June 15, 2013

Firefox plug-in warns users of NSA surveillance

Justin Blinder released a plugin for the Web browser Firefox this week, and he’s already seeing a positive response in the press if not just based off of the idea alone. His “The Dark Side of the Prism” browser extension alerts Web surfers of possible surveillance by starting up a different song from Pink Floyd’s 1973 classic “The Dark Side of the Moon” each time a questionable site is crossed.

                                        ***Read article at RT***
Blinder told the Guardian that he built the program over the course of four hours with the hopes he could "create some sort of ambient notification that you are on a site that is being surveiled by the NSA."


  1. Dear lord this thing could drive you crazy! I just downloaded it for an experiment and then began surfing to see what might happen. My own blog was immediate... I went to every blog on my roll to do with politics and the song came up. Research songs the song Money came up... Global Research got "Money". But then the music does not stop so if you had several tabs open you could have it going endlessly in off sequence.

    Mami is tagged too btw. I tried art sites and... nothing. Cartoon sites, photography, simple medical ~ nothing. Then try medical herb and see what hits your ears. A fun little application but unless you stay in one place or can easily shut the sound off, more trouble than it is worth.

    Potentially could ruin love of Pink Floyd through overexposure ~ and after all these years, that is saying something!

  2. My experience is downloading that crap is the same as leaving the window open and inviting the vampires in.

    Ditto for the virus ware from the likes of Norton and McAfee. You don't need it and it actually gives you the viruses.

    Run on Firefox... kill Internet Explorer... 86 Chrome and you'll hum along just fine.

    Oh yeah, turn off automatic "upgrades" they just fill up computer space and jack things up that used to work perfectly fine.


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