September 19, 2013

The Kosher Seal Revealed


  1. The National Socialist Swastika is the reversal of the Ancient Sanskrit
    Most things in Satanism are backwards. The swastika is an
    important solar symbol. The sun signifies the procession of the
    equinoxes and the synodic vernal point of the Zodiac eons of time.
    "666" is the kabbalistic square of the sun.
    "When the various völkisch and German cultural societies began adopting the
    hakenkreuz as their emblem, then, they were just as conscious of its anti-
    Christian potential as they were of their own anti-Semetic intent. This was not
    Paganism as a pure, Earth-Mother-worshipping cult (such as the modern Wicca
    phenomenon) but paganism as a movement set up in opposition to Judeo-
    Christianity as well as to Communism, Capitalism, and Democracy, which
    were all creatures of the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy."¹
    The reverse swastika of the Nazis represents the "Black Sun" as it is
    backwards. The Black Sun is of the void. It is a blackhole where all light is
    drawn in and nothing escapes. The black sun is Plutonian in concept
    (astrologically) and represents the necessary death and transformation before
    new life can occur. Those of us who have meditated on the symbol of the black
    sun have seen the lightening bolts eminating from the center as in the National
    Socialist symbol above. This is the void of creation as when the blackhole can
    absorb no more into the vaccuum, it implodes like an atom bomb and this is
    where the "Big Bang" of creation originates.
    The red and black of the swastika are the colors of Satan. The SS wore black
    uniforms, with the death's head skull and nearly all of their insignia were in
    silver- the metal of Satan. The lightening bolt is another Satanic symbol used
    by the Nazis (The SS Runes).
    ReadBlacksun 666

  2. Although Brother Nathaniel exposes the jews he stands behind the Russian Orthodox Church of which Stalin was a trained minister. In lock step with the jews the Russian Red Army primarily mad up of members of the Russian Orthodox faith marched as the christian soldiers along with the christian American and British bondservants of the INRI which stands for the jewish peoples. If you are3 christian you sold your soul to the jews.
    Varg Vikernes on Christianity


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