September 19, 2013

Universe The Cosmology Quest Part 1 of 2

Thanks Organicolas


  1. Why Mathematics Works, part 1:

    Why Mathematics Works, part 2:

    Mathematics: Is God Silent?:

  2. This is an excellent video.

    They don't try to feed us some psuedo science, they simply state their theories and lament at how academia has drowned out their voices with dogma, have threatened and/or ruined their careers and reputations and will not allow for for further exploration and new and different discoveries.

    This control has kept us in the dark ages. Science fiction has replaced science and most people now have a belief in unproven and unworkable sci-fi concepts such as time travel, teleportation, and an alien presence here on earth... among other things, really too numerous to list.

    Science, as it stands is not allowed to step outside of established dogmas... science has become akin to religion... and so has government. In reality all governments are the same religion... control. The world is being groomed to accept alien Jesus and control by some off-world and unproven mythologies... the aliens are our controllers and they are very much earthen beings.

    Thank you for this video... i will watch part two and the videos WOOLI posted above as well.

  3. Watching part two now... they go into plasm now. Okay, plasma is electric in nature.

    Back to the fraudulent NASA claim of a scream being heard in space... Plasma is light... photons (think about it... photons are light) Light travels in the vacuum of space... sound does not.

  4. Halton Arp is a modern day Galileo... His only fault is that he is not a tribesman & his theory is inspiring & makes you believe in the supernatural... This is complete oppoisite of the BIG BANG aka "Terrorist Orgy" & don't forget Einstein & Newton too... Einstein and the likes created the A Big Bang Bomb... Halton Arp Theory makes you believe in the incredible mathmatically artistically beautifully created ageless universe... We need to remember that tribe controls science as much as the they control the media... Jniverse believes a bomb created it... Support theories like Arp Halton intstead of terrorist like Einstein who created the A Bomb...

  5. Oranics... i agree with.

    Halton Arp is a modern day Gallileo. I don't agree that his ideas would have fared better if he were a Jew. The Jews do not want that information out, regardless you are a member of their tribe. They are the most controlled peoples on this planet.

    The universe is mathematics and artistic and beautiful, as well as mysterious. But it is all quite natural. It is the Jews who wish us to beLIEve in the super-natural... there is much more magic in the natural realm.

    I don't feel a need to support anyone's theories... i do support tearing down the walls that prevent us from fully expounding on and delving into these theorem, thereby keeping us child-like and superstitious.

    Einstein was a thief, a fraud and a con artist.

  6. Wanda...
    I agree that if Halton Arp was Jewish they would still keep him quiet... Because they don't want to upset their biggest Icon Albert Einstein...
    I can't wait for the day that Einstein is no longer praised as some genius hero, but instead a terrorist who help create the nuke that killed 100,000+ Japanese and dont dorget that it was originally targeted for Germany... Not to mention the fact that 1000's of Atomic tests are responsible for the depleted Ozone layer...

    Also Arp's theory does away with Einstein threory that energy can not be "created" nor destroyed... This theory is the biggest lie that's being taught to keep future scientist from discovering Clean Free Energy the one thing that can save humanity from self destruction and free us from the Jewish Oil Cartel Enslavement & Wars...

    When I speak of the SuperNatural I'm talking about the Natural that can't be explained by science like the growing universe theory... Not some Jewish God...

    I do believe the earth is supernatural and the jews are willing to destroy it to keep their mythological evil god!
    Their house of lies is slowing falling apart...
    Ps: I heard recently on fakeoligist that Mozart is also a
    Hoax... But they never say who made Mozart up...
    Mose Zion Art... Who runs the music industry today... Hmmmmm... They probably stoled the work from other artist and needed a fictional name to sell it and came up with Mozart... It never ends...
    & Charlie Guliani talked recently about Nights Templars
    Being Jewish & The Pirates too... It's never ending


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