July 29, 2013

Ohalahan's Observations podcast 4 - 2013.07.29

Money addiction and money's affect on culture and society. The elite's control through addiction and the end result of their own mental illnesses. Learn to make your own toothpaste!

P.S. Ohalahan is using the latest Bluetooth technology.

Ohalahan's EMAIL djsjbh1@fastmail.fm

Real Jew News




  1. http://culinaryarts.about.com/od/bakingdesserts/a/Baking-Soda-And-Baking-Powder.htm

  2. Not that I could do better, but I would kill the word guys when doing the podcast. Its as if you are only talking to the crew at Mami's. Otherwise, thumbs up on the podcast!


  3. I don't know how the above comment ended up in the spam box but I got it out of there.

    Another good one Ohalahan. Thanks


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