July 25, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.07.25

Guest: Dr. Kaasem Khaleel talks about false flag operations

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  1. Dr Kosher was at his shill finest when he claimed that Deanna's previous guest, a former Iraqi Journalist was a liar after she said he was wrong. Prior to the woman calling in Deanna mentioned her in regards to the Saddam was a puppet and he responded you have to look at the facts on the ground.

    However, I doubt he was on the ground in Iraq but she was if I remember her previous statements. She stated that the picture of Rumsfeld and Saddam was a fake and Saddam told him thanks but no thanks. This is not word for word so you should listen.

    Some in Deanna's chat room then agreed he outed himself.

    He believes the Hitler was an agent and was financed by Zionists to destroy his people and Germany. His source, Anthony Sutton. I believe he says the Holocaust did not happen but then believes the rest of WWII Jewish lies. For example he brings up the Reichstag as a false flag operation. I sent him a link to Deanna's specials on this subject and a link to Fritz Tobias' book. No response...........

    Sorry if I rambled on and if this was confusing.

  2. It amazes me how legitimate alternative talk show hosts can have "Dr. K" as their guest.

    It is documented that "Dr. K" is one and the same person as "Dr. Cass Ingram" who pushes North American Herb and Spice Company's "oregano oil" or some such thing.

    I respect much of Dr. K's work regarding Sandy Hook and the Boston false flag but the fact that the man does not give his real name and present himself for himself makes him just as much of a "hoax" as are those events and hoaxy "oregano oil" products.

    The question is "Is Dr. K doing his multiple identities for money, or is he working for the Zionists and/or the government in some twisted kind of manipulation and deception.

    If a person will not identify themselves they are lacking in character in my opinion.


    Ignore Tribune's Zio take on Sandy Hook, but look at documented history of Dr. K aka Dr. Cass Ingram.

    "Dr. Cass" guests frequently on Joyce Riley show and has on a number of occasions Dr. Stan Monteith's show.

    In his "Dr. K" persona, he appears very regularly on Rick Adams show on RBN.

    I do not see how these show hosts can expect us to take this multiple personality character seriously.

  3. NoDisinfo.com is a great website, as is Spingola.com, as was this RBN broadcast. Many many thanks to the brilliant, compassionate, hardworking Deanna and Khalam, my American heroes.

  4. You had me worried because I have posted in support of the British Royaly so many places. Because the jews are the main ones who want to take down the Monarchy in the UK ie Alex Jones, and David Icke lizzard epople accusations and many jews are trying to get the monarchy taken down. Not saying that I agree with the present policies but because if the jews don't want the monarchy makes me support it.
    Princess Diana

    Jew Score:

    July 1, 1961 – August 31, 1997

    Earlier this year, Kate Middleton hysteria swept through our little website. You see, Miss Middleton, who is a rather fine-looking woman, was marrying a rather wealthy Englishman, and the Internet was awash with "Kate is Jewish" rumors.

    We could only imagine what kind of hysteria there would have been in 1981.

    For Kate, as the tabloids kept reminding us, is no Princess Diana. Now THAT was a princess! And THAT was a storybook wedding! And THOSE were the Jewish rumors!

    Jewish rumors? Princess Diana? You bet!

    Where do we begin? Well, one theory says that Diana's mother had an affair with James Goldsmith, a Jewish banker, with Diana being their lovechild. Another says that it was Diana's mother who was Jewish. Another... We're gonna stop there. There is much more gibberish from where that came from.

    Alas, in reality, Diana was as Jewish as Kate, which means not Jewish at all.

    So much for the hysteria...

    Verdict: Not a Jew.

  5. JEANNON: You are correct. Dr K, aka cass ingram aks kaaseem khalil is NOT credible whatsoever. The idiots that have him on their show as if he is some expert are either deceived or complicit in his deliberate ignorant disinformation he puts forth. He genuinely mixes truth and fact with only opinions and conclusions that are faulty. He leads people to connect the dots where there are NO dots! He is a fraud, a fake and probably an insider shill.


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