September 11, 2013

“It’s the usury, stupid!” — Understanding the Modern Money Con

As I was in New York City on 9-11-01, lived through the trauma of that event and its aftermath, and later learned that it was perpetrated by Mossad in tandem with a domestic bunch of zionist dickhead traitorous scumbags (Cheney et. al.), I would like to commemorate the 12th anniversary of that event by dealing the elite money power – which plans, funds, and executes all such false-flag, black magic events – a good, hard kick in the nuts. 

Read more here

1 comment:

  1. I spent most my life tackling usury having worked some 30+ in Islamic finance culminated by holding the post of Secretary General of the International Association of Islamic Banks.

    I have recently authored a book on usury: A Critique of the Interest Based Economic System. I think the information in this book should enhance people's knowledge of usury.

    Kindly take a minute to check the book at : www.Amazon Books the Anatomy of Usury
    Thank you
    Samir Abid Shaikh


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