May 04, 2013


But this source of endless terror is never mentioned, because this same source controls virtually all public media in the world, controls every aspect of it, in ways we still haven’t completely perceived, such as gangsta rap, free sex and the legalization of drugs.

That source is the Jewish mafia, which has perverted our schools, lobotomized our media, perverted our social institutions through non-profit think tanks, and prostituted our children with poisoned drugs and depraved subversive trends masquerading as personal liberation.
***Read article at SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS*** 

Who Controls America? 


  1. original link

  2. The final solution to the Jew problem, the infestation of Jews in the culture and government is to ban their book and the practice of Judaism outlawed.

    The Torah and all related books must be treated as much the same as a biological virus. Those infected with belief of the Jewish god must be treated as mental patients infected with a god delusion.

    From this point forward anyone caught preaching, reading, promoting the Torah, Talmud, Bible will be assumed infected and insane and treated in a DHS camp, those that resist treated as zombies.


  4. Another great article on the same topic just posted by rense:

    "The false-flag-DRILLS that have accompanied so many of the major attacks upon America, since the Clinton Years, have come directly from Israel, in the guise of “helping Americans” to protect themselves from terrorism. The truth is that these security-DRILLS themselves should be outlawed—because they prove conclusively that the US government is incapable of protecting anyone. These continuing failures of the so-called security-drills also proves that since the government continues to hold simultaneous attacks upon America with these fake-drills that target the exact same situations which are carried out simultaneously, in each of these government-orchestrated attacks upon American citizens and this nation—which Israel uses to utterly-destroy everything that matters to an Open-Society or to a world free from the global-paranoia on which Israel has been feeding since before the First World War."

  5. Thank you so very much for the link!

  6. the Bible is the source of the authority of the state

    America is under noahide or bible law

    the real terror is the bible

    a typical christian is stung and paralyzed by the bible memes and unable to act in defense of jewish aggression, for example this is a response on Jim Stone's forum by a Christian:

    "The message of Jesus Christ to the world is not communicated through violence that takes men's lives, but rather by his love and his words, which serve to save mankind from destruction. Your actions here on this Earth will be rewarded eternally, regardless of your environment in this instance of reality. Violence begets violence here on Earth, and will only be rewarded as such in the infinity thereafter. The lifespan of a human being is but a blink of an eye to the creator- as he lives eternally. You have FREE WILL to either walk alongside him, or be caught up in the violent options that you may now consider to be a plausibility. For your sake, please choose wisely- the path you take will affect you infinitely."

    Christians will be looking to heaven as the entire society is reduced to rubble, they will be convinced by their Bible studies that we are in the end times, they will become ever more fervent in their faith as the jew wolf tears society apart

  7. A Jew has outlawed Christianity in the Military.

  8. The Bible is not the real terror. The real terror are those who see the world through the Talmud and implement it's precepts.

  9. The Bible is the Jewish Tanakh. It's much worse then than Talmud.

    The Tanakh commands the Jews to take over the world and enslave or exterminate all gentiles.

  10. Dumb-ass, The Bible does not command "the Jews to take over the world and enslave or exterminate all gentiles."

  11. Dumb-ass, The Bible does not command "the Jews to take over the world and enslave or exterminate all gentiles."

    Yes, it does, Christard. The Jewish TANAKH instructs the Jews to take over the world and enslave/exterminate gentiles. The Jewish TANAKH comprises more than 3/4 of the Christian bible.

  12. The old WordPress "Who Controls America" blog is obsolete and will not be updated anymore. Here is the new website:

  13. Ya know we have learned that Jews hoax everything. (eg how many crisis actors are not Jewish?)

    Now we have a concerted US patriot antichristian movement complete with comment section propagandists...

    The OT is Jewish, the NT is Christian (by and large). Which do you think is hoaxed? The Dead Sea Scrolls are another obvious hoax, designed to backdate the OT fraud. The never existed Temple of Solomon guides Freemasons, Fetch and others go on about 'Kabala' and apart from being an enigma type code WTF is it really? You never get a straight answer...

  14. The NT is Jewish too, you moron. Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism. It's Judaism fused with Hellenistic mystery cults.

    And the Dead Sea Scrolls aren't a "hoax".

    What a retard.


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