June 03, 2013

Alex Jones Finally Admitting Its The Zionists Jews

Sounds like Ognir recorded this, and I have no idea when or where?

The Information Underground



  1. Zionist Jews? LMAO
    Communist Jews? LMAO
    Talmudic Jews? LMAO
    Capitalist Jews? LMAO
    Oligarch Jews? LMAO
    Usury (Banking) Jews? LMAO
    Degenerate (Hollywood) Jews? LMAO

    Its called the nasty JEW my dear idiots. A biology creates an ideology, not the other way round.

  2. sounds like it was from somewhere in the gap between election '08 & inauguration Jan '09.

  3. "Firemti Liverpool said...
    Look at what a fraud Charles Giuliani really is.
    This is his personal web site, a lot different than what he preaches on the air.
    Dennis Fetcho offered his friend Charles Giuliani the 8-10am M-F slot on the radio station he is currently on & Charles Giuliani REFUSED it b/c "he doesn't want to do that kind of radio" anymore

    taken aback Dennis Fetcho had to quickly fill the slot w/ 2 of his flunky loser listeners Shake and Wake with Rick and Annie

  4. 8:41 AM,

    You are wrong. Jews are not a biological group. They are a social construct. They juts need the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Once Jews accept Jesus as their personal savior, then they will be completely different. Racism has no place in the body of Christ. We are all God's children. Amen.

  5. That doesn't count. Jones says one times it's the zionists and then ten weeks in a row talking about concentration camps and Himmler's eugenics projects and how globalists and royal family are really nazis, etc.

  6. 10:11 AM

    Listen sholtes, if you are really interested about christianity, i can recommend nice local baptist congregation, where you can apply, deal? I'm sure pastor can answer most of your questions, he is really nice man, has lots of beautiful white kids too.

  7. June 3, 2013 at 8:41 AM

    You've nailed it!

  8. 9:44 AM

    Just few weeks ago everyone here worshipped this Giuliani creep, except me. I found him to be repulsive from the start and my intuition has never failed me. Just because you say some right things, doesn't mean you are ok.

  9. This clip has been on YouTube for several years. Old news.

  10. Hahaa, of cource Alex has to mention Hitler in negative context even in this small clip.


  11. A Jew is someone who practices Judaism. Once a Jew stops practicing Judaism, they cease being a Jew. Jews are just a religious construct. This is why we have to witness to Jews about the good news of Jesus Christ. Once all Jews come to Jesus and abandon Judaism, they will be our brothers in Christ and we won't have any more problems with them.


  12. I remember this audio from back when I used to listen to AJ. It's old, definitely pre-2011. One of the very few times he named the Jew on his show.

    What the hell happened to the Info Underground ? Only 3 or 4 years ago, they were cutting edge. There are hardly any posters left there worth a turd since they changed their forum design. Amanda was the last interesting poster left there and now she's gone too.

    Celtic Rebel: "The people who ran the American strategy in WWII were a bunch of flamers. They dropped two bombs on Japan on the 33rd butt-sex parallel and it's not the parallel of death, it's the gay cult that runs the world, the bombs were called 'fat man' and 'little boy' and they were dropped from the a-nola or 'Enola Gay.' How much more gay can you get ?"


    Who could argue with that ?

  13. Right after AJ did this piece, a picture of JFK's brains was sent to his residence. I wonder why AJ stopped ranting about israel?

  14. Wooden carving depicting Jesus with Wehrmacht soldier in lutherian german church in Berlin, built in thirties.



    Chandelier in the shape of an iron cross


    Praying Hitler with angels:


    Christian regalia with german soldier:


    These photos where taken from anti-christian website, by the way, lol

  15. Maybe Hitler's Christianity was the reason for Germany's failure during WWII.

  16. No, you are failure. I bet your great-grandma voted for FDR.

  17. 10:53 AM

    So you think Alex Jones is a genuine patriot, who was forced to lie?

    lolol no wonder you have that american rag on your profile picture.

  18. "A biology creates an ideology, not the other way round."


    Biology doesn't create ideology, moran. Name a source for that theory.

    It's their book.

  19. Christianity is a slave religion created by the Roman Flavians around 70 AD.

    "Once all Jews come to Jesus and abandon Judaism, they will be our brothers in Christ and we won't have any more problems with them."

    No, once the Jew converts to christard then they will be a slave like you. Maybe that why they hate you, slave.

  20. AJ is an actor doing work for jews. He make a lot of money, is popular with patriotards that think they have a country and lastly makes his jewish wife extremely happy and proud.

    Tell all your friends, neighbors and family that when they are ready turn off their TVs Alex Jones will be right there, primed and pumped, to take their minds to Goyim Level Two. When you get scared enough, waking up on a level that Alex has for you will not matter and the real target will seem soft.

  21. 12:56 PM

    If you believe in jewish lie that everything is just an illusion and social construction and life is not based on biology, but on evolutionary marxism, than you might be right.


    America is filthy sewer and even most whites are totally degenerated. Thats what 60 years of limitless prosperity does to human mind.

  22. what this clip proves is that Alex Jones is aware of Zionism yet doesn't talk about it, except for this one time back when Rahm Emmanuel was the chief of staff (>4years ago)

    how about the other 10,000 times he's blamed the Nazis?

    He attacks the Nazis because the Nazis named the Jew as the enemy. the Nazis are the solution, the solution the Jew fears, the Jew knows that when the typical christard gets his head out of his ass and sees the jew through the forest of lies then those christards will repeat Hitler or worse

    Alex Jones is highly intelligent, he is smart enough to know the truth yet then says something else, the job assigned to AJ is to create a forest of lies, endless fog of deception so that you never know its the jew

    thats why we mock him, he sold his soul to the jew devil

  23. sholtes is pinko commie whore, drunk on spoiled coconut milk.

  24. "If you believe in jewish lie that everything is just an illusion and social construction and life is not based on biology, but on evolutionary marxism, than you might be right. "

    christard speaketh: "my myth is real"

    the Romans took Jewish documents and wrote Christianity, they invented the Jewish version of the sun god, they made it look like prophecy was fulfilled because they wrote it exactly 40 years after the fact

    christ is a literary fiction, end of story, period

    time to wake the fuck up slave

  25. "sholtes is pinko commie whore, drunk on spoiled coconut milk."


    john sholte is a racist idiot, a nazi wanabe, of german descent

    a statist and authoritarian nutcase

    he's not a commie moran

  26. 1:15 PM

    Yes you are. And it's spelled "moron", you twit.


    Guests at Heartland Pagan Festival 2012


  28. Pagan activist, supporting gay marriage:


    Pagans raising awareness for equality and same sex marriage:


  29. Finck is using Charlies name dumbass

    ""Firemti Liverpool said...
    Look at what a fraud Charles Giuliani really is.
    This is his personal web site, a lot different than what he preaches on the air.

    CG hates Finck

  30. "
    Just few weeks ago everyone here worshipped this Giuliani creep, except me. I found him to be repulsive from the start and my intuition has never failed me. Just because you say some right things, doesn't mean you are ok."

    CG is still ok and you a fooking Jew/CI troll

  31. "Yes you are. And it's spelled "moron", you twit."

    msg to mommis shitstain admin

    I am not sholte, I know him and he is a racist dickhead, just because you get replies from the same IP address doesn't mean that reply is from sholte

    dozens of people read this site from this IP address


    and moran is the GLP intentional misspelling


  32. 4:19 PM

    Hey, it's mami's, we're all evil racists here :D

    Why don't you JIDL twinks go and troll youtube or something.

    sholtestein is an idiot and so are you.

  33. June 3, 2013 at 10:56 AM

    Most evangelical men I see are limp wristed queers too by the way.
    They're all fat and talk with a lisp and talk about Jesus like he's their boyfriend.

  34. quote "Hey, it's mami's, we're all evil racists here :D Why don't you JIDL twinks go and troll youtube or something. sholtestein is an idiot and so are you."

    I introduced John Sholte to Mami's Shit, if you were evil racists then you would be in full agreement with him.

    Now go jerk off your kike weiner elsewhere, do it in your own mouth in your mom's basement

  35. 1:12 PM,

    There is no evidence to support Joseph Atwill's theory that Christianity was created by the Flavian emperors as a method to pacify the rebellious Jews. This is a goofy conspiracy theory that has no truth to it.

    Yes, Christianity is a hoax, but it's a JEWISH hoax, not a Roman one. Jesus is a literary fiction cobbled together from Old Testament stories. Virtually all of the Jesus story is copied/pasted from Old Testament passages. Jesus is a very JEWISH myth.

    When you promote Joseph Atwill's stupid theory, what are you are doing in effect is redirecting the blame for Christianity away from Jews and onto Europeans(Romans). You are diverting the blame from the guilty party onto an innocent party.

  36. @"Alex Jones is highly intelligent, he is smart enough to know the truth yet then says something else, the job assigned to AJ is to create a forest of lies, endless fog of deception so that you never know its the jew"

    "Well, what you're telling me that this is a group created to manage research on 9/11, not to pursue it. The objective of disinformation is not to convince you of one point of view or another, it is to create enough uncertainty so that everything is believable and nothing is knowable. " -- Jim Fetzer

    Being a disinfo specialist isn't rocket science. Your assignment is to 'create enough uncertainty so that everything is believable & nothing is knowable.'

    Fetzer himself is also a disinfo agent by the way (with much deeper cover than AJ). His job is to manage the No-Planers/Media-Fakery-Researchers who have discovered a lot more of the truth of what really went down on 9-11 than those gatekept by AJ, Loose Change & Christopher Bollyn (the original disinfo guru researcher of the anti-Zionist plane-huggers like Prostink, ZCF and Daryl Bradford Smith) AWAY from the massive amounts of proven non-plane fakery and VICSIMS information.

    Just remember that phrase "creating enough uncertainty so that everything is believable and nothing is knowable" which is their modus operandi and what better way to pretend you're not a disinfo agent for someone like Fetzer than to have identified his own mode of operation. The useful idiots then fall in line with the disinfo 'controlled opposition' people put out there to lead them at each stage of the gatekept castle where THE BIG LIE resides.






    “But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice. All this was inspired by the principle–which is quite true in itself–that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.” ~ Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf

  37. Alex Jones couldn't help but mention Hitler again. what would be an Alex Jones video without mentioning Hitler?


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