June 06, 2013

Minority Rule – The Rise of Political Correctness

A documentary on the rise of political correctness in America and its Jewish influences.
Boasian anthropology, Sigmond Freud and psychoanalysis, The Frankfurt School, Tearing down the ‘Nuclear Family,’ political correctness takes over Harvard University through the G.I. Bill, and other topics. Featuring Dr. Kevin MacDonald, author of, “The Culture of Critique.”


  1. This documentary doesn't shed light on the most important issue of all: HOW did White Anglo-Saxon Christian culture lost confidence in itself when it was the ruling culture.

    Wasp culture got bamboozled, conned by Jewish emotion and psyche-speak --- with only Bishop Sheen and Clare Booth Loos fighting in the foreground? All of White Christian scientific culture was dependent upon a bishop and a writer?

    What happened with the White historians, the White scientists, the White conservatives who knew how to think? Could it be that White culture really had very little behind it? I'm just asking . . . because it's unbelievable how the Jews conquered the 20th century -- relatively easily . . . ! Whites had to participate in their own blindness and willingness to avoid evidence . . .

  2. Pretty easy to answer really. 1913 - USA sold to the Jews in the form of the Fed Central Banking system.
    They controlled the money supply instead of the US Government, & therefore reaped the benefit from the debt created.
    Systematic takeovers of other countries money supplies ever since. Anyone Balks at selling out to the Jew? Go to war against them. Before long,most of the world belongs to the Jew, as successive governments sold us all out.
    Only a few more countries to go now - then NWO run by Jews & their Zionist enablers will have full control of the world. One world Government, Taxation & Currency seals the deal.
    All over.
    The End.
    White culture didn't lose confidence in itself. It sold out it's fellow whites for a place at the top table & the Jew Sheckel.
    Damn. Now I'm depressed.

  3. 12:32 AM How did WASPS lose confidence in their culture? Answer: The Federal Reserve.

    What a lying, made-up answer! You don't KNOW the answer either.

    Answer: "White culture didn't lose confidence in itself."

    Just a flat-out, unproven assertion -- without proof or evidence. Just take it and swallow it down, eh?


    The video says -- WASPS DID LOSE confidence in itself. White culture capitulated not only monetarily, but culturally, spiritually, scientifically, psychologically, anthropologically, etcetera.

    The White Culture had no standards of value -- nothing objective, nothing scientific, nothing practical or moral to counteract the poisonous effects of Jewry?

  4. 1:12Pm: Look around you Signifier. Do you see any evidence of cultural significance? Any lasting legacies from the old white-only past?
    Nothing i typed before is a lie - that is patiently obvious to anyone with access to the net or any other Information resource.
    The evidence available-along with historical record - shows that any pretence of maintaining a white culture disappeared after corporate structures,bolstered by the Central Banking Model started rewriting the ethnic makeup of countries.
    If it wasn't profitable for the Jew & their henchmen to push populations around the earth, it wouldn't happen. Dilution of the gene pool by encouraging race-mixing is part of a long term plan to remove what they see as a barrier to the profitable exploitation of humanity.Namely "Nationalism".
    If you can't see further than your own nose that this has been an ongoing project throughout the 20th & now 21st centuries, then i can't help you. Sometimes the truth *IS* unpalatable. That doesn't alter it's veracity.
    Then again, that wouldn't fit with your own personal agenda to agree to anything that doesn't gell with the propaganda you Believe. Arguing with obsessives online is a fruitless exercise.

  5. 1:29PM

    foone 1er, you seem to have only studied at the university of online consensus. You already offered the Federal Reserve as the only explanation for why the WAS culture collapsed, and it was a foolish answer. I told you so. It remains a foolish answer. Culture is made up of more than just money, but you want to pretend you are savvy and not dumbed down, but it's only pretense, a pseudo-intellectual position.

    You now mention some other factors that MAY explain why WASP culture failed, like race-mixing - after the fact,-- and then you conclude with a rant about me being narrow-minded from your very narrow perspective, thinking you understand my question and know where I'm coming from.

    Your wrong on both counts, but given the paucity of other commenters here, I'm grateful to even have any answer and am grateful to took at stab at making a reply.

    Here's the thing: what standards of value did the White race really have that were so substantial as to make them superior or better than any other race or culture? If we could identity that, we might try to recover what was lost.

    If it's so clear to a few only NOW that the Jews "pulled a fast one," how is it that the most intelligent and discriminating of the WASP set could not also have known what we know now and could not also have fought against blatant Jewry, blatant hyprocrisy, blatant psychologizing, made-up anthropology, made-up science, made-up theories of economics and social sciences?

    The Jews bamboozled the United States in more ways than finances or race.

    If the White race had something substantial to keep the race going; if the White WASPs had truth on their side, if WASPS had Christianity, intelligence, fact and value on their side, why and how could the lose certainty?

    No WASP grasped logic or understood propaganda?

    We all know that the fall of the White race and White culture happened. We all know that the Federal Reserve was a scam.

    We all know that race-mixing is sold" on the airwaves . . . and no member of the WASP set, the White intelligentsia -- no one? -- saw it coming and understood it . . . except for William Pierce, Luce, Sheehan and a small handful of others (including the KKK)?

    I haven't seen or heard a solid explanation why the best and the brightest couldn't take a stand or help others to -- except a very few. . .

    One British guy on video recently on Mami's Shit spoke of how White culture now seems only about alcohol and homosexuality.

    Why does no one bring up the Greek playwrights, the Greek speech-makers, the triumphs of Renaissance culture, the works of Chaucer in the Middle Ages, Shakespeare. Montaigne . .

    Why are White people, like you and that British guy on the video, simply agreeing that no White culture exists because you can't see it in the streets or on TV or buy it in an alcohol store? We're surrounded by a Third World culture that is nothing pretty for sure.

    But doesn't White culture start first in the heart and minds of White men and women who know what to value and why, who know how to think and how to teach that knowledge?

    I have tried to avoid vaccinations, fluoride, and GMOs, so my brain is still workikng. . . .!

  6. foone 1e

    Sorry for the typos in my reply. Let me just correctly say:

    I am grateful you took a stab at making a reply.

    And this: Maybe you can make sense of my response despite my typographical errors.

  7. You say i have a narrow perspective? ok. Maybe i do. My perspective is informed by my own reading & what i can see/experience on a personal level. What i feel affects myself obviously is affecting everyone else too. I just do the best to understand what is going on in the world around me today. I don't see the relevance of debating ancient cultures, when all around me is the evidence of the deliberate dilution & dumbing down of the population "in the now".
    The intellectual masturbation a lot of people seem determined to indulge in will not result in any clear ways to change what has already happened around the world in the last century or so. Unless you have imagined a way to reawaken the spirit of White Nationalism on a larger scale, then what is the likely end-game for everyone?
    The vast majority of the public won't support any viewpoint that isn't spoonfed to them by the existing P.T.B & mainstream media that pervades society.
    So that is my point.
    There is no real "White Culture" anymore. It has withered & declined to the point that people seem to now be colluding with their own extinction. Cultural marxism has destroyed the will of people to stand up to the Jewish Agenda. And the encouragement of tribalism on a small scale has resulted in countries too weak to stand on their own merits. To weak to resist the Zionist UN push to homogenise all countries;thus making them easier to swallow into the "One World Government" currently being created by a combination of corporatism & military bullying.
    I have no answer to this situation. I don't believe anyone out there has anymore. The process is too advanced to be stopped by small groups of people around the world all pissing into the wind.
    So sorry if my answers seem too cynical & defeatist to you. I just say things as i see them.

  8. So long as the great classics of Western civilization are still out there, so long as home-schooling still exists, so long as the music of Bach, Mozart and Corelli still exist and can be heard, so long as the logic of Aristotle is capable of being learned, so long as a few minds can still respect reason and can still acquire knowledge as to how to write and communicate, I think there's hope that a White culture can survive.

    Empty vessels aren't worth much, no matter how well decorated they are.

  9. "Only he is lost who gives himself up as lost."

    -- William Pierce.

    Excellent, inspiring video:


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