May 17, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.05.17

Guest: Rodney Martin, Burning books in Nazi Germany

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  1. around 20:20 you can hear Deana filing her nails or what sound like her filing her nails

  2. GREAT show! More Jew Lies bite dust!

  3. You cannot help but to think of the burning of the Library of Alexandria whenever talking about book burning.So beware of who you let on your show because the real jews are trying to infiltrate your blogs.You heard what the Christians did to the third Reich and cannot support their efforts to once again Sabotage the Third Reich.
    Germany get off your knees.


  4. This housefrau is awesome!

  5. Did they mention any books that were burned at that time?

    After the War Mullins' book on the Federal Reserve was burned in Germany, iirc (not verified by me).

  6. The books that were burned were mainly Magnus Hirschfeld's private library.

  7. 7:24 PM
    This wholesale destruction of intellectual material by Christians is a myth. Christians were the preservers of knowledge from antiquity, unless of course you prefer to acknowledge the jew narrative, that gives credit to jews and muslims for western civilization.
    Why do you always prefer the jewish version of history?

  8. Lists of Banned Books, 1932-1939:

  9. May 18, 2013 at 2:34 PM
    This is total bullshit and you can't verify it.

    The Suppression of Knowledge

    That natural law in the universe of cause and effect has started another revolution. A revolution so quiet that as yet hardly anyone is aware of it.

    The first breakthrough came in 1981, when the Law Commission recommended that the common law offence of Blasphemous Libel should be abolished. It is because of this law that millions are still kept in ignorance of the past. Until now any criticism of the Christian religion, however true, has been almost completely eliminated from the mass media.

    The truth, however much it is suppressed, must eventually surface. Over the years many brave men and women have tried to tell it, but not until now has there been a significant breakthrough. The B.B.C. have allowed a thirteen-part serial called 'Cosmos' to be shown on television. This, together with a best-selling book, has now made clear to millions all over the world, beyond any doubt, that the so-called Establishment have concealed known historical facts from being freely available to the majority of people.

    It proves conclusively what modern historians have known for many years, that it was the Christians who were solely responsible for plunging the world into the Dark Ages. Many of the Christian Saints and historical Greats, but thankfully with some notable exceptions, were ignorant, evil, homicidal maniacs: in exactly the same mould as the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia, but unfortunately on a gigantic scale and totally successful. Every man, woman and child who dared to challenge any aspect of the new State Religion of the Roman Empire was brutally dealt with. Every library and college of learning was closed and every non-Christian book destroyed, until eventually the Christian priests were the only people able to read and write. Not even our early kings had this privilege. In the land of the ignorant, the man who can read and write is king.

  10. 2:49 PM
    That article is full of so much misinformation and lies, I don't know where to start. I don't read the jew press, their reality is divergent from any reality I have ever known, if you want to live in jew reality that is your business, but it's not real.

    Here is one good excerpt from this article.

    The most famous 'witch' Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake. It is estimated that the Christians tortured to death, burnt or drowned 250,000 so-called witches. We now know that many of the people thought of as witches were in fact mediums - people with the wonderful gift of being able to communicate with others who are living in the etheric world. The tragedy is that mediumship is an inherited gift, like music. This is the reason why there are so few outstanding mediums today.

    Thank God, Miss Cleo's ancestors escaped.

  11. Here's another nice excerpt.

    Invention of printing. A dagger into the heart of Christendom. From this date onwards Europe and the world have gradually freed themselves from the curse of priestcraft. Even the priests could not kill fast enough to keep up with the printing presses.

    The first thing Guttengerg started printing was bibles, initially this likely increased literacy and Christianity. Unfortunately, jews also had access to this technology and used it to spread lies, misinformation and divisiveness, just like they do today with information technology. Soon after this there was the satanic mason infiltration of Christianity, reformation and constant conflict and war.

  12. May 18, 2013 at 3:53 PM

    Oh no.. the EVIL JEWS tried to make people think for themselves and trick the world into thinking the Earth is not 6000 years old!!!

  13. 4:26 PM
    I guess you can't read very well. I will attribute this to your secular education.
    A Christian invented the printing press and started printing bibles, this increased literacy, and access to information, good and bad. This led to scientific advancement as well as jew influence.
    If all Christians were as ignorant as you like to imply they are, the printing press would have never been invented in the first place.


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