    us , The People !!!! Kill these bastards before " They " kill us."

    "Not a people of the western press"
    in Latvia ... ik , there we already have some enemies , the chief editors of News Papers and TV !!!"


    "The media is the only one , who supplies us , 'The People' with info !!Their responsebility is , to be honest , because we depend on them !!
    Those of them that are lying to us , are our enemies , KILL THEM !!! Easy to understand language methinks"

    "Yeah yeah .... as long as we let vermin destroy us
    nothing will change . And the masses - except the people of Germany in the 30's - are but a bunch of herd animals ............"

    ".."a bunch of herd animals ......""

    "Guess who the herd belongs to? You were serialized and bonded at birth; and if a male, chances are the jewish medical cabal clipped part of your penis off to make very expensive cosmetics for facial applications. Those bond owners might be jewish bankers if you look hard enough. They are the ones that control their farms with debt notes and genocide-for-profit health care that kills over 800,000 per year in their Corp USA farm complex. It is not televised. Still watching?"

    What a bunch of adolescent Negroes and doogies all of you here (listed above) actually are! What stupid hooey and con artist BS you acne-faced keyboard commandoes are spewing.

  14. Besides the fake money that has almost enveloped the planet, their other main tool of control is of their energy cabal; at present, a scheme of "peak oil", that oil is rare.
    It does not matter if the little people cry about their oil cabal and how dirty it is, they are quite ready to switch to gas (hence all the fracking prep work). Either way, you will pay those bankers for your energy. Life on this planet would be very very different if energy was only 1/10 the cost it presently is. It is just another jew cabal, like diamonds, but energy prices controls the planet like nothing else. If the little people decide that they do not want natural gas either, no problem; the jew bankers will charge you for energy credits anyway. It will be factored in everything you buy, or make and try to sell.

    Time to turn of the TV?
    Guess what crime cult controls the output of it; each and every color, word and frequency?

  15. "Time to turn of the TV?"

    Yeah, in order to take a typing class! Or read "Turn of the Screw." At least you know there what end is up or what end it all leads to.

  16. It's official. Mami's shit comment section is now totally worthless.

  17. 9:34 PM

    Lol, since when it represented some kind of value?

  18. "It's official. Mami's shit comment section is now totally worthless."

    Ask for a refund. You get what you pay for. Now run along and stfu.

  19. "Or read "Turn of the Screw." At least you know there what end is up or what end it all leads to."

    Explain. I beg you.
    If you cannot, seek help. My bet is you need some.

  20. "Or read "Turn of the Screw." At least you know there what end is up or what end it all leads to.

    Explain. I beg you. If you cannot, seek help. My bet is you need some."

    Oh, I can and I'd love to. Read a book instead of "turn of the TV." This screen full of attitudes is TV, too. At least when you read you people will learn to spell and think thoughts that are integrated with reality instead of absorbing the insanity that festers like a yeast infection here.


  21. Read a book instead of "turn of the TV."
    " people will learn to spell.."

    Tell us more.

  22. "At least when you read you people will learn to spell and think thoughts that are integrated with reality.."

    What if one is reading stuff by jewish authors and publishers? For reality integration, would not one be cautioned to keep away from such sources; sources that are somewhat dominate in the jewish controlled Corp USA?

  23. "Impressive. Tell us more."

    Thank you, but no.

  24. Two book recommendations.
    "turn of the TV" & "Turn of the Screw."

    Is the spelling correct on those?

  25. "What if one is reading stuff by jewish authors and publishers? For reality integration, would not one be cautioned to keep away from such sources; sources that are somewhat dominate in the jewish controlled Corp USA?"

    Good question, and really, and I was of your persuasion that it was necessary to "keep away" from such sources, but,surprisingly, Jews writing nonfiction books through Jewish publishers to an audience of Jews are often unafraid and unabashed to speak the truth about what they really are doing and thinking and scheming.

    "Anti-Judaism: the Western Tradition" by David Nirenberg, a Jew, is one such book. The author makes it clear that the Western Tradition is normally to be against Judaism. He teaches, sadly, how steeped in Judaic thought now the West really is.

    "The Jewish Century" by Yuri Slezkine is another such book, showing how Jewish was the 20th century.

    They tell you what the programming is and how it gained precedence.

  26. 11:34 PM
    There used to be some decent commentary here in between the ranting anarchists. You want anarchy? It's coming. I don't know why you think it will be pleasant, you'll be the first ones shot.

  27. "Two book recommendations. "turn of the TV" & "Turn of the Screw." Is the spelling correct on those?"

    Oh, my gosh! Can't you read or think? The first is a phrase containing a typo (which was previously quoted from another commenter) and the second is the title of a novel by Henry James.

    Does this help you? I'm trying to spoon-feed you the proper sense. I can bring you the sense but I can't understand it for you. You have to make an effort.

  28. "There used to be some decent commentary here in between the ranting anarchists. You want anarchy? It's coming. I don't know why you think it will be pleasant, you'll be the first ones shot."

    I find no evidence here that anyone expressed a desire for anarchy. Nor do I find any evidence that the "ranting" that has been here was done by any anarchists.

    Perhaps you could explain your viewpoint?

  29. anarchists are the far left & they don't like you guys very much, they are #OWS & #annonymous. youranonnews
    on twitter is one & they have 1.1 million followers, slightly more than what you guys get.

  30. "anarchists are the far left & they don't like you guys very much, they are #OWS & #annonymous. uranonnews on twitter is one & they have 1.1 million followers, slightly more than what you guys get. -#anonymous"

    Really? And you care about this crap? I don't know anyone else who would waste his time.

  31. Anarchists are anarchists, not left or right, they want to destroy any order, creating a vacuum which is easily filled.
    I don't see any proposals for a new order here, just destruction of the old, all of it.

  32. I think anarchists are good people who just don't want government to tell them what to do. They can be right-wing or left-wing.

    People who want to create disorder and destruction are -- well, criminals and thugs.

    Government types give anarchists a bad name. Not everything has to be done the Prussian way.

  33. This particular thread looks like one person geeked on meth with no content at all relevant to the subject matter, except the first couple of posts.

  34. "This particular thread looks like one person geeked on meth with no content at all relevant to the subject matter, except the first couple of posts."

    I was one of the first couple. No matter. Looks can be deceiving. Meth may be the explanation for these god-awful ventings, so you may be onto something.

    But in the "looks can be deceiving" department, when Werner called in at the end of the broadcast and said "attractive people" can mislead others, Deanna agreed and Michael Walsh agreed as well.

    The myth is that pretty people are viewed as more intelligent. No, they're more used to getting their own way and know better how to get it.

    Don't you think Jews know this, too? About pretty people and how easily others are manipulated by them, I mean.

  35. 1:43 AM
    Attractive people=sociopath. Look up the definition of sociopath and learn it well
    The greatest villains of all time have been sociopaths, the greatest leaders of all time have been sociopaths.
    I like Deanna, it's easy to tell she's not a sociopath, unless she's a really good one. This has no bearing on Deanna's physical or mental attractiveness, she just comes across as genuine.
    I don't like to see genuine, decent people dragged through the mud, as irrelevant as this forum is.

  36. Deanna is definitely genuine. She genuinely loves the baby Jewsus.

  37. 2:25 AM

    Don't worry, there are still places for ugly people, like anon commenting on the internet.

  38. Near the beginning her discussion of "David Cole" is either clumsy or calculated to cast doubt on his ~1995 research findings and video.

  39. "Near the beginning her discussion of "David Cole" is either clumsy or calculated to cast doubt on his ~1995 research findings and video."

    Definitely. True. But later in the broadcast, Werner telephones in and there is a renewed discussion about Cole in which Deanna's claims are questioned and Deanna concedes her interpretation is far from infallible.

  40. The fact it took Werner to correct on the issue and only then Deanna followed the cue confirms my point.

    Also of note is the fact that Walsh espouses the Nazis-had-Islamic-and-other-minority regiments stuff, which implies endorsement which also implies the miscegenation agenda is alive and well here too.

  41. In his " The Age of Reason " Thomas
    Paine unmaskes the machinations of
    Talmudism- Judaism and their accomplices internationalistic Christianism .
    That's why there is no 'Paine Memorial' for the man who put the USA on the map.
    Corrupt academia and court-historians almost
    totally ignore this great European
    who had a dream for the American People.

  42. Great Guest and Great Show Deanna!

  43. "Also of note is the fact that Walsh espouses the Nazis-had-Islamic-and-other-minority regiments stuff, which implies endorsement which also implies the miscegenation agenda is alive and well here too."

    You didn't need Walsh to show you that miscegenation is alive and well in the U.S. and your finding it in his words is evidence that you are willing to even blame the victim because he said something true -- which you interpret to be something not intended. . . . There were Black Nazis and Islamic Nazis, etcetera. Make of it what you will. Walsh is not hinting at miscegenation thereby.

  44. Rodney Martin is the biggest traitor. Even after disclosing the church’s role in the placing of guilt on the German peoples after the war he pushes his religion back on the Germans who walked away from Christianity after the clergy pushed the guilt on them. then who were the biggest traitors to the Third Reich during the war. It was his Church and Christianity.Now him and his friends in treason John Friendstein, Andre who gets off looking at old National Geographic magazines and has an under aged black girlfriend and of Course Deleaney who ruined Zion Crime Factroy and turned it into the real jews website.
    It is really a pity to see Deanna Spingola get sucked into the biggest jewish indoctrination of all times the Bible. .

  45. May 11, 2013 at 1:10 AM
    The people who follow Anonymous are diverse. It's mostly younger kids and a minority of them are Anarchists.
    They are becoming largely NS lately, if you follow their hubs like /pol/ on 4chan.


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