August 01, 2013

Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth Broadcast 7/29/2013

Putin and the Jews–is he ‘one of them’ as certain corners of the ‘Truth Movement’ are alleging or simply a skilled chess player?

We are joined by ‘Alexander from Russia’ to discuss this and other issues.         Show-page



  1. It figures Mark would do a show such as this. His love for Putin is no secret. However, I haven't listen to this nor will I because I can't stand his voice, his anti-white screeches, and him as a true truth teller.

    There are many question marks about Russia and Putin beginning with the legislation introduced this year that would outlaw holocaust denial and his tip toe dancing around Israel. If he were truly free from Jewish influence he'd release all the files on WWII.

    But this list of links that call into question Putin's sincerity.

    Putin Visits Western Wall with Rabbi Lazar

    Putin and Merkel visit Holocaust Memorial

    Putin Vows ‘Russia will never forget Holocaust’

    Putin tells Netanyahu Holocaust Museum to be Built

    Putin Vows: Holocaust Will Not Be Repeated

    Putin: Nationalism Propaganda must be Opposed by Lessons of Tolerance

    President Putin Awards Chabad Rabbi Gold Medal - News Briefs - News - Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters

    Vladimir Putin: Has he fought political anti-Semitism in Russia?

    Putin to Jews: Russia is Your Friend | Via Meadia

    Putin: Chabad texts will stay, perhaps in Jewish museum | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

    Russian President Vladimir Putin Tours World's Largest Jewish Museum - News - Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters

    Russian Jewish Officials Accompany Putin on State Visit

    Rabbi Berel Lazar Praises Vladimir Putin

    In Russia, a Top Rabbi Uses Kremlin Ties to Gain Power

    Putin Promises Financial Support to Chief Rabbi Lazar for Russian Jewish Museum

    Putin Spurns Leviev, Invites 'Gaydamak's Rabbi' to Kremlin

    Misuse Of Memory: Chabad To Decorate Putin With Medal – AT AUSCHWITZ |

    Jews backed Putin, says Russian Chief | The Jewish Chronicle

    Russian nationalists protest Putin in Moscow - CBS News

    Russian nationalism may be biggest threat to Putin's power, experts warn | World news | The Guardian

  2. Agree with 1776blues and thanks for posting again Spingola list showing Putin and the Jews quite cozy.

    I listened as far as halfway through Alexander's part of the show but stopped then as I got the full flavor of the show by that point. I believe I heard him say. "Putin is a good man."

    One little thing we ought not forget, though Alexander and Mark of course do not mention, is that Putin was the head of KGB when two large apartment buildings were blown up in Moscow killing hundreds of innocent people. It was blamed on the Chechynian "terrorists" but many Russians say it was a false flag attack by Putin and company.

    Really a turn-off that Mark keeps referring to "the movement" as though ALL who question everything and try to intelligently sort things out all belong to one "movement." I am a 9-11 researcher since 9-11-01 and I have continually voiced objection to that term over the years.

    There are big problems when you try to put one guy in the "good guy box" and one guy in the "bad guy box." It never is that clear and it never really is that dichotomous in truth and reality. I often come to the conclusion that "it's all bad."

    The Christian versus Catholic versus Russian Orthodox religion versus Judaism off course lies very foundational in all this and I will not get in to that too much here.

    But I will say that Mark Glenn claims to be a Christian but defines his Christianity as "being a follower of the teachings of Jesus." Well, that is not what Jesus said following Him was. He said everything hinges on "Who do you say that I am?"

  3. It's difficult to listen to Mark Glenn when he slobbers all over Ahmadinejahd or Putin. A little objectivity would be appreciated.

    The upshot of Glenn's argument is that all of Putin's actions that appear to be sucking up to israel, are really just window dressing. Glenn guarantees that when Putin went israel, he went to the wailing wall and pretended to be a shabbos goy for the cameras. But as soon as Putin and Nuttyahoo were in private, Putin pointed offshore to several secret submarines that he promised would destroy the zionist state if they attacked Russia, Syria or Iran.

    I can appreciate that "Alexander" has a lot of information that we normally don't hear, but he is very difficult to understand. Also, Alexander is openly very pro-Putin, and Glenn just encourages Alexander and doesn't challenge him on any points.

    As for the holohoax revisionist laws, they say at the end of the interview that there are "projects" in the Duma toward this end, but that this proposed legislation won't come to anything.

    Is Putin for real, or is he a robot for the Jews? I think we should find out very soon.

    Russia didn't support Libya, and let NATO declare a "no-fly zone" over that country. (It is hard to believe that Russia and China didn't KNOW that NATO would bomb the crap out of Libya, but whatever.) In Syria, Putin would not allow a NFZ, and Syria is winning against the US-supported terrorists. If Russia lets the US or the zionist entity take over Syria, then we know that Putin is a fake. If Syria stays put, then it would appear that Putin is for real, and that he is providing opposition to the US/Jewtopia.

  4. Putin is little creepy KGB rat, this is who he has and always will be. His jewish cheka friends helped him to power and they can take it away at any time.

    Putin has killed several journalists who have been atemped to expose his crimes, he has ordered to explode a house in Moscow to wage war in Chenchya.

    He is terrorist and a creep and probably crypto as well.


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