May 13, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.05.13

Kyle discusses the beauty of ethnonationalism, the idea for Imperium Europa, how our enemies are actually helping us achieve our ends, why we should be encouraged in our struggle, and the ways in which our changes can be implemented at a lightning-fast pace.

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  1. bla bla bla bla

  2. These creaturds pop up out of nowhere. From what I understand, none of these scumbags even heard of ben klassen a year ago and hear they are, die hard creaturds.
    You aren't going to find many creaturds that ever had or ever will have employment, or any lawful way of making money. They hate almost everyone on the planet, except other creaturds, nobody is going to touch them with a ten foot pole. This is why many creaturds turn to crime, how else can they make a living?
    But here you have a group of brave creaturds, promoting the creaturd philosophy for every one to here, they can be easily identified.
    Fess up boys who's paying the bill? Who owns creaturd errr, renegade broadcasting?

  3. Seriously, fuck whoever brought CI on this site. We had a nice little thing going on before that.

  4. 12:40 AM what a bunch of hermaphrodite goat worshipping dungeon and dragons fags,

  5. I see almost no evidence of ci presence on this forum. I would say almost all of the posts attributed to ci are actually creaturds, mocking ci to use as a phoney talking point.
    Let's talk about the creaturds. Renegade broadcasting isn't a money maker, it's a money loser. Here you have a group of people who make themselves unemployable, with almost no business opportunities, by promoting their philosophy, but still they can make a living. Who's paying the bill?

  6. i got pubes what do i do Kyle ?

  7. I come back to this site after a few days and christard spammer is still going on a smear campaign of ben klassen and whining about the persecution of christians. This moron or possibly 2 morons have to be getting paid to do this. They're relentless with attacking anything anti-jewsus. You would think they never got off their computers. They should just stick to Fox News if they can't handle the truth.

  8. I named my first son Moses. I hope Jesus and John Friend will be proud of me.

  9. Another rant about horrific crimes of anity?

  10. Anity is the reason why we can't buy nice things!

  11. Excuse me about by ignorance, but who are creaturds?

  12. 12:27 AM

    exactly, bla bla bla.

    All talk, no action.

  13. Haha! The whiny little trolls just can't keep it in their pants long enough before they have to whip it out and beat it silly again! Creaturds? What the fuck is a creaturd? I know what a "retard" is and that's most certainly what someone who uses the word creaturd 8 fucking times in one small mindless comment is! I'd say grow up but I guess that ain't gonna ever happen with you worthless pieces of trash that keep trolling this insignificant little blog...

  14. kyle, who likes ancient historoic stuff, should do a show of an ancient island, where primeval creatures still roam

  15. Creaturd - don't know what it is eh ?

    I surely will not tell you.

    Here is a hint instead , there are many on this website, Delcroix unwittingly admitted he was a Creaturd on his last show, go listen to all and see if u can find out the spot.

  16. I see a lot of christian homophobes here. Our brotherly pagan love is free and wild...

  17. 9:15

    Jews and their sub-cultist christians are afraid of the non-jew-worshiping racialists. Always have been. Hence the ridicule campaign by shill radio hosts and their mami spammers.

    Whites are the Creator race.

  18. Kyle, so funny when you talk about nationalism. You don't have a nationality, you are american, white at best.

    You speak in american english and are born probably from mixed parents, like 99% rest of you wannabe mongrel nationalists.

    Thats why american white nationalism is such a fucking joke.

  19. 4:55 PM Right, whites like Werner Von Braun, Wagner, of Telsa, are fine White Creators, but you my friend are a retarded hermaphrodite worshipping pagan who Hasn't CREATED SHIT and still lives with their mom! oh wait thats pretty much the whole rentagay Crew! LOL

  20. All you guys comments all suck ,, I still don't know what the show is about!!

    How many of you dumb fucking commenters ever even Listin to the show .

    I bet 0.

    Comments are becoming irrelivent , I am done reading you fools!!!!!!

  21. 6:24

    Fuck off you spamming loser. If you live in New England and eat organic food chances are I helped create it. What do you do? Call people fags and retards on mami's shithole all week and then worship a rabbi on sunday. What a life.

  22. Who listens to this shit? It's just fun to ridicule retards. Everyone loves to heckle a bad comedian.

    1. Edwin Willam de Goyim said...

      How many $Heckles are the Hazborats paying you to Heckle?

  23. quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia is very revealing:
    In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their
    divinities,fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures
    declare that all the gods of the Gentiles are demons. Catholic Encyclopedia:
    Devil Worship


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