October 19, 2013

Military insider: "They want the collapse to be even more severe."



  1. 2014 100% collapse -- dollar devaluation -- new currency -- new world order.

    100% you can count on it - according to his 'insider'.

    everyone has an insider.

    Think I've heard this before.

  2. wouldnt it be something if were still chatting about a collapse of the dollar in 2024

  3. When did Hank Hill start doing market updates?

  4. I found another end-of-the-world video at this site


    by Dr. Weld. Seems he is a former orthopedic surgeon and now an attorney. Very slow talking southern accent but lives in Vegas and LA.

    Has some kidney ailment and is purportedly under attack by CIA.

    I really do not know what to make of this or him. Never heard of him before today.
    but I can see some big economic collapse happening fairly soon.

  5. As you all know, the collapse was SUPPOSED to have happened by the cabal on September 11, 2008, but was stopped, and since they got caught they have been doing their collapse in a controlled manner so that it is made to appear not to be the artificial destruction that it is.

    You can all read about it, or listen to the evaluation here: http://lindseynarrates.wordpress.com/2013/01/22/the-financial-911-of-september-11-2008-by-mark-glenn/

    Please share this information as far-and-wide as you can, because this was a deliberate attack of the world's economy, and yet VERY FEW people have any idea that this occurred.


  6. Thanks for the link, LindseyNarrates. Will go there now. On the surface so far, this is making a lot of sense to me.

  7. I just read both most excellent and illuminating articles.

    Thanks again, LindseyNarrates for the link.

    "and since they got caught they have been doing their collapse in a controlled manner so that it is made to appear not to be the artificial destruction that it is. "

    I guess I live totally in the cocoon of alternative media but it seems to me, no matter how gradual they are operating now, that people are seeing how absolutely artificial and deliberate this who destruction really is, including the latest theatrics regarding the shutdown and debt ceiling. So fast or slow, what they're doin ain't working from a public relations standpoint.

    I would like to participate in a discussion of this specific "attack" by the cabal on 9-11-08. Any good place to do this would be appreciated.

  8. http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=254164 This was one of the big conversations at the gate-keeper message-board of David Icke, and you can say what you want, but if you get TOO close to telling the big truths, you will not last long there--I promise.

    Most of the real anti-zionists and criminal-judaism exposers,like myself, have either been Banned, or are continually Suspended, as you will most likely see when/if you go there. The Moderators work together to silence people like us as best they can, and it becomes very obvious what is happening by the second day or so if you begin posting REAL information, instead of that new-age horse-shit.


  9. Thanks for the word on Icke forum. Won't go there. I do not really have any heavy hitting stuff to post anyway, but I do want honest and open true discussion. I might try InformationUngerground site and see if there is a current discussion there. Both of the articles I read are rather old and were published right after 9-11-08.


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