September 12, 2013

FDA targets free-range, pastured poultry and eggs with ridiculous new draft guidance pushing for all chickens to be raised indoors

Healthy Free-Range Chicken. You Government will put a stop to this!
America's small farmers are once again under attack, this time by a new draft guidance issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that threatens to eliminate truly free-range and pastured poultry and eggs. Entitled "Questions and Answers Regarding the Final Rule, Prevention of Salmonella Enteritidis in Shell Eggs During Production, Storage, and Transportation," the new agency report basically suggests that all egg producers with 3,000 or more laying hens be forced to raise their birds indoors to avoid bacterial contamination, which would eliminate consumer access to chicken and eggs from birds raised naturally outdoors on pasture.    (NaturalNews)


  1. Jews are pushing people into junk food addiction (to be pigs) or veganism lunacy (to be cows), while real healthy and nutricious fat and protein sources are made almost illegal, they want you be as weak and dumb as possible.

  2. That ain't gonna work because that's retarded... at least i hope it won't.

    However, Someboodah, the value of chickens is the eggs... not the meat. Vegetarianism is just fine... eating meat is unnatural for humans. ALL mammals, including us, produce our own cholesterol and protein. How else do you suppose it would get there in animals who don't consume meat?

  3. You're not gonna draw me into that argument, Wanda. Eat whatever you want, thats your business. For your information, egg is also meat at its embryonic state. From where do you think chickens come from?

    If healthy male could produce quality sperm and grow decent musckle mass, animal protein is vital and eggs are excellent source of that. For females meat and dairy products are not as important.

  4. Hey... all i'm asking, and i think... I THINK... it is a fair question...

    If cows and chickens don't eat meat, how is it they contain the protein that we supposedly can only get by eating meat?

    It is a quite logical question, is it not?

  5. Someboodeh, veganism is just a cult. It makes you weak and suggestible.
    No wonder make regilious sects ban meat eating.

    In medieval ages fat and protein was often unobtainable to the peasantry an their diet consisted mainly from carbohydrates. They where even smaller in height and size then ruling classes.

  6. Wanda, if cows and chickens would eat meat, maybe they would eat people, not vice versa, lol

  7. Pappa Doc... that's so not funny, i forgot to laugh.

    I used to eat meat. I was born into a world that eats meat and acts like its something normal. I think we all are here to question our reality... i sure am.

    SO, explain to me how animals that don't eat meat contain protein that we can only get by eating meat?

    Logical fallacies need not respond. When does respect for an intelligent comment come into play around here?

  8. I apologize Pappa Doc... i just got the joke. My passions got ahead of my brain... damn this human state.

  9. Wanda, it's simple, humans eat meat because we can. Homo sapiens are classified omnivores, like some animals are carni-or herbivores. Humans can survive without eating meat, but there are no biological evidence that we should be doing so. Vegetarian life choise is therefore based on convictions or religious beliefs, not as much as on biological necessity.

    As far back as we have scientific data, the archeological record indicates an omnivorous diet for humans that included meat. Our ancestry is among the hunter/gatherers from the beginning. Once domestication of food sources began, it included both animals and plants.

    Human beings are extremely adaptable, including diet, this is the secret of our survival.

  10. @someboodeh, I am 60, athletic boxer/hockey played. I haven't CONsumed DEAD ANIMALS in 35 years. I compete with carnivores half my age, and I have more stamina than most of them. I use my God-given intelligence by eating super-foods, ALL plant-based. The STRONGEST animals on Earth are ALL vegetarian, and our teeth were NOT designed to tear flesh. DEAD ANIMALs rot/putrefy in your digestive system and create acids that are not conducive to health.

  11. Yes, it is ridiculous to say we have to raise chickens indoors, but that is just more of the same Agenda 21 swill being served up to us regularly.

    Truth is our food, all of it, is contaminated to some degree because our air, our water, and our soil is contaminated.

    Meat and vegetables are all probably equally contaminated.

    The plan is to eliminate most food growing as we know it, whether by big farms or little farms, and they are well on their diabolical way toward that goal.

  12. Someboodeh... we can also make bombs and drop them on the heads of innocents daily... that does not make it simple or logical or sane.

    It also does not explain my simple question, which, once again, is this: If cows and chickens don't eat meat, how is it they contain the protein that we supposedly can only get by eating meat?

    You have not addressed the question... you have, instead, talked all around it. We can eat meat, and we can make war... we can also question why it is we do these things, whose ideas were they and what logic dictates we continue their practice?

  13. Hi wanda, carnivores will do or say anything to rationalize their despicable behavior. They care not the harm, and suffering they cause to our animal friends. They are no more than primitive SAVAGES. This is the result of thousands of years of MIND CONtrol saying violence is OK, so long as we(CONtrollers) say it is OK. Someboodeh danced quite well around your question b/c he doesn't have a logical answer that makes sense. Read the Ringing Cedars Books to see some true history of how Man lived in harmony with nature(animals) before religion infested the Earth.

    Hi Wanda, this article shows how eating meat causes MENTAL excerpt:Cousens: Well, they have to live it. Depression Free for Life means you have to do the five-step program. You have to build up your nutrient minerals with amino acids, specific amino acid supplements. You have to have the proper vitamins and minerals to make your brain work right. You have to have the proper lipids, again, to make your brain work right, for brain function. You have to balance your pH because your brain won't function if you're too alkaline or too acid. Then, you live the lifestyle. We put all those together, and that's live foods and fasting; fasting clears the brain. There was research done in Russia with schizophrenics, incurable schizophrenics, and they water fasted them. I don't do a lot of water fasting here, but they water fasted them for 28 days, and in Russia they don't have supplements.

    Mike: You do juice fasting here, so people know.

    Cousens: Yes, and what happened was that 65 percent of the incurable schizophrenics started functioning normally. The only time they relapsed was when they ate meat. That's because they have five times more 6-hydroxy-skatole, which is a toxin they could metabolize in the meat, and then it creates dysfunction in the brain.

    Mike: And that's in all red meat?

    Cousens: All meat. So, for example, take schizophrenia; it's very difficult to treat, and you get a 65 percent cure rate with fasting. Now, another example of that: I had a lady from Mexico in her mid-20s, who had been at a hospital for five years for depression, suicide and so forth. She came out here kind of to get a break out of the hospital. She could barely walk, she was 80 pounds overweight, and she was so toxic with everything. She was on medication, so over a period of few weeks, we started her on a fast. She was just too toxic to do anything; she couldn't do anything. After two weeks, her mind began to clear, and she ended up fasting for 85 days. In that time, she lost all her weight. She became this very beautiful young lady because she was in her 20s. She required no medications, she had happiness for the first time in her life, and she has never had a relapse.

    Mike: She stayed on the live foods diet?

    Cousens: Yes, the best I know; she's back in Mexico. But what's the point? The point is: The food we eat affects how we think, and how we function physically. So if you're eating junk food, you're going to get a junk-food brain. In her case, she was more sensitive to it, so these were things to put her back on track. You know, not everyone fasts for 85 days, but this is a special case, and it was very significant.

    Learn more:

  15. Interesting stuff Nick. I am going to have to read the Ringing Cedars books... if i ever find time in my life again.

    I appreciate your back up... so seldom seen these days. I just look at it as "You are what you eat." These days, that carries more weight than ever. How can we wonder at the inhumanity in the world while we ourselves stuff brutalized and terrified sentient beings in our mouths? Where is respect for these beings who only want to live and be left in peace... wow, sound familiar?

    I just don't think we should cherry pick what we examine about the world around us... i think we need to re-examine everything we think we know.

    JEANNON... yes, it is Agenda 21. I live in a semi rural area and can say there is absolutely no reason to cage chickens. The joke about the chicken crossing the road is just that... they don't as a rule... you don't even need to fence them in.

  16. NickatNoon61...

    The best take-away from this conversation was this:

    The STRONGEST animals on Earth are ALL vegetarian.

    Because it's true... name one beast of burden that eats meat. And it blows the phony protein can only be gotten by eating meat LIE out of the water.

    Very strong... thank you.


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