July 26, 2013

Scott Horton 2013.07.22

First interview Max Blumenthal

Max Blumenthal, author of the upcoming book Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, discusses the cozy relationship between anti-Semitic Christian rapturists and AIPAC staffers; retired US Central Commander General James Mattis’s frank talk of Israeli apartheid; how Dennis Ross and Martin Indyk made sure America was a dishonest broker in Israeli-Palestine peace talks; and the up-and-coming right wing Israeli politicians who want open apartheid instead of the incremental can-kicking strategy of Bibi Netanyahu. (Duration: 30:03 — 6.9MB)

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Second interview Nima Shirazi

Nima Shirazi, an independent researcher and political analyst, discusses the decades of Israeli-American scaremongering about Iran’s nearly-here nuclear weapons; why the neocons and Zionists love Samantha Power; the never-apologize attitude of American exceptionalists; and the requirement of US Ambassador to the UN nominees to lie to the Senate and prostrate before Israel. (Duration: 30:44 — 7.0MB)

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Third interview Chris Woods

Chris Woods, writer for The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, discusses the leaked Pakistani report that confirms a high civilian death toll in CIA drones strikes; the CIA’s own low-ball estimates; the significant decrease in reported civilian deaths since 2010; and why the CIA chose to pick another fight with the Pakistani Taliban. (Duration: 31:36 — 7.2MB)

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No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org

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