June 18, 2013

How to Grow a Survival Garden Without Land

What are people to do who do not own or rent land and want to start a survival garden today?

A reader of my blog tried three different locations in city parks and natural areas. Two of them failed. But the third experiment is producing squash and cucumber plants as you can see in this video. It's totally hidden amidst long grass in a clearing surrounded by forest.


  1. Not sure if the plan to get rid of Anons was to sabotage the site or..

    But w/e has happened the comments have dropped from about
    60-120 to 0-4.

    Someone could say "so what?", but the purpose should be also to keep people motivated towards the enemy and the lack of comments shows on here.

    Anyways take your time off from this if needed but.. be careful taking too long a break.

  2. Nope, the plan was to get rid of all the worthless, annoying "Anonymous Trolls" who used mami's as a battleground to fight their little ego-driven verbal-wars with each other. None of them ever contributed anything of worth to a discussion. They were more concerned with being able to try & publicise their own "Belief Systems" at the expense of others here. Stupidity dropped the I.Q levels of those trying to wade through the dross to find the rare nuggets of gold. & was actually harming the reputation of mami's more than letting them continue would. Long-time supporters were driven away by the actions of the Anons - both here & in Chatango.
    The fact there's been such a drop-off since mami's implemented the policy shows that there was never that many people commenting in the first place. Just a small bunch of paranoid people who changed their nicknames when commenting more frequently than they probably changed their underwear.
    If anyone *genuine* wishes to comment, they can easily use any of the ID options below to do so.
    If people choose not to, then i guess that's a price mami's is willing to pay to keep the ignorant out of our hair - whilst allowing those who wish to contribute sensibly to still do so. Much like yourself "Fuckallbeliefs".
    One thing to point out: Just because the comments have dried up, doesn't meant the levels of interest in the Blog has lessened. Look to see the numbers of people sitting in the Chatango Box saying nothing, & the thousands of visits Blogger registers daily. People are still visiting,reading & listening to the various Audios/Vids on the site.
    & slowly but surely, people are registering themselves to talk & comment.
    The numbers you refer to will eventually rise again. Just takes time to get it through some thick skulls that regardless of how anonymous you *think* you are online - you're really not! The news over the last couple of weeks should have made that abundantly clear.
    You have a real nice day now, Y'hear?! :D

  3. I don't think that the anons were such few people just commenting unless they were schizophrenic and having conversations with themselves even still reading some of it was interesting.

    p.s. this is still anon doing this really only discouraged people from commenting, I had my name before with the anons but I wouldn't create a name just to participate in some flawed logic of censoring the comments.

    The photo on the site shows that Mami couldn't address my comment as an adult but as a neanderthal Jew cracking jokes.

    Mami's Fecal Matter can enjoy it's short trail around those who still fall for religion but most can identify these creatures by the nose and their strange fecal fetishes.

  4. Actually, Zap had a way of tracing commenter's to find out just how many were genuine-& how many were just playing troll for trolls sake. Turned out it was mostly a hardcore of 4 /5 people contributing most of the comments both pro & anti religion. So, looks like your supposition about them being "schizophrenic and having conversations with themselves" was spot on.
    As for that pic? Was created by Delcroix & Zap put it up because he thought it was a funny pic. No noses were implied or changed. Just a little message to all the whinging anons that mami's will *NOT* be changing its No Anons policy now or in the future. Unless Grizz suffers a blow to the head & changes his mind!
    Mami's maintains a completely Neutral philosophical view on all viewpoints. Sorry if that offends your atheistic outlook. We won't be forced to support one side or the other by anyone. That way, all who wish to comment or chat in chatango can do so - so long as they bother to create an account first. First & foremost, we put up stuff that interests *US*. Anyone enlightened or annoyed by that is a bonus - but not our main concern. Come & contribute to the Mami's community...or not. Your choice.

  5. "Actually, Zap had a way of tracing commentator's to find out just how many were genuine-& how many were just playing troll for trolls sake."

    Would he care to share how that is possible then since ip cannot be tracked per comment as far as i'm aware?

    Also that pic was put up right after I left a comment or two about how taking away the anon as trivial as it is would hurt the comments section.

    Putting the pic up as a response to my comment imo is pretty fucking Jewish at the worst and in the least in pretty poor taste and shows conniving feminine character.

    "Mami's maintains a completely Neutral philosophical view on all viewpoints."

    Good, I love Democracy, works great in America.

    So this site is now a neutral to everything and requires a sign up that way if someone points out some of these 'neutral' things are Jewish controlled like religion.. Mami can ban them right?

    This seems like the main reason to me. Unless the person is so insecure about seeing an anon they can't Mami's shit for days?

    " the plan was to get rid of all the worthless, annoying "Anonymous Trolls" who used mami's as a battleground to fight their little ego-driven verbal-wars with each other."

    The reason I commented on this was because the reason does not seem good enough.

    Obviously if these trolls all got names and did the same thing you guys would still have a problem.

    So what we are talking about really is banning people who say things that aren't approved of in this neutral community?

  6. I bothered replying to you out of courtesy and a need to explain *why* mami's has implemented the Anon ban. So sorry to see that you just wanted to start a little bit of trolling-bother under your current guise.
    So this will be *my* last reply to you on this matter.
    Mami's has *ALWAYS* been neutral when it comes to publicising &/or posting articles & broadcasts. We have been lucky enough to have been allowed to share certain broadcasts from divergent groups like Truth Militia & Renegade for peoples convenience. That is no longer the case as both groups have since changed their stance & have no need to use mami's for publicity purposes anymore.
    We will continue to source & post broadcasts from any interesting people as we see fit. So yes, in that way mami's is NOT a democracy. We are the arbiters of good taste here. Not you or any other Anon.
    Don't agree? Fine. There's the door & mind it doesn't hit you in the ass on your way out.

    We also call out the Jew whenever & wherever we find it - mami's original reason for being as it were.
    We don't want to scare off any potential new visitors or contributors though by allowing unfettered stupidity to reign like in the past. So tough if our reason for banning trolls didn't seem enough for you. It was what it was, & will be our ongoing policy from now on.

    Our "Neutrality" extends to what we choose to post from all different voices out there. What we allow to be posted up as comments or in the chat will remain the decision of the Admins & Mods who are around precisely to provide that service for mami's.

    Strikes me that someone who posts in the way you do isn't looking to make any useful contribution to the blog - nitpicking & trying to subtly skew the conversation by alluding to people here as Jewish is a typical trolling tactic & frankly a bit stupid of you to attempt it. Therefore I will terminate our exchange forthwith, & won't attempt to reason with the unreasonable anymore. You want a fight with someone? Go to your local pub - I'm sure someone there will oblige you.
    foon1e out.

  7. I just read this tread for the first time now and I posted Delcroix's picture yesterday because I thought it was funny when Del showed it to me.

    I think that you're a bit paranoid thinking that I posted the pic in response to what you wrote in here FuckAllBeliefs.


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